garath said:
I don't think reviewers (or people playing the game) are necessarily "ignoring" the lack of free roam environments or physics enabled objects. I've seen quite a few reviewers mention the level design is still very corridor based. That's not necessarily a bad thing though.
garath, it has nothing to do with the corridor based design of the game, i just gave 2 tangible examples on how the obnoxiously limitation of the player navigation hampers the game. Can't go over a waist tall box, really?
garath said:
As far as the lack of physics based objects in the world. I say good. I've never found knocking over barrels as I run past them or kicking tiny objects around the world to be beneficial to the gameplay at all. In fact in a lot of games it's detrimental to the gameplay. I don't consider that a negative at all. Not all advancements in technology belong in all games.
At the most simple level, physics driven objects enrich the game's visuals. At the most integral level it benefits the gameplay, with what some developers call "emergent gameplay". That Ghost the player took down collided with that Raid making it explode and at the same time killing a hole covenant unit. A set of crates that an explosion send flying now become another place for the player or the enemy to cover. Hell, use the power mode to throw a fridge to that soldier. Some examples of many that invalidate your point.
Mat C said:
Wellsprings is still one of the most detailed and convincing towns I've ever visited in a game of this type. Not having individual items in the landscape is an oversight at worst, in my opinion. I certainly wouldn't suggest that it was detrimental enough to knock a score off a theoretical review. Not when the rest of the gameplay is so strong.
Mat C, you are taking it a bit out of context. The somewhat serious flaw that should have been the subject of heavy criticism is the limitation of environment traversal, that deserves to drop the scores the game is getting. Not so much the lack of physic's driven objects.
Also Wellsprings feels detailed just like a pre rendered Final Fantasy back drop feels detailed. Towns folk in Wellsprings don't even feature any sort of varied routine or even react in different ways to the player. If you are willing to overlook that it's ok some other's won't.
Mat C said:
As for a previous gen experience? Personally this is the most fun I've had with a shooter this entire generation.. the crowning achievement in a genre which has absolutely saturated this gen. If it took some old school design decisions to get there then so be it, for me. Id be happy to sacrifice more of these current gen "advancements" if more shooters were simply fun to play as RAGE is.
No, objectively speaking Rage doesn't hold on top of some shooters we have getting this cycle. One example: System Shock Light a.k.a Bioshock, a 2007 game holds a lot more merits than Rage. Shooting goes to Rage everything else Bioshock is the better game.