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Red Letter Media |OT| of Movies, Murderers, and Pizza Rolls

Davey Cakes

I'll admit, when talking about 1999 I was never sucked into the Blair Witch craze. I gravitated towards The Matrix and to a lesser extent, The Phantom Menace. M

Still not interested in it. Certainly not interested in the sequel/reboot.

I can't even think of a "found footage"' movie that I've ever seen. The genre doesn't appeal to me at all.





you can't put a price on sparks
I saw Blair witch like 6 years or so after it came out, it wasn't scary but i liked it a lot. I had seen tons of parodies and stuff before that, so I never really "got" the jokes but was essentially already exposed to most of the movie.

It is certainly the best found footage movie ive seen.


Haven't seen it, but after watching the Good Bad Flicks video on it, I want to see if there's a fan edit of the director's original vision out there.

It's a pretty interesting video!
There is a fan edit and I may or may not have watched it, because I guess that's what you do when you catch the Blair Witch fever 17 years too late.

There's a germ of a good idea in the sequel, but there's no amount of editing that could have salvaged this mess. The director did have a vision, but he simply didn't have the skills to execute the kind of movie he wanted to make. It's like he tried to make Lost Highway, but it came out looking like a direct-to-DVD Scary Movie spin-off.
Repeating "film lies" doesn't get you very far if you can't convincingly portray a character's altered perception on film. All of the scenes that were meant to make you question what's really happening only managed to look like parodies of clichéd jump scares.
I love the commentary tracks, but I bet they make more from ads on reView, especially considering we've had people go out of their way to pirate them or circumvent bandcamp.


Commentary tracks should have a better price structure. They are easy to make, but less accessable to the mass audience over a YouTube video.


I love the commentary tracks, but I bet they make more from ads on reView, especially considering we've had people go out of their way to pirate them or circumvent bandcamp.

Can't you just hit play to listen to them on their website? Or did they fix that?

You can listen to them for free :-3 (If the website says you have used up your free listens, you just delete your cookies).

I still bought all of them except the He-Man one, which I will purchase too.
Someone uploaded the Warm Bodies/Movie 43 episode of Half in Bag to Youtube


Jay talked about just never getting around to reuploading it and that was ages ago.

I emailed him a while ago after blip.tv imploded and they claimed that they lost that review, but I never heard back from them. I know a while ago they also posted just the movie 43 version of the review but never included the warms bodies portion. I actually think the warm bodies review is bad. The movies a lot better than what they're saying, and their comparison to twilight is way off the mark. Other than the movie 43 portion it's not that great of an episode.


Speaking of lost videos, what is this United States of No thing?

It was a mockumentary thing about how Vader saying "Noooo" in EP3 after finding out Padme was dead was so unintentionally hilarious when it was supposed to be the final turning point for Vader to the dark side, the whole reason for the prequels even existing, and Lucas totally butchered it.

It's honestly my favorite thing they've done.

I think I've got a copy on my hard drive, let me see if I can find it and get it uploaded somewhere. Someone uploaded it to Vimeo or something after blip shut down but I can't find the link for it off hand

EDIT: Here y'all go: The United States of Noooo!


Subete no aware
It was a mockumentary thing about how Vader saying "Noooo" in EP3 after finding out Padme was dead was so unintentionally hilarious when it was supposed to be the final turning point for Vader to the dark side, the whole reason for the prequels even existing, and Lucas totally butchered it.

It's honestly my favorite thing they've done.

I think I've got a copy on my hard drive, let me see if I can find it and get it uploaded somewhere. Someone uploaded it to Vimeo or something after blip shut down but I can't find the link for it off hand

EDIT: Here y'all go: The United States of Noooo!

Ah, thanks. I wonder why they didn't bother uploading it to their channel.


Ah, thanks. I wonder why they didn't bother uploading it to their channel.

Popular theory was that they don't have a backup copy of it laying around, but I wonder if it has to do with the Johnny Cash song at the end. In my experience with Youtube something like that is a great way to get your video muted, so uploading it again would be pointless.


Subete no aware
Popular theory was that they don't have a backup copy of it laying around, but I wonder if it has to do with the Johnny Cash song at the end. In my experience with Youtube something like that is a great way to get your video muted, so uploading it again would be pointless.
Ah, I guess they can't re-edit it if they don't have the files anymore.

