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RAGE |OT| "It's done when it's done"


Holy fuck, this game is balls out swinging AWESOME. Quite simply the most FUN I've had playing a shooter in years. Mutant Bash TV was PURE Doom. So fucking good. Game runs so amazingly well too. Wellspring looks incredible and its 60 FOS all the way, baby. Carmack, you golden god.


NullPointer said:
You're best bet is just not to lead then. I don't think there is bullet drop or travel time, or at least I haven't noticed it.

I got it, I didn't realize when they go to the 2nd spot to repair it's only like 3-4 guys and then it finishes. There was a"trick" that helped me get it and that was to not double zoom at all. One scope zoom made it easier to land head shots for me and that was the ticket was just all headshots.


RC Car bombs are the fucking bomb. Man the combat in this game is so visceral. Been too long since Ive played a great twitch shooter. This is definitely an id game, through and through.


any recommendations on where to map the deployable items on PC? F1, F2 etc dont work very well.. a cycling option as with weapons and ammo types would come really handy :/


Solo said:
Holy fuck, this game is balls out swinging AWESOME. Quite simply the most FUN I've had playing a shooter in years. Mutant Bash TV was PURE Doom. So fucking good. Game runs so amazingly well too. Wellspring looks incredible and its 60 FOS all the way, baby. Carmack, you golden god.

This. Emphasis on "the most FUN I've had playing a shooter in years".

Well done, id.


SalsaShark said:
any recommendations on where to map the deployable items on PC? F1, F2 etc dont work very well.. a cycling option as with weapons and ammo types would come really handy :/

I stick to R/F/C/X mostly.


Wallach said:
I stick to R/F/C/X mostly.

but how do you reload and crouch :S

i just dont get why you dont have an option to choose these when you pull up the CTRL weapon select thing


G0DLIKE said:
This. Emphasis on "the most FUN I've had playing a shooter in years".

Well done, id.

The game is just so much better and unique then I had even expected. Sure, there was the whole technical debable at launch, but the game itself is a breakneck-paced finely tuned shooter/driving game with a uniquely charming vibe to it. I think Carmack has won me over to his line of thinking - buttery smooth 60 FPS and wonderful art direction > super duper high res textures.
Finally got this game, long ass download was worth it. Besides some minor qualms of how I would have rather had a bit more set-up in regards to the narrative in the beginning, I'm loving this. Right from the get, in the first mission. There's 2 crazily satisfying weapons, and the Wing Stick which is awesome to take down dudes with. Great combat design: varying levels of verticality to account for, interesting A.I with varied routines and gunning down those mutants sliding down zip-lines was awesome.

I love how accurate I am without having to look down the sights, provides a snappy fast paced feel that's nailed perfectly in what I've played so far. Also worth mentioning that the game is running great on my PC, applied the settings from the performance thread. No texture pop-in or screen tearing to be seen.

Super sweet on this game right now.


SalsaShark said:
I hate myself for trying to get 4 "aim" dices on the first roll in that mini-game.. i cant do it

Yeah I don't like achievements that rely on pure luck. I ended up getting it in Subway town on my 8th try. Luckily breaking even on that game is really easy so it's not like I blew hundreds of dollars on it.

These cards are hard as hell to find without a guide too. I feel like I've been getting them all game but I only have like 40.
Solo said:
The game is just so much better and unique then I had even expected. Sure, there was the whole technical debable at launch, but the game itself is a breakneck-paced finely tuned shooter/driving game with a uniquely charming vibe to it. I think Carmack has won me over to his line of thinking - buttery smooth 60 FPS and wonderful art direction > super duper high res textures.

Feel the same way. It's weird to see so many people shitting on it. Being able to play at 1080p 4xAA and 60fps is amazing. There's so many areas that look like concept art. The textures look higher res than most console games and their low resolution compared to PC games is really exaggerated. I've been going through the PC screenshot thread and it's become really apparent how much of a unique look the game has compared to others that tile the same textures over and over. The animation is really, really good as well.
Just entered the well in Wellspring.

The water in this is great!

So far, this and Reach are the best first-person shooters I've played in this generation.
I'm still debating whether to get this on pc or ps3. can you guys give me some suggestion? here's what I've been comparing, tell me if I'm wrong or if my concern is negligible etc.

- the game seemed to be made for console in mind, so pc advantage may not be that high
- it has driving in it, and I never like driving control with mouse and keyboard (played borderlands and crysis, don't like the driving much)
- usually, my main reason to play on pc is for smooth framerate because I hate slowdown, but console Rage is already 60 fps
- I don't like playing online co-op with random, and none of my friend is a big pc gamer. meanwhile I enjoy splitscreen co-op for the occasional time my cousin is coming over to play on console, so how big is the co-op in rage?
-how long is the game really? I've been hearing from 7 hours to 15 hours, the range seems a bit too big for it just to depend on player skill. this is really not realted to choosing pc or ps3, just curious about this.


