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ReCore |OT| Rock Your Core for a Prime Bot


Just got Seth. Really liking the game so far but in the back of my mind I'm ready to be disappointed when I hit the endgame wall that I keep hearing about. If the game kept up like this throughout it could have been up around the top of my favourite games this year.


Just got Seth. Really liking the game so far but in the back of my mind I'm ready to be disappointed when I hit the endgame wall that I keep hearing about. If the game kept up like this throughout it could have been up around the top of my favourite games this year.

When you get Duncan...just start roaming the world and get them cores...I'm at 25 cores. I need 20 more before I can beat the story. I shall find those things!


When you get Duncan...just start roaming the world and get them cores...I'm at 25 cores. I need 20 more before I can beat the story. I shall find those things!

That was going to be my plan. I have been wandering about a lot as is but I have to keep reminding myself that I'm still missing abilities and might as well beeline the story until I get them.


Sadly that won't help the game anymore :(
It's not like this is Destiny where you can get back a larger player pool.

I think it could help. The game will drop in price, get featured in sales, games with gold, etc. so it may be able to grow some legs with positive word of mouth and justify a sequel. There's so much to like when it's behaving.

Even with the issues I've run into (falling through the floor, death loops, transported to the beginning of the game, etc.), and as frustrated as I am with them, I still want more of the gameplay. I'd welcome a free expansion with the bot that got cut. I'll be sad if they abandon this all together.

As an aside, I could totally see the controls of this working for a Jet Force Gemini reboot.


ReCore could easily just add more dungeons and bots as DLC forever and keep expanding the map and I will be happy (as long as they polish it). How the game is setup, DLC is a hope I have for it to get a sequel (with better graphics and such).


Loving it the first few hours, waiting for the bad. It's a shame ms forced this out another few months dev time they might have fixed the jank and sorted the end game.


Anyone know where I can find worn springs? I've got two blueprints for cool new heads for Mack but can't find any springs lol


Just about to start my first mission with
on my team, and I'm really enjoying the whole package. I love how it looks (it performs great on PC), I dig the characters and the voice acting, the mechanics are a lot of fun and the music is terrific.

I may tire of it all after X number of hours, but right now I'm totally digging it.
On my way to the tower after about 5.5 hours and I'll admit I'm sad the story progression is almost over, but the game is still a blast and hope exploring and doing other dungeons still keeps up the fun.

There was a dungeon in the sandy huge area towards the end that requires finding these glowing orange key bots, I can't for the love of me find the last one. Anyone know where it is?


On my way to the tower after about 5.5 hours and I'll admit I'm sad the story progression is almost over, but the game is still a blast and hope exploring and doing other dungeons still keeps up the fun.

There was a dungeon in the sandy huge area towards the end that requires finding these glowing orange key bots, I can't for the love of me find the last one. Anyone know where it is?

I'm missing one myself.
Alright, got back to this. Finished the tutorial, got all the way up to Cavern Rush. I thiiiink I'm gonna need Seth to get the most out of that, lol. Missed all 3 optional objectives :p

But it's a ton of fun so far. A little on the easy side, except when I get mobbed. Learning enemy patterns is interesting and rewarding, controls are tight as hell, core gameplay loop feels solid. I can see it getting obnoxious if they really dial up the required grinding later, but so far, I'm very happy with my 40 dollar purchase.


Alright, got back to this. Finished the tutorial, got all the way up to Cavern Rush. I thiiiink I'm gonna need Seth to get the most out of that, lol. Missed all 3 optional objectives :p
You don't need Seth to finish Cavern Rush. Although having him could save you a few seconds.
I'm at 41 prismatic cores and haven't even considered going to the tower yet. Enjoying the challenge of getting to the harder-to-reach areas of the maps snd doing the challenge dungeons. The traversal dungeons are awesome.

Still a solid 7.5-8/10 in my book. Sucks they cut the tank bot though. Hopefully it will be a free title update since it was obviously supposed to be in the game.


I've done the first floor of the tower and now I've gone back to do some exploring. Such a strange structure to the game - super platform heavy in the tower and the gigantic shifting sands area that has no story component. A post mortrem on development would be very interesting to read.

