Hugbot said:I seem to remember the action spilling more into the side ramp rooms in two, but it's honestly been long enough that I might be wrong. Regardless, I think that some weapon spawn changes could open the map up a bit more, and should be looked into.
I see your point about there being maps with strong positions that teams need to hold, I just think that the hallway is closed off and protected enough that, when combined with AL and Cloaking, a team can get control of the hallway and all the power weapons a little too easily. I don't get what you mean about Countdown though, I don't recall a particular overpowering position on this map and action tends to flow around really well. The heat map seems to reflect this, but I might be reading it wrong.
You have a good point, playing it on a type without Radar might help the situation a lot. I haven't had much of a chance to, but having radar pretty much closes off the elevator as an avenue of attack and shuts down the bottom level of it.
With countdown it's more what Ramirez was saying about camping the lifts, He plays at a level so far above mine that I just took his word on it happening at high level play.
Weapon spawns might be an interesting change on reflection, especially if they threw some rocket ammo down somewhere, taunting the rocket guy to come out. Halo 2's placement wouldn't work, maybe down near the 2 lift side.
Shake Appeal said:Worst thing about Forge 2.0: it's increased usability means you will have to play your friends' shit maps.
GAF Forge maps stood up well, though. The Invasion of Alajaranajanarado drew the most gasps, but Bulldogs was hugely popular with a predominantly English crowd. Crossroads CTF was also good.
Good way to put it. I know I put my friends into some baaaaaaad versions of my map, but I think it's a pretty sweet little 2 vs 2 slayer/CTF map now