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QuakeCon 2011 |OT|


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
dragonelite said:
not sure didn't two world 2 had it.
Is there a live blog of the skyrim presentation?

he's talking about full access. People on PCs will be able to see how textures are built by the engine. TW2 offered some settings and that's it.


It's nice to hear the dynamic framebuffer will quickly nulify tearing, but it'd be nicer I think if it dealt with it using slowdown in the time it took to kick in, it can't be that long.

His stance on idTech 6 has changed pretty radically. It really sounds like he intends for a very traditional evolution.


V_Ben said:
Dark Brotherhood confirmed for Skyrim. According to Bethesda people on twitter.
Is Emil Pagliarulo directing Skyrim?

EDIT: His comment about the PS3 texture size (that he feared would be poorly quoted) is strange. He literally talked about this two years ago. This didn't creep up out of no where, they've been talking about it for a long time. Seems like a lack of effort issue, not a time constraint.


x3sphere said:
Watching that keynote, it sounds like the limitations of consoles were a real pain to work around.
He rips on the PC too. It doesn't sound like they're out of whack with the PC effort.


Finished, that was great, I love hearing Carmack. I wish we had the Q&A too though.

He was pretty close to openly regretting the megatexture work at one point I think.


StuBurns said:
He rips on the PC too. It doesn't sound like they're out of whack with the PC effort.
'You'll cry keying-through the [API] levels and you will never come out of it."
"It's sad how much unnecessary brute-force is spent [on PC]"


John Carmack...what a genius this man is.Apart from being a genius he is so fucking honest that frankly,if I was the journalist,I wouldn't ask him questions about the game that he could respond negatively.Just for the sake of it,since pretty much entire industry can't make a mistake while making the game.Its all nice and dandy...


Man said:
'You'll cry keying-through the [API] levels and you will never come out of it."
"It's sad how much unnecessary brute-force is spent [on PC]"
Indeed, he seems a big fan of intergrated chipsets, at least in theory.

I certainly don't understand everything he talked about, but he's a great speaker, and has a way of discussing things that I think makes it far more understandable than is typical with these kinds of things.

I think as a whole idTech 5 hasn't been what he wanted. Initially he was talking about how it would massively improve work flow, they could produce games faster, and the texture footprint would be tiny allowing for much more system bandwidth to be dedicated to performance, but it seems like heavy compromise has really hurt that. He was talking about next generation he'd be virtualizing geometry to a similar extent, and he seems to be backing off that concept almost completely now.

It's taken a very long time, and although they're running at 60fps, the game is not particularly impressive visually. And the core PC guys are basically getting a console port.

I believe the game will be good, but I won't be surprised if it makes no money and was essentially a pretty terrible decision.


Since I have been posting my opinions here, I'll continue to do so opposed to the other thread(s). I have LENGTHY writeup so line up the questions if you have any.

I'll say this before I get started: No PS3's were there so this is all PC and 360.

- There are no meters or bars that show you how long you can sprint.
- However, sprinting is based off stamina (this is conveyed by audio queues like heavy breathing) and you stop when your guy decides he's ran enough.
- You can't sprint full duration back to back, it's effected by how long you wait as if he needs to recover his breath
- One-click-sprint, the button configuration I was playing had me click the left thumb-stick once (and I could let go off the press but still pushing forward on the stick) and I would run until tired
- You can sprint in combat
- Shooting will take you out of sprint
- Stamina is a type of stat that can be built up, thus affecting how long you can sprint
- To that point, early on in the game
you can choose a kind of character archetype (more armor therefore slower, more agile and faster, etc.)
and based off this choice can determine how long/fast? you can sprint

In co-op things work a little differently
- You have 'X' amount of sprint (this is literally what the guy said). I imagine he meant it isn't affected by stats and whatnot

- There are 4 types and all are vehicle based
- Meteor: Meteors fall from the sky, you 'collect' them and then cap them at a point
- Deathmatch: you kill people
- Rally: go through 'gates' or points to get score
- Tri-Rally: same as rally, except you have to get at least 3 in a row before you score anything
- Vehicles are customizable with weapons and whatnot

