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Red Letter Media |OT| of Movies, Murderers, and Pizza Rolls

I need a gif of Plinkett rolling in the tapes.



There you go
Super late on this, but I loved the "Half in the Bag: The Conjuring, Only God Forgives, Blue Jasmine, and THINGS" episode because Palpatine said exactly what I was thinking up to that point about Jay: "...he does look kind of hot with the beard now," haha.


I haven't seen Gravity yet and am summoning every modicum of my willpower to not watch this video, even if the spoilers can be avoided.


Okay, I watched and outside of the spoiler section I skipped I think it was okay for anyone treading lightly.

Also, I laughed hard when Jay was introducing Carrie, talking about the original film adaptation, and Mike said, "What'd you say about tits?" People who have seen De Palma's flick should get the joke.
Funny episode but thought that they were totally off base with their Gravity critique.

They definitely over critiqued it (never a fan when critics talk about how they WANTED the movie to be instead of how the movie IS), but there were some good points. I agreed about the use of such huge name actors in the movie. I'm sure it did great for getting people to see the movie, but I can understand how they could feel like the characters were basically just Danny Ocean and Annie Porter.. IN SPACE! I definitely remember seeing Gravity's trailer in multiple movie previews and people laughed every time at Sandra Bullock freaking out, haha.
I liked both of them in the movie, but I can see how some new, good actors might have grounded the movie a little bit more.

Also, just gonna put this link here (watch your volume): http://yourethemannowdog.com/


you can't put a price on sparks
i never watch movies in theaters anymore, so i guess i dont really care about being spoiled too much anymore unless its one of the movies i'm realllllly looking forward to.

anyway, gravity looks like it'll be cool just to watch, the story sounds dumb, but whatever. i can already kind of picture the whole movie in my head already.

carrie looks bad. but i'm actually going to put the original and Last Days on my netflix list now cause of this episode.


I don't see how you can say the story of Gravity is stupid. It's a very basic narrative pulled off right. Things go bad in space and Bullock tries to go back. There's nothing there to complain about because it's simply a framework for action/suspense and survival. What else is needed? The movie is good precicely because it keeps it simple, because its minimalist approach makes the focus tighter and the scenes more intense. Just do not get those complaints.
They definitely over critiqued it (never a fan when critics talk about how they WANTED the movie to be instead of how the movie IS), but there were some good points.
They had a few good points, I just thought that they were either overly cynical and/or inconsistent in their criticism.

They gripe about the dialog the entire time because it's too on the nose and expository but then they suggest them having a montage setting up Sandra Bullock's training. If that isn't on the nose and a bit cliche'd, I don't know what is.

I think it's also counter-intuitive to what the movie was establishing which is this pseudo-horror "floating in space" POV thing. The way the film is shot evokes horror and claustrophobia and helplessness the entire time. A visual break on earth doesn't make much sense to bolster that out of the gate.

This is an extremely personal journey, expanding the cast of characters beyond voices in the vast reaches of space, once again only detracts from the narrative core.

That's what I think anyway.

The Real Abed

Super late on this, but I loved the "Half in the Bag: The Conjuring, Only God Forgives, Blue Jasmine, and THINGS" episode because Palpatine said exactly what I was thinking up to that point about Jay: "...he does look kind of hot with the beard now," haha.
I forgot he had a beard now. I guess I just got used to it in the last video. I didn't even notice it.
Best of the Worst is the best.

It's amazing how I went from not really knowing of it's existence to it being my favorite outside of the Star Wars reviews.


you can't put a price on sparks
oh man this was such a hilarious episode. that shirt and the showbiz pizza bear IN THE MOVIE was ridiculous.

and then they somehow got a costume for the showbiz pizza bear! lol!
I think I like Best of the Worst now better than Half in the Bag. I didn't even watch the last Half in the Bag, but that's mostly since I haven't seen Gravity.


Drunky McMurder
Best of the Worst was so great this week.

The Showtime Pizza Bear haunting was incredible, and helped to overshadow the inferior movie Nightbeast and the fact that it was JJ Abrams' first credit, for sound and music.


you can't put a price on sparks
I think I like Best of the Worst now better than Half in the Bag. I didn't even watch the last Half in the Bag, but that's mostly since I haven't seen Gravity.

i like them both, but i can see how Half in the Bag is a little less "fun" because its more about movies that might be good/bad and its just jay and mike talking in a structured form.

whereas best of the worst is just the whole group dynamic and it feels not as structured and usually just plain funny since they're trying to get terrible movies done.

best of the worst feels more like a normal tv show, i suppose, whereas Half in the Bag feels like a sketch comedy thing more.


Best of the Worst is great at introducing bad movies, more hit and miss on great comments / talk about the movies afterwards. The more essential Half in the Bag gives us something sorely lacking post Ebert&Siskel, some good old fashioned movie talk with people who fit in front of the camera and know how to digest movies. Mike being good at that is the whole reason the Plinkett reviews got popular - sure there are no clips but that's not really a solveable thing for new movies and you don't want to get too spoiled either, in general.
Man, I don't understand the half in the bag weariness. Jay and mike are as good as ever. It would be nice if they talked about more interesting movies than the weekly Hollywood superhero garbage. I think the quality of film is forcing them to repeat a lot of the same criticisms - x actor is bored, schizophrenic themes, genre tropes, etc


Watched their Gravity review. I've never seen these two spout off so many stupid ideas and changes to a movie.


you can't put a price on sparks
the last half in the bag felt like they really didnt want to do it.

i feel like they have more "fun" with best of the worst, this one was hilarious.

i actually had that "Where Did I Come From?" book thing. The book was pretty much as weird as the video.
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