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Reluctant Member
I bought it because it was the first RPG that looked like it was up my alley. At that time, there was a LONG time before FF7 hit the streets and it was the only thing I could play to scratch that JRPG itch. After that, I rolled straight into Wild Arms which is marginally better. When FF7 came out, my world officially rocked. I called in sick to work at my first ever professional job for 3 days straight to play it. Its no wonder I got fired from there... =\

I picked up Wild Arms too shortly after... which I still haven't beaten (I'm so terrible at beating games.) Maybe I'll play that one after I finish Saga Frontier I&II and Silent Hill.

I played FFVII for a month straight of after school time. Chocobos took me like a week. I guess I must have only been playing for a couple of hours a day for it to take me so long. Final finish time was only 75 hours :eek:

Seriously, give me an entire list of things I should look at.


List of worthwhile PS1 games?


I just realized I forgot to take my "torture Lissar with a Kingdoms of Amalur screenshot" screenshot today. I'll have to remedy that tonight.


Reluctant Member
Okay, well hmm... I haven't played as many PS1 games as I have PS2, but here are some of the ones I've enjoyed (RPG-centric list, I know...):

Chrono Cross
Parasite Eve
Suikoden II
Legend of Mana
Breath of Fire IV

(I assume you've already play FF games. I think you mentioned that already...?)

Off the top of my head:

Beyond the Beyond

After you've already mentioned how painful it was, I'm surprised you have the balls to list it a SECOND time at the TOP of your list.


Everything Pablo Picasso ever drew, painted or sculpted.

Best artist ever, and I'm 100% serious. The Picasso Museum in Barcelona was a revelation.

I saw Guernica at The Sofia in Madrid about a decade ago. Amazing. The Dali stuff there was mind-blowing too.


Reluctant Member
Oh yeah, Tales of Destiny I guess... ._. Forgot that was a PS1 title. I've only played it on PS2, myself. I honestly have no idea what it's like on PS1.


After you've already mentioned how painful it was, I'm surprised you have the balls to list it a SECOND time at the TOP of your list.

My evil knows no bounds. I will have him subliminally want it before I'm done. It will be so engrained in his psyche that he'll think he actually enjoyed it.


I saw Guernica at The Sofia in Madrid about a decade ago. Amazing. The Dali stuff there was mind-blowing too.

Yeah, Dali is another favorite of mine. I'm also a big fan of Francis Bacon, although his stuff is too creepy for some.

And Guernica... yeah, damn. So amazing to see in person. His sketches for that painting are also quite interesting. He really explored the dehumanizing aspect of suffering with that work.


Speaking of which Philosoma was good too. One of the first games I had on PSX outside of Tekken 1 and Toshinden.


Reluctant Member
*watches video of original Tales of Destiny PS1*

Ahahahahaha. What the hell is this? Never mind, don't play. Man, i can't even imagine playing the game like that.


Reluctant Member
Remember when Square used to make good games that were not RPGs...sigh

... no actually. No I don't. I remember their forays outside of RPGdom were pretty much laughed at. Bushido Blade was fun, but they only published that.


Well here it can be avoided, is my point.

In other news, someone in the other thread said I looked like this guy. I'd say he's right, but I'm not sure if I should take that as a compliment.


I think he is on gaf too btw.


And yes, I firmly believe that Enix killed Squaresoft from being my favorite dev house to being someone I cant even trust to do my favorite franchise correctly.


Reluctant Member
Enix bailed them out from dying.

Pretty much (though I'm sure many would say that they should have died considering what they've become, but whatever. Too many games I liked passed that point to complain too much.)

I like Sakaguchi, but I'm always amazed that people only moan about how they wished he were back. He nearly ran the company into the ground, and that's good because...?

Also damn you guys and your Amalur!

I-I'm going to go study...
Pretty much (though I'm sure many would say that they should have died considering what they've become, but whatever. Too many games I liked passed that point to complain too much.)

I like Sakaguchi, but I'm always amazed that people only moan about how they wished he were back. He nearly ran the company into the ground, and that's good because...?

Also damn you guys and your Amalur!

I-I'm going to go study...

Sakaguchi's heart just wasn't in it after a while.

Judging by Blue Dragon, I think he just always wanted to make a Dragon Quest game and realized Horii being alive would never allow that to happen.

I wonder what his plans are now. He seemed like he was having fun in that Iwata Asks and it wouldn't surprise me if Nintendo bought out Mistalker (which is like three guys) and had them work with a studio from Hawaii.


Reluctant Member
He's made four games (maybe more? Four that I can remember) since quitting Square.

I guess it depends on whether you like those games or not.

What's sad for me is that I've only been able to enjoy parts of his games. The characters from Lost Odyssey and the battle system from The Last Story (didn't play enough of Blue Dragon to form an impression... I got pretty bored with that. Same with ASH*. Which I almost forgot about.) I think I like him as a person more than as a game designer, to be honest :<

edit: apparently he had nothing at all to do with ASH.

Anyway I can just block posts that have the word "Amalur" in them? >>
Tonight, I'm testing to see how well a job Tacky Glue does of holding together my felt and paper towel rods for my pumpkin costume thing.

Gonna see mum in about an hour. When I get back, I get to see how well the glue set, and I'll glue a few more to set overnight. Then tomorrow will be my big work day for that. I might need to go out and get more fabric. I hope I can find the receipt so I can remember which subtle shade of orange it was. It shouldn't be hard to guess otherwise, assuming that they didn't move everything around at Joann's again.


Welp I had my hard-hitting reminder I'm single because I am here for my 5-8pm class, and my friend won't be as a result of their dinner date. :(


Welp I had my hard-hitting reminder I'm single because I am here for my 5-8pm class, and my friend won't be as a result of their dinner date. :(
Aw :(

My valentines day has been shit as well. Girl I was telling you about can't even be bothered to respond :/


No matter how bad of a day you have or how much your significant other may have hurt your feelings on a day when that's not supposed to happen, it is all made better when your 4 year old runs up to you and says she has a Baleetimes message for me. I promptly pulled out my phone and caught this on video.



Reluctant Member
No matter how bad of a day you have or how much your significant other may have hurt your feelings on a day when that's not supposed to happen, it is all made better when your 4 year old runs up to you and says she has a Baleetimes message for me. I promptly pulled out my phone and caught this on video.



I think this may have bumped up my 50% in favor of having kids to 60%.
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