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RAGE |OT| "It's done when it's done"

oktarb said:
I have one minor annoyance to vent.

In your inventory it tells you through icons what is a build inexpedient what you can use and what is just plain sell crap. When you go to sell things those icons are not displayed.

"Wait is gas crap sell? I can't remember. Man, gas seems like it would be important." Back out of sell screen. Check inventory. Gas = junk sell.
On the 360 I see those icons in the shop, they look almost like a watermark. A $ icon means you can sell the item safely I believe.

Dyno said:
This is no different than Doom or Quake. It's a nightmare scenario. The reason you were put in the arc, given nanotech, and put in cryo is because you are a killing machine! The reason you don't talk is because your weapons do the talking for you. The reason why you were given a mission to clear out an entire gang with a handgun and some bandages is because you are the right person for that job and that is all the gear you need to do it.

Mr. Rage doesn't need to emote and he certainly doesn't need a god-damned therapy session. Mr. Rage needs another 10 wingblades so that he can continue his merry streak of decapitations. Just let that salient point sink in for a second. Mr. Rage is capable of decapitations... with his off hand!

Kids these days...
Fuck yea.

Back in the day we didn't need to know our character's motivations and who he was on the inside. We just shot demons in the face.


I don't think stating most of the gaming market is elsewhere is face-palm inducing. Did you mean that PC gamers are 'obviously more numerous' or what exactly? Statistics on who has the larger army is readily debatable.


formerly nacire
oktarb said:
I have one minor annoyance to vent.

In your inventory it tells you through icons what is a build inexpedient what you can use and what is just plain sell crap. When you go to sell things those icons are not displayed.

"Wait is gas crap sell? I can't remember. Man, gas seems like it would be important." Back out of sell screen. Check inventory. Gas = junk sell.


If the item is used in engineering schematics it will have a gear at the bottom of that window, just as crap has a dollar symbol and useable equipment has it's own symbol.


NullPointer said:
Pretty sure they do show up. You either see (consumable) or (ingredient) or a big dollar sign. I thought the same though at first.

Man I'll look closer tonight. I highly doubt I have the one version with this anomaly.


TheExodu5 said:
So I still have my $40 PC retail copy shrinkwrapped.

Keep it or return it?

keep it. Solid game, good reviews, performance issues being fixed and revealed to be mostly driver related to ATI cards.


bloodydrake said:
well its the fact that the majority is on PC world wide..overall..factoring in all, well, you know, PC games..so it seemed appropriate to your statements

edit: points at angular..see, he gets it..shrug.
The majority of the market for games like rage is not on pc anymore. I'm sure you're including the simple browser games but we both know that's not what we're talking about.
angular graphics said:
I didn't say any version has to suffer now, did I? In fact I said the opposite. But if you build for the console first, it's naturally hard to "uprez" your tech for the PC "later".

And yeah most of the gaming market is elsewhere right now; on facebook XD ;)
Are you guys really using facebook games as an example? How well would these pc's run Rage?
Rage wasn't built for consoles and ported to pc. There was nothing stopping id from making the pc version far better if they wanted or could.
Mastperf said:
There was nothing stopping id from making the pc version far better if they wanted or could.
Maybe contractual obligations to produce the same game experience across all platforms?

oktarb said:
Man I'll look closer tonight. I highly doubt I have the one version with this anomaly.
I can definitely confirm that you can tell in the PC version. So it should be there.


Can someone check their Rage PC folder and tell me the exact size and how many files/folders there are? Just got done installing and when it finished Steam said it only had 5 gigs downloaded out of 21 gigs. I canceled the download restarted Steam, and it said all files needed present. I'm not sure if it even downloaded the patch in that small amount of time. Steam is saying everything is fine but I figured I'd post to see just in case.

Also, did anyone else not have to input their Anarchy Edition DLC codes into Steam? First time I've seen that with a Steamworks title.


Cool Smoke Luke
subversus said:
Depends on your GPU. I would return if I had AMD card.
hmm I have 2 AMD cards 5000 series and 6000 series and I would definitely keep it if your a fan of id shooters and solid FPS game play. Most of the issues are resolved and they'll get better each month as new CCC packages come out.

If you picked it up on a whim and are more casual..id wait for a sale on steam at christmas


TheExodu5 said:
So I still have my $40 PC retail copy shrinkwrapped.

Keep it or return it?

Keep. A few tweaks later and I'm having a lot of fun with it. Definitely worth $40 of fun. I'm not even regretting my $50 worth of fun.


