The time-lapse sequence was legit awesome.
I'm seriously impressed how those whole 5-8 mintues of time-lapsing worked. I've never seen something like in a gaming before.
Someone should make a GIF of that sequence with his brother.
The time-lapse sequence was legit awesome.
Gotta love the "subtle" Microsoft product placement in the TV show.
So cool
The checkpoints in this game are really bad.
Finished Act 2 but didn't make the choice yet.
Game is awesome. It's Alan Wake + Until Dawn + inFamous.
Great combo. Probably not as fun the second time.
Graphical issues (XBONE) are strange and give me flashbacks to the 360/PS3. There's so much on screen to distract that it's not an issue.
Is there a way to hide my screenshots from the public feed? I'm taking way too many and I don't wanna spoil shit for others
"Jack we have to go. Jack shouldn't we hurry?"
Look bitch I know time is of the essence here but Ima finish reading this email about a boring screenplay okay?
I can't remember the last time I played a game that had me going from "Man, that face/hair doesn't look too hot" to "Holy shit, I need to screencap/record this" so frequently. Fortunately I'm beginning to have enough fun that I'm happy to go along for the ride, the weirdest thing is, and this is a compliment - I want to know what happens next in the TV show as much as I want to play the next Act.
Unless there's something in settings that stops screen shots being automatically uploaded to your feed, you'll have to take them down manually. Xbox App will be quicker than doing it on the Xbone imo
They were warned IRL.Oh wow, (Act 4 collectable spoiler)Beth might have tried to prevent 9/11.
Yeah. Part 4 of act 4 is something.They were warned IRL.Which made that detail all the more interesting.
Stupid question but how do I download Alan Wake? I have the downloaded version of Quantum Break and on the store it asks me to buy Alan Wake.
I hope Remedy gets to do another one, so they can expand on the gameplay, but they've got to pull the TV stuff out (spin it into is own thing) and bring someone in to help Sam with the writing.
Doc about the history of Remedy
I hope Remedy gets to do another one, so they can expand on the gameplay, but they've got to pull the TV stuff out (spin it into is own thing) and bring someone in to help Sam with the writing.
Just finished Act2 last night, watched Ep2 and did a little of Act 3 because i wanted to, you know, actually play the game
Wife keeps mocking me about at well IE: "do you ever get to play it?" She loves seeing Lance Reddick tho and wondering what he's doing here...
Yeah, I'm wondering if I should just skip the episodes for now as it REALLY feels like the flow of the game is thrown off.
Like others have said, it seems like there just isn't enough actual action/gameplay distribution going on here. This is further compounded by the copious amount of emails and what not to read.
I'm heading into Act 5 and there have been longer stretches of gameplay, but I do think they leaned on the 'give the player a chance to breathe' side too much.Just finished Act2 last night, watched Ep2 and did a little of Act 3 because i wanted to, you know, actually play the game
Wife keeps mocking me about at well IE: "do you ever get to play it?" She loves seeing Lance Reddick tho and wondering what he's doing here...
Yeah, I'm wondering if I should just skip the episodes for now as it REALLY feels like the flow of the game is thrown off.
Like others have said, it seems like there just isn't enough actual action/gameplay distribution going on here. This is further compounded by the copious amount of emails and what not to read.
Seems my save is gone. After weird lighting issues not going away I played something else then came back to QB and my only option now is to start a new game. Fucking lame. Glad I'd gotten through the game and found everything but I'm still pissed. I wanted to do hard with all the upgrades purchased. Sigh.
You are the gamer. You get to decide. Don't watch the episodes or read the emails on the first play through then?
This is actually a good example of why some people absolutely love Alan Wake, and others don't.
Saves are in the cloud unless you played entirely offline.
I didn't mind the tv stuff so much, but I would have rather in been done with real time graphics. They looked good enough to pull off.
Yeah Beth character is really good.
Act 4 and ending stuff.
Felt truly sorry for her when you arrive 11 years later.. You really notice she had given up and then dies also horrible. Think that has also to do with the facial animations. Its really good and you notice every little emotion. Btw the reason that she waited for 11 years was because of what Jack whispers in her ear at the ending/beginning right?
The TV show, as it's constructed and implemented, is borderline useless. They've admitted as much. "You can skip it!" Well, if I can skip it, why does it exist? Because you guys really like TV? That's fine, if you want to make a TV show, do it right and give it its proper respect.
The television show doesn't enhance the gameplay sequences at all, it doesn't add to that game's narrative. Burke's story is ridiculous, Charlie's arc is better, but that isn't saying much. Remedy has pitched the TV show as a separate story, but it's not quite that and it isn't really married to the game story either. It should not be sandwiched inside the game. They should have spun it out into its own thing that you watched before the game. The show needs more money and a better script (That's the lifeboat? Really?).
As of right now the highest compliment I can give the TV show is that it gives me a break from combat, which is fun, but repetitive. There's too much good TV out there for me to give this a pass. Maybe 10 years ago...
The TV show, as it's constructed and implemented, is borderline useless. They've admitted as much. "You can skip it!" Well, if I can skip it, why does it exist? Because you guys really like TV? That's fine, if you want to make a TV show, do it right and give it its proper respect.
The television show doesn't enhance the gameplay sequences at all, it doesn't add to that game's narrative. Burke's story is ridiculous, Charlie's arc is better, but that isn't saying much. Remedy has pitched the TV show as a separate story, but it's not quite that and it isn't really married to the game story either. It should not be sandwiched inside the game. They should have spun it out into its own thing that you watched before the game. The show needs more money and a better script (That's the lifeboat? Really?).
As of right now the highest compliment I can give the TV show is that it gives me a break from combat, which is fun, but repetitive. There's too much good TV out there for me to give this a pass. Maybe 10 years ago...
she waited for 11 years because she knew that jack would have come to take the RC
But also that whisper "wait for me" triggered something?
I think the show sequences are specifically good for the game's pacing, and giving separate storytelling on the periphery is something I specifically like in games (whether that comes from a book//short/etc). The world reactions to the choice at the end of each act are just noticeable enough to bring in some novelty, and it's been more entertaining overall than I would have expected. You're definitely not alone in thinking it doesn't stack up to a lot of "real" programming out there.
I appreciate what they tried to do here, but by the end of the 2nd Ep., I was also wondering what the point is, other than seeing some delightful scene chewing with Aiden and Lance R.
I'm wondering if it all was some left over obligation that MS needed to fulfill before they just completely abandoned their whole 2013 "tv,tv,tv!" initiative.
I'm mean, where the hell is the Halo/Spielberg produced TV series?
At this point, I'm inclined to just completely restart and focus on the game/Jack's story and then return to the episodes later on...
I don't think she heard that, she was stuck in the stutter
I look at that as an indictment on the game's pacing more than anything.
Very sad that some people actually dislike when a studio tries new things and wishes it was a standard story driven TPS.
Very sad that some people actually dislike when a studio tries new things and wishes it was a standard story driven TPS.
I honestly think you could almost make that accusation of the genre itself, which is why some sort of style/structure variation is so important.