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RAGE |OT| "It's done when it's done"

I buy an FPS because I want to shoot things. I've never once stopped to ask 'what's my motivation?'

that guy seemed nice and the ghosts seemed mean. I don't think an overlong soliloquy about the world and why the bad guys were bad would have done much more than make me antsy to get to the bit i am allowed to kill things. of course they were bad with the skulls and the sacrifices.

Kill em all.

T Ghost

~Kinggi~ said:
I had the issue that when i launched the game my dvd drive was spinning like it was loading. After about 5 minutes the dvd drive seems to stop altogether and i dont hear it react at all to stuff i do in the game, so i assume it is running from the harddrive.
Yes. Same thing happened here. It's between 2 and 4 minutes spinning, way longer than other games. I've read on the official Xbox forum a user saying that this is the new copyright protection system. Not sure if is this or if it's ID checking something out.

T Ghost said:
This is cool. Why do FPS insist in the dogma that the playing character doesn't have to speak? It doesn't make me feel that "I am" the character, it just make the narrative more artificial and mechanic.
plagiarize said:
I buy an FPS because I want to shoot things. I've never once stopped to ask 'what's my motivation?'

that guy seemed nice and the ghosts seemed mean. I don't think an overlong soliloquy about the world and why the bad guys were bad would have done much more than make me antsy to get to the bit i am allowed to kill things. of course they were bad with the skulls and the sacrifices.

Kill em all.
See, I don't agree with that. I like to have a little motivation and context in my shooters, unless I'm playing something like Serious Sam. A big budget, hyped game like Rage would benefit greatly from a decent story, but that's just me. I would like to be more emotionally tied to my character, instead of basically being an errand boy. I'm probably in the minority though.

T Ghost

perineumlick said:
See, I don't agree with that. I like to have a little motivation and context in my shooters, unless I'm playing something like Serious Sam. A big budget, hyped game like Rage would benefit greatly from a decent story, but that's just me. I would like to be more emotionally tied to my character, instead of basically being an errand boy. I'm probably in the minority though.

It depends on what tickles your fancy. For some people the most important element to build immersion is gameplay. For others it's narrative. For others it's atmosphere (me). For others yet story is the most important element. I believe that the majority of gamers (me excluded) are gameplay people. For gameplay people the Rage format fits well. For narrative and/or story people the Rage format is lacking and artificial, prevents immersion to some degree


I'm about 4 hours in and that's been enough for impressions.

The core (main) missions are fantastic, the rest of the side missions and mechanics are good but not great. The guns are fun as hell as are the enemies, and the AI is awesome. I'm at the Shrouded right now and they seem to run and hide more than the Wasted and Ghost clans.

I really think if all the game consisted of was the main missions then it would have been better received, then again it would have just been another standard shooter.

My only gripe is the lack of checkpointing besides the load transitions. It's easy to get engrossed in a mission and totally forget to save once in awhile.
perineumlick said:
See, I don't agree with that. I like to have a little motivation and context in my shooters, unless I'm playing something like Serious Sam. A big budget, hyped game like Rage would benefit greatly from a decent story, but that's just me. I would like to be more emotionally tied to my character, instead of basically being an errand boy. I'm probably in the minority though.
well, you were given a *little* motivation. money, exposition that these bandits want you dead, the fact that when you strolled in and tried to start up a pleasant conversation with them that they leapt at you and tried to murder you with a big knife thing.

you don't have a character in Rage. you're basically you. it's more of a 'do you want to pretend to be someone else or not' question i guess. obviously you wanted to shoot those things, or you wouldn't have bought the game, right? but what you want then is to be someone else and you want to know why that someone else would want to shoot them.

you already have the motivation to shoot those things. it's not like they're cute fluffy smiley creatures that aren't harming anyone, that just blink their big blue eyes at you when you go near their house, and who merely cower and cry in response to being shot at and to seeing their loved ones murdered.

remember, they look like this:


i do get where you're coming from, but your character in Rage, is essentially you, by design.

T Ghost

ced said:
I'm about 4 hours in and that's been enough for impressions.

The core (main) missions are fantastic, the rest of the side missions and mechanics are good but not great. The guns are fun as hell as are the enemies, and the AI is awesome. I'm at the Shrouded right now and they seem to run and hide more than the Wasted and Ghost clans.

I really think if all the game consisted of was the main missions then it would have been better received, then again it would have just been another standard shooter.

My only gripe is the lack of checkpointing besides the load transitions. It's easy to get engrossed in a mission and totally forget to save once in awhile.

I love how the driving and collecting add variety to the gameplay. I think that the driving mechanic is extremely well implemented. I'm over 3 hours in and loved
the race competition/racing certificates to buy upgrades system.
Also driving around killing mutants and other enemies adds another layer to the gameplay on top of the basic corridor shooting. Talking to everyone I meet is also dragging me in. Missions in general are very basic: Fetch, kill, investigate, protect.
I didn't like the sniper missions at all.
If it was just the main story it would be too dry, common, repetitive and boring for me after a couple of hours.


