Finally finished this. What a ride! This game deserves more attention.
The game is challenging, yes. But it isn't too challenging in that it'll make me angry and quit. If I die, it's my fault because my timing was off, or I floated when I shouldn't have. In that respect, the levels were very well designed and built around the platforming rather then being mere setpieces to the adventure. I'm also quite happy that there are infinite lives too. There were a few later levels that I screwed up pretty badly on, and the game gave me the opportunity to skip the level, but I'm stubborn so I stuck with it.
The control and movement work so fluidly. The physics in this game are awesome. Momentum is built properly, and if you screw up timing, then your momentum is lost. That's the way it should be. I never really felt like the controls were unresponsive, and whatever character I was using animated and ran so nicely and fluidly across the landscape. BTW, the character animation in this game is utterly wonderful. The game is clearly crafted with care and love, and I appreciate that. It comes through in the attention to detail for the character art/animation and the setpieces.
The level design is fantastic, and I just love how in the beginning, it isn't too bad... and then towards the end some of it just gets masochistic, like some Super Meat Boy-level of shit. My least favourite parts are probably the shooting levels, but everything else was great. And the water levels, especially, are amazing. The Rayman Origins water levels and the Sonic Colours water levels are my favourite water levels in any platformer ever. The swimming in Origins is flawless, attacking things underwater is fun, and the music is great.
This game needs a really nice artbook that compiles all the nice background art. All of it is so damn gorgeous. The colour palettes employed in each area tickle my fancy, and the variation throughout the levels (particularly during transitioning to more dangerous parts (ex: Sea of Serendipity's happier areas to the Abyss) flows so well in terms of the art direction. I love it. Also, I need the soundtrack. Everything is so hummable and catchy. It's one of my favourite soundtracks of the year. It's too bad the official thread for that only allows me to vote for just three. The sound direction for this game is amazing, and I love the changing genres per world, or even per environment.
Speaking of sound, I've mentioned this in the thread, but the sound effects and audio cues in this game like "Help Me!" and "Oooooooh!" are so adorable and silly and enjoyable. Like someone said, this game embraces the fact that it's a game, and embraces its conventions. It's utterly amazing. I love how, in the Sea of Serendipity, if you go underwater, the "Help Me!" becomes garbled rather than completely coherent.
I'm very happy that I paid full price for this (and super-glad I imported it for the artbook). I got my money's worth and hours of gameplay via time trials, replaying levels for more lums, chasing treasure chests (again and again and again and again... I hate you, Treasure Chest), unlocking skins, and just going back to view awesome setpieces that I've adored watching throughout this game. Just like for Generations, I couldn't stop smiling when I played this game. It's fantastic, and I encourage people to get their hands on it, especially if they're fans of platformers and tight controls/great physics in platformers.
Why the hell did Ubi send this wonderful game out to die?