Good, too, because you can imagine the disrespectful shit people would be doing had they the opportunity to perform. You'd without a doubt see some silly twat trying to record a tiktok dance.

Good, too, because you can imagine the disrespectful shit people would be doing had they the opportunity to perform. You'd without a doubt see some silly twat trying to record a tiktok dance.
No matter how you feel about the Monarchy or British state but by fuck they know how to put on Pomp & Ceremony, that's some historical shit and pulled off perfectly, was almost hypnotic with the drums, marching and repeating tune as they wound there way from Westminster through central London
The British will never let go of tradition, it's what separates them from all the other riff raff ;-)
Monty python moment avoided.That was absolutely extraordinary. The removal of the crown, the sceptre and the orb from the coffin was such a powerfully moving symbol of her service coming to its end.
Monty python moment avoided.
Three chances to stumble, drop them and watch them roll along the floor with old men in cassocks chasing after them....and it didn't happen, Well done that man!
Yet I didn't watch it. Feels good to have healthy priorities in life.Reported as the most watched televised event in history.
l've always known the image of the older lady throughout my life, she was quite the looker back in her dayBeautiful and historic service. Everything went perfectly. I'm not ashamed to admit that I had tears in my eyes, especially when the Russian Kondakion of the departed was sung at Windsor and whenever the national anthem was sung.
It might seem bizarre to most people, but the monarchy is a very strong part of my national identity, culture and history. It's such a strong part of my identity that I couldn't imagine being without it. That's all I say on that subject at the risk of breaking the political rules on this forum.
Anyway, thank you Elizabeth. You will be missed.
Did he show up in blackface again?I saw the Canadian PM made a fool of himself.
He sang a Queen song, drunk at the hotel before the funeral.Did he show up in blackface again?
I gotta watch the news now thanks AJUMP23!!
I'm going to shock you here but loads of shops were open, and people even had the cheek to be in them buying things.I didn't go into town, but it seems that every CEX store was open from 1pm.
Pretty scummy move - all things considering. The funeral was still going on at the time.
if you're going to pay your respects, at least do it properly.
Lots of tiny shops maybe... But not major retailers.I'm going to shock you here but loads of shops were open, and people even had the cheek to be in them buying things.
Thanks Slaylock, it was the strangest day. We'd got to Liverpool street train station and London was practically empty during our walk to Hyde park which took around forty minutes then all of a sudden it was purely heaving with people, it was so odd..Beautiful pictures Dr.Morris79
l've always known the image of the older lady throughout my life, she was quite the looker back in her day
You from Nepal?A beautiful and most appropriate ceremony.
The bearers were absolute units. Massive respect there, and the pressure must have been immense, even for trained soldiers. Same for the Royal Navy ratings. It was fantastic to see all the military units out in their finery, especially for me the Gurkhas.
Charles and Anne looked like it was taking its toll on them. They held up extremely well.
Didn't care for the God stuff, but those were her beliefs and she was head of the CoE. Some lovely hymns though.
And the subtle messages sent where necessary. All done tastefully, but making it clear what standing people had (for good reasons).
I just wish I could have justified flying home to participate in person.
Douglas Murray: Why don't Americans understand Britain's monarchy? | SpectatorTV - 12:15mins
Speaking out against the American media and rightly so. Disgraceful coverage.
Also very informative and how a constitutional monarcy protects us from the pitfalls of the American system.