The best thing in this game was they got John Goodman for a voice actor, and there was a Doomguy bobblehead in the opening. Other than that it's a Fallout/Borderlands environments with shitty vehicles that launch you for ragdoll physics, and a movement system that reveals the fact that it was designed for a mouse only.
Enemies will run at you, flipping and rolling, and you will be able to shoot them only if you were lucky enough to have started where they were standing. If you were to the left or the right, strafing moves you a full foot either way even with minimum stick pressure.
You walk around everywhere with your gun drawn, which makes the dialogue awkward if you ask me. This wouldn't be an issue if this weren't fucking 2011, and they weren't making this game for the past 300 years. The dialogue itself is best read through the shitty subtitles that were more concerned with looking as though they're a part of the world, instead of "something that's there so you can read what was said." There is no skip ahead button for dialogue, so if you want to retrieve your next fetch quest from random Bartertown resident, you have to start them talking, then run 50 feet away until you're out of their talking range, and when you come back they'll be on the next node of the dialogue tree. Repeat until quest page comes up ala Dead Island.
Enemies will drop weapons. You cannot pick them up. You return to the same Ghost hideout about 50 times within the first hour of the game.
The vehicle dynamics are shit. Races suck and are victim to immense rubber-banding (presumably because id is not known for their racing games) you can game the nitro on vehicles by tap tap tap tap tapping the button, because the nitro is a full bar that refills faster than the tap rebounds. The races are stupid as fuck and feel tacked on not in that UT2004 way of "other games have cars now, so here's some cars. I guess they kind of work. Neat!", but in the sense of "we just made a new engine, and we need to sell it to prospective buyers so that our programmer can continue his hobby of attempting to leave to return to his home planet where this bone-stock gameplay is still good, so lets put some cars in there in the hopes that a company will buy it for their next racing game, even though said game would have to be woefully small to make up for the complexity of the engine."
The story is straight out of Fallout (or rather whatever Fallout is based on, but since Fallout 3 was such a recent success, drawing parallels is required) you're some asshole who was put into an "ark" (vault) because an asteroid was hitting earth. You're filled with nanites that explain the regenerative healing, and 100 years later you are released from your cryosleep in the ark and picked up by John Goodman.
The fucking thing is 3 discs, feels like shit, and I'm glad it's not a fucking Doom or Quake game, because to release one of those with these mechanics would tarnish their pretty good history (Quality being: Ultimate Doom, Doom 2, Doom 3, Quake 2, 4, ETQW) as I like Doom and Quake.