Looking again at what units are available and how much it would take to train them for the Wednesday Dungeon i think i will just give it a go with GZL. Since i dont have multiple trained Heras, Lucifer etc. I could provide 100% skill lock resistance with this team. But low lvl and rcv will probably kill me too soon - not too mention getting orb trolled or healed is a mess with GZL. Doesnt help that the masks on the first floor are all Turn 1.
GZL/Kushi/ DL Yomi/ Artemis/ Wonder Woman Evo/ Friend GZL
Putting a max Awakening Ult Evo Odin in my U&Y team could maybe let me trade some blows with the masks on the final floor.
U&Y/Odin/Kushi/Sun Quan/DL Yomi/U&Y
Wondering which of both teams i should pursue for that dungeon, though to be far the UY team besides of Odin is leveled compared to the low level GZL subs. But i am missing just 1 Awakening with GZL for 100% skill lock while i need all 8 for Odin still...
GZL/Kushi/ DL Yomi/ Artemis/ Wonder Woman Evo/ Friend GZL
Putting a max Awakening Ult Evo Odin in my U&Y team could maybe let me trade some blows with the masks on the final floor.
U&Y/Odin/Kushi/Sun Quan/DL Yomi/U&Y
Wondering which of both teams i should pursue for that dungeon, though to be far the UY team besides of Odin is leveled compared to the low level GZL subs. But i am missing just 1 Awakening with GZL for 100% skill lock while i need all 8 for Odin still...