Neo Member
I'm hoping by some amazing chance they patch in 3D support someday...despite it being ogl. I had this fantasy of waiting months to play it, after somehow obtaining the Sony HMZ-T1's and then be playing this all day in isolation.
Shooting in this game is way better with a mouse and keyboard than with a controller. I find that I just can't keep up with some of the enemies if I'm using a controller.

Going through Bash TV with a controller is a goddamn nightmare, but with a mouse and keyboard it plays and feels much better.


Shooting in this game is way better with a mouse and keyboard than with a controller. I find that I just can't keep up with some of the enemies if I'm using a controller.

Going through Bash TV with a controller is a goddamn nightmare, but with a mouse and keyboard it plays and feels much better.

I agree. I am sticking to the controller for driving, though. Wish I could figure out how to fix the fucking mouse in the menus though, it's like twice as fast and makes using all the menus miserable unless using the controller.


just passed through the first entrance to Dead City without any lock grinder thingies to open doors, passed at least 3 :(

hope i didnt miss much


I'm trying to play this in 5.1 surround on my 360 with the game installed and I get nothing out of the central channel. Seems I'm not the only one after some poking around, anyone have any solutions?


Finally finished it. Played it maxed out on PC, 14 hours on normal but I only collected about 40 cards and still had 5 jumps left to do, didn't finish the card or the strum minigames either as well as any of the bash TVs
other than the required one

It was pretty great overall. Everything about the shooting was great as expected and outside of Dead City the graphics were amazing provided you stay away from things :p

Wingsticks really made this game a lot easier though. Everything except for heavily armored enemies, which are really few, can pretty much be 1 shotted with a wingstick on normal. This game has tremendous art direction too, anyone thinking this is all brown wasteland like Borderlands is a fool who hasn't played more than 30 minutes. There's a lot of creativity and imagination in the many places in this game.

My only complaint on the graphics side is obviously the textures. I know they did what they did to get 60 fps on consoles but us PC players would prefer better textures since most of us would get 60 anyway. Dead City was just atrocious looking and it was bad enough to sour what was generally a pretty fun area. That's when the game starts opening up and getting more interesting.

My only other complaint about the game in general is the lack of anything really interesting to do on the side. The races are nice but far too easy, minigames are minigames and waste the couple minutes they're supposed to, but the sidequests mostly revolved around going back to areas you've been to only in reverse.

Pretty damn good game though and I really want to see what they'll be able to do with Doom 4 now.
I love this game. All tech issues sorted out and it's smooth sailing. Utterly brilliant architectural direction for all the structures I've seen thus far...I'll say it again, there's a real intention to everything, from the rubble placement to the strange oil well-esque towers, pipelines and tanks...

...could be my GOTY, at least from a visual standpoint. Plus the character designs are terrific. I was burned by the fairly mundane and boring character work in Deus Ex, so perhaps I'm just thrilled to see a little personality injected into what are essentially signposts.

Deleted member 81567

Unconfirmed Member
The saving system is really making me hate this game.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
SalsaShark said:
just passed through the first entrance to Dead City without any lock grinder thingies to open doors, passed at least 3 :(

hope i didnt miss much

The locked rooms never house anything beyond some ammo, junk, Feltrite and/or the occasional card.

Tom Penny

Pylon_Trooper said:
I love this game. All tech issues sorted out and it's smooth sailing. Utterly brilliant architectural direction for all the structures I've seen thus far...I'll say it again, there's a real intention to everything, from the rubble placement to the strange oil well-esque towers, pipelines and tanks...

...could be my GOTY, at least from a visual standpoint. Plus the character designs are terrific. I was burned by the fairly mundane and boring character work in Deus Ex, so perhaps I'm just thrilled to see a little personality injected into what are essentially signposts.

So you never walked close up to something ....


Dr Eggman said:
The saving system is really making me hate this game.

????? What's wrong with it? I can save anywhere and just about at anytime.

So does anyone know if the
Vault tec bobble head is something I should hold onto or can I sell it?


I'm glad id went with 60 FPS solid, the racing segments and even driving combat segments are that much better for it. And if the multiplayer is focused on that, I will definitely enjoy it more for it.

Does the setting in this game remind anyone of that old racing game on PC called Powerslide?
zlatko said:
????? What's wrong with it? I can save anywhere and just about at anytime.

So does anyone know if the
Vault tec bobble head is something I should hold onto or can I sell it?
shows up as junk to sell with the $ icon, so I sold it. Not hard to find on a 2nd play through if it for some reason comes in handy.


Psy-Phi said:
I'm glad id went with 60 FPS solid, the racing segments and even driving combat segments are that much better for it. And if the multiplayer is focused on that, I will definitely enjoy it more for it.

Does the setting in this game remind anyone of that old racing game on PC called Powerslide?

Yeah, I can see the Powerslide connection when it comes to the driving.


Neo Member
welp, it is impossible for this to run on AMD/ATI cards it seems. Been trying for almost 3 hours. I first had corrupt textures flashing all over the place and after several clean-sweeps and different drivers all I get is an incredibly poor framerate, literally less than 1 frame a second.


kemical said:
welp, it is impossible for this to run on AMD/ATI cards it seems. Been trying for almost 3 hours. I first had corrupt textures flashing all over the place and after several clean-sweeps and different drivers all I get is an incredibly poor framerate, literally less than 1 frame a second.

