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Rainbow Six Vegas 2 |OT| of no auto shotguns


So, consensus for someone who loved Vegas1 (360) co-op and wants more of the same goodness with some improvements? Safe bet? I easily prefer Vegas1 over CoD4, but they're drastically different, so I'm not even sure why I'm comparing them.


All I ever played in Rainbox 6 Vegas 1 was Terrorist Hunt and thats what I plan to do with this one. I do love the XP system.



I loved Rainbow Six 3, never played a Rainbow until Vegas 2 now, i REALLY loved COD 4, got to prestige mode 2 maximum rank, did not reset again cause it was stupid.

But oh boy i sure do love Vegas 2, it kinda blows in the beginning, its clearly not as smooth as C4, and a little more chunky too, but once you're at it damn.

The most fun match so far was in Ranked Team Deathmatch, i was the only survivor, ran aimlessly through a double door, was getting shot, quickly ran back in cover, looked behind the wall, saw 2 enemy targets, no way with my noob ass that i would out-aim them both.....

So i closed the doors, looked with snake cam under, one guy started moving towards the door, i get away from the doors and get behind some cover, i chuck a frag at it, doors blow wide open, i open blind fire> bam tango one down, the other guy is stupid enough to run towards the door as well, my 2nd nade took care of him.


Whats not so awesome is the way the game handles f'n ranking mode ...christ, ONE FUCKING ROUND IS NOT ENOUGH ... Take this, i host a ranked match, Attack and Defend in Villa, i invite my friend, wait a couple of minutes, my server is full, i launch the game, we play about a minute or 3, game over ok nice, and there you go, you HAVE to leave, no way i get to be on the defend side nope, find a new game, invite your friends AGAIN enjoy.

Really, fix it and it is the better MP game of the last 8 months.


I ran into a very serious frame rate problem in Single Player today. I was playing the convention centre level and I suddenly experienced a drastic drop in the framerate. It was honestly below 10 fps and stayed like that for 3 or 4 minutes. It was 100% unplayable.

Luckily, when I died and replayed that exact same section I didn't come across any framerate problems and was able to continue on with the level.


Sandman42 said:
I ran into a very serious frame rate problem in Single Player today. I was playing the convention centre level and I suddenly experienced a drastic drop in the framerate. It was honestly below 10 fps and stayed like that for 3 or 4 minutes. It was 100% unplayable.

I got this too. When I came from the previous level straight into this, it was fine. I had to turn the 360 off for a while (to see Sunderland win :D), so I loaded the level up again later. The framerate was awful - it became passable when in small empty corridors, but even just peaking through a door to a larger room it would plummet.


Got a gaf room going on 360, anyone who wants in msg me on live

sack it, back to terrorist hunt.

Last of a party system is a joke
As someone who beat a large portion of the first Vegas on Realistic, I'm kinda surprised just how hard my ass is being kicked just on Normal.

Haven't ran into any frame rate problems, but knowing Ubisoft's QA, I'm sure its just a matter of time. I've already had numerous sound bugs and teammates refusing to move.

My only gripe so far is that the XP categories don't stack. If I do a long range headshot on a guy coming down a rope, I'm only getting credit for the long range kill.
DevelopmentArrested said:
Because there is no cover system in CoD. Crouch behind a car in CoD4 and you'll die in a split-second from a noobtube. Most of the walls in the game can be shot through and that's without even having Deep Impact on. In CoD you're never safe, especially with enemies spawning literally beside you sometimes.

Vegas 2 you can actually take cover and it is effective. Like Che said, a nade is like a shot-put so no real threat there either.

And now I understand. I may not agree with these being good/bad things, but there's no arguing with what someone prefers.
Uno Ill Nino said:
I played this for 5 hours straight last night with some friends. We started with 4-player Terrorist Hunt. Did every map on "normal" with "medium" enemy density. Gotta say, that was AWESOME. The enemies are so active, its crazy. I love how they are constantly moving from cover to cover. Its like playing paintball or something. They're definitely not fish in a barrel. Very smart too. I can't count how many times I had flashbangs and grenades thrown at me.

After that, we rounded up a full room for Total Conquest. Lots of fun. I have to say the maps in this game are the best maps since Rainbow Six 3.


I'm loving this game. And to think, I almost didn't get it. I don't know what the hell I was thinking.