Also holy fuck young Mike is scary.
Oh god, the part of the United States of Noooo! where Mike is talking to a guy and his lady friend, and she genuinely wants to discuss science fiction intelligently, and her guy friend is making fun of her and mugging at the camera about how stupid he thinks she is that she wants to talk about sci-fi. I wanted to punch that guy in the face.


It was a mockumentary thing about how Vader saying "Noooo" in EP3 after finding out Padme was dead was so unintentionally hilarious when it was supposed to be the final turning point for Vader to the dark side, the whole reason for the prequels even existing, and Lucas totally butchered it.

It's honestly my favorite thing they've done.

I think I've got a copy on my hard drive, let me see if I can find it and get it uploaded somewhere. Someone uploaded it to Vimeo or something after blip shut down but I can't find the link for it off hand

EDIT: Here y'all go: The United States of Noooo!
That Kirstie Alley joke gets me every time.


I imagine they're looking back at it as mildly embarrassing now though. The video is in 4:3 format btw. Was that the original ratio?

Almost certainly. Remember this video is like 10 years old and HD was still relatively new. If their camera was more than a year or two old there's almost no way it would be HD/widescreen without shelling out serious $$$.


Oh god, the part of the United States of Noooo! where Mike is talking to a guy and his lady friend, and she genuinely wants to discuss science fiction intelligently, and her guy friend is making fun of her and mugging at the camera about how stupid he thinks she is that she wants to talk about sci-fi. I wanted to punch that guy in the face.

I loved that part. She was very insightful and that guy just was being a fucking douche, lol.
That was a really fun discussion. Also, I learned that Jack is my age, and I love Blade I and II as well. The third one tried, but Draco wasn't as much fun as vagina vamps.
But now I'm in the mood to watch them again. Throw in some Demolition Man (also a comic book first?) for good measure.

In remembering Blade, they forgot Dredd.

eeeeeeeeh, no, not really. Judge Dredd (1995) has a fun setting, and of course the delivery of that one line. You know the one.
But the parts that are any good are spread across the movie (the wasteland and the family, the ABC robot, perhaps the facility) without them actually lining up to present us the feel of that world. It's firmly in the 'awkward 90s comic movie' category, sadly. In fact in the opening they have Dredd use all the features of his weapon and then never use them again. So all Garland had to do with Dredd 3D (2012) is not be an idiot and spread those features across the movie and tie those things (like giving up the weapon) back to the feel of the world. And it's a great movie for it, and the lack of a sequel is a fucking crime. Somebody call a Judge.
I LOVED Blade 1. It had a really great tone and world. The CGI aged horribly, but other than that I enjoy it every time I watch it.

Blade 2 got a bit more "comic book-like" you got the cool sidekick in Norman Reedus, the Bloodpack which had a variety of different personalities (which included the great Donnie Yen) and the more over the top choreography. It was still enjoyable, but took out some of the "seriousness" Blade 1 established.

Blade 3 sucked.

The Batman V Superman episode of Half in the Bag crossed 1 million views, making it the first Half in the Bag (and maybe the first non-Plinkett video?) to do so.


I am surprised it wasn't The Force Awakens to get 1 million views first.
That garlic fart joke: "silent, but deadly" was so great. Reynolds really has been prepping for Deadpool for two decades, and it's good to have that pay off. Scratch that off the bucket list.

That review of BvS is so glorious I've watched it, like, five times already. I'm part of the problem, but I have a hate for BvS and I must indulge.

Also, TFA is almost there. And Suicide Squad is at roughly 700k already, so that's getting passed them soon, probably.
eeeeeeeeh, no, not really. Judge Dredd (1995) has a fun setting, and of course the delivery of that one line. You know the one.
But the parts that are any good are spread across the movie (the wasteland and the family, the ABC robot, perhaps the facility) without them actually lining up to present us the feel of that world. It's firmly in the 'awkward 90s comic movie' category, sadly. In fact in the opening they have Dredd use all the features of his weapon and then never use them again. So all Garland had to do with Dredd 3D (2012) is not be an idiot and spread those features across the movie and tie those things (like giving up the weapon) back to the feel of the world. And it's a great movie for it, and the lack of a sequel is a fucking crime. Somebody call a Judge.

