I feel scammed. Fucking scammed. John Carmack.....why? You just lost every ounce of your elite status as a game programmer. This game is shit, plain and simple.
Visually, one of the worst looking games that has come out in 7 years. Far Cry looks better than this. This game has the worst texture pop in, textures (we're talking Quake 2 / Sin quality, possibly low end Quake 3 here) I have seen yet on a modern game. Doom 3 is visually and gameplay wise superior to this game in every aspect. Absolutely no HDR or lighting, nothing modern. The desert has no shadows, nothing casts shadows it's all static.
OMFG.I am so pissed. I spent $60 on this hunk of dog shit when money is tight. NEVER again. Gaming on this very night, the 4th of October, has died. Gaming is dead, long live the king. The game has no direction, no compelling storyline, visuals that reek, terrible mouse controls, no console, no tweakablity. What the fucking fuck is this and how did it get past John Carmack's brain? Too much cell phone programming. I actually cannot force myself to load it back up, it's THAT bad.
This game aint got shit on Duke Nukem Forever. I'm just awe struck. I told my nephew tonight gaming has died. The true pc gaming is dead forever, fuck your texture packs, fuck your patches. This is a Xbox 360 game ported sneakily to look like a pc game. It's a wolf in sheeps clothing. No goddamn excuse that having a sandy at 5 ghz, 12 gigs of ram, and a GTX 480 @ 580 with 1.5 gb of ram looks like this. I want my $60 back motherfucker!