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It's called posing. People do that for pictures sometimes.

Some people like to study trees as well though lissar. Dendrology I believe it is called.

I also notice the bark has been ripped off on one side of that tree. What evil bastard would do such a thing!


Reluctant Member
Maybe I was hungry. Did you ever think of that?

edit: Everyone else should also post recent pics (those who feel comfortable with it anyway.)


Maybe I was hungry. Did you ever think of that?

I was thinking maybe it was for survival. You used the bark to make a canoe in an attempt to traverse the hazardous white water rapids. Lissar adventurer extraordinaire. Is that what the boots are for? Some nice strong footwear ideal for walking over rocky terrain.


Reluctant Member
Beef is stealing my lines? D:

But thanks Tence. :3

*still sees her own butt*

I was thinking maybe it was for survival. You used the bark to make a canoe in an attempt to traverse the hazardous white water rapids. Lissar adventurer extraordinaire. Is that what the boots are for? Some nice strong footwear ideal for walking over rocky terrain.

Of course I'm an adventurer. Just point me in a direction and I will click on every available surface.
Because I feel weird about posting this in the post your pics thread:

[IM G]http://i722.photobucket.com/albums/ww225/Lissar/oneleglissar.jpg[/IMG]

[IM G]http://i722.photobucket.com/albums/ww225/Lissar/oneleglissar2.jpg[/IMG]

Pay no attention to my butt. Rather, let's discuss where my right leg went off to.



Of course I'm an adventurer. Just point me in a direction and I will click on every available surface.

Which reminds me: I am loving 'Broken Sword: Director's cut' at the moment. It has quite a deep and mysterious plot coupled with great humour. A very British humour I think. That is something that came quite apparent to me whilst playing the game. It turns out it was done by a British developer, something I never knew until recently. The puzzles are interesting and fairly challenging, and the artwork is still looking good despite its age.

I still don't like the hint icon being there though, especially when I am trying to figure out what to do. It just tempts you to use it. I have resisted that temptation so far though. The game supposedly has one of the most difficult puzzles of any video game. The funny thing is, I not long ago did this puzzle, and did it almost straight away (lol). I'm guessing I did it entirely by accident.

Early on I was thinking the artwork was a little better in the added sections of the game, but I am now thinking that it's just me. Having played quite a bit of it now, it seems the artwork is consistent throughout. What definitely isn't consistent though is the audio quality which varies.

It's only minor issue really. If you haven't played the game I suggest you buy the Android/iOS version of the game. It is one of the few games where touch functionality really lends itself to the game mechanics.

Edit: Just looking at the wikipedia page, I now know why the 'Goat Puzzle' wasn't challenging to me at all:

The puzzle was simplified in the The Shadow of the Templars' 2009 director's cut.

That is a bit annoying to me actually. I would have liked to experience it for myself.


Reluctant Member
No way would she waste Harry Potter pages to make a dress. Now pages from a Twilight book on the other hand...

While I wouldn't mind tearing up a Twilight book I wouldn't want to wear it anywhere near my body.

Which reminds me: I am loving 'Broken Sword: Director's cut' at the moment. It has quite a deep and mysterious plot coupled with great humour. A very British humour I think. That is something that came quite apparent to me whilst play the game. It turns out it was done by a British developer, something I never knew until recently. The puzzles are interesting and fairly challenging, and the artwork is still looking good despite its age.

I still don't like the hint icon being there though, especially when I am trying to figure out what to do. It just tempts you to use it. I have resisted that temptation so far though. The game supposedly has one of the most difficult puzzles of any video game. The funny thing is, I not long ago did this puzzle, and did it almost straight away (lol). I'm guessing I did it entirely by accident.

Early on I was thinking the artwork was a little better in the added sections of the game, but I am now thinking that it's just me. Having played quite a bit of it now, it seems the artwork is consistent throughout. What definitely isn't consistent though is the audio quality which varies.

It's only minor issue really. If you haven't played the game I suggest you buy the Android/iOS version of the game. It is one of the few games where touch functionality really lends itself to the game mechanics.

I have several copies of the game, it's one of my favorites. Sadly, the second one is not as good but it is still fun. The goat puzzle is not as bad as the mustache puzzle from Gabriel Knight 3. That is a puzzle that people claim killed the genre altogether.


I have several copies of the game, it's one of my favorites. Sadly, the second one is not as good but it is still fun. The goat puzzle is not as bad as the mustache puzzle from Gabriel Knight 3. That is a puzzle that people claim killed the genre altogether.

Yeah. Read my edit. :/

It seems they simplified it anyway, so that is probably the reason why I did it almost straight away. :(

I think they will be releasing the second game to Android also. The first one only cost me 25p as it was on sale. :)



Yes, she volunteers on a horse ranch every weekend and works the farm. They have her feed all the animals, clean up after them, etc etc and in exchange she goes on all the trail rides for free, gets free lessons and just enjoys the time there. Its really a neat place. Since my daughter has been able to speak, she's talked about horses and this is like a little dream for her since I dont have the desire or ability to own a horse for her, she gets the next best thing.

Oh, and said recent shot. This was taken 30 minutes ago. And for those who don't know, yes I'm bald, yes I'm old and yes I'm fucking gorgeous.



Reluctant Member
Yes, she volunteers on a horse ranch every weekend and works the farm. They have her feed all the animals, clean up after them, etc etc and in exchange she goes on all the trail rides for free, gets free lessons and just enjoys the time there. Its really a neat place. Since my daughter has been able to speak, she's talked about horses and this is like a little dream for her since I dont have the desire or ability to own a horse for her, she gets the next best thing.

That's great! :O Living her dreams AND getting work experience. You're starting your daughter off right, Dave.

I was lucky enough to see a bunch of otters in the wild once :)

There have been a few families of river otters in places I have lived. I loved watching them. :3
I think I posted some recently in the post-new-pics-of-yourself thread.

d'aww. Would this happen to be the girl who is part... Mayan?

That's a negatory! This is my ever so talented, taco bell drive-thru chick girlfriend ;P


:O wow what a voice!! She's super cute too, good work clear!

That reminds me, some guy keeps calling my phone and asking for Ruben. You'd think he'd realise he has a wrong number after me telling him so many times =/ anyway, I blame you.

Well if he's calling for me then I hope he gets the phone bill with $20 worth of international calling, that should get him to stop :D


You know... I've spent like 5 minutes trying to figure out what you meant by this.


Oscar Gamble, 70's baseball player for the San Diego Padres. Thats a quote of his. "Jive talk". He managed to make a lot of money as a free agent even though he wasn't very good because he gamed the system. That was his way of saying that people don't believe that you can do that in baseball, but he's proof. And yes, I do realize he has an Indians uniform on.



Oscar Gamble, 70's baseball player for the San Diego Padres. Thats a quote of his. "Jive talk". He managed to make a lot of money as a free agent even though he wasn't very good because he gamed the system. That was his way of saying that people don't believe that you can do that in baseball, but he's proof. And yes, I do realize he has an Indians uniform on.

Yeah. Baseball means absolutely nothing to me Dave. Might as well been said by Fred who works at the local garage.


Yeah. Baseball means absolutely nothing to me Dave. Might as well been said by Fred who works at the local garage.

Well I wasn't expecting you to all of the sudden take up a hobby in card collecting, I was merely outlining what the hell that phrase meant in the first place.


Well I wasn't expecting you to all of the sudden take up a hobby in card collecting, I was merely outlining what the hell that phrase meant in the first place.

Maybe I do want to collect baseball cards... maybe I do!

I don't want to collect baseball cards dave
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