Oh dear god I think I'm at the final boss.
Well the game gives you all these cool abilities so it doesn't really make sense for someone to play it as a cover shooter.
Charlie and Fiona are so, so bad.
Burke is just regular bad.
I'm sorry, the TV show is simply terrible. Onwards to act 4!
The cover only exists this game recharge health and abilities. None of the abilities work well in cover. How could anyone think this is a typical cover shooter?
Astounding. I honestly respect him a bit less now.
The game is kind of similar to Max Payne 3 in that regard, it also had a cover system, but it was only there for you to heal and get your bearings.
The cover only exists this game recharge health and abilities. None of the abilities work well in cover. How could anyone think this is a typical cover shooter?
Astounding. I honestly respect him a bit less now.
Christ, watching the GB quicklook that just went up was painful. But illuminating, I guess. It certainly explains why Jeff didn't like the game; he was trying to play it as a cover shooter.
At one point he was lamenting the lack of blind-fire, in what must be one of the most impressive displays of missing the point in recorded history.
I'm in chapter 2 of act 2 and I think I regret buying the game already. It just isn't gripping me so far. I loved Max Payne and liked Alan Wake but my initial impressions of QB aren't great.
That whole video is soooo badI clipped out the section where he's complaining about the powers and cover system if people don't want to scroll through the 50 minute video.
I clipped out the section where he's complaining about the powers and cover system if people don't want to scroll through the 50 minute video.
It didn't look like he was trying to play GB as designed.
He was complaining about the powers, yet..not using them.
I've played through this game twice now and I totally agree with everything Jeff said in his review, on the Bombcast, and in the Quick Look. And I would agree with his 2/5 score if I wasn't such a sucker for exploring Remedy's worlds, even if there's very little to explore in this game. It's such a fucking bummer coming off of Alan Wake, where they knew they were making a linear experience but there had to be substantial space to explore off the beaten path.
I was lukewarm on it during the first act but this game...THIS FUCKING GAME. Getting better with each act I play.
Wasn't Alan Wake at some point kind of open world?
I've played through this game twice now and I totally agree with everything Jeff said in his review, on the Bombcast, and in the Quick Look. And I would agree with his 2/5 score if I wasn't such a sucker for exploring Remedy's worlds, even if there's very little to explore in this game. It's such a fucking bummer coming off of Alan Wake, where they knew they were making a linear experience but there had to be substantial space to explore off the beaten path.
You keep repeating this complaint. Nothing ever shown or advertised made it seem like it was anything other than a linear story driven game. It's like criticizing NBA2K for not having a homerun derby mode. You're playing the wrong game
It took me 10 minutes in to realize this was a cover based shooter. Jeff is not immune to video game derp. No one is.
That's definitely NOT true. In fact as I mentioned before grenade and time freeze are kind of useless if you are trying to move around really fast.
It's more like criticizing NBA2k2 for not including the modes that were in NBA2k1.
I clipped out the section where he's complaining about the powers and cover system if people don't want to scroll through the 50 minute video.
It's more like criticizing NBA2k2 for not including the modes that were in NBA2k1. Remedy has only made linear shooters, but not this linear. It's clear that their focus was just stretched too thin with other stuff.
It's more like criticizing NBA2k2 for not including the modes that were in NBA2k1. Remedy has only made linear shooters, but not this linear. It's clear that their focus was just stretched too thin with other stuff.
That is not true. When moving around just stop and use time freeze and your are shielded(in "cover") and throw a time bomb and continue moving.
The bubble shield effectively turns any area of the game into cover. I maxed that shield out first and it allowed me to get into all kinds of shit then regen straight away no matter what dumb ass situation I got into.
Go back and play Max Payne 1 and 2. They're linear as can be, as much as Quantum Break. It's only Alan Wake that is wide linear and that's mostly down to starting off as open world.It's more like criticizing NBA2k2 for not including the modes that were in NBA2k1. Remedy has only made linear shooters, but not this linear. It's clear that their focus was just stretched too thin with other stuff.
I clipped out the section where he's complaining about the powers and cover system if people don't want to scroll through the 50 minute video.
I hope this game sells a fuckton and we get a sequel asap.
I clipped out the section where he's complaining about the powers and cover system if people don't want to scroll through the 50 minute video.
Oh my! Explosions + a nice punch and kick in the face.
It also helps that it's not being released the same day as a Rockstar game.Quantum Break has a wider appeal than Alan Wake, I think. It should definitely sell better than that, right?
