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The arguments and trash talking on Gaf


the only solution............................

Happy You Good GIF


Gold Member
For me, we're all passionate nerds and Gaf has a history and reputation for being relatively spicy which I can't help but to bring out in some of my replies.
That's really one of the bigger reasons I am here (and support the place by chipping in).

It's not one of those places where you are supposed to butter up whoever you're talking to and make extra sure to not harm anyone's precious feelings.
I'm wasting enough time in my professional life walking on egg shells for communication, no need to also spoil my hobbies with that kind of holding back.

As long as you're not on raving insult sprees, you're generally fine here.
And that's how it should be.
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I kind of suspect there are people who post on here who , although I think they are entertaining to read, actually try to shove their whole arse into other people’s nostrils. It’s not acceptable.
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I will say, although someone generously bought me gold, these days I opt to buy gold for others instead of having a rolling membership for myself. I don't mind the ads and I like spreading the wealth for posts I really appreciate. Just bought one the other day for someone.
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Hello everyone. I've thought about making this thread in the past but never got around to it.

We're all enthusiasts, we all love gaming and have many varied interests and appreciation for countless games and genres.

I can only speak for myself but I'm sure others feel the same, basically just wanted to say that if I've ever said anything that seemed incredibly rude or mean, don't take it personal. For me, we're all passionate nerds and Gaf has a history and reputation for being relatively spicy which I can't help but to bring out in some of my replies. Fart Town USA is mostly a total caricature of myself and Gaf is an outlet for me to nerd out on things that I never get to talk about in my daily life, but I'm honestly glad it's that way. I like talking about games with you all and wouldn't have it any other way.

So yea, I try my best to not be an outright dick or unreasonable but if I ever seem like I am, just know that I appreciate you all and enjoy reading your thoughts and opinions. I've met some really great people here and I know I'll meet more in the years to come.

Thank you all for being a part of this forum and I hope you're all doing well and enjoying the hell out of whatever it is you're playing. This is a fun place and it's because of every one of you who chooses to post here.
GIF by Giphy QA


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
If I could get rid of one thing it would be the insane hyperbole.
Things are either:
the most amazing life altering can't live without thing ever
piece of shit, trash, unplayable, fucking affront to the human race.
It's like an inverted normal distribution where average never happens and extremes are super likely. Makes reading anything with opinions tedious.


I only see good stuff from you fart town usa fart town usa

I love the spicy back-and-forths we get on here. Nothing's better than when a thread gets hot and takes off. I tend to be very negative as it reflects my current outlook on the industry (and my life or lack thereof atm), but it's good to be reminded that we're all here because we love gaming. I try to remind myself of that fact when it gets ugly. Love you guys (and gals).

Valentines Day Love GIF by Studios 2016

Dirk Benedict

Gold Member
Especially Elder Legend Elder Legend I don't think I've ever had any back and forth with him.

I didn't get along with him, before, but I believe we had miscommunication as I didn't understand his humor, back then.
We good? Elder Legend Elder Legend
If you don't see me active on GAF for two days or longer, just know that something terrible has happened and I am either dead, incapacitated, or being held against my will.
We need to come to your rescue for all that

Dirk Benedict

Gold Member
I don't even remember what specific scenario you are talking about. Remind me.
Nah, trust me, it's nothing. It's better this way. Was very stupid. If you don't remember, then that's enough to tell me it was an honest mistake on both our parts, plus I don't want to dig into posts. Let's let some crazy MFer do that instead. Lol.


If I could get rid of one thing it would be the insane hyperbole.
Things are either:
the most amazing life altering can't live without thing ever
piece of shit, trash, unplayable, fucking affront to the human race.
It's like an inverted normal distribution where average never happens and extremes are super likely. Makes reading anything with opinions tedious.
Agreed. And I’d say that’s expected if people aren’t real and just want to fool around because they’ve been serious all day at work.
Makes the board feel free spirited and exaggerated opinions more understandable but also makes trying to have any deeper talks feel kinda pointless if you don’t know if the person you’re talking to is serious.

I think the board needs a couple new forum categories, or sticky OTs:
The Numbers Game, where sales figures and acquisitions etc can be talked about properly, only industry talk from a business and market share perspective.
It’s Just Plastic, where you can’t do platform warring and just focus on the actual games without doing any heated platform comparisons.
No Fun Allowed, no trolling, no exaggeration, just be real, talk like you would talk with people you don’t really know over a cup of coffee.

Today I’m mostly posting in OTs, that’s where I know people at least play games and want to talk about games. Starfield OT has been awesome. But OTs are a grave yard whenever a game drops off the front page and eventually it feels like it’s just the same 10 or so people talking.


not tag worthy
We can all agree that (thing I Like) is better than (thing you like) unless we like the same thing. Which in that case I probably liked (thing) before

napoleon dynamite GIF

I less it’s ass and titties then we like it the same.
paddy chayefsky perverts GIF by The Academy Awards

I don’t know who that guy is he just peverts. Ok.
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