Fine Ham Abounds
I'd recommend you not even joke about piracy.
I'd recommend you not even joke about piracy.
This is rather low. We already saw two of them. Only two more and that's it? I think there may be more...well someone on gamefaqs mentioned that there's only 4 memory sequences in the whole game though
Excited as hell to review this. Really came out of nowhere for me but I am loving what I see.
Ya no reason to risk a ban or having comcast all pissy with you when, if you can't write them and get a copy, you can still almost ALWAYS find a store that breaks street dates if someone wanted it early.
Spiritual sequel to P.N.03?
When's the embargo up?
when are you gonna put up your review ?
Oh Tokyo.
Pre-ordered via GMG at the 37.50 price point. Really hoping for the best, if nothing else it'll be a visually pleasing experience going by those screenshots posted on Dead End Thrills.
At the same time you would figure I'd learn my less about pre-order after the Omerta(so fucking boring( and Alien fiascos. Oh well, you win some you lose some.
So far I am thinking you won't be disappointed.
Impressions so far:
Atmosphere is through the roof and they made a world that feels like it has a past, present and future with some crazy characters.
Voice acting...uhm. Bad
Graphics are very good. Haven't had any slowdown, there is a fine sheen of glamor all over the game and a fair bit of amazing technical atmospheric addons like the floating text and so forth(Ala Watchdogs). Honestly aside from a little aliasing there is some great looking stuff here. One thing i noticed is that face budgets are different between characters. There have been a couple characters with faces that made me pause because they were so high definition...and then others that were pretty much typical. I can only assume that is another artistic choice.
Control is spot on but there is no free running type thing so it feels a bit more old style jumper than AC games.
Sound is a-fucking-mazing. Knock it out of the park then go catch it just to knock it out again. I mean at times it is surreal good. Create a combo(lab) seems cool but so far I am not really a fan of the look of the moves though pulling them off in a fight looks almost Batman good.
Basically in the short 2 hours I feel more interest and enjoyment here than the last 3 AC games which this game takes some ideas from.
Edit: When this gets released I would LOVE for someone to tell me if this game also reminds them of The Longest Journey 2 Dreamfall? Could be the music, the overall look of the world areas, or perhaps the characters but I kept getting forcibly reminded of the feel/world of The Longest Journey 2.
Anyway I will play as much as possible in a bit, then hit the hay, then back to it tomorrow and throw something up there for you guys.
So far I am thinking you won't be disappointed.
Impressions so far:
Atmosphere is through the roof and they made a world that feels like it has a past, present and future with some crazy characters.
Voice acting...uhm. Bad
Graphics are very good. Haven't had any slowdown, there is a fine sheen of glamor all over the game and a fair bit of amazing technical atmospheric addons like the floating text and so forth(Ala Watchdogs). Honestly aside from a little aliasing there is some great looking stuff here. One thing i noticed is that face budgets are different between characters. There have been a couple characters with faces that made me pause because they were so high definition...and then others that were pretty much typical. I can only assume that is another artistic choice.
Control is spot on but there is no free running type thing so it feels a bit more old style jumper than AC games.
Sound is a-fucking-mazing. Knock it out of the park then go catch it just to knock it out again. I mean at times it is surreal good. Create a combo(lab) seems cool but so far I am not really a fan of the look of the moves though pulling them off in a fight looks almost Batman good.
Basically in the short 2 hours I feel more interest and enjoyment here than the last 3 AC games which this game takes some ideas from.
Edit: When this gets released I would LOVE for someone to tell me if this game also reminds them of The Longest Journey 2 Dreamfall? Could be the music, the overall look of the world areas, or perhaps the characters but I kept getting forcibly reminded of the feel/world of The Longest Journey 2.
Anyway I will play as much as possible in a bit, then hit the hay, then back to it tomorrow and throw something up there for you guys.
Same here. I'm still undecided between PC or console. HmmmmThis game's been on my radar, hoping it's a sleeper hit.
I rather take a forget me now.
Oh, one thing I don't like so far is that you can't back track if you have multiple path options. If you pick the one that continues with the story, you get blocked off from checking what the other area offered.
Can someone explain how the combat works? Is it only in enclosed arenas after platforming elements? Or is there a mix between navigation and fighting?
Could be frustrating, but then the game sounds short enough that it's a nice incentive for multiple playthroughs.
some people are streaming this on twitch now
gonna check them out
I couldn't help myself and had to break my personal embargo and check out the first 15 minutes.
Simply Stunning.
The propaganda at the beginning is Grade A, it's like what Metal Gear Solid 4 WANTED to do with it's opening commercials - establish this radical corporate control over the populace and I really felt for these people in the intro. They really really believe what they are saying and think it is for the best to live in their orwellian lives....
I looove the way they started the game. I felt so engrossed in nilin's character and tragic fall in this first act.
Well, the game has leaked now anyway.
Expect comically timed impressions to follow. (Note: Not accusing anyone. It's just amusing how a surge of impressions often follow a leak.)
I decided to order the PS3 version and the artbook. I understand that it may not end up being a AAA quality title but I love so many of the elements that they placed in the title. The music, the art and the story is right up my alley. It won't be a perfect game but I know it will be something I will enjoy. I could just wait for the price to drop but I'm very intrigued by the title and want to support this game.
You're right. I just phrased it wrong. I meant to say the polish to the gameplay might not be as polished a other AAA titles, mainly because it is a new IP and does not have the backing of a strong dev studios. The revs on this title ar new but I have faith they will make an amazing first showing .I don't know, based on the footage I am watching, the production value is pretty darn high. Or at least many elements of it are. This has sleeper written all over it. Right now, I just want to know how long it is.
Tempted to pirate based on Capcom hate but I'll buy to support new IP.
Loved Dogma....hate DLC model/re-release
Seems like it.Poor game is sent out to die.
Poor game is sent out to die.
Spiritual sequel to P.N.03?