Would you still get it after owning part one? I want it but I hate paying ful price for the same game. All my friends are bugging me too.


Played with Gowans and QVT earlier, was good fun, and then I played with a friend which was even better. Terrorist Hunt is still by and far the best mode in R6. The team deathmatches suck by comparison
Whoever decided that there needed to be a mission where I lose my team should be shot, I've died about 12 times now once I get outside after shutting down this damn fire alarm, I'm getting sick of clearing the same damn room the same damn way and then going outside and getting picked off from stupid angles, I'm not even playing on Realistic


got2bekidding said:
Is there any way to tell which TH maps you have completed? I've looked all over the place but obviously missed it somewhere.

I know in VEGAS1 I had to write them down and check them off cuz there was no way to see which ones I'd finished on which difficulty level. Doubt it's changed.


slept with Malkin
got2bekidding said:
Is there any way to tell which TH maps you have completed? I've looked all over the place but obviously missed it somewhere.

When you choose the map, there will be 3 boxes with the different difficulties. The ones you've completed will be checked off.


purg3 said:
When you choose the map, there will be 3 boxes with the different difficulties. The ones you've completed will be checked off.

I only noticed that when I select a campaign mission. I must have overlooked it when choosing a T-Hunt mission. Sorry.


Sandman42 said:
I ran into a very serious frame rate problem in Single Player today. I was playing the convention centre level and I suddenly experienced a drastic drop in the framerate. It was honestly below 10 fps and stayed like that for 3 or 4 minutes. It was 100% unplayable.
Same thing's happening to me. Absolutely ridiculous.
Luckily, when I died and replayed that exact same section I didn't come across any framerate problems and was able to continue on with the level.
If that doesn't work for me when I go back to give it another shot, I am never playing the single player again. Ever. It's absolutely pathetic, even more so when this happened to me the previous level and it never occurred in the first Vegas.
purg3 said:
When you choose the map, there will be 3 boxes with the different difficulties. The ones you've completed will be checked off.

Thanks. I couldn't figure out which maps I needed for that achievement.

Presidio and Comcast. Comcast is kind of a tough one.


slept with Malkin
got2bekidding said:
Thanks. I couldn't figure out which maps I needed for that achievement.

Presidio and Comcast. Comcast is kind of a tough one.

You shouldn't need to do the comcast one to get the achievement since it is a download map. Could be wrong though.


ZootedGranny said:
As someone who beat a large portion of the first Vegas on Realistic, I'm kinda surprised just how hard my ass is being kicked just on Normal.

Haven't ran into any frame rate problems, but knowing Ubisoft's QA, I'm sure its just a matter of time. I've already had numerous sound bugs and teammates refusing to move.

My only gripe so far is that the XP categories don't stack. If I do a long range headshot on a guy coming down a rope, I'm only getting credit for the long range kill.

I honestly don't think that normal is much more easier than realistic. I played through and beat it by myself on realistic - and played a couple levels co-op with a friend. I personally didn't feel the enemies were that much easier to kill.


Duck said:
If that doesn't work for me when I go back to give it another shot, I am never playing the single player again. Ever. It's absolutely pathetic, even more so when this happened to me the previous level and it never occurred in the first Vegas.
It actually didn't happen to me this time. Woo. :lol
I agree, it's annoying not being able to creep behind a guard and knife him, it makes my cool military guy seem slightly stupid. (Chaos Theory was fantastic, I hope the new Splinter Cell is half as good, not sure if I really want a sneak around in the day Splinter Cell, but we'll see, if the damn thing ever comes out.)

Just finished the story mode, not bad (bar the story), I can't remember Vegas 1 that well, but the 1up show seemed right, the set pieces weren't really there as much. I've always enjoyed the Splinter Cell single-player more than the Rainbow ones anyway, Rainbow is better in multi-player.

The story wasn't particularly great, which is a shame for me, being a fan of the Rainbow Six book and Clancy in general, it annoys me that games with the name don't hold up to the same quality as that. I have to bring up Splinter Cell again, but the stories always seemed to hold up more there, maybe as you overheard more conversations, hacked computers for info and it wasn't mainly told via a radio you can't hear as you're shooting people.

The level without your squad was alright, but levels like that shouldn't exist in squad based games, its like playing Monkey Ball and then for the last level being told you don't have the ball anymore.

