GhaleonEB said:
What you are saying is the spawns don't work well because of the map and spawn design. I'm not sure you're disagreeing with him.
The respawn zones for red and blue team are relatively small cylinders, as compared to the zones on other maps that often effectively chop the map in two (on Asylum, for instance, the Respawn Zones are large boxes angled sufficiently to allow players to spawn on a small part of the opposing team's side in extreme circumstances; Hemorrhage has two giant, fuck-off cylinders [one at a wonky angle] that extend to the middle of the map). The result on Boneyard is that the spawns in Bay 21 and the Refinery do not get used properly. If blue team boxes red onto the Cliff Scaffold, red team will continue to spawn there over and over. The cylinder doesn't extend past the Port Scaffold.
In a regular, two-team, RvB game, either team can be farmed into a small collection of spawns without too much trouble. And blue side has the advantage, because the geometry around the Cliff Scaffold (especially the Port Scaffold) allows them to do it more easily.
BTB Snipers can turn into a spawn-and-die shitstorm for red team for this reason.
Bonus screenshot:
Dax01 said:
I don't think it's the spawns, I think it's the fact that Bungie is forcing players to play BTB on a map that's designed for Invasion (and, thus, didn't prioritize revamping the spawns for BTB). They never work out well.
The map should actually be fine for BTB, though neither of the 'base' locations are ideal. It would actually make more sense to spawn blue team at Shop and red team at Bay 21; neither of those areas are exactly covered, but they're not as bad as the existing spawn areas, and they don't give either team an advantage on reaching the high ground of the ship (and sniper, rockets, and plasma launcher), which blue currently possesses. It would also reinvigorate the Refinery for CQC. As it is, it hardly gets used.
They did 'revamp' the spawns for BTB. Invasion uses different spawn markers and systems, so someone went in and pointedly added regular respawn points and initial spawns for both teams and FFA. They just neglected to place respawn zones that work with those spawns so they actually get used, especially when either team's 'base' has been compromised.
I mean, they could just delete the respawn zones as they are. As far as I know, Spire doesn't have respawn zones except for game-specific ones for e.g. CTF and Stockpile. And I just checked Boardwalk, another 'BTB' map, and it doesn't have slayer-specific respawn zones either.
So this could really be 'fixed' with two taps of the Y button in Forge.