"I fucking love Star Wars!"

"I fucking love Star Wars!"
"I fucking love Star Wars!"
I need a version of this with baby yoda.
Mac takes us BEHIND DA SCENEZ!
Seems like a thread for people with...
We could solve water crisis with this crying
Mac takes us BEHIND DA SCENEZ!
Mac takes us BEHIND DA SCENEZ!
Mac takes us BEHIND DA SCENEZ!
Man when is that RoS review dropping? I can’t wait to see what they think.
Our friend, Rich Evans, reacts to some trailers!
I can't wait for Blood in My Stool!
Ahhh yeah baby
Re:View - The Mandalorian
I know what Star Wars is too!
Our friend, Rich Evans, reacts to some trailers!
Same here.Their thoughts align with mine. The relative simplicity of The Mandalorian's story is why I like it so much. We need don't need overtly complicated plotlines in our TV shows. Just give us good stories that we can enjoy in the space of an hour every week. I just recently watched the first two episodes of the new Doctor Who season and I was just aghast at how nonsensical and overtly convoluted the plot was. Same with The Witcher.