Killer Instinct Gold, Jet Force Gemini, Blast Corps and Conker's Bad Fur Day.So are the N64 games really running off an N64 emulator? Because without getting Nintendo's permission for that, that seems.. illegal?
Killer Instinct Gold, Jet Force Gemini, Blast Corps and Conker's Bad Fur Day.So are the N64 games really running off an N64 emulator? Because without getting Nintendo's permission for that, that seems.. illegal?
So are the N64 games really running off an N64 emulator? Because without getting Nintendo's permission for that, that seems.. illegal?
Did Capcom get in trouble for running MM1-6 on an NES emulator on the PS2 release of Megaman Anniversary Collection?
Just heard that the intro to Conker's Bad Fur Day got axed.
Makes sense since they can't use the N64 logo, but still...
So apparently I've ran into some sort of glitch in banjo kazooie which prevents me from getting all the music notes in the last few worlds. From what I've read it happens if you complete the bottles bonus game before going to mad monster mansion. From what I read it was patched on the 360 but the Rare Replay version doesn't seem to have the patch.
So are the N64 games really running off an N64 emulator? Because without getting Nintendo's permission for that, that seems.. illegal?
You sure? How many notes are you missing?
I don't know. I haven't done a ton (read: any) research into it, and clearly by its inclusion in this collection that makes it not illegal, but on the surface it seems like selling for profit an emulated version of a console you don't own the rights to is something that Nintendo, or any first party, would not be cool with
Also, it's very obvious some names were removed from the credits in this version... I'm guessing those were the Nintendo names? Removing logos is one thing, but I'm not sure how I feel about them taking names out of the credits...
Writing an emulator for hardware you didn't make is 100% legal as long as you don't use any copyrighted software from the original company to get it running (like BIOSes or a game image).
However, for all we know, Microsoft simply paid Nintendo in some sort of way for tech/code to speed up their dev process. We did just get DK64 on the Wii U VC (and the DKC games) and it has all the MS trademarked stuff (Jetpac, Rare logos, Killer Instinct) still in the game. Not all deals like that are particularly publically announced, and it's possible it was a straight up trade (Nintendo can put up their Rare games with Nintendo IP untouched, while MS gets a guarantee of no lawsuits for their N64 emulator)
I loved Goldeneye as a kid, but when I rented Perfect Dark and played the first level I wasn't sure of what to think.
It quickly became one of my favourite games, though, and something I played a shitload of. Hundreds of hours at least.
I've never beaten the final boss, though.
Yep, I was talking about the original Perfect Dark. But you have to be very lucky to find online matches with more than one or two players.![]()
How is the sp broken and poorly designed
Can you get to the final room? if so
Early on in the mission, blow up the two pillars that you do NOT put trackers on. This will cause double Pheonixs to spawn at the ravine gap you have to cross.
Set them to Explosive Rounds. Fire on the Skedar King nonstop with these, he'll immediately go into his kneel animation, then you can just shoot the pieces of the statue near him off. as soon as he gets up, hit him with the Pheonix explosions again. He'll never be able to teleport and the explosions will detonate any rockets he fires at you if he somehow does.
I beat Ghoulies earlier and maaaaan that game gets annoying in the later sections. Game was alright overall but I was starting to sour on it room to room as due to the mechanics allowing basically anything to happen with the changing of HP values/rules on a whim you could breeze through everything and smack into a wall.
The noise Mr. Ribs makes is pretty amazing though.
Wow Grabbed by the Ghoulies look fantastic and it's actually a good game. I heard on Bombcast it didn't review well just because MS bought Rare. GAME JOURNALISTS.
Its mid-seventies Metacritic score isn't bad. To me, a 7 is good.
It got some negative reviews, yes, but its average is fair. It is a 7-7.5 game, and is not great, because it gets really repetitive, has some control issues and is very cheap at times.
shit i thought you were talking about the original, not PDZ. my bad!Too bad, but if you or anyone else wants to get some matches going, let me know. Id love to play some old school PD.
The campaign still has game breaking bugs. For example, and this has happened to me both times I've played the campaign, but in the intro level where you free the astronaut, and then go to the second room and shoot the spiderbots, the AI breaks and doesn't lead you to the next door. This causes the door to not function and the player to be unable to proceed until the level is reloaded.
As for design, the level layouts just seem poorly laid out and confusing. You eventually figure it out, but usually not until after the guide arrows pop up or you wander aimlessly for far too long. I understand that it's great to have open-ended levels that require thought, but this just feels far more in the realm of thoughtless and unfocused. Like the game was rushed out before the design kinks were noticed.
I still have fun playing it, but it's not ehat Id call quality game design.
Ghoulies would be pretty bad as a full-priced game - it feels more like a cheaper download-only affair, and holds up pretty well here just because of its low price point.
Ghoulies would be pretty bad as a full-priced game - it feels more like a cheaper download-only affair, and holds up pretty well here just because of its low price point.
I've been enjoying most of the older games in their own right too, although each time I play Underwurlde I'm confused. I'm doing the snapshots at the moment and the game amazes me in terms of how awful it is.
Everything else is mediocre at worst. But Underwurlde is an all-out stinker, unless there's just something I'm missing about it.
How often does perfect dark zero save? I played for awhile when I first got the game but today I jump back in and I have to start from the beginning?
Ghoulies would be pretty bad as a full-priced game - it feels more like a cheaper download-only affair, and holds up pretty well here just because of its low price point.
You should be able to.Can you switch characters when using a continue in Battletoads Arcade?
i did it
You should be able to.
I'm sure it's real simple but I can't figure out how to do it.
In case it's not obvious: I'm trying to cheese the "beat the game w/ every character" achievement. It didn't take long and it was fun to see everything for the first time (somehow I completely missed this when it was in arcades) but I didn't really like the game enough to want to actually replay it two more times.![]()
Wow, Conker is one of the best games I've ever played. I lost 3 hours of save yesterday (only took an hour and a half or so to do again because I knew exactly what to do) and it's so good that that hardly bothered me. Plus it was an excuse to play the great mighty poo again. I've started BK at least 5 times and never finished, yet I just played like 60-70% of Conker in the last 12 hours. It's...just incredible. Fantastic music, awesome overworld, and just super fun and enjoyable gameplay. The later acts feel like different games. I'm on the 8th act now and I don't want it to ever end.
Looking forward to finally beating BK after this and definitely gonna try Ghoulies soon. This collection is something else man
Opposite for me. I used to like Kameo back around launch but, after playing it for the Backwards Compatibility article I did, I found it intolerable. The character movement is just awful and not at all fun to use. Glad you're enjoying it, though!I never gave Kameo a chance despite owning it day one. The intro put me off so bad for some reason that i never even bothered finishing it and just went straight to King Kong instead
Man i really regret that decision. I just played two hours straight and I really fucking love this game. Got to the forest temple and just love the colors, music, charm, scale...what else? Its good. Real good
Opposite for me. I used to like Kameo back around launch but, after playing it for the Backwards Compatibility article I did, I found it intolerable. The character movement is just awful and not at all fun to use. Glad you're enjoying it, though!
i did it
This game is an awesome collection, but gees does it crash way more than it has any right to when trying to get snapshots done
What did you do?
The mix of gameplay styles combined with some very impressive visuals makes it feel like a Western take on a Treasure game before Treasure existed.
Wow Grabbed by the Ghoulies look fantastic and it's actually a good game. I heard on Bombcast it didn't review well just because MS bought Rare. GAME JOURNALISTS.