I clipped out the section where he's complaining about the powers and cover system if people don't want to scroll through the 50 minute video.
I clipped out the section where he's complaining about the powers and cover system if people don't want to scroll through the 50 minute video.
I thought it was pretty fucking amazing but now I'm not so sure. Apparently you never feel awesome and the powers don't flow together.
Just finished it.
First of all, the shooting was very good. It isn't the best, and the auto cover system got me killed a few times. That said, I felt like a bad ass and really thought I looked cool in a way that Max Payne got very right.
The last boss fight was too much with bad checkpointing, but not as bad as I feared given some comments.
I loved especially that for the most part there were shooty bits, story bits and explory bits and they did a good job of differentiating between them. So I could explore without fear of shooty happening. Made certain areas feel life safe areas I could just read long bits about.
I loved the branching paths, and I loved that I got to influence some plot lines the way I wanted to see them go at the end. I loved the TV episodes. They were well acted, and while they probably could have been done in-engine, I liked the technical work of branching TV episodes, and if I have to sit the controller down to watch, I appreciate it feeling like a TV episode and breaking up the pacing.
Also: PERFECT LENGTH. At no point did I think I was getting too much shooty bits in a row and I never felt the game drag. It left me wanting more, but in the way you want something to. For the love of god, can we kill filler and keep games about this length?
Now, Spoiler stuffs:
I loved the story. It's a time travel story that initially seems insanely complicated with twists and turns, but by the end of it makes a ton of sense and seems very very straightforward. Everything mysterious is explained pretty well, every little tidbit has meaning behind it, and I loved that I cared about the side characters thanks to the TV show by the end.
I didn't fight Burke (I had Paul go insane at the end), but I generally appreciated what was happening and wound up choosing not to have Burke turn on me hoping he would have a heroic death which he sort of did.
Now, things that are not 100% clear to me.
1) Hatch is an ancient time traveler who found a naturally occuring time machine in a cave somewhere. Became a shifter and was working to bring about the end of time because it would be good for shifters for nebulous reasons.
2) Dr. Kim was chronon bombed by Hatch at some point in order to keep Paul Serene going nuts and degenerating in health, and ensure that there was not a "cure" for turning into a shifter.
3) Paul is probably still alive as a shifter in some way.
4) Jack Joyce is a shifter and still has hope that he can change the timeline in some way, but there is no proof that this is possible.
5) The world very may well have ended anyway. Paul may have seen the end of time in all actuality, but it was at a different point in time than he thought. This could explain why Paul was surprised that the stutters were picking up in pace sooner than expected. They weren't ready for the end of time yet. Dr. Amaral convinced him to trigger the lifeboat earlier than anyone had initially thought that it would happen, potentially because this was not the "end of time" stutter, but an earlier stutter.
6) Hatch knows Jack Joyce needs medical attention. He also knows that Serene is out of the way now and he runs Monarch. The Countermeasure is destroyed. So, if he can create a second rupture there is nothing stopping the end of time from occurring? Also explains why he killed a shitload of Monarch people on his way out, but never tried to hurt Jack. He has insight into the multiverse and time in a way we don't, and he knew that Jack would deploy the countermeasure and kill Paul, giving him what he ultimately wanted, i.e. bringing on the end of time where there are more shifters. This also allows the "can't change what happened" to persist. Paul had already traveled back in time from the end of time, so that loop needed to be closed in an effective way in order to actually bring about the permanent end of time without a life boat out there of people working to eventually correct the end of time and bring things back to normal.
Some of these seem to be that king of "open to interpretation on purpose" ending stuff, but thats kind of my take on how it wrapped up with a giant "room for a sequel" caveat that was definitely happening at the end there.
I've played through this game twice now and I totally agree with everything Jeff said in his review, on the Bombcast, and in the Quick Look. And I would agree with his 2/5 score if I wasn't such a sucker for exploring Remedy's worlds, even if there's very little to explore in this game. It's such a fucking bummer coming off of Alan Wake, where they knew they were making a linear experience but there had to be substantial space to explore off the beaten path.
Yes, it is.so is this game still a mess on pc?
haven't done 2 playthroughs yet but i choseI will have to say I do have one complaint about Junction 3.
So The first time though I picked to side with the doctor over hatch. The 2nd time here I'm siding with Hatch yet other then a few seconds it plays out the same. What's the point of choosing Hatch if ultimately he still sides with the doctor? Doesn't that kind of make that choice a waste? I'm hoping I'm wrong and that it leads to something more later but I doubt it after watching the episode.