Neo Member
So, I'm stuck in the Dead city and need some help.
Doing the defib mission. I'm in the room where you pick it up off the operating table. Some guys bust through the wall and I dispatch them. I go down through where they came in and I find only locked doors at the bottom. I come back up to try to go back out the way I came, and the door is locked. I've been running around this tiny area for a while thinking I'm missing something blatantly obvious, but hell if I can find it. How the hell do I get out of here. haha
Are Feltrite Crystals only meant to be sold to venders? There's the money sign next to it indicating such, but I spoke with an NPC saying how rare they are and to save them to trade for something good (or something like that).


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
subversus said:
Depends on your GPU. I would return if I had AMD card.
I have a Radeon 6950 and it runs fine on my machine with no texture pop in (after changing a few values)


This runs on my laptop at 60fps, I'm impressed. Minor popin at the start so far.

i7-2630qm @ 2.6GHz
4GB ddr3
Quadro 1000m (optimus turned off)

with these settings:

seta vt_pageimagesizeuniquediffuseonly2 "8192"
seta vt_pageimagesizeuniquediffuseonly "8192"
seta vt_pageimagesizeunique "8192"
seta vt_pageimagesizevmtr "8192"
cvaradd g_fov 20
set com_skipIntroVideo 1
set com_allowConsole 1
fc_maxcachememoryMB 1024
ik_enablesmoothing 0
vt_maxaniso 4
image_anisotropy 4
image_usecompression 0
jobs_numthreads 4
mem_phymemblocksizem 3072
m_rawinput 1


Man reading this thread makes me think we are too spoilt nowadays, and expect every game that comes out to redefine a genre, or blow our minds in some new way.

Who cares if you saw a freaking texture pop-in. One of my first and greatest gaming experiences was Castle Wolfenstein in the Apple IIe. You could see the level drawn from the top down, and the scan lines as your character was redrawn. I didn't throw my joystick in disgust. It was fun to play.

This game looks freaking incredible, hats off to those involved.


Burger said:
Man reading this thread makes me think we are too spoilt nowadays, and expect every game that comes out to redefine a genre, or blow our minds in some new way.

Who cares if you saw a freaking texture pop-in. One of my first and greatest gaming experiences was Castle Wolfenstein in the Apple IIe. You could see the level drawn from the top down, and the scan lines as your character was redrawn. I didn't throw my joystick in disgust. It was fun to play.

This game looks freaking incredible, hats off to those involved.

Aus ... weis
Aus ... weis
Schwein ... hund!


Burger said:
Man reading this thread makes me think we are too spoilt nowadays, and expect every game that comes out to redefine a genre, or blow our minds in some new way.

Who cares if you saw a freaking texture pop-in. One of my first and greatest gaming experiences was Castle Wolfenstein in the Apple IIe. You could see the level drawn from the top down, and the scan lines as your character was redrawn. I didn't throw my joystick in disgust. It was fun to play.

This game looks freaking incredible, hats off to those involved.

I kind of agree and I kind of don't. On one hand my jaw dropped at the incredible sky. Then I would turn my head and the textures for three rocks would pop in one after another. I mean its just distracting. pop, pop, pop.

You can't wrap id in a cloak of godliness and then forgive them for these issues. We have every right to hold them to a standard higher than others. They are our heroes after all, we don't want to see them fail.

Yet for Rage i was able to rest my brain and essentially stopped noticing the pop in textures for the most part. I really enjoyed my experience. However, in a tense situation where movement could mean an ax wielding mutant coming at you; distractions like these become more than annoying they become a problem.

I think they still accomplished something great here and a couple fixes/patches could be all that's needed.
I picked this up for the 360 yesterday and was able to put a few hours into it. I'm enjoying the experience so far (playing on Nightmare), but something still feels a little off. It's not as open world as I would like it to be. The missions so far have been simple and too short with you bouncing back and forth to the same locations quite a bit (I'm in the second town right now, I think it's called Wellspring). Also, the visuals/frame rate gives me a little bit of a headache, which I haven't gotten from a game before.

With that said, the graphics are great and the music is really impressive as well. I also like how you can use different types of ammo in the same weapon. I can't wait until I get to use some of the more unique weapons that I've seen in all the gameplay videos. So far, I'm happy with my purchase.


