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Lucian Cat

Kissed a mod for a tag; liked it
Nope! But if it makes you feel any better I've never seen a spider like that around here.
there are other equally as big spiders around though. See my spider/centipede story in the confession thread


so I'm getting my haircut on sunday, I'm thinking of shaving mah beard too, haven't been fully clean shaven in YEARS, hmmm

Lucian Cat

Kissed a mod for a tag; liked it
Currently in the process of smothering my makeup on my face to look like a zombie. This will be my first zombie walk. I just hope I don't freak out over the other zombies out there haha
I heard a fantastic pick up line yesterday.

"Oh, you sound like you've got a bit of British in you! ... would you like a bit more?"

lol nope :)

here's a random ass pic of my chest after my 5K from the other week. another one is coming up next week, I really wanna go, I just need to find someone to go with!


I read this as random ass-pic and was very confused about why the photo didn't look like an ass.

EDIT: CRAP! Its zombie walk day!??
I heard a fantastic pick up line yesterday.

"Oh, you sound like you've got a bit of British in you! ... would you like a bit more?"
I have used this line as an American living in England

Except I said British when I meant American

and I was drunk

And she replied "what" to which I replied "Would you like a bit more"


So I wondered why for the past few days my Steam said I had 1 download in progress but never went anywhere. I finally checked. I'm sure it will be done aaaaany minute now.

Oh for fucks sake. Protip: when buying tickets for something, make sure you're doing it on the right fucking day.

*hopes my friend can get to Manchester before 8 when she comes up*

I fucking hate my brain sometimes. Pay more fucking attention. ARGH.
I heard a fantastic pick up line yesterday.

"Oh, you sound like you've got a bit of British in you! ... would you like a bit more?

That's ...fantastic? It's as old as Moses.
You sound like you have a bit of Israelite in you...

Here's a great one:
"I'm going upstairs (outside, etc) to make out, care to join me?"

As we get older this one gets used a lot:
"Let's go have sex."


I've never used a pick up line, I don't think I could pull one off with a straight face. I just hope the girl I'm talking to is into the "awkward in an endearing/cute type of way", cuz I got that shit on lock.

or hope she's a big fan of ryan gosling.


"Oh, you sound like you've got a bit of British in you! ... would you like a bit more?"

I lost my bed, can I borrow yours?

Nah, I have too much dignity really to use pick up lines, but I have to say I find some of them amusing. I think the cheesier they are the funnier they are. They're like really bad jokes: you can't help but laugh at them.

My favorite pickup line that has worked with everyone I've ever been with?

"Hi, my name is Dave"


"It is your lucky night tonight. You have the honour of sleeping in my bed!" :p


Or you could put your best Schwarzenegger accent aproach a girl and "say come with me if you wanna shag" it can't get cheesier than this.

And by the way after reading the centempide-spider wars i just hope is legal to buy a flamethrower in Australia.


I've only ever used pickup lines as jokes with girls I was already dating/hooking up with. I've never had the fortitude to use one in a live-round situation. Probably for the best. If I can open with a humorous observation about something in the vicinity, I use that as an icebreaker. If not, I just think up a first topic of conversation, introduce myself, and go from there.
Yeah, I never use pickup lines seriously. I have always thought that was cheeseball.

Oh, and as for zombies, I missed this year's registration but next year I am for sure participating in a zombie run 5K with a few friends.


Oh, and as for zombies, I missed this year's registration but next year I am for sure participating in a zombie run 5K with a few friends.

If it wasn't mentioned, I would be completely oblivious to it. Reading up on it, it seems like everyone is just trying to out-do each other. A competition to see who can beat the world record.
So I can get those tickets transferred to the Saturday date fortunately. Now I need to come up with a valid reason for needing to transfer, other than just being an idiot >_>


Reluctant Member
Because I feel weird about posting this in the post your pics thread:



Pay no attention to my butt. Rather, let's discuss where my right leg went off to.


Firstly, those boots kick major ass. And speaking of ass... I see none there, so I cant deflect and look for the missing right leg as I'm too buys looking for the missing ass.


Reluctant Member
Haha, I think it was more obvious in the larger versions.

But really, my right leg. It's BOTHERING ME SO MUCH. Let's do some redlines ala Eschergirls to try and figure out my broken anatomy.


What are you looking at in the first picture? You kind of look like you're staring at that tree trunk.

"Is that a tree? Yes! from closer examination, it is indeed a tree"
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