I would say im surprised at your Negative review but all you have to do is look at the whole thread and how you shitted on it from the get go.
And your classic double talk aka: " I like the game for what it's shown me so far, a shallow fps....".
Nothing shallow in my opinion about this game. You have your main story, you have tons of sidequests, you have 3 mini games in Wellspring alone, with tons of car races you can do. ALL of your main weapons have at least two different ammo types with some having an option for 3 or more different ammo types. You can trick your car out with armor, spikes, rams, missiles, guns, and at least 6 or 7 different other weapons.
Also, i can headshot enemies just fine, i do it to the Authority troopers every single time, hell there are at least 3 sidequest sniper missions where headshots are essential to winning that quest.