CoilShot said:
Spoilers about race sponsor on nightmare

Up until this mission nightmare has been very easy. My god, this boss is hard as hell on nightmare at the end of the mutant bash tv. I've been using grenades, shotgun and this thing wont go down :( Any tips?

I just double barreled shottied him and used the windstick. Just make sure to always be sprinting in between shooting.


Burger said:
Man reading this thread makes me think we are too spoilt nowadays, and expect every game that comes out to redefine a genre, or blow our minds in some new way.

Who cares if you saw a freaking texture pop-in. One of my first and greatest gaming experiences was Castle Wolfenstein in the Apple IIe. You could see the level drawn from the top down, and the scan lines as your character was redrawn. I didn't throw my joystick in disgust. It was fun to play.

This game looks freaking incredible, hats off to those involved.
What bugs me is Gears of fucking War 3 is scoring 9s and 10s all over the damn place despite the fact that it's the same game (arguably worse in some areas) as its predecessors. There's absolutely no consistency at all when it comes to reviews.


Burger said:
Man reading this thread makes me think we are too spoilt nowadays, and expect every game that comes out to redefine a genre, or blow our minds in some new way.

Who cares if you saw a freaking texture pop-in. One of my first and greatest gaming experiences was Castle Wolfenstein in the Apple IIe. You could see the level drawn from the top down, and the scan lines as your character was redrawn. I didn't throw my joystick in disgust. It was fun to play.

This game looks freaking incredible, hats off to those involved.

I can deal with texture pop in and I'd be ok with it if it weren't so extremely prominent. I barely ever see the game fully textured, it's hindering my enjoyment of the game when things around me are a blurry mess and the walls are constantly subtly shifting while it loads textures. It's not just when you first walk into a room or load a save, it's constantly. I've never played another game that has this problem. And this is supposed to be a technically competent game.


jmdajr said:
Xbox owners...

does Rage look better than Gears of War 3?

I honestly don't think so. Technically speaking, textures, lighting, detail etc. Not nearly as proficient, though the 60fps thing does make it an unfair comparison.


Cool Smoke Luke
Mastperf said:
The majority of the market for games like rage is not on pc anymore.

Actually I think of this market, the majority of id's fanbase IS on pc. I think its very likely that they'll sell 50% or more exclusively on PC.. They're id software a classic PC developer that hasn't released a single game this console gen.

Developers Like Valve and CDProjekt and others are showing PCgaming isn't dying and aren't a secondary/minority market for a successful game.

So yes the "why lead on PC when most are on console " its a wee bit face-palm inducing since it ignores the millions of PC gamers that play these games as well as MMO's, free to play games ect that are as big a potential market as the console one, and its far greater if you include casuals which id has penetrated with QuakeLive ect.

Mastperf said:
Rage wasn't built for consoles and ported to pc. There was nothing stopping id from making the pc version far better if they wanted or could.
Thats the point tho isn't it..it was built for parity across all three and is limited by its lowest common denominator the 256Mb/256Mb ps3 memory architecture and max 4k/4k texture chunk.

If they had focused on PC(which Carkmark said in hind site he should have) instead of parity, it would have been a better PC experience visually at least and then like CDProjekt could spend time trimming it down to work on consoles.


george_us said:
There's absolutely no consistency at all when it comes to reviews.
When good ratings on a review determines you being able to review their games farther down the line (which in turn influences if people go to your site), it's hard not to see why it has the ratings it does.

Take them with a grain of salt, because for now, they're generally useless.


Hanzou said:
I just double barreled shottied him and used the windstick. Just make sure to always be sprinting in between shooting.

Wow I didnt think windsticks would work. THANKS!


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
CoilShot said:
Wow I didnt think windsticks would work. THANKS!
Yeah. Wingsticks do a great job.
Mastperf said:
The majority of the market for games like rage is not on pc anymore. I'm sure you're including the simple browser games but we both know that's not what we're talking about.

Are you guys really using facebook games as an example? How well would these pc's run Rage?
Rage wasn't built for consoles and ported to pc. There was nothing stopping id from making the pc version far better if they wanted or could.

If by "for games like rage" you mean strong SP experiences Crysis/C:Warhead, Witcher 1&2, S.T.A.L.K.E.R., Metro 2033, BioShock, Deus Ex: HR, Portal 2 sold well on the PC.

What do they have in common? They are from PC developers, or from new developers respecting a classic PC franchise (Deus Ex), or from ex-PC developers going multiplatform (BioShock).