- You have defibrillators that you can learn to build, as long as you have one you won't die.
- Once you run out of defibs, you die and start over from where you saved last.
- They work like this:
- you run out of health, black screen pops up with a heart and 6 (or maybe 8) 'points' on the screen.
- the points on the left reflect your left stick, points on the right are your right stick.
- these points highlight, and you have to push the sticks in their respective points
- doing so correctly over a time period will determine how much health you are 'revived' with
- once that stage is over, you are shown a line with 2 static points and two moving points that go back and forth; when those line up, you pull the triggers and you're alive again
- coming back to life will shock all enemies around you

- in co-op, players each start out with 2 defibs.
- you can find more, and don't have to build them
- players can revive other players an infinite amount of time without using their defibs

- The demo had upgrading
- You can upgrade armor (anarchy edition will have 'skins' that have bonuses as well) and weapons
- Weapons can have as many upgrades as you want (stability, ammo capacity, etc.). Sounded something how Bioshock handled their upgrade system though it wasn't directly compared to that
- You can upgrade your character via stats and a level up system (nothing new here)

- Split screen or over connection
- Can play Co-Op missions solo though it's the same AI/scripting/difficulty as if there were two of you. He said this was something to consider if you weren't going to get the game for multiplayer. They're not making that content exclusive to needing someone else to play.
- "Score Attack" type of gameplay. There is a multiplier in the middle of the screen (top middle) going from 1 to 5. The better the players do, the higher the multiplier. The worse you do (damage, time?) the more it decreases.
- the multiplier has a pentagon (maybe hex, didn't really count the sides) around it and each side will 'fill' up before it goes to the next multiplier.
- Co-Op missions are 'wasteland stories' that you can hear from NPCs in passing, or throughout the game.
- You might here someone talking about how "The Authority" (or whatever it's called) handled a group of bad guys a few years ago... these stories are the 'missions' you'll be playing.
- see the italicized parts above about more things that are going on in Co-Op that are different from the single player experience

- I was told there were different button layouts (profiles) for the controller but I was unable to find them in the demo.
- LB: Holding it opened my quick select where I could (with the left stick) choose ammo types, and (with the right stick) I could select a weapon
LB: Pressing the LB scrolled through my weapons
*None of this paused gameplay*
- RB: (don't remember using this... :\)
- LT: zoom
- RT: shoot
- DPad: these were your 'gadgets' or items that could be assigned via inventory
- L Stick push: Sprint
- R Stick push: Melee
- Buttons: jumping, reloading, use, something else

- Can map them to whatever you want

- Dull after looking at the PC. Not as vibrant, less detail, as if there was a grey/brown filter over it all
- they're not bad, just not as good as PC.

- More vibrant, colorful... just plain "looks better"
- As reported before, you can't adjust texture detail. This was explained as the megatexture has all the detail it's ever going to have. Adjusting resolution of course will allow you to see more detail, but whatever is there is there in the texture.

***Going through my notes this seems to be all I have. If there is anything else I'll be sure to add***

tl;dr - I still have no problems picking this up day 1 Anarchy Edition. I will be going with the PC version still even though as of today I have played more 360 version. *this might be because I'm on a PC kick right now but...* the combat just feels more 'fun' on the PC which I think has to do with the kbm vs controller.
That video2mp3 site for turning youtube songs into MP3's actually worked on the whole 1.5 hours of Carmack's keynote video audio (good job on them, surprised they dont cap at 6 mins or something lame). Very nice, I'll treat it like a great podcast for the car, way better than boring weekend confirmed LOL. And I hardly need to see Carmack to enjoy.


One question,how are graphics/animations compared with other titles on consoles and PCs.Yea,and if there are any frame dips...


DarkChild said:
One question,how are graphics/animations compared with other titles on consoles and PCs.Yea,and if there are any frame dips...

