Gravity them out of it.
Ugh. Gravity skills takes too long to activate. I don't want to farm Hera skillups =\ Is there good alternatives to Hera?
Gravity them out of it.
Oh it's absolutely a trap, but you gotta chase after that one time out of 5 you score bigI'm convinced that pc Godfest is a trap. I saved 80 stones in the US for the last pc and got next to nothing. I had 40 in jp this time and had the same awful result. I do much better with focusing on the pantheons.
So how do kill bosses with Perseverance? I'm using Ra team and just can't avoid triggering it.
Yeah, well the coin dungeon was on 2x drop rate, so I was pretty much guaranteed the drop as long as it was the last one still alive.Did my 2 GF pulls today...first pull Radiuos (dupe) screw this game. 2nd Pull Susanoo...YES !!!
i had something similar happening a week or two ago...i was so happy only to have the Pii not drop at all, i thought it would be a guaranteed drop if it appears on the floor and the other units dont This game can be cruel.
Ugh. Gravity skills takes too long to activate. I don't want to farm Hera skillups = Is there good alternatives to Hera?
For bosses without status shields (or short turn ones), poison or delay work best to stop perseverance from activating. If it has a long preemptive shield, your options decrease depending on what action it takes after surviving. Usually you'll want to do a minimal leader skill activation so you do just enough damage to knock them under perseverance HP range. Sometimes you can use a shield to reduce a big hit, but that's often not possible.
It's a finicky mechanic that needs a limit on how many times it activates. I've been stuck ping ponging whole HP bars for a dozen turns or better in some instances.
2/5, 0/3, 0/3 on Bmeta. At least I have a ton of box space now.
In the process of putting A.Ammy into slot 1 on JP. Does anybody require either my Pandora or Krishna? I'll keep one of them in the BFF slot.
edit: lol
That's a lot of info, haha. I'll definitely keep it in mind as I progress. Thanks.
And I thought 30-60 minute long A. Anubis clears looked annoying. There's no chance that I would have the patience (or time) to use that team. Took 40 minutes just to wear out D.Kali's status shield...another example posted on reddit
【パズドラ】極限の闘技場(チャレンジモード 水着アルビダ【後半】
I guess I should get to working on some Dark Blue Skydragons. Glad i kept at least 1 awilda,
Wow, I never thought about the defensive implications of the forced element change. With enough skill boosts / skill/bind resists that makes you invincible, does it not? Wonder how it works with dual element monsters, if you drop them below half does it revert back?
Maybe they'll start implementing monsters that change their own element as a skill.
It's a lot of info to take in. As said earlier, its a complex game and it takes a while to know what the hell everyone is talking about!
Complaining about taking too long to get a guaranteed Py? Pssh ... You youngins are spoiled. I've done longer runs for a non-guaranteed Rainbow Keeper! =P
Wait I thought the element change was only for 1 turn. How does it last so long in this video?
It last for one battle, not one turn.
I did that as well. I remember GrOdining for just keepers and even Hera. Now that I've got an Awoken Ra squad, I don't ever want to go back.
Also it's a guaranteed py, but not necessarily one of your color. Want to get 4 skillups on a monster? You're looking at potentially 20 runs on average just to do that. If you're spending an hour just to take out the Kalis, that's really not practical.
We hardly ever got events back then so you'd be looking at a 40% drop rate at best usually, rip![]()
oh the pain. (date 02/05/13)
For anyone wondering about a counter to the Marionettes' color change, I'm pretty sure one already exists. Deus ex Machina has a skill that randomly changes her element. I would expect to see this in many future dungeons, and maybe even a "balance" update to Ultimate Arena.
Hey guys remember Luci teams? Super fun times.
Cool, good to know. Does she attack the same turn or is it like a status shield type thing?
She attacks at the same time for 15k.
She's getting an awoken evo, not split.Since Kirin is getting an actual split ult now (unless they give her and ultimate on top of an ultimate on top of an ultimate), she'll satisfy the condition for getting an Awoken form.
Cannot wait to see what OP shit Gungho gives such a popular card.
She's getting an awoken evo, not split.
I know the feeling. I'm at day ~750 and still only rank 260.Also for someone who hit 550 days and had a period of IAP I am very lowly ranked, around 191. I hate grinding and that prevents me from creating teams like ARa/Lkali/Lkali/Dkali/AIsis. Oh well I enjoy the game a lot at the pace I play it.
From Nez's translation on PF:Source? I thought the vote was for a regular ultimate.
Are you sure you aren't confused, like when people thought the new Y/G ultimate Kirin was "Awoken Kirin" instead of an ult on top of an ult?
Uvo survey winners:
God series:
1st Sakuya (awoken evo confirmed)
Fest exclusive series:
Verdandi (forecasting machine type)
Descend winner:
The dungeon restrictions have been relaxed. Before, all your monsters had to have either Physical or Healer as their main types, so monsters like Skuld couldn't be used since her main type is God with Physical being secondary.Is it just me or is Guan Yinping a complete joke? I took the Skuld team and absolutely obliterated it, not even close.
The dungeon restrictions have been relaxed. Before, all your monsters had to have either Physical or Healer as their main types, so monsters like Skuld couldn't be used since her main type is God with Physical being secondary.
Same with dungeons that require all attributes. All colors needed to be main colors before.