I'm just getting the vibe from this game that its gonna be sleeper hit of the year. Seems like a lot of love went into it. hope I'm right! That journal and the snippets of the score were amazing..
BTW looks like the Steam version is $37 at Gamefly for a couple more hours with code GFDMAY25
This guy is so underrated, it is not even funny. I guarantee you outside of France no one even knows him. Big publishers are probably going to continue hiring the Hans Zimmers of this world instead of smaller composers. Throwing cash at the problem is the only thing they know. Really unfortunate, but maybe Remember Me can help him to get his foot in some other games produced outside of France.If people who can afford it don't snatch this guy up to do music for their games in the future after this, then they're just fools.
Sadly, this will be 2013' Binary Domain - a very good (sci-fi and new IP) story driven action title with minimal marketing, Jap publisher behind it and it will bomb HARD :/
Spiritual sequel to P.N.03?
Excerpts from the full soundtrack have been released on Olivier Deriviere's SoundCloud. 15 tracks total.
Excerpts from the full soundtrack have been released on Olivier Deriviere's SoundCloud. 15 tracks total.
Also, new trailer will be released tomorrow. About goddamn time.
Please guys, support this game because the developers from Paris have created a pretty nice games that deserve more attention
Ps No, i'm not an employ at Dontnod Entertainment.
Seriously thinking of picking this up. I need something to tide me over until The Last of Us.
Depending on reviews this will probably be a day 1 purchase for me. It feels like a concept I'll enjoy. Haven't checked, does anyone know if this'll be available for download on PSN?
I kind of am considering it too. I'm waiting for impressions from trusted GAFers/
This looks like it could have been a solid IP If it had come out at the beginning of a gen.
Reviewer friend told me he's hearing this actually pretty good, so here's hoping!
Shamelessly plugging the soundtrack again.
No matter how good/bad this game will be, the OST is going to be something special.
Everyone should give it a listen:
The Fight
Nilin the Hunter
Memory Reconstruction
Remember Your Childhood
Composed by Olivier Deriviere. He did the OST for games such as the Alone in the Dark remake and the Obscure series. Many samples and complete soundtracks can be found on his SoundCloud page.
Haven't heard of this until I popped into this thread. Interesting.
Good on Capcom for letting the devs keep a halfway interesting name that doesn't have the usual buzzwords (death, dead, blood, revenge, origins, etc). If it was published by EA the title would probably be Dead Memories: Origins. To followed up by the sequel, Dead Memories 2: Vengenace.
This game on sale at Nuuvem (site is safe, i've used it for Far Cry 3, as well as Bioshock Infinite) for $33.70. I suggest using google chrome to auto-translate it to navigate the site.