Lazslo said:Hey so I'm finishing up my Forge Map and I need a little help with spawning- How do I get it so I spawn inside my map all the time?
Also if you wanna join me and help me test, do ittt join my game right now-Laszio
Ideally, you want eight red team initial spawns, eight blue team initial spawns, 16 neutral/FFA initial spawns, and a ton of respawn points.Lazslo said:Hey so I'm finishing up my Forge Map and I need a little help with spawning- How do I get it so I spawn inside my map all the time?
Also if you wanna join me and help me test, do ittt join my game right now-Laszio
That looked kind of fun. :lolDani said:
Unicorn said:Can you jack a vehicle while jetpacking?
Also, is there a guide to forge-ing? I wanna spend the least amount of time finding out the ins and outs of construction.
Dax01 said:Chill out. If you don't like 'em, don't do 'em. Play the game to have fun.
Well, to an extent you make your own fun. I've done a variety of missions for the Campaign Challenges. I think today is the first since release that I haven't completed a single Challenge, though.SailorDaravon said:The slightest bit of motivation to do another specific Campaign level would be a nice change of pace.
Good points. For me, the daily (and weekly) challenges are such a small part of the experience that I can overlook any of them. Yeah, it was boring to see "Roast 'Em, Toast 'Em," again, but I simply shrugged my shoulders and did it anyway. If there aren't any good challenges, if I'm in the mood for something like that, I work on my commendations.SailorDaravon said:Late response (I was at work all day) here, but I'm not actually angry about the Challenges; I'm just extremely disappointed in what they've done for the most part with them. As far as I know the idea was at least partially to have interesting Challenges in a variety of modes to incentivize people to keep playing and/or check out modes/gametypes that they may not normally. But outside of a few good Campaign Challenges (which have been few and far between) they've mostly been pretty lame. I know Luke posted maybe a week or two ago about how they had more Campaign ones and other types coming which is neat, but given that they do these daily I don't know how they have failed to introduce even the most basic of variety. Even at a super basic level they could start putting out Challenges for getting kills with weapons other than the ones they've put out now (ex. 20 Supercombine explosion kills in any mode, etc). Also the cR rewards are all over the place; 3000 cR for completing 50 games of Firefight Matchmaking for a Weekly Challenge, but then you have 400 kills in Firefight (which is 3 1/2 games of Score Attack) for 4000?
Basically with the rotation being updated daily and the fact that the game has been out for close to a month now, they really should be getting these things ironed out and in gear already. I'm still doing all the Challenges because I'm OCD, and it's not like I'm just doing all of the Challenges and then signing off; I'm just disappointed because I was really hoping for more variety. I also hope they start having more specific level Campaign Challenges; all of the non-specific Campaign Challenges default to pretty much everybody just doing Winter Contingency. The slightest bit of motivation to do another specific Campaign level would be a nice change of pace.
I was going to start one, but Sketch said they'd be putting one up sometime.Unicorn said:Can you jack a vehicle while jetpacking?
Also, is there a guide to forge-ing? I wanna spend the least amount of time finding out the ins and outs of construction.
brokenwatch said:Does anyone else have problems with the game locking up sometimes during host migration? I waited about 5 minutes and it was stuck. I could not get to the Xbox guide to quit so I assume it really crashed.
You know, I bet this is why Bungie put out this weekly.sn1pes said:Didn't love the challenges today but they did lead me to my first weekly and the achievement.
Did the FF ones one score attack in 2 games and just happened to be on the right mission in my first run on Heroic.
Dax01 said:You know, I bet this is why Bungie put out this weekly.
Looks like 3am PST.Jroderton said:Sucks. I haven't had time to play today. When do the challenges reset, midnight?
If you haven't done a weekly or all of the challenges in a given day, today's challenges net you two achievements.Dax01 said:You know, I bet this is why Bungie put out this weekly.
Shake Appeal said:Well, to an extent you make your own fun. I've done a variety of missions for the Campaign Challenges. I think today is the first since release that I haven't completed a single Challenge, though.