Now think of id's heritage, and how many people would be excited to buy a new id shooter on the PC if proper attention was given to the platform. If id doesn't have a fanbase on the PC, then no one has ffs!

But Carmack has already regretted his decision to focus the tech on consoles so what more is there to be said?

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
McLovin said:
Anyone know if you get less poping running at 720p as apposed to running it at 1080p on ps3?

The resolution in which the game runs is not decided by your television's resolution.


bloodydrake said:
Actually I think of this market, the majority of id's fanbase IS on pc. I think its very likely that they'll sell 50% or more exclusively on PC.. They're id software a classic PC developer that hasn't released a single game this console gen.

Developers Like Valve and CDProjekt and others are showing PCgaming isn't dying and aren't a secondary/minority market for a successful game.

So yes the "why lead on PC when most are on console " its a wee bit face-palm inducing since it ignores the millions of PC gamers that play these games as well as MMO's, free to play games ect that are as big a potential market as the console one, and its far greater if you include casuals which id has penetrated with QuakeLive ect.

Thats the point tho isn't it..it was built for parity across all three and is limited by its lowest common denominator the 256Mb/256Mb ps3 memory architecture.

If they had focused on PC(which Carkmark said in hind site he should have) instead of parity, it would have been a better PC experience visually at least and then like CDProjekt could spend time trimming it down to work on consoles.
I said nothing about not leading on PC. I said it would be stupid to delay the console version for a year and just release it on pc. That would be unnecessary to make a superior pc version and would cut out a huge chunk of your market. I have nothing against a vastly superior pc version. My beef was with the notion of making other gamers wait and blaming consoles for id failing to do something that most developers have little trouble with in regards to a clearly superior pc version.
Id needs to clarify why they were so dead set-on platform parity. Most console gamers aren't even aware of a superior version of their games existing elsewhere nor do they care so why bother?

angular graphics said:
If by "for games like rage" you mean strong SP experiences Crysis/C:Warhead, Witcher 1&2, S.T.A.L.K.E.R., Metro 2033, BioShock, Deus Ex: HR, Portal 2 sold well on the PC.

What do they have in common? They are from PC developers, or from new developers respecting a classic PC franchise (Deus Ex), or from ex-PC developers going multiplatform (BioShock).

Now think of id's heritage, and how many people would be excited to buy a new id shooter on the PC if proper attention was given to the platform. If id doesn't have a fanbase on the PC, then no one has ffs!

But Carmack has already regretted his decision to focus the tech on consoles so what more is there to be said?
Who said it didn't have a fanbase on pc?. He said he wished they would have delayed the consoles versions a year and focused on the pc version. You think these pc only developers are switching to console just for kicks? If the pc market could have fully supported Rage then their likely wouldn't have even been a console version for a while to come if at all.
While I'm no COD fan, I'm not oblivious to the fact that fps sells are at an all time high on consoles. Id making this multi-platform from day 1 shows they want a piece of the console fps pie.


Cool Smoke Luke
Mastperf said:
I said nothing about not leading on PC. I said it would be stupid to delay the console version for a year and just release it on pc. That would be unnecessary to make a superior pc version and would cut out a huge chunk of your market. I have nothing against a vastly superior pc version. My beef was with the notion of making other gamers wait a

Your talking "In a perfect world" while discounting the realities of man hours and team size and expenses.. id has always been a smaller team doing what you say isn't physically nor financially possible for them..they could have done what cdprojekt did(which was the original point) and focus on the single platform..initially which traditionally is what happens with new tech


MisterAnderson said:
Are Feltrite Crystals only meant to be sold to venders? There's the money sign next to it indicating such, but I spoke with an NPC saying how rare they are and to save them to trade for something good (or something like that).

This is what I've been wondering too. I accidentally sold a few because I wasn't paying attention and just sold anything with a $ sign on it but I still have like 4 or 5.


bloodydrake said:
Your talking "In a perfect world" while discounting the realities of man hours and team size and expenses.. id has always been a smaller team doing what you say isn't physically nor financially possible for them..they could have done what cdprojekt did(which was the original point) and focus on the single platform..initially which traditionally is what happens with new tech
Yeah, I'm sure (hope) that will change after this. Carmack is a genius but he can't do it all alone. I'm honestly not sure how much would have changed given the odd performance of id Tech 5.