I played up to the part where you get the buggy. It's had a slow start so far but I fully expect it to pick up soon.

The shotgun is so satisfying to use.


Finally got to put some real time into actually PLAYING instead of tinkering.

I really like the game. I'm having a blast. For the people that said it's "gamey", you're absolutely right. The story is thin and uninteresting (I really liked the premise so it's a little disappointing in that regard), but the gameplay is so good. The weapons are a blast to use and I find myself switching just to use all of them, not because I feel like I have to. The wingstick is super powerful but is actually a bit of a challenge to try and get it to return to you.

I wandered into the first sewer pretty early and learned that I just wasn't going to have enough ammo to finish it out. I'm going to have to remember to go back at some point. The lack of a map kind of sucks. At least for overland I'm getting hard pressed to remember where everything was. But in that same regard, it's a lot more satisfying when I stumble across something I haven't seen yet.

The mini games are awesome. I normally hate mini games but I love the racing and upgrading the buggy and the card game is pretty neat.

I'm having fun with it. Can't wait to play some more. I feel like everything's just now opening up and getting challenging. I'm playing on hard and it's been pretty normal so far.

Another real plus is that I can enable the controller on the PC and the mouse/kbd still works. So I play with mouse/kbd until I hop in a vehicle then I pick up the controller. Works fantastic. The only downside is all the button prompts use controller prompts but doesn't matter much. I know what the keyboard buttons are.

Props to id for creating a fun game.


garath said:
The lack of a map kind of sucks.

Great impressions but I could not disagree more about this issue. This is old school gaming at its finest. No hand holding. You have to rely on landmarks for bearings.


Solo said:
Agreed with all of this. As for GOTY, as of this moment its:

1. The Witcher 2
2. Deus Ex HR
3. Rage

For me.
For me my gotys

1. Xenoblade
2. The Witcher 2

I think that's about it, every other game is so far behind that I couldn't make a list of them.

I'd have DXHR on here but, I played the beta, was hyped, had to trudge through detroit AGAIN in retail and gave up cause I hate detroit.


Solo said:
This was funny and topical 2 days ago at the horrid launch, but now the PC version craps on the other two from great heights.

Only if you're on Nvidia or greatly exceed id's bullshit recommended specs.


What's the general consensus on the loot in the game? Thinking about grabbing this with a few friends next week. Hope to find better loot than green and purple guns like BL.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Yopis said:
What's the general consensus on the loot in the game? Thinking about grabbing this with a few friends next week. Hope to find better loot than green and purple guns like BL.

Loot exists to service the small-scale in-game economy and crafting systems (sell junk, use ingredients/materials to create items), and nothing else. Rage is not a "lootwhore" game a la Borderlands.

Edit: Forgot crafting.


JaseC said:
Loot exists to service the small-scale in-game economy and crafting systems (sell junk, use ingredients/materials to create items), and nothing else. Rage is not a "lootwhore" game a la Borderlands.

Edit: Forgot crafting.

Gotcha thanks.


Stallion Free said:
Because it's completely pointless and looks hideous.
The pointer is essentially transparent for all intents and purposes

I'm using that "high res texture config" thing and it looks like this for me, is something wrong or does it just look that bad normally?



dark10x said:
Having spent a couple hours last night playing the game, I have to say that I really like it. It's just what I had hoped for. It's a fantastic, beautiful shooter.

I can now more easily understand why people were drawing comparisons between this and Borderlands, but those similarities are really only superficial. Both games take place in similarly themed worlds, both feature towns where you receive missions from NPCs, and both have loot.

That's really where the similarities end, though. Unlike Borderlands, each mission you are sent on typically takes place within a unique level. Those levels are all expertly designed and exciting to play through. I always felt as if Borderlands never really did much with its level design and just had you fighting mobs of enemies until you reached an arbitrary objective. It never gave me the impression of fighting through well crafted stages.

I'm also very impressed with the visuals. Wellspring is absolutely stunning to explore. They absolutely nailed the atmosphere in a way that neither Borderlands or Fallout 3 could ever hope to. As I'm still playing on PS3, I must admit that I was genuinely shocked to see visuals of this quality running at 60 fps on a console. Really impressive stuff.
This is so true. I spent several hours playing last night and I must have spent a good hour of that just wandering around wellspring. Also, it might just be my own ignorance, but I had no idea id's artists were this talented. The art design in this game has been incredible.


Solo said:
Great impressions but I could not disagree more about this issue. This is old school gaming at its finest. No hand holding. You have to rely on landmarks for bearings.

It really is a throwback. The minimap on overland is all we get. Have to remember where everything is in the towns and on the overland. I do think I'd prefer the map but it is a little refreshing to stop focusing so much on the map and focus on where you're going.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Yeah, the art direction is great, it's just a pity most of the textures are so poor. Half-Life 2 has better soda can textures than Rage does spray can textures. :p

I think the highest-res texture I've seen in Rage belongs to the list of items you give Janus early into the game. Said list was perfectly legible.
Geoff9920 said:
This is so true. I spent several hours playing last night and I must have spent a good hour of that just wondering around wellspring. Also, it might just be my own ignorance, but I had no idea id's artists were this talented. The art design in this game has been incredible.