If they add in the tank I hope they also consider adding the workbench to fast travel stations. Having to go back to the crawler to manage cores is a big pain with the load times.
Damn it, I think I just encountered a game breaking bug. I can't progress. :(

I got to the point where you meet Seth and Kai and you need to get the parts for him except that the prior objective "Is Anybody Out There?" hasn't been marked as complete. The marker is still showing up on my screen. I can run around the area, teleport, and come back to try to trigger something and nothing. I also have my blue color upgrade for the rifle even though I still have the "Is Anybody Out There?" objective.

...I really love how vertical these levels can get. In some cases you can bypass the optimal jump route by just elder scrolls-ing your way around on some rocks.

I was thinking the same thing yesterday when I was playing, was scaling the side of the structure in a, let's just say a not so sauve fashion, and I kept saying man this reminds me of traversing the side of a mountain in an open world Bethesda game. Or as you put it, elder scrolls-ing. Which is to say, I enjoy the ability to do so in that manner....”

I am really enjoying it too. It's kind of fun to break the platforming by finding alternate routes.

A related example occurs at the 15-second mark in this video, where the player jumps onto a platform he's not sure he's supposed to be able to jump on: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NVg2OSywBpo

“I can make it! Via... platform cheating...” He calls it cheating, so he's at least somewhat surprised by what he was just able to do, but the surface he landed on had to be programmed by the developers to allow Joule to land safely, right?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but examples of this kind seem like they are the result of a game design decision (and good execution) on the developer's part, rather than a simple happy accident. And examples of this kind are plentiful in ReCore.

It definitely seems to me that a good amount of attention to detail has been devoted here, to foreseeing where the player might want to jump, and to giving them the ability to do so (instead of implementing invisible walls and non-interactive structures). Still early in the game (right about to get the 2nd Corebot companion), but I've been impressed at just how many of the surfaces (of the environmental structures in ReCore) are able to support Joule's weight.

First thing I did (to test the in-game 'platforming mechanics') when I started up the game was jump on top of the random structure (a piece of debris, not pertinent to any in-game objectives) that happens to be right next to Joule, right when the game starts. Sure enough, an impressive number of this structure's surfaces were able to support Joule's weight, even all of the extremely narrow 'pointy' surfaces.

From a quick search of the forum, it seems like this aspect of 'platforming mechanics' has been discussed quite a bit (in earlier threads about the platformer genre in general):

I feel like 3D platforming kind of peaked with Mario 64 and got worse and worse as more graphical elements were introduced. Collision detection on so many onscreen items became inconsistent, and there would be invisible walls everywhere limiting interaction in where you could go and what you could do. A perfect example would be Jak and Daxter. While it's a fine game, it not nearly as satisfying to run around and jump and see where things take you. You're likely to approach a bunch of bushes or jaggy cliff and just brush up against an invisible wall. And Ratchet and Clank isn't so much a platformer as an action game with some platforming elements... To me, if a platformer character isn't an absolute joy to whip about while running and jumping then the game itself will likely leave me unsatisfied. In addition to Mario 64, I'd say Psychonauts did a good job with character movement and physics...

...I think the problem is that they are incredibly difficult games to make. The hit detection and collision detection have to be perfect. The controls need to be precise and intuitive. The camera has to be fully controllable and not annoying. The world has to be interactive and interesting. And the gameplay mechanics have to complement the level design to create fluidity while at the same time being challenging. I honestly just dont think many devs are talented enough to pull this off.

They're much harder to make than 2D platforms. The technical challenges alone are far more complex. Writing a 2D movement and collision system isn't that difficult, but taking it to 3D adds so much more complexity in the math...


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
Found Seth. Really cool power he's got, and this is where the Metroid Prime influence comes in. Don't know if I'll necessarily do all side dungeons, will focus on the main path for now


Anyone know where I can find worn springs? I've got two blueprints for cool new heads for Mack but can't find any springs lol
I've got one as a drop from a blue lvl 5 enemy near the Lonely Basin travel point.

This one to be precise:
Played about four hours of this game and I'm really enjoying myself, such a clever combination of fun platforming and shooting. I love exploring the environment too!
The more I play this the more I appreciate it and I'm over the 7 hour mark and with 22 cores. I can see people disliking that the game suddenly wants players to explore more when they have making a bee line for the story levels and exposition. Yet I think it's a bit of disservice to assume this is the way the devs intended people to play. Yes as players we are ingrained to want to make progress and move the story forward. Recores plot is about the discover of what went wrong and in doing so the prism cores are the key. It's established early on that it's in joules best interest to collect these.

