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yellow bell peppers are the worst. :s I had a terrible experience a few years ago popping a big piece in my mouth thinking it was an apricot. Green ones are the only tolerable one.
Every time I get a breakfast burrito I get angry if they add bell peppers in it....I spend a good 2 minutes opening up the tortilla and taking out all the little bell pepper chunks. I will not tolerate such madness!
I almost choked on a fish bone when i was a kid, can't bear to eat fish with bone to this day, which is kind difficult on you when you're from an island. Then again i think I can hardly eat anything animal wise that looks relatively the same alive as when eaten.


yellow bell peppers are the worst. :s I had a terrible experience a few years ago popping a big piece in my mouth thinking it was an apricot. Green ones are the only tolerable one.

Yeah. I think if you were to eat them on their own, they can be pretty harsh. As an ingredient simply to add flavour though, they probably aren't so bad.

I find there are a few things I can't eat on their own, but don't seem to mind them if it is simply something adding flavour to a dish. I can't stand sweetcorn for instance.


Just to clarify, by bell peppers, you mean these?


How can you not like those? :O
Don't try yellow Lucian! It's the worst!!!!
Ginger as anything but a seasoning is terrible
Ginger can be really hit or miss. Gingerbread is good, Ginger ale is way too gingery, but it's okay in a punch. Foods with too strong a Ginger taste are ruined.
How DARE you! Hash browns, sausage, eggs, onions, cheese, perfection
This sounds awesome. I wonder if you can get them here... otherwise I'll just try making one.


I just ate a sandwich with chips and peanut butter. I don't even care if it sounds bad, cause it's not!

OMG! You've just ruined a chip butty! :O

Take a good look at this picture shan. The red stuff is ketchup. Anything other than ketchup is sacrilege! In 1546 many townsfolk were burnt at the stake in York. They committed the heinous crime of befouling the sacred butty with garlic and exotic spices. Brother Archibald, the grand master of the church of the sacred butty, set about cleansing the land of such a foul abomination. For 464 years the world has been free of such transgressions. Until now shan! UNTIL NOW!


Putting peanut butter on it is like putting jam on pizza. >.<
OMG! You've just ruined a chip butty! :O

Take a good look at this picture shan. The red stuff is ketchup. Anything other than ketchup is sacrilege! In 1546 many townsfolk were burnt at the stake in York. They committed the heinous crime of befouling the sacred butty with garlic and exotic spices. Brother Archibald, the grand master of the church of the sacred butty, set about cleansing the land of such a foul abomination. For 464 years the world has been free of such transgressions. Until now shan! UNTIL NOW!

no no! cold chips! with hot chips only tomato sauce will do! Cold chips go good on a sandwich with peanut butter OR nutella. I've yet to try anything else.

EDIT: and by 'cold chips' I mean crisps. Erm, not soggy refrigerated hot chips. I think I'm digging a hole here..
Hold the phone, people don't like peppers? What the fuuuuck. Raw red pepper = top-tier vegetable, along with raw carrot. And green are the worst Shan. THE WORST.

Speaking of the worst, I agree with Beef on something again (onions).

Someone just kill me now.

EDIT: Oh wow I'm 7th top poster in here, when did that happen? 6th if we're not counting banned people. Impressive that Raw's held onto 3rd place for so long.


don't wanna post mah ugly mug all over the place, but got a hair cut this morning, pic

and how do you not like peppers? I make a philly cheese steak stuffed pepper that is to die for. onions are awesome too, and if you like onions you need to try leeks, they are basically sweeter onions without the bad breath afterwards, they've become one of my favorite veggies. I don't ea them alone though, I mix them in with something else


PB goes with everything though, it's kind of like cheating. PB and banana is like the best combo ever and everyone knows it.


I grew up with a guy who would put peanut butter on his nuts and let his dog lick it off. His name was Jamie Corvin. If you ever come across someone named that, ridicule him.
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