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Red Dead Redemption |OT| Whistling Morricone in the desert


flyinpiranha said:
It's because your honor is too high. Grab the Bandanna (from the shop in Thieves Landing - you can sneak around and get to him if you keep getting shot) and they won't attack. Remember to take it off also as you don't gain honor/fame while wearing it and doing other stuff.

That's what I thought when I remembered the name of the town :lol

But I saved it, turned the xbox off, got some food. Came back half an hour later and strolled into town and played some Blackjack without any hassle - no bandanna, full honour... guess the game took pity on me getting gibbed on entrance :lol
Picked up the only 360 copy left in my town.
So far what I'm liking is Marston's attitude & the kind of quiet tone/atmosphere.
It's a big relief riding around in comparison to the almost always tense Alan Wake.


Mechanical Snowman said:
Good luck!

Just got the game =D Rockstar sure do like to put hot chicks on their cover art.

Isn't John Marston on the cover?

Also, Marston's attemps at speaking spanish crack me up.

"You guys fight like chickas!" :lol

Dead Man

syllogism said:
You've a different bounty value for US/Mexico, could be that
This is on my second playthrough, I haven't got to Mexico yet.

Reknoc said:
Did you have any bounty before that? Pretty sure you don't gain a bounty if you manage to kill everyone.
Nah, I saw it there after I had to flee the scene and my wanted status had gone, is there any reason besides dying or paying it off that is should disappear?

I just added it to the same category as the freezes, floating boxes, buggered bandolier, and Mo van Barr glitches of weirdness but not catastrophe.
NotTheGuyYouKill said:
So your advice for a traumatized hanging victim is to have a smelly cowboy fuck her?

Brilliant stuff, dude.

Also, keep playing.

im not a smelly cowboy at heart, i have a heart of gold.
im starting to get annoyed at accidentally assault lawmen or pedestrians. Some guy stole a horse, i got the horse, lassoed the guy, dragged him until death. rode to rightful owner and accidentally rode to fast and dropped kicked him the face while getting off the horse. BOUNTY.

Also two lawmen running after someone and i accidentally run over one on my way to someplace. BOUNTY

Dude Abides

My Xbox seems to be displaying kind of an artifact from the dashboard during this game now. There's a very faint green outline of the dashboard - you can still barely make out the ad for Splinter Cell conviction and the ad for RDR avatar stuff - that's displayed during gameplay. It seems to go away during pause menus. Has anyone else seen this?
Deepack said:
Isn't John Marston on the cover?

Also, Marston's attemps at speaking spanish crack me up.

"You guys fight like chickas!" :lol
On the box art yeah, but the game manual has what I'm assuming
is a prostitute lifting up her skirt, and there is a blonde girl on the back of the map.


TTG said:
Getting a 5000$ bounty is not an easy achievement. I just cleared out Armadillo, Mcfarlane's Ranch, the small station near thieve's landing AND all of Blackwater.... 2331$ bounty so far. Gonna resupply on medkits and go from there. :lol My honor went from one end of the scale to the other too, I have "the dark horse" now.

I did it in half an hour killing and endless stream of cops coming after me. In Blackwater ^^. Then after awhile when the cops stopped coming I just walked into the station and gave that man that letter :p.


I never understood how you can tell a good horse from a shit one. Is there an easy way to differentiate or do you just have to get lucky?
Question about the "Poppycock" stranger's mission:

Is there a way to keep the $1,000 and not fail this quest? I figured since I just delivered opium a hell of a distance, I considered it a "delivery fee" of sorts. The option is to press B and hand the money over, or keep it. I just walked away, got on my horse and rode off and I see that I failed it.

I could always reload a file, since I just purchased property in El Matadero. Thanks.


I am now in what i assume is the end-game area, and wow.... this is just a great experience of a game. Got a little bored in Mexico, but it definitely picked up steam after that.

And goddamn, there are bears all over the fucking place in those snowy hills! Those bastards creep up on you like Solid Snake! :lol


Mechanical Snowman said:
On the box art yeah, but the game manual has what I'm assuming
is a prostitute lifting up her skirt, and there is a blonde girl on the back of the map.

Oh, the girl on the back of the map is Bonnie. You'll get to know her soon enough.


I've been having so much fun with this game. The mini-games are all done pretty well for the most part. Particularly poker and liars dice. In poker I've even noticed certain characters seem to bluff more than others.

The game just seems to play out much better than GTAIV, and I really enjoyed that game as well. It just feels like the engine was much more suited for RDR. I just got to Blackwater and am finishing up the main quests, but I still have challenges (especially treasure hunting) and other shenanigans to get into. I see myself playing around with the game for a long time coming.


