I remember someone a few pages back with a laundry list of complaints. One of them was not putting weapons away when talking to an NPC. That was apparently a major issue for him.
Well watching some of these uninterrupted gameplay videos he's definitely a nutcase. When you approach an NPC, you raise your gun up so it's not pointed at the person. When you are talking it appears you either lower the gun or put it away completely. Either way, it's out of sight.
As far as walking around with a gun out, it's a wasteland - I would too.
I really want to start seeing some reviews come in. It's obviously not going to change the fact that I've pre-ordered and will be playing the game day 1. But I'm curious if the negative feedback is going to be isolated or widespread. I really find it hard to believe a game with such pedigree and so many good impressions from Quakecon and E3 is going to have a poor showing.