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RedLetterMedia |OT| Is This OT Replacing the Other OT?

Their theory is better than the quest to broadcast an interstellar message rumour yet still an awful and defeated route to take. And would they be willing to to attempt a time travel solution plot so soon after a giant event like Endgame?

It's kinda depressing that my interest has waned to the point where I'm mainly just curious about what they'll do rather than wanting to watch the movie to see how it plays out. =/
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Yeah this is on the mark. JJ is mediocre at best, not a single movie he has made has really impressed me. Yet he keeps landing these giant franchise deals. The Batman V Superman / Justice League guy??? Are they serious? Why is this guy still getting work? Those films were absolutely god awful.

It makes the time travel theory more likely tho. Justice League was a bad rip off of the Avengers, I could see him ripping off Endgame as well

JJ is exactly the type of director Disney wants, he makes easily digestible trash for mass consumption, generic inoffensive mediocrities that will never challenge you or make you think. Disney is the fast food of the movie industry, not that other studios are much better but Disney is just great at making products instead of movies, the only difference is that after eating fast food you leave with a good taste in your mouth.

Honestly, and this will sound pathetic because it kind of is, I've found myself watching this crap partly because they make RLM reviews even more fun if you know how terrible the movie is.
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This was my first thought as well. Seems like they run the risk of getting the “copycat” label on one hand, while on the other hands possibly rectifying issues a lot of people had with TLJ?
the guy wrote Justice League, which was a slap dash attempt to duplicate the success of the Avengers, and they went the extra mile to imitate the Avengers down to hiring the same director for reshoots. they are shameless. this is why I think u can’t rule out time travel despite it being the dumbest idea

Plus I have a hard time seeing them not use a similar clip show setup, given how much they are emphasising “this concludes the whole series”
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I don't give a shit about the Skywalkers. Why does Star Wars have to be only about them? It's fucking called STAR WARS. Does Disney not realize that they can still make their billions with a good script that's not creatively bankrupt?

And all that CGI money and they can't give us a decent, awe-inspiring fight? It's space-fantasy, give us the good stuff! I want to see asteroids being cut in half with a lightsaber and people being force-shoved into the sun! Heck, have them walk on the sun and fight there. How? Next level force bullshit. Have fun with it.


I don't give a shit about the Skywalkers. Why does Star Wars have to be only about them? It's fucking called STAR WARS.
yeah there's an interview from George Lucas from around 1978 or so, at one point he said they were going to be 12 films, but they would all follow different characters, take place in different parts of the galaxy, in different time periods, etc. i was hoping with new films they would actually do that, create new stories. but no. how would they market the same old shit to us?

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
The writer of BvS ....


Honestly, if they literally time travel and erase TLJ, I might just have to go see it lol.
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I will die of laughter if Palpatine from the past follows the good guys to the present day and they fight 1983 Palpatine.


Oh no, what am I going to watch now that Era officially canceled them?

Lmao these people: ''I made a similar thread last year outlining Grace Randolph's history of racism in her videos which resulted in her videos being banned from being posted here. I feel RLM clearly deserves the same treatment.''
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I knew this shit was coming eventually - they have been salty over the Ghostbusters 2016 reviews and Rich Evans' off-color jokes for years.

I think I am going to archive their videos now. Would not be surprised to see Era go on a mass reporting spree from their Discords.


The word "Bigoted" literally means not respecting other people's opinions.

By using it to attack someone, you are typically contradicting yourself. It's quite funny to watch it happen.


Almost the entire video is devoted to downplaying the seriousness of misogyny while displaying an immense amount of white fragility

lol thanks for telling me about white fragility, angry white man in a metal hockey mask


Years ago,a little before the neogaf/Resetera split, i posted in the other thread that i expected RLM to be eventually "soft banned" (like Crowbcat, AVGN or games made by THQ), and by soft banned i mean that you technically can still talk about them and make threads about their videos, but everytime you do so the same subset of users will spam the same tired conversations, completely derailing the thread to the point where if you want to talk about the content of their new videos,it's easier to just find some place else to do it. The writing was on the wall since 2016 here on Neogaf but luckily this place got way more sane since then.



Fox Mulder

I can't feel sorry for anyone still trying to apply common sense there, hope they find somewhere else to go during their two week bans.


ever since they made fun of Antifa in the TLJ review i knew their days were numbered. not liking The One Marvel Movie With a Woman Lead was apparently the final straw.

the resentment these people feel, it's bizarre. like i don't go out of my way to watch Rachel Maddow cos it would drive me insane and i would rant about her all the time. if you don't like something you can just.... not watch it.
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oddly they saw no issue with having a huge thread mocking Scarlett Johansen for having agency in choosing the roles she plays as a professional actor
Another thing that got sand in their vaginas is The Nerd Crew attacking The Collider and all the other phony PR-driven "nerd culture" shows. That is attacking the industry most of these people rely on for money and utilize to undermine the existing cultures.