Really can't be overstated enough. Bums me out when you still hear average joe compare this to Borderlands or Fallout, when it's so far beyond them both.

Like I said earlier, with the vistas in Rage, it regularly looks like you are staring at concept art. It's fucking nuts.


The autosaving kinda sucks in this game. Id love to play without having to remember to save every minute or so.

It would even be nice if the game would auto save each time you load into a new area, but it doesnt even do that.

Relying on manual saves is really an archaic game mechanic and needs to go away.


I got it in from Gamefly yesterday, I was only able to put about 45 min into it. I really like it so far, but I've been playing a lot of RE4 lately and going from that to this almost made me motion sick from how fast this game is haha. Looks great on the 360 though, can't wait to play more.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
WrikaWrek said:
Amateur hour at ID. I am shocked this is a high profile game.

You seem to be under the impression that id were actually looking to tell a story. It's virtually non-existent because it's a minimalistic vehicle for the gameplay, much the same as id's previous games.
Gvaz said:
The pointer is essentially transparent for all intents and purposes

I'm using that "high res texture config" thing and it looks like this for me, is something wrong or does it just look that bad normally?

looks like you've got it set too high. how much vram have you got?


Just got to Dead City, wow it's damn ugly. You know how the textures look really bad and muddy up close? Yeah the entire Dead City kinda looks like that, even the stuff in the distance but just not quite as bad.

I've had a couple "oh shit" moments already though so gameplay wise it's a bit better than what I've experienced up to that point.


WrikaWrek said:
Amateur hour at ID. I am shocked this is a high profile game.
I don't know why the script doesn't include dialogue. The only time I've heard two or more people talking to one another is sneaking up on enemies or hearing them coordinate (which is pretty neat).

I do think that the way this game is presented, it kind of needed a protagonist voice. Your button presses drive the conversation forward, and you're supposed to guess what your character said. It's a little strange, to be honest.
pix said:
This game is just.... so fucking engrossing. The combat is damn good. Looks and runs like a dream on my rig. The character models are top notch, and they really pull you into the world.

So true. I can't wait to get to the Subway town next! I'm 5hours in Wellspring and it still looks great.


Junior Member
Wish I could see this game in all its glory, but it's broken. I tried a number of fixes listed on the Steam message boards by GAF members but my textures are still fucked and the game continues to freeze.

Can anyone please point me to where I can find some definitive help? I spent 3 hours last night uninstalling and reinstalling drivers, as well as adding and tweaking config files. Even as an IT person, I have no interest in spending $65 on a PC game only to troubleshoot it instead of playing it.

Before you ask, here's my specs (on Win7 x64):
AVclub said:
Wish I could see this game in all its glory, but it's broken. I tried a number of fixes listed on the Steam message boards by GAF members but my textures are still fucked and the game continues to freeze.

Can anyone please point me to where I can find some definitive help? I spent 3 hours last night uninstalling and reinstalling drivers, as well as adding and tweaking config files. Even as an IT person, I have no interest in spending $65 on a PC game only to troubleshoot it instead of playing it.

Before you ask, here's my specs (on Win7 x64):

What ATI driver are you running?


Junior Member
undercoverb0ss said:
What ATI driver are you running?
I was running the latest 64 bit driver from 9/28 I think. That caused a ton of glitching and textures popping in and out. Then I installed the "Rage Performance" drivers from 10/4 and the games textures are completely fubar and it freezes right after I get out of the kill room on the 1st mission.

Edit: I noticed that the Rage driver from ATI is for 32 bit. And the game says on the box that it's optimized for 64 bit. So I don't really think it's a good idea, but installed it (then reinstalled it) non-the-less.
Any PC players try zoning back into the bandit hideout at the beginning?

For me, it makes the game lock up and stop responding every time..

The same thing happens when I tried to zone into another indoor area that wasn't part of my current mission..

It's like the game is aggressively trying to keep me on task lol
AVclub said:
I was running the latest 64 bit driver from 9/28 I think. That caused a ton of glitching and textures popping in and out. Then I installed the "Rage Performance" drivers from 10/4 and the games textures are completely fubar and it freezes right after I get out of the kill room on the 1st mission.

Edit: I noticed that the Rage driver from ATI is for 32 bit. And the game says on the box that it's optimized for 64 bit. So I don't really think it's a good idea, but installed it (then reinstalled it) non-the-less.

They initially released one that didn't have the updated OGL files. This is the one I'm running with no problems on 64bit: http://downloads.guru3d.com/AMD-Catalyst-11.9-[RAGE-Driver]-(8.892.3-October-3)-download-2800.html

What parameters and config are you using?


Rented the game for 360 because my PC version won´t unlock until tonight. I don´t know why people are so harsh with the game...i mean it´s an awesome shooter. Weapons feel great, too. And it looks amazing, i mean this runs at 60 FPS on a 360 and is right there with the best 30 FPS games imo. Megatexture really enabled id´s artists to make this look like a painting, sometimes i feel there is too much to look at in a single moment.
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