I have not used cocaine
I'm guessing no real difference, except graphics, between the xbox/ps3 version in this game? I'm mainly looking to get it on ps3 for the free online is all.
Callibretto said:
need some help here. I'm doing Marshall mission to save Bonnie, during the shootout my audo skip often, and taking cover is also messed up. after a while the screen turn black and I'm back to xmb.

I've tried it twice and have the same issue in the same mission. I tried google and found a couple people with the same problem but in various location but no one posted any solution or the exact cause yet.

help please, basically in my case, I can't progress my story here.

no one has any idea? help please
This game has WAY more "stupid open world moments" than GTA IV. For instance, I am running around right now with a tied up woman, and
I can't do anything about it. I saw some dude running off with her, so I shot him. I picked her up, then that's it. There's nothing I can do but put her down, or pick her up again.

Oh, I can
also put
on my


After trying to throw her in the lake, I finally got the option to cut her loose.

Gooster said:
Question about the "Poppycock" stranger's mission:

Is there a way to keep the $1,000 and not fail this quest? I figured since I just delivered opium a hell of a distance, I considered it a "delivery fee" of sorts. The option is to press B and hand the money over, or keep it. I just walked away, got on my horse and rode off and I see that I failed it.

I could always reload a file, since I just purchased property in El Matadero. Thanks.

I killed the guy and I don't remember if I failed or not but on one of the outfits it says "Complete the Poppycock mission" and its registered as being completed.

Mr. Sam

SkinnyPupp said:
This game has WAY more "stupid open world moments" than GTA IV. For instance, I am running around right now with a tied up woman, and
I can't do anything about it. I saw some dude running off with her, so I shot him. I picked her up, then that's it. There's nothing I can do but put her down, or pick her up again.

Oh, I can
also put
on my


After trying to throw her in the lake, I finally got the option to cut her loose.


Oh. I was gonna recommend the railroad.


extra source of jiggaflops
Gooster said:
Question about the "Poppycock" stranger's mission:

Is there a way to keep the $1,000 and not fail this quest? I figured since I just delivered opium a hell of a distance, I considered it a "delivery fee" of sorts. The option is to press B and hand the money over, or keep it. I just walked away, got on my horse and rode off and I see that I failed it.
I killed him after I gave him the money. So I got the money back. No witnesses either. ;-)


Argh! I'm trying to find some wild boar for one of the challenges, been searching to the north of mac farlanes ranch for ages now and nothing. not even with bait... I heard they are in the tall tree's aswell? I'm not in west elizabeth yet though :(

edit: re-loaded the game and found the little buggers straight away! :D
ExtraKr1spy said:
I killed the guy and I don't remember if I failed or not but on one of the outfits it says "Complete the Poppycock mission" and its registered as being completed.

Thanks. I did just that and now it's completed.

Deepack said:
Also, Marston's attemps at speaking spanish crack me up.

"You guys fight like chickas!" :lol

"Uhhhh, ihola!" makes me laugh constantly.


I had the funniest thing happen last night. I was attempting one of the marksman challenge missions where you have to shoot four birds. I manage to get two of them, but for some reason there are two that are flying right above me that I can't aim at no matter how far back I backpedal. After I finish the challenge, I look at the guy to accept the challenge again just in time to see a cougar running full tilt at his back. I whip out my rifle, go into dead eye, and destroy that stupid ninja cat. After I exit dead eye, the marksman challenge NPC gets pissed off that I was shooting so close to him and tries to kill me. I, of course, have to take him out. After I loot his body and get back the money that he took from me, I turn around just in time to see the cougar's friend bounding triumphantly towards me. I pull out my double-barreled shotgun, go into dead eye, and pump two shells into him.

Upon exiting dead eye, the cougar's lifeless body proceeds to bounce against the ground like a giant rubber ball and catapult a good one-hundred to one-hundred and fifty feet into the air. He was in the air for so fucking long that I started to wonder if he had glitched off of the game map. After a good 5-7 seconds of no cougar, he eventually came back down. :lol
For the Mexico missions:

I wish they would have just made you picked sides instead of helping both. There were mission for the Army side that I felt like I was redoing on the rebel side just from a different perspective and outcome.