Star Trek multiculturalism is the opposite of what the modern left wants. The world of Star Trek was a post scarcity meritocracy - for most people (unless you grew up in a shit colony) material needs were met by default due to technological progress, so there was no general need to have a system for distributing limited resources (e.g. capitalism, socialism). People respected each others cultures and identities, but no one got brownie points for being a genderfluid hemisexual trans-Klingon albino Ferengi.

It is the nightmare world for these people - they would not be joining Starfleet with a degree in gender studies.

ever since they made fun of Antifa in the TLJ review i knew their days were numbered. not liking The One Marvel Movie With a Woman Lead was apparently the final straw.

the resentment these people feel, it's bizarre. like i don't go out of my way to watch Rachel Maddow cos it would drive me insane and i would rant about her all the time. if you don't like something you can just.... not watch it.

It is because they want to destroy anything that does not fit their worldview, and they have an insidious network set up to create damaging narratives (e.g. Gamergate, Vic Mignogna, etc.).

If I had to guess, I expect Polygon to do an article on "DESKBAR FRASHBAR WUBBA WUBBA" in the next month. Or maybe something on Mike's girlfriend from way back who the fanbase (legitimately) did harrass claiming that he did not do enough to protect her. They will arrange something behind the scenes in their little "nerd journalism" cabal.
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What. The. Fuck.

I feel like they’ve been perfectly balanced. In their CM review they called our Brie’s “foot in mouth” syndrome but also called out people for “somehow still being upset over this.”

I’m a sensitive liberal cuckboy and I’ve never felt any of their stuff was in any way “offensive” whatsoever.

They seem like balanced, neutral, reasonable people.
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Don't pass gaas, it is your Destiny!


Got banned for saying the forum has a reason to hate everything. It was a short one but think I’m done over there.


Years ago,a little before the neogaf/Resetera split, i posted in the other thread that i expected RLM to be eventually "soft banned" (like Crowbcat, AVGN or games made by THQ), and by soft banned i mean that you technically can still talk about them and make threads about their videos, but everytime you do so the same subset of users will spam the same tired conversations, completely derailing the thread to the point where if you want to talk about the content of their new videos,it's easier to just find some place else to do it. The writing was on the wall since 2016 here on Neogaf but luckily this place got way more sane since then.

Why AVGN? What could he have possibly done wrong to get up their salty asses?


ever since they made fun of Antifa in the TLJ review i knew their days were numbered. not liking The One Marvel Movie With a Woman Lead was apparently the final straw.

the resentment these people feel, it's bizarre. like i don't go out of my way to watch Rachel Maddow cos it would drive me insane and i would rant about her all the time. if you don't like something you can just.... not watch it.

I wonder sometimes that if I were to meet these people face to face, would they be so upset over such innocuous bullshit? Or is it all just an act because they are in an echo chamber of madness over there? I just cannot believe that people like this exist in real life...


Why AVGN? What could he have possibly done wrong to get up their salty asses?

Guilty by association.

He made videos with JonTron years ago,before Jon went on that rant on twitter. Also,his channel partner Mike made an edgy comic book many years ago and never apologized so every thread about AVGN that is not the Community one is flooded by people trying to derail it.


AVGN caught a lot of grief when he announced he wouldn't review the third Ghostbusters movie. i admit i was one of the people who said that was a shitty move, but looking back on it, it was the best move possible. tho i know with some people, it is like if you make one mistake, that is it, you are branded for life.


AVGN caught a lot of grief when he announced he wouldn't review the third Ghostbusters movie. i admit i was one of the people who said that was a shitty move, but looking back on it, it was the best move possible. tho i know with some people, it is like if you make one mistake, that is it, you are branded for life.

Sorry, but in what world is it a "shitty move" to NOT review a film? He clearly outlined why he didn't want to review it, and it had nothing to do with the fact it was an all female reboot... The guy hated the look of it and just refused to watch it. He wasn't wrong at all as it is a shit fucking film.


Guilty by association.

He made videos with JonTron years ago,before Jon went on that rant on twitter. Also,his channel partner Mike made an edgy comic book many years ago and never apologized so every thread about AVGN that is not the Community one is flooded by people trying to derail it.

Geez I didn't know that, and really I don't care. I love AVGN and Mike. Think they're fantastic guys who love what they do and it comes through in their videos.
AVGN caught a lot of grief when he announced he wouldn't review the third Ghostbusters movie. i admit i was one of the people who said that was a shitty move, but looking back on it, it was the best move possible. tho i know with some people, it is like if you make one mistake, that is it, you are branded for life.

