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The arguments and trash talking on Gaf


I just come in here to drop sarcasm and gifs. I'm sorry yall
The only time I'd ever have a back and forth with anyone is if some bottom feeding retard decides to be a smart ass who believes they know everything when in reality they are juat a dumb brick wall.

Thankfully, you are not one of them and I am not going to be mentioning their either name because they are not worth my time or energy. Fuck them.

He's talking about me because I refuse to be a clone of him.



nothing wrong with a bit of back and forth, there has been a tendency as of late though of going from 0-100 and getting personal.

responding to someone's comment with a "Oh So you haven't X" or just a lol react and some sarcastic comment, something along those lines which is essentially insulting someone's opinion and or experience is the stuff that i am finding quite childish on this forum, that is what usually gets me on the offense instead of keeping a discussion.

most the time on here however debates or discussions whether heated or not is totally rational considering this is a forum

To be clear i'm just talking about peoples responses to regular non-inflammatory responses and or opinions that for some reason cause anger, if the OP or whoever initiates stupid conversation then i guess the floodgates are open at that point, you get what you ask for in those scenarios i suppose
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Gold Member
Insert classic Gymwolf joke about OP shitting hard on ff16 not so long ago.

It's all good man, a forum full of goody 2 shoes is not fun at all.
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You really punched the hornets nest, op. After reading the replies … you may need another apology thread.
For me, I'd just hate to ruin someone's day by something dumb I said on a forum. Just wanted to use this thread as an outlet to hopefully brighten someone's day and show my appreciation for the community as a whole. There's a lot of hate in the world and I try to be mindful of the energy I put out there. Everyone is struggling with something in life and I'd hate to add to whatever is bothering them outside of Gaf.
Some people will do anything for attention won't they
Nah. For real, I've thought about making a kind of "why I appreciate you all" thread for a while and last night I decided to jump on it. I don't need any attention, just want to discuss things and have some laughs with you all.


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
Man, I haven't gotten into a good internet argument in the better part of a decade, at least. Now when I see a terrible post, I either just ignore it or try to empathize with it. I kind of miss being a little shit and getting into a good, degenerate fight with random strangers. As an adult, I just don't have that kind of passion anymore.

Quick, somebody piss me off. Somebody tell me that Waffle Crisp is a shitty cereal, or that Metroid Prime 3 will inevitably be released on the Switch. I want to feel something today.
Man, I haven't gotten into a good internet argument in the better part of a decade, at least. Now when I see a terrible post, I either just ignore it or try to empathize with it. I kind of miss being a little shit and getting into a good, degenerate fight with random strangers. As an adult, I just don't have that kind of passion anymore.

Quick, somebody piss me off. Somebody tell me that Waffle Crisp is a shitty cereal, or that Metroid Prime 3 will inevitably be released on the Switch. I want to feel something today.
Samus is changing teams to Watch and Games series hardware only and she likes porridge, plain. It was time for change too, Samus has denounced guns and violence so the next Metroid is a walking simulator with MTX for ability upgrades. She is also loving her Billie Eilish inspired neon hair and baggy clothes, fan art has been banned.


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
She is also loving her Billie Eilish inspired neon hair and baggy clothes
Oooohh yeah, that one got me. Now just post a picture of Other M Samus doing the thumbs-down pose, and I'll full-on "2007 Xbox Live teenager" rage at you.


Hello everyone. I've thought about making this thread in the past but never got around to it.

We're all enthusiasts, we all love gaming and have many varied interests and appreciation for countless games and genres.

I can only speak for myself but I'm sure others feel the same, basically just wanted to say that if I've ever said anything that seemed incredibly rude or mean, don't take it personal. For me, we're all passionate nerds and Gaf has a history and reputation for being relatively spicy which I can't help but to bring out in some of my replies. Fart Town USA is mostly a total caricature of myself and Gaf is an outlet for me to nerd out on things that I never get to talk about in my daily life, but I'm honestly glad it's that way. I like talking about games with you all and wouldn't have it any other way.

So yea, I try my best to not be an outright dick or unreasonable but if I ever seem like I am, just know that I appreciate you all and enjoy reading your thoughts and opinions. I've met some really great people here and I know I'll meet more in the years to come.

Thank you all for being a part of this forum and I hope you're all doing well and enjoying the hell out of whatever it is you're playing. This is a fun place and it's because of every one of you who chooses to post here.
What an asshole



In other news… I’m watching some random documentary about how call of duty artfully displays war……… people on YouTube are nuts. Call of duty and art should never be used in the same sentence. Ain’t nothing artistic about some sherbet powder- sugar charged kid running around with akimbo uzis. 😂😂😂😂
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