Army side: Escort this train with supplies to an outpost and defend from the rebels.
Rebel side: Steal this train full of supplies and defend it from the Army trying to retake it.
HixxSAFC said:
That's what I thought when I remembered the name of the town :lol

But I saved it, turned the xbox off, got some food. Came back half an hour later and strolled into town and played some Blackjack without any hassle - no bandanna, full honour... guess the game took pity on me getting gibbed on entrance :lol

Ha, yeah. I think it's actually random sometimes. I didn't get attacked when I first went there and then did on a second time. When I went to buy the bandanna after reading about it in this thread I didn't get attacked but I did coming out of the store before putting it on. Makes me wonder if there is a certain pack or gang that only attacks you there and they kind of roam around.


After seeing the apparent romance GAF has with this game , I've decided to look into it, the thing is I don't like open world games all that much (or at all really). GTA IV was ok at best imo and that's about the only one I've played this gen, is this game for me?


Colocho said:
After seeing the apparent romance GAF has with this game , I've decided to look into it, the thing is I don't like open world games all that much (or at all really). GTA IV was ok at best imo and that's about the only one I've played this gen, is this game for me?

If you don't like the open world format, I wouldn't get this game. This game takes the formula that GTA has created and applies it to a western. It's not "GTA in the west," but the mission structure and controls are very similar.

One thing that turned me off to the game a little bit was the fact that at any given time, there isn't a lot happening on screen. I'm fine with this, since it's set in the west and the population for any given town was sparse at best, but it's certainly a departure from the bustling streets that I've gotten used to in past Rockstar games.

I'm a huge Rockstar/GTA fan, though. I've played every single one to completion and a few of them close to 100%. Maybe someone who isn't as partial to the open world style of gameplay can give you more accurate feedback.

It's at least worth a rental, though.

Dead Man

Colocho said:
After seeing the apparent romance GAF has with this game , I've decided to look into it, the thing is I don't like open world games all that much (or at all really). GTA IV was ok at best imo and that's about the only one I've played this gen, is this game for me?
I do love open world games, but I thought GTA IV was a terrible, boring, crappy game. RDR is so much better there is no comparing them, to me anyway. But if you do not like open world games it may not be your thing.

Sorry I can't give you a better answer, I don't understand people that don't like open world games! :D

Rebel Leader

sw33tclyde said:
Feels good man, fuckin' spotted bastard got what he deserved.

After I killed the Boar... I checked to see what legendary creature was next and my reaction was something similar to this


And the "cougar house" (what one of my friends was calling it) was right in the middle of the red circle


Rebel Leader said:
After I killed the Boar... I checked to see what legendary creature was next and my reaction was something similar to this


And the "cougar house" (what one of my friends was calling it) was right in the middle of the red circle

what are you guys talking about? you get to hunt legendary creatures? at what part of the game is this unlocked?
Visualante said:
What's the deal with the PC version? All I can find on Google is links to a potential copy and paste error in GameInformer..
I dunno ... I've seen a half-dozen sites mention it in passing, but nobody seems to have any real info. Either the press knows more than we do, or they're just regurgitating false info.

My guess is that Rockstar is waiting a couple months for the console sales to die down before announcing a PC port. Most Rockstar games have shown up on PC at one time or another, so it would surprise me if it doesn't hit the PC eventually.
My friend and I had a little run in with an enemy posse composed of three guys. We ended up fending them off using the Cougar House. The cougars and bears acted like a first line of defense, and I'm pretty sure the enemy posse was taken out by wildlife more frequently than they were killed by us.
Colocho said:
After seeing the apparent romance GAF has with this game , I've decided to look into it, the thing is I don't like open world games all that much (or at all really). GTA IV was ok at best imo and that's about the only one I've played this gen, is this game for me?
Everything you hate about open world games is in this, and in my opinion is even more annoying than GTA IV. For me, stupid shit happens every few minutes, and it seems very unpolished in everything but storyline and voice acting.

Rebel Leader

DiddyBop said:
what are you guys talking about? you get to hunt legendary creatures? at what part of the game is this unlocked?

You must complete Master Hunter ranks to get Master Hunter II ranks to be able to kill the legendary creatures


ShockingAlberto said:
There is really no reason I should have to watch the skinning and looting animations EVERY TIME.
Yeah that sucks big time. I thought turning off killing animation in options was for that but fuck no you have to keep watching that crap.


Steroid Distributor
Rebel Leader said:
This was a triumph...

I am making a note here of huge success..

I killed Khan the Jaguar :D

I thought all of those challenges were a joke because they were so easy. I rode up Khan's area. Rode up the bank so I standing on the raised area of the opening in the rock. Aimed into the field and shot him. Did almost the same for the rest too. Was hoping for some awesome battle.

Oh well
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