I'm talking about the 2012 Dredd. Brings in a lot of what they liked about Blade. Especially love how the events of Dredd are treated like a rough day on the job. Punisher Warzone is another, sticking with comic movies.
I LOVED Blade 1. It had a really great tone and world. The CGI aged horribly, but other than that I enjoy it every time I watch it.

Blade 2 got a bit more "comic book-like" you got the cool sidekick in Norman Reedus, the Bloodpack which had a variety of different personalities (which included the great Donnie Yen) and the more over the top choreography. It was still enjoyable, but took out some of the "seriousness" Blade 1 established.

Blade 3 sucked.

The Batman V Superman episode of Half in the Bag crossed 1 million views, making it the first Half in the Bag (and maybe the first non-Plinkett video?) to do so.


I am surprised it wasn't The Force Awakens to get 1 million views first.

Nobody seems to like their positive reviews nearly as much as their negative ones. That and the BvS review is one of their very best.


Regarding Whistler and his cancer, I don't think it was a useless detail that went nowhere, I think it was a smaller piece of some larger character detail.

Whistler's coughing, Blood Doctor asks if he's sick, and Blade is just staring at Whistler from a distance, and says that it's cancer. Whistler's dying and Blade (who could be immortal) knows it, and he's clearly in pain and he doesn't know how to deal with the inevitable loss of Whistler.

Then after Whistler gets attacked by the vamps, and he's probably dead, Blade has to check the body but he does it from this hard, sideways, 90 degree angle position, where he isn't even able to look at him, because he can't bear to look at a dead Whistler.

But then Whistler's still alive. But he's infected by Vampirism. He wants Blade to put him down, but Blade can't, because he's not able to deal with Whistler's death. The Vampire infection is not so far removed from the cancer infection. Shit is happening to Whistler and a helpless Blade is frozen in his response.

So Whistler steps in and does what needs to be done, while Blade (now turned 180 away) leaves the scene with his eyes locked forward.

I think that if you removed the cancer scene, Whistler's death still would've worked, but it would've been a bit more typical "You killed my father, prepare to die", whereas this was about the inevitability to Whistler's death, and about Blade not being equipped to handle such a thing.

Also it contributed to the "stare directly at him, stare 90 degrees to the side, stare 180 degrees away" visual thing.

Edit: It's also amusing how little antagonism there is between Blade and Frost. Frost didn't even twist the knife. "If it helps, he died well."

That garlic fart joke: "silent, but deadly" was so great. Reynolds really has been prepping for Deadpool for two decades, and it's good to have that pay off. Scratch that off the bucket list.

Blade 3 was legitimately the origin of Ryan Reynolds' Deadpool. After Reynolds got the part in Blade 3, one of the producers told him "You're basically going to be playing this character. Read up." and dropped a stack of Deadpool comics in front of Reynolds. This was Reynolds' first exposure to Deadpool, and he became an instant fan.
Blade 3 was legitimately the origin of Ryan Reynolds' Deadpool. After Reynolds got the part in Blade 3, one of the producers told him "You're basically going to be playing this character. Read up." and dropped a stack of Deadpool comics in front of Reynolds. This was Reynolds' first exposure to Deadpool, and he became an instant fan.

Oh, that explains a lot. I did not know that.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
Blade 3 was legitimately the origin of Ryan Reynolds' Deadpool. After Reynolds got the part in Blade 3, one of the producers told him "You're basically going to be playing this character. Read up." and dropped a stack of Deadpool comics in front of Reynolds. This was Reynolds' first exposure to Deadpool, and he became an instant fan.

That alone makes Blade 3 worth a damn, IMHO. Even though the movie wasn't too good it served a much greater purpose!
I looked up the Doctor's actress in Blade (who WAS named Karen after all)


I am disappointed to see she kind of got spotty work for the 8 years after Blade and appeared to just retire after that. I remember her being pretty good in the film. Nothing outstanding of course considering the material, but enough to put on a good showing on demo reel.

I'm shocked any of these guys know what Blankman or Meteor Man are.

I think I recall Jack talking about Blankman being one of the few VHS tapes he had in his farm as a kid. Blankman and Meteor Man seem like those quasi-out there not quite B-Movie films that they would watch. Rich made a Blankman joke in one of the old Half in the Bag films so I think the crew probably watched it way back when.
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