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Real-GAF: A GAF Community!

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Oh god neti pots

At some point I was super-desperate and thought about buying one. Can't remember if it was for allergies or something else, but I never made the leap


Black Canada Mafia
Oh lawd, I am too much of a light weight - but last night was fun. All I remember is talking a lot - couldn't remember what I was talking about if you asked me.
Do it
Bummer :(

I'm sure we'll get at least one more blast of cold, but it has been a particularly mild winter. We have had the weirdest weather the past couple of years. Mellow winters, sodden summers. I hope the summer isn't as wet as it has been the past couple of years. Last year killed my crops and obliterated my backyard. It's basically one big patch of fungus, now. Gonna take me at least a couple years to bring it back.

lol. Been there, done that and didn't care if anyone thought badly of it =).

They wouldn't think badly or care. This is XSEED. ^_- We're all entirely too weird to give a damn.

It was interesting because it was basically ten pages of virtually everyone - myself included - telling the guy it was no big deal and he should just man up and tell her about it. And then a junior purporting to be a woman popped up with some seriously extreme views on porn and masturbation, who seemed to be living in the same state of denial as the OP's wife. I came out of it honestly believing she wasn't trolling, and her views were so extreme that they basically justified the OP's decision to keep things incognito.

And so on. Every time the thread started to die down someone would pop in and say something seriously insane and get the whole thing revved up again.

I still think just about all of it is worth reading, but "the Ashley section" is essential.

I agree. Personally speaking I don't really see why porn is such a problem unless it's 1) all the guy/girl wants to do (watch it, I mean), 2) influences a couple's sex life in a negative way, or 3) is done in a thoughtless/disrespectful manner (i.e. viruses on the comp, he/she just leaves it running while the sig other is home, etc). I'm sure there are more, but porn just seems like an outlet for some guys/girls. Friendly tease worthy, sure, but overall not a huge deal. I also agree with you that honesty is the best policy. I'll have to check out the thread for the "Ashley" bits. ;)

I told him he was screwed. Honesty is the best policy.

Yup, yup.
When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.
C.S. Lewis

Wow! A C.S. Lewis quote I agree with. We have a ping-pong table for furniture in the living room.

I saw that thread, but it just seemed like the usual "Is porn good or bad" kind of spousal preference debate. Were there actually some new perspectives or ideas brought up (before the inevitable locking)?

Parts were quite amusing, and there were more intelligent comments from some than others, but there's a lot of fluff. I think RPG has had more interesting discussions on IRC, though.

Isn't a Neti pot a home water-boarding kit?
Oh lawd, I am too much of a light weight - but last night was fun. All I remember is talking a lot - couldn't remember what I was talking about if you asked me.

Apparently you talked about your girl situation. I didn't hear it because I was listening to the Youtube stream


Time for a huge recap of:

I made an art! ™







Alt Avatars



I actually remember trying to get everyone to come on and talk to me as well. Welp, glad I don't remember saying anything embarrassing!

Nooo...when everyone started talking about it after the fact I got really interested. I'm so out of the loop. Oh well at least I was there for Kisaya's dentist story.


Reluctant Member
Thats what happens when the women of RP/FP-GAF wake up.

Apparently I should feel guilty that I'm about to curl up in my warm blankets and go to visit dreamland.

We need Inanna to post more so we can have some representation in FutureGAF.


UGH fuck this, I'm not supposed to but I'm going to the bank to withdraw money. My stomach is legit roaring and I'm in a quiet room ;_; brb.

Hahaha. Dat face. Animal pics always get me.

I'm mixed on it.

Porn is harmless to a relationship and can actually be quite fun if shared between the two partners... and should be within reason.

BUT, women who get upset about men who watch porn and masturbate instead of being with them, need to put their woman-ness feelings down for a second and try to examine why. There's a reason why the man is doing that; maybe he feels something is lacking or there's a desire that is not being fulfilled. He doesn't intend on cheating on you, still loves you dearly (usually), but is either not confident enough, or too complacent in his life to try and ask you (the female) to change your ways to satisfy him... its just easier to relieve a little stress with a 5 minute toss job.

Without being condescending or awkward about it, the couple needs to talk about what is not right in the relationship and reach a comfortable medium as to what they can do to remedy it. If that medium cannot be found, which sometimes it cant, then it needs to be understand that every now and again, that man is going to rub one out.

The women that get upset about it think with their estrogen. Men aren't wired the same emotionally. There is no emotional attachment to that as a woman suggests, so the idea of "cheating" isn't even an issue. Its more of an issue of working off pent up frustration, relieving stress or just simply, because it feels good to play with it and he was all alone. Men are visual by nature, so watching someone do things they enjoy is the easiest way to get aroused.

I also generally agree with most of your points, Dave. Did you post in that thread as well?

You should get yourself a neti pot or some other nasal irrigation device!

Ewwwww... Aren't those the things that can transfer that brain eating fungus...?

Wow! A C.S. Lewis quote I agree with. We have a ping-pong table for furniture in the living room.

Parts were quite amusing, and there were more intelligent comments from some than others, but there's a lot of fluff. I think RPG has had more interesting discussions on IRC, though.

Isn't a Neti pot a home water-boarding kit?

Maybe I'll make it my lunchtime read then. There's a lot of good debate on neogaf... and a lot of idiocy too. :)

Post #654 is her first.
And that's probably all I'm gonna say on the subject, I don't want this to end up turning into that thread. Already said my peace in the thread in question.

Thanks. I'll skim then jump there. And, I think RP can handle a serious debate. I know you mentioned before in the older thread that you were curious to see whether or not we could handle a more contentious topic, and I think we can. Civility is this thread's strong point (apart from the lovely general social aspect) and that's what you really need in a discussion.

I'm too weird even for XSEED. There is no mold I can't break.

I don't think you know the extent of what goes on in this office. I used to wear boxes on my head for fun, after all.
Thanks. I'll skim then jump there. And, I think RP can handle a serious debate. I know you mentioned before in the older thread that you were curious to see whether or not we could handle a more contentious topic, and I think we can. Civility is this thread's strong point (apart from the lovely general social aspect) and that's what you really need in a discussion.

I totally think we could, what I mean to say is I posted about 50 times in that thread so I'm just done talking about it is all, don't let me stop you guys if that's the way it goes ;)
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