ValleyJoe said:
So, I'm stuck in the Dead city and need some help.
Doing the defib mission. I'm in the room where you pick it up off the operating table. Some guys bust through the wall and I dispatch them. I go down through where they came in and I find only locked doors at the bottom. I come back up to try to go back out the way I came, and the door is locked. I've been running around this tiny area for a while thinking I'm missing something blatantly obvious, but hell if I can find it. How the hell do I get out of here. haha
If you haven't found it already
you just go up the escalators to the left when you enter the lobby. then go left and there is a door with a bunch of organic matter on it to the right


Cool Smoke Luke
Mastperf said:
Id needs to clarify why they were so dead set-on platform parity. Most console gamers aren't even aware of a superior version of their games existing elsewhere nor do they care so why bother?

I'm pretty sure id survives due in part to the money they've made on licensing their idtech3 and 4.
before being sold to Bethesda last year idtech5 sounded pretty cool to be able to develop one version of the game it would compile seamlessly for 3 platforms.
And it seemed like there was a real need for some middle ware besides UE3 4years ago.So i think that was part of the reasoning they stuck with it..and by the time it became apparent that wasn't their market anymore it was to late to change it


For anyone who picked up the xbox 360 version. How bad is the texture pop in on that version? Overall, does it look and run good on the xbox 360?
Mastperf said:
Who said it didn't have a fanbase on pc?. He said he wished they would have delayed the consoles versions a year and focused on the pc version.

And I explained if they can handle all 3 versions in the same time, they should. But can they? Carmack said they didn't even have time to test if they could get better quality megatextures using the additional BR quality on the PS3 version, so clearly they couldn't.

You think these pc only developers are switching to console just for kicks? If the pc market could have fully supported Rage then their likely wouldn't have even been a console version for a while to come if at all.

No one is going to stay dedicated to a platform nowadays (unless being paid for exclusivity see Remedy cancelling the PC version of Alan Wake), it has nothing to do with how much their products sell even if it's many millions, when there is the potential to sell 3x of that if they are on 3 platforms instead of 1. See Mass Effect expanding to PC/PS3 despite the 360 sales being fine, or Final Fantasy or whatever, there are plenty of examples.

While I'm no COD fan, I'm not oblivious to the fact that fps sells are at an all time high on consoles. Id making this multi-platform from day 1 shows they want a piece of the console fps pie.

There is no particular reason for a CoD fan to like Rage (and there is not a single id game that plays like CoD) so I'm not sure why you say that just because both are FPS.


Carm said:
Can someone check their Rage PC folder and tell me the exact size and how many files/folders there are? Just got done installing and when it finished Steam said it only had 5 gigs downloaded out of 21 gigs. I canceled the download restarted Steam, and it said all files needed present. I'm not sure if it even downloaded the patch in that small amount of time. Steam is saying everything is fine but I figured I'd post to see just in case.

Also, did anyone else not have to input their Anarchy Edition DLC codes into Steam? First time I've seen that with a Steamworks title.

Yeah,I typed them in and it said I had them already...still looking for the Rage folder lol,can`t seem to find it.


The COD reference was mainly to give an example of a huge success on consoles. It's sort of like comparing other MMO's to WoW.
Halo is very successful if that's a better example.

No one is going to stay dedicated to a platform nowadays (unless being paid for exclusivity see Remedy cancelling the PC version of Alan Wake), it has nothing to do with how much their products sell even if it's many millions, when there is the potential to sell 3x of that if they are on 3 platforms instead of 1. See Mass Effect expanding to PC/PS3 despite the 360 sales being fine, or Final Fantasy or whatever, there are plenty of examples.
So why would they mainly focus on the pc and probably delay the console version if it could mean far less sales? Doing so would be remaining dedicated to one platform which you say no longer happens.
Yuripaw said:
For anyone who picked up the xbox 360 version. How bad is the texture pop in on that version? Overall, does it look and run good on the xbox 360?

With the game installed the texture pop-in is very minimal. I'd say like, at worst, half a second when quickly turning and a second or two when transitioning from a big city like Wellspring to the wasteland. It was most noticeable in the opening area but now I almost never notice it unless I'm either looking for it or trying to make it happen. Runs at a smooth 60fps at(seemingly) all times.
The game looks and runs great for me outside of the tearing and green shadows. I'll revisit it when those get resolved without me having to edit a fucking config file or force vsync through the Nvidia control panel.

I have some wall head banging to grind through in Dark Souls anyway.


brunoa76 said:
I don't know but when I shoot an ennemy and he enters into a collapse animation, I have a feeling my shots don't register during that animation ?!

Resident Evil syndrome!
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