Well thats just great...

Are there at least a decent amount of people playing the MP?
Tom Penny said:
So you never walked close up to something ....

I look at the whole picture, friend. I can see the flaws in the texturing process, but by GOD, the architecture is fantastic. Strange valve and pressure-chamber contraptions, concrete outposts, the Dead City outer barricades...

I think it's a fantastic package. If people are spending time against a wall with a microscope, that's their business. I'm waltzing along canyons and looking at the glorious rock formations and that lovely skybox. The artistic direction has really wowed me.

Wallach said:
Yeah, I can see the Powerslide connection when it comes to the driving.

Absolutely, but there's even more comparisons to be made in terms of locale design. Some of Powerslide's tracks, such as the dam, really echo through the dusty canyon and concrete construction of Rage.


I just tried the competitive and co-op multiplayer for the first time. The co-op was what I expected but the competitive really surprised me. It's a lot of fun. If it was more than 4 players it would be to vehicular combat games what Quake 3 is to arena combat games. Hopefully someone mods it to support at least 8 players on PC.


Damnit. Fell into the ground. Feels bad man





Dr Eggman said:
The saving system is really making me hate this game.

You can save at any time, and the game suggests that you do so.

Anyways, I'm not loving this game as much as some of you. PS3 version here, and it looks, controls, and sounds fantastic. The 8GB install kinda sucked, since I'm still rocking a 60GB launch unit, and don't have a lot of spare space.

I'm finding the game to be boring. It's like Borderlands, but without the fun. Fetch quest after fetch quest, and the enemies seem to be bullet sponges, or at least they are with the default revolver.
A headshot should drop a scrawny little skinhead dude, but somehow they get right back up after two headshots? C'mon.

Maybe things will improve, but for now, this is doing nothing for me outside of looking beautiful.
Mr_eX said:
I just tried the competitive and co-op multiplayer for the first time. The co-op was what I expected but the competitive really surprised me. It's a lot of fun. If it was more than 4 players it would be to vehicular combat games what Quake 3 is to arena combat games. Hopefully someone mods it to support at least 8 players on PC.

I'm going to try the multi later on. You recommend a gamepad for it?
Easily favourite shooter of the year.

Dunno about Fallout and Borderlands as they kinda bored me mission wise walking to and from and also the item management, but RAGE seems to be able to play to it's strengths by refining twitch shooting (love the wing sticks) and makes traversing the over world better by having vehicles not only making jobs faster but which also gives you more jobs to do and help your character become more of a killing machine.

Great art for the game and i'd disagree with some reviewers saying that the NPCs aren't memorable as the voice acting is great the character designs are awesome and the animations are top notch.

Guns, cars, and cars with guns made all the better without a fucking zombie in sight.

Solid game, no crappy cover system to rest it's laurels on and it's action packed.
What more could you want? (PS3)


shhh Graham I'm still compiling this Radiant map
About two hours in,
my boy Goodman is about to send me off to Wellspring.
Taking my time, really enjoying this so far. Just happy to be playing another id game again. Can't believe it's been seven years since their last. Anyway, a few initial thoughts:

• Wingstick is even more satisfying than I thought it'd be. Lodging it right into a bandit's skull is just so, so awesome.

• Gunplay is god-tier id-tier. Nice and loud, everything cracks, punches. Feels great. Can't wait to play around with some more ammo types.

• Visuals are mostly excellent. Some questionable textures here and there, but oh well. Those PC tweaks in the other thread helped.

• Loosum's cute. <3

Will dive back in in a few.

Deleted member 81567

Unconfirmed Member
Pylon_Trooper said:
On console? Because on PC, it's only the press of an F5 away.
Yes on console. I keep forgetting to save; not having it autosave frequently is just asinine.
ShinUltramanJ said:
You can save at any time, and the game suggests that you do so.

Anyways, I'm not loving this game as much as some of you. PS3 version here, and it looks, controls, and sounds fantastic. The 8GB install kinda sucked, since I'm still rocking a 60GB launch unit, and don't have a lot of spare space.

I'm finding the game to be boring. It's like Borderlands, but without the fun. Fetch quest after fetch quest, and the enemies seem to be bullet sponges, or at least they are with the default revolver.
A headshot should drop a scrawny little skinhead dude, but somehow they get right back up after two headshots? C'mon.

Maybe things will improve, but for now, this is doing nothing for me outside of looking beautiful.
The first hour kind of sucks. After awhile though you get a couple more guns and it becomes far better.
The more I play this, and I thought this even before playing but it's reinforced now, the more that I think it's kind of crazy that people confused this game's art direction with Borderlands. I mean, I get it, on the superficial level they're both post-apocalyptic wastelands. However, the artistic design and the architectural style of Rage's hobbled together civilization becomes very clearly and quickly, it's own thing.

Reminds me of all the Prototype/Infamous comparisons that floated around post release, until people played both games and realized all the differences.
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