I suggest you don't strive to complete all the challenges because you're "OCD", because like I said during a GAF meetup once..."It's like when you get a new car: you're extra careful to clean it and wash it and wax it to prevent scratches, but once you get your first scratch you don't really care anymore because you realize it isn't realistically worth the extra effort."SailorDaravon said:Late response (I was at work all day) here, but I'm not actually angry about the Challenges; I'm just extremely disappointed in what they've done for the most part with them. As far as I know the idea was at least partially to have interesting Challenges in a variety of modes to incentivize people to keep playing and/or check out modes/gametypes that they may not normally. But outside of a few good Campaign Challenges (which have been few and far between) they've mostly been pretty lame. I know Luke posted maybe a week or two ago about how they had more Campaign ones and other types coming which is neat, but given that they do these daily I don't know how they have failed to introduce even the most basic of variety. Even at a super basic level they could start putting out Challenges for getting kills with weapons other than the ones they've put out now (ex. 20 Supercombine explosion kills in any mode, etc). Also the cR rewards are all over the place; 3000 cR for completing 50 games of Firefight Matchmaking for a Weekly Challenge, but then you have 400 kills in Firefight (which is 3 1/2 games of Score Attack) for 4000?
Basically with the rotation being updated daily and the fact that the game has been out for close to a month now, they really should be getting these things ironed out and in gear already. I'm still doing all the Challenges because I'm OCD, and it's not like I'm just doing all of the Challenges and then signing off; I'm just disappointed because I was really hoping for more variety. I also hope they start having more specific level Campaign Challenges; all of the non-specific Campaign Challenges default to pretty much everybody just doing Winter Contingency. The slightest bit of motivation to do another specific Campaign level would be a nice change of pace.
Just noticed that isn't an underwear line I see... dear god....Tashi0106 said:uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Did we really need that picture in here? :lol shows only 180,00 in the last 24h in Halo 3..JB1981 said:so yea i gave halo 3 a whirl tonight and noticed that the player count was double that of reach. Halo 3 - 690,000 players. Halo: Reach - 370,000 something. WTF?
Tashi0106 said:uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Did we really need that picture in here? :lol
Multi-team isn't nearly as fun. I had the most joy from it in Halo 2. There's just too many teams now. Halo 2 did three players per team and had four teams. Worked great on maps like Foundation and Warlock. With so many teams, it turns into a clusterfuck. Spawns are wretched for it moreso than any other gametype.pakkit said:- The maps aren't as strong. There were some strong, strong favorites in Team Slayer/Multiteam Playlists in Halo 3. Here, it's just kind of jumbled. Also, they've killed Multiteam in this game. It's just as casual as Rumble Pit now.
Welcome to the Burtzone. It's like the Brutezone, but with thicker hair.Hydranockz said:Just noticed that isn't an underwear line I see... dear god....
Hydranockz said:Just noticed that isn't an underwear line I see... dear god....
Neuromancer said:I feel a little like this right now:
Just beat the campaign on Legendary solo.
divisionbyzorro said:I hope Neuromancer gets tagged for that so that we can always be reminded of his ample contribution to this thread. :lol
Neuromancer said:I feel a little like this right now:
Just beat the campaign on Legendary solo.
*high five*Neuromancer said:Just beat the campaign on Legendary solo.
Stealing avatars? Cmon juniorbPod said:I'm actually on my way of doing it; just beat sword base and its rewarding
Cuban Legend said:I suggest you don't strive to complete all the challenges because you're "OCD", because like I said during a GAF meetup once..."It's like when you get a new car: you're extra careful to clean it and wash it and wax it to prevent scratches, but once you get your first scratch you don't really care anymore because you realize it isn't realistically worth the extra effort."
Challenges shouldn't be seen as the sole reason to play, but as incentive break from routine and try new things during your normal play schedule to keep things fresh from becoming monotonous. This will save you heartache and besides it's not like Bungie is serious enough to give people something for doing all the challenges ever. They already award you credits for completing them, that's enough depth for the challenge system to be effective.
I do agree with the disparity between cR/effort on some challenges though. It seems like this could a side-effect of them creating the challenges individually. Maybe they should modify some of the cR awarded on some challenges, keeping in mind other challenges that exists and the cR/effort ratios they have.
neoism said:Man I can not stand how fucking slow Spartans walk in this game... :/... over all I think I'm officially burnt out...Hopefully a day or two off will fix it...
It'll be up with some other firefight additions on the 19th.bobs99 ... said:The playlist update (on the 15th?) should be up by then. Im feeling a little burnt out on the multiplayer myself. I never thought I would say this, but I would love some more Firefight stuff. Maps and settings which incorperate more vehicles would be cool, blowing up the Covenant from the inside of a Banshee is always fun. Is Firefight VS scheduled to go up at any point soon?
SailorDaravon said:I agree. The problem is that Challenges ARE mostly monotonous and non-interesting/challenging.
That's the easiest/shortest mission besides the first one.zaidr said:WTF is up with Reach's campaign pacing?
When the fuck does theend? Fucking booooring.Hornet flying section