It was Lindsey Ellis who really pushed the anti-AVGN shit.

Say what you will about Channel Awesome, but a lot of their creators have gone on to control "nerd culture". They got HR/PR jobs at games/comics/anime companies, they started calling themselves journalists (e.g. ANN), and they made connections with other people in those industries such that they can exert influence.

We even are seeing the same shit happen now that happened in Channel Awesome - Spoony's ex colluded with HR at CA to get him fired (very much like Vic Mignogna, and with a similar intent to push an unstable person to suicide), and seem (my theory) to have been holding the Walkers and Michaud hostage with the JewWario scandal. These are the same people who have been working to ruin Vic Mignogna (Hope Chapman and Marzgurl in particular) and to control comics and games. All these people are connected.


Reading through that ERA thread...... How do these people function in every day life?

I've never seen such fragile people. Holy shit.

They don't, even the normal people on ERA are starting to realize that the vocal ones are just miserable.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
This is what is making people complain

Rich Evans said:
I think at best it's useless, at worst it's harmful. Why are people protesting.. what are people protesting? When you look at this from the outside, it looks like people are just whining because Trump won and people don't like Trump. It looks very childish. It comes off looking like crybabies having a fit because their person didn't win the election. He fairly won the election. It comes off exactly as childish as when Obama won.. "I wanna see that birth certificate!". I think if you're on the left side of things, you should be looking on the inside right now. This crying about Trump.. once he starts actually doing something stupid in office, then you can drag out the protest signs and protest whatever thing he did you don't like. Right now it just seems childish. Instead of bitching about Trump, the left needs to take a look at itself. Hillary Clinton could not beat a ex reality star orangutan. There's a reason for that. The democratic side of things needs to get its own shit in order. The people you need to win over to get on your side are seeing crybabies. I would not make yourself look bad. And choose your million women marches more clearly and have a clear message about what you're speaking out against. Because this looks like nothing other than "wah we lost the election". Currently it's a reaction to nothing that has happened yet. The march isn't going to keep him from taking office. To me it seems like preaching to the choir and I don't think it's going to do anything useful. There are a lot of people who if they were saner would be on the fence, but they're going to pick an extreme because that's what everybody fucking does now. And you see something like this protest, and that's.. "god look at those crybabies".. I'm with Trump!

The power of juicy shaq meat.


My only guess / hope is that the majority of the Era stuff is just posturing. Most of those people seem to know a good deal about those guys they claim to hate so much.




Can someone summarize to me what terrible things the RLM guys have done that have got REEEra in a tizzy? I don't want to destroy what few braincells I have left browsing through their filth.

It was Lindsey Ellis who really pushed the anti-AVGN shit.

Say what you will about Channel Awesome, but a lot of their creators have gone on to control "nerd culture". They got HR/PR jobs at games/comics/anime companies, they started calling themselves journalists (e.g. ANN), and they made connections with other people in those industries such that they can exert influence.

We even are seeing the same shit happen now that happened in Channel Awesome - Spoony's ex colluded with HR at CA to get him fired (very much like Vic Mignogna, and with a similar intent to push an unstable person to suicide), and seem (my theory) to have been holding the Walkers and Michaud hostage with the JewWario scandal. These are the same people who have been working to ruin Vic Mignogna (Hope Chapman and Marzgurl in particular) and to control comics and games. All these people are connected.

I used to be such a big fan of Lindsay Ellis. Watching her as the Nostalgia Chick it was clear she was much better than Doug Walker at film criticism. But then you start reading other stuff about her (notably her Twitter), and you realize she's just as much an SJW harpy as Anita Sarkesian is (although Lindsay is much better at presenting her point, I'll give her that). But I have to question whether she and her fellow woke group really do have a grip on 'nerd culture.' I know Hope Chapman works for Anime News Network, but that site is considered largely a joke nowadays by anime fandom at large. What influence does Lindsay really have at Disney (though it's unconfirmed that she really does work there. I could be wrong.)? And Marzgurl, she may have started the whole KickVic movement but she's largely an unemployed youtuber barely getting by on online donations. God help us if the worse of Lindsay's posse, Dan Olson, ever gets a high position in an entertainment conglomerate like Disney or Warner.

I really look forward to the resolution of Vic Mignogna's lawsuit. Should he succeed in suing all these people who defamed him it would open the floodgates of other people whose careers have been ruined by an online mob. It would probably shut up the SJWs for good with the knowledge that they could be sued for whatever shit they post online.
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