Never saw any frame dips on either platform. If the resolution dropped, I wasn't able to tell. I will say that I never saw any real big screen filling explosions though.

- aside, mind controlling people is amazingly satisfying when they blow up and kill others.

Everything looked smooth other than what I talked about with how the textures overlay as they fill into the screen. Only game I have that's 'good' graphics wise is BF: BC 2 and I'd be hard pressed to say which is better without a direct side by side comparison. Both look good to me (don't forget I'm no graphics whore).


TommyT said:
Never saw any frame dips on either platform. If the resolution dropped, I wasn't able to tell. I will say that I never saw any real big screen filling explosions though.

- aside, mind controlling people is amazingly satisfying when they blow up and kill others.

Everything looked smooth other than what I talked about with how the textures overlay as they fill into the screen. Only game I have that's 'good' graphics wise is BF: BC 2 and I'd be hard pressed to say which is better without a direct side by side comparison. Both look good to me (don't forget I'm no graphics whore).
Thank you for answering!Frame rate was thing that interested me and now I'm fine :)


As an addendum:
TommyT said:
- Select: Brings up inventory (pauses gameplay)
- LB: Uses the item currently selected via DPad
- DPad: these were your 'gadgets' or items that could be assigned via inventory
- Y: Jump
- X: Reload
- B: Crouch
- A: Use (activate, talk, pick up, open etc.)

-There is an item page where you can assign things like wingsticks and bandages or turrets or buffing solutions to your DPad.
-Next is a weapons page where all of your weapons are listed as well as the Amount and types of ammo for each. Any four weapons can be assigned to the selection diamond here for quick changing.
-There is also the quest screen. It shows what is active, what is not, and the details of them.
-Finally a Stats page where you can see some numbers. You will probably never look at this screen.

Some more notes:
-Despite having a zoom button you don't need to use it. Unless you want to snipe someone. Or play Call of Duty :p
-Wingsticks are awesome
-There are schematics you can collect which enhance and expand your arsenal, making the variety of items you can collect around levels useful.
-There are also playing cards which you can collect. Rare ones are found in the 'dungeons'. You can play this at the bar.
-Wingsticks are awesome
-There are also other minigames and things to do around the place.


54-46! said:
I love that Carmack is so goddam proud of the technology, telling us how awesome his game looks but then goes on to nitpick about how the engine doesn't hold up in many situations.


Man, Carmack's shear enthusiasm for his work and candidness are very refreshing, especially at the point where he guarantees that because of the tech being designed the way it is to make the game look as good as it does on consoles, RAGE will probably have texture pop-in and that they fully expect to get "dinged" in the reviews because of that.

Really cool guy.


commissar said:
As an addendum:

Yeah you must have had a different button profile as those weren't the same as mine. I went to controls but didn't see anything other than invert look, x/y sensitivity, and one other option. Guess I missed the profiles.


Was at the Skyrim presentation today, not too much new, but it was just great being there live and hearing all the audience applause and the Todd Howard up there talking about his game and just being an awesome dude. So much cheering it was insane.

Also, the line to the Skyrim presentation was incredibly long and spanned a large part of an atrium like portion of the hotel. I am happy I got there early.


TommyT said:
Yeah you must have had a different button profile as those weren't the same as mine. I went to controls but didn't see anything other than invert look, x/y sensitivity, and one other option. Guess I missed the profiles.
What was different?

I might have got LB/RB mixed up D:


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
TommyT said:
Yeah you must have had a different button profile as those weren't the same as mine. I went to controls but didn't see anything other than invert look, x/y sensitivity, and one other option. Guess I missed the profiles.

thanks a lot for impressions, dying sounds like you have a restricted number of lives. I'll play this on hard.


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
Forkball said:

may be they were tweeting how awesome he is.


He also said that PS3 had less ram available duo to OS overhead and split memory pools, but they pretty much overcame those hurdles..

Then he went on how the megatextures are 4k x 4k on consoles and added that X360 could do 8k x 8k but PS3 just couldn't.. he dropped the subject after that..