So in essence, even though the side dungeons are that, I don't really view them as side quests. Recores world Im taking as a whole and it feels best that way. I've yet to get to the tower at the end that requires "grinding" but yet even still, there is so many dungeons or cores I've yet to figure out how to get, why would I want it to suddenly end? There's much more to see and do. I guess if story and forward progression in that nature is players biggest goal,or the core gameplay does nothing for you, Recore might dissapoint, but for players that love some great platforming, some simply yet intense combat at times, and just a more gameplay focused experience, Recore is a fun ass videogame and I don't have a problem with this one bit.


The more I play this the more I appreciate it and I'm over the 7 hour mark and with 22 cores. I can see people disliking that the game suddenly wants players to explore more when they have making a bee line for the story levels and exposition. Yet I think it's a bit of disservice to assume this is the way the devs intended people to play. Yes as players we are ingrained to want to make progress and move the story forward. Recores plot is about the discover of what went wrong and in doing so the prism cores are the key. It's established early on that it's in joules best interest to collect these.

So in essence, even though the side dungeons are that, I don't really view them as side quests. Recores world Im taking as a whole and it feels best that way. I've yet to get to the tower at the end that requires "grinding" but yet even still, there is so many dungeons or cores I've yet to figure out how to get, why would I want it to suddenly end? There's much more to see and do. I guess if story and forward progression in that nature is players biggest goal,or the core gameplay does nothing for you, Recore might dissapoint, but for players that love some great platforming, some simply yet intense combat at times, and just a more gameplay focused experience, Recore is a fun ass videogame and I don't have a problem with this one bit.

Agreed. Great post.
I haven't seen a game like this in a while. The game offers a lot of freedom to explore or simply follow the point A line to point B. I found that it is on the unscripted exploration where I've had the most fun so far. I really hope they continue to support the game with DLC.
Agreed. Great post.
I haven't seen a game like this in a while. The game offers a lot of freedom to explore or simply follow the point A line to point B. I found that it is on the unscripted exploration where I've had the most fun so far. I really hope they continue to support the game with DLC.

I wonder that too, though ive not finished the game,yet there is a section of the map at the top left that seems to be in-accessible surrounded by quicksand and it's fairly large area. Either that or cut content.


Just finished the main story. I don't agree with most of these reviewers. I never reached the drop off point where the game turns to shit. It has some technical problems and it could have used another 6 months or so for polish but this game is very good. The last part that everyone dreads wont be much of a problem for anyone who is doing the challenge dungeons. They pretty much prepare you for the gauntlet the game throws at you at the end. I'd really love to see this game get some DLC and even a sequel.


Unconfirmed Member
Looking at my achievements page, I'm at 20% game progress and just over 6 hours played. I haven't left The Lonely Basin yet. Just being exploring and running the dungeons.

I'm having a good time. There's probably a bit of confirmation bias at work here, because I was looking forward to ReCore, but I don't have any complaints, yet.

I really like the look of the game. It's reminds me of The Force Awakens, and Rey's life as a scavenger on Jakku. I think that was an obvious inspiration for Joule and Far Eden. I think it's quite similar to Borderlands cartoony graphics style as well, but here there's more detail and everything looks a bit sharper. It's really cool, I like it.

The main thing I'm enjoying is the gameplay though. This game feels great. Everything is tight and responsive; platforming, dashing and jumping, shooting, controlling Mack and extracting cores during combat...it all just works, I just feel like I'm in complete control at all times.

I'm looking forward to getting back into the game. It's great fun.
Got my copy yesterday and I'm about 2 hours in maybe. Just met the dude who has the Seth bot and got sent on a mission to collect parts to
fix his robot leg

The game definitely has character, and I like the platforming. Haven't come across the bugs and glitches folks have been posting about just yet. So far it's too early to have a concrete opinion on the game but of the 2 hours I've played it looks like MS has started their holidays games lineup with a solid entry.


I did want to add, that so far the one thing I'm not a fan of is the screen getting a bit darker when you aim. Only reason I can think for this happening is perhaps to contrast the enemy types since they are identified by their colors? I dunno.