It froze completely on me once and I had a few moments of some slowdown when glass shattered, but nothing major. (360 btw) It did screw me out of my private first class achievement though.


slept with Malkin
Played a little bit of TH on realistic with a couple of friends tonight. I was killed on the comcast map, and was spectating one of my friends. The area was clear, so we told him to move forward, so he sprinted a head when 2 terrorists appeared out of thin air directly in front of him. Needless to say he was killed almost instantly, and of course they were the last few that needed to be eliminated...


Hopsiah the Kanga-Jew
Is it just me or did the enemy A.I get a lot smarter and the friendly A.I get al ot dumber since the last game?


Hopsiah the Kanga-Jew
purg3 said:
Played a little bit of TH on realistic with a couple of friends tonight. I was killed on the comcast map, and was spectating one of my friends. The area was clear, so we told him to move forward, so he sprinted a head when 2 terrorists appeared out of thin air directly in front of him. Needless to say he was killed almost instantly, and of course they were the last few that needed to be eliminated...

TH is pissing me off at the moment. The spawning enemies are way too cheap.
Comcast Event multi-player map
Select the "Extras" option at the main menu. Select the "Comcast Gift" option, then enter Comcast Faster as a password to unlock the "Comcast Event" multi-player map.

This what your after?


A passionate embrace, a beautiful memory lingers.
So is this game worth a purchase? I didn't think the mp from the first one was all that amazing, but felt some improvements could def. help it's cause.

So, any improvements to the game? Haven't really looked into this one.


Goodness, I played TH with a couple fellas till about that time in the morning too. They laughed heartily at my custom face. They almost broke ribs from laughing at my face so much. Was it you?!
picked it up @ best buy and didn't take long for me to get back into it. I love vegas 2, the xp system is fantastic! def a lot of fun.

if anyone wants to play my psn id is xS1THL0RDx
Dark Octave said:
Would you still get it after owning part one? I want it but I hate paying ful price for the same game. All my friends are bugging me too.

I bought part 1 back when that was new. Liked it and played it for about a month and then sold it. I still have Rainbow Six 3 on the other hand. Vegas 2 will be kept like R63, not traded in. It feels like "Rainbow Six" without all the vegas stuff. I mean yeah, its SET in Vegas, but the multiplayer maps feel like R63 all over again and have a really "classic" feel. Like I could play in them forever whereas in Vegas 1 I got sick of Calypso Casino, Dante's, etc. There's like 2 maps that have that Vegas "feel" about them, but they're new and IMO better designed.

I can't put my finger on it either, but the gameplay is just all around better this time. Its like the shotguns do better damage, things are more fluid in general, etc.

It doesn't feel like an expansion to me. I have no problems reccomending it. Plus, if your buddies are on, its even more with owning since you already have people to play it with. Do it, man! DOO EEET!
_RT_ said:
To those that have played both....
Is this better than Army of Two?

Apples and oranges. I own both and love them both. Army of Two is completely refreshing to me in an "over the top" kinda way. Its really like this generation's Contra, IMO. Well, maybe Halo is but Army of Two is great. Plus the "Aggro" system makes it feel very unique from the other shooters. The characters are easy to like and have funny stuff to say. And the story is interesting enough to keep you feeling like you're involved in the events of these character's lives. Its basically "DIE HARD" but its FUN and easy to follow.

Rainbow Six Vegas 2 is great because you play it with more people and its far more realistic. And Terrorist Hunt is my favorite thing about it. I don't care about the story really because it doesn't even tie into Vegas 1 in the ways you'd want it to, so TH is where its at. Its the opposite of AoT in a lot of ways. Very hard to compare the two.

If I could only have one, I'd get R6V2 just because all my friends have it and it'll have a longer life in my system. I'm glad I didn't have to choose though because they're both awesome.


Fair-weather, with pride!
_RT_ said:
To those that have played both....
Is this better than Army of Two?

Much much better. Army of Two is just Gears 1.5. This is a quality shooter.
QVT said:
Much much better. Army of Two is just Gears 1.5. This is a quality shooter.

That's generous.

I just played the story for a while with a friend, and we were having some trouble with sound. Hearing the dialogue at several points was difficult. Are the sounds all played from the first players perspective? I.e. If the first player isn't near a character, it will not play the speech as loud?

We had some odd moments with chopper noises and stuff, but that's less important.
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