But it sounded to me that he wanted to do 8k on X360 but because of console parity they didn't (or Bethesda wouldn't let them)

He also went on that BR was worse than DVD for streaming, and that installing on PC and X360 is the best option. But that the X360 verion also benefitted from this because they had to put the textures on smart parts of the disc.

He also had it over 3 different caches they used, pretty cool stuff.


MrTroubleMaker said:
yeah, I really like how honest he is. I just wish he would do a few more interviews each year.
Yep, i just love it that he isn´t like "new tech is awesome because it´s awesome". He is more like, well it´s awesome. But you will see the flaws when you do this and that. They are there because factor Y and in the beginning we thought we could avoid this by doing X. The guy just seems to speak his mind :D
Loved the keynote btw, the guy who did the live writeup truely was douche. I don´t think he even listened to Carmack except for when he heared a buzzword like Megatexture.
Just watched the whole keynote.
Real shame about the modding side of things. DICE will struggle to hire as well.
Tarin02543 said:
Any information on the physics system in this game?
Nope. Most tech he talked about was megatextures and threading.


Watching Carmack's keynote right, really interesting stuff as always. I just hit the part where he says that they're struggling to get the PC version running at a high framerate. JUST WTF, I thought that was a given considering how the game runs on consoles. They better release a demo or a benchmark, I don't want to buy this game, download 20fuckingGBs(just how big is this game gonna be anyway) and find out it runs like ass on my PC.


It's not because of actual hardware performance (as individual PC hardware components smokes consoles) but custom hardware setup is part of it. It's the API's, the OS and shared cpu time with other processes etc. Nature of a modular system.


jett said:
Watching Carmack's keynote right, really interesting stuff as always. I just hit the part where he says that they're struggling to get the PC version running at a high framerate. JUST WTF, I thought that was a given considering how the game runs on consoles. They better release a demo or a benchmark, I don't want to buy this game, download 20fuckingGBs(just how big is this game gonna be anyway) and find out it runs like ass on my PC.
He says the PC install size later.

And you're going to get 60fps on virtually any machine with a dedicated GPU. He just said it was a struggle, not that it isn't done.


Ehh ok.

Anyway it was interesting as always to listen to Carmack ramble on about whatever. I really like how open and frank he is, he was only this -short- of declaring megatexturing and Rage itself a mistake. :lol You can see how id went through development hell with this game and that it was much tougher for them than anyone thought, I can also see why they sold themselves to Zenimax, they were probably worried of going under if Rage wasn't a success.

It was also sad to hear him go on about all the optimizations and all the hard work going for the console versions with the PC left out entirely. The "there were many artists with sadfaces" comment was hilarious, regarding compression/downgrading for the consoles' sake.

BTW, really disappointed to read all the issues the game has with texture streaming.


jett said:
I can also see why they sold themselves to Zenimax, they were probably worried of going under if Rage wasn't a success.
I hadn't even considered that, it makes a lot of sense.


sinnergy said:
He also said that PS3 had less ram available duo to OS overhead and split memory pools, but they pretty much overcame those hurdles..

Then he went on how the megatextures are 4k x 4k on consoles and added that X360 could do 8k x 8k but PS3 just couldn't.. he dropped the subject after that..

But it sounded to me that he wanted to do 8k on X360 but because of console parity they didn't (or Bethesda wouldn't let them)

He also went on that BR was worse than DVD for streaming, and that installing on PC and X360 is the best option. But that the X360 verion also benefitted from this because they had to put the textures on smart parts of the disc.

He also had it over 3 different caches they used, pretty cool stuff.
PS3 hardware holding back the 360 version? That's a new one.

Makes you wonder what the final result would have been across all three platforms, if they had the time/interest to focus on each one individually.


Both consoles hold back each other.

He wants full installs on PS3, he wants partial installs on 360, he wants more space on 360, he wants faster disc speeds on PS3, etc. You're always going to push up against these limitations, even without trying to really strain the machines.
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