I'm keep reading posts about making sure to collect cores, are these the Prismatic cores?
The more I play this the more I appreciate it and I'm over the 7 hour mark and with 22 cores. I can see people disliking that the game suddenly wants players to explore more when they have making a bee line for the story levels and exposition. Yet I think it's a bit of disservice to assume this is the way the devs intended people to play. Yes as players we are ingrained to want to make progress and move the story forward. Recores plot is about the discover of what went wrong and in doing so the prism cores are the key. It's established early on that it's in joules best interest to collect these.

So in essence, even though the side dungeons are that, I don't really view them as side quests. Recores world Im taking as a whole and it feels best that way. I've yet to get to the tower at the end that requires "grinding" but yet even still, there is so many dungeons or cores I've yet to figure out how to get, why would I want it to suddenly end? There's much more to see and do. I guess if story and forward progression in that nature is players biggest goal,or the core gameplay does nothing for you, Recore might dissapoint, but for players that love some great platforming, some simply yet intense combat at times, and just a more gameplay focused experience, Recore is a fun ass videogame and I don't have a problem with this one bit.

I've yet to pick this up but I definitely will sooner rather later. Are these side dungeons samey? Are they all combat focused, or do they mix up with platforming and puzzling too? For some reason I keep thinking of the Chalice Dungeons from Bloodborn, which I hated because the terrible level design and repetition.


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
I've yet to pick this up but I definitely will sooner rather later. Are these side dungeons samey? Are they all combat focused, or do they mix up with platforming and puzzling too? For some reason I keep thinking of the Chalice Dungeons from Bloodborn, which I hated because the terrible level design and repetition.

Not that far in, but I just did one that had only precision platforming. There's definitely variation.


Unconfirmed Member
I've yet to pick this up but I definitely will sooner rather later. Are these side dungeons samey? Are they all combat focused, or do they mix up with platforming and puzzling too? For some reason I keep thinking of the Chalice Dungeons from Bloodborn, which I hated because the terrible level design and repetition.

Can't say for certain yet, but I don't think there are any procedurally generated dungeons in ReCore. I think every one is specifically designed. And I think they're all platform or combat focused (or a mix of both), as those are the core (heh) gameplay features.
I've yet to pick this up but I definitely will sooner rather later. Are these side dungeons samey? Are they all combat focused, or do they mix up with platforming and puzzling too? For some reason I keep thinking of the Chalice Dungeons from Bloodborn, which I hated because the terrible level design and repetition.

Definetly variable. Yes the do boil down to combat challenges and platforming but I feel they do enough different with the enemies combinations and the platforming to spruce things up a bit. They give the player more use of the precision platforming and even a bit chaotic combat later on. More reason to use those elements the better.


This game is really something special. Sure it has issues, but I love playing it, it's pure joy.
Will get my special edition with the statue on monday as well, yay!
This game is really something special. Sure it has issues, but I love playing it, it's pure joy.
Will get my special edition with the statue on monday as well, yay!

Yep. It focuses on mechanics that are fun, wants you to use them and if you rush to the end, demands you go back and use them more. :)


I don't suppose anyone has a map to show battery bot locations on the overworld map do they? Particularly for the Shifting Sands? I need one more for two of the optional dungeons but I'll be damned if I can find them after looking everywhere.


A load time patch would go along way.

I have it for both my PC and Xbox One. My Xbox One also has a 512gb external SSD and load times are still long. On PC, they are about 10-15secs max, so not sure what is going on with the Xbox One version, but definitely need a patch for the loading times. Outside of that, game has been great. Playing on PC at 4k/60fps rock solid and looks so damn good.
I don't suppose anyone has a map to show battery bot locations on the overworld map do they? Particularly for the Shifting Sands? I need one more for two of the optional dungeons but I'll be damned if I can find them after looking everywhere.

One I believe is in the sand, need Mack. Another was up on the yellow towers that has those cross like patterns on them. Least thats the one I couldn't find.


One I believe is in the sand, need Mack. Another was up on the yellow towers that has those cross like patterns on them. Least thats the one I couldn't find.
I got one on a tower, but there are red, yellow and green battery bots in the Shifting Sands and they seem to be just randomly dotted around rather than in the immediate (or even general) vicinity of their doors, the red ones especially.

Don't think I'm ever finding them without a map or something.
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