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Remember R E A C H |OT2|

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bobs99 ... said:
The fact that Reach is 3rd behind MW2 and Black Ops means nothing, its pretty clear that most MW2 fans would move onto Black Ops, but would probably have been playing MW2 before they got the game. Or maybe felt like switching between the 2 games to get a comparison.
Halo 3 was behind MW2 and WaW a while, too.


Hypertrooper said:

Mmh. Do someone have the Noble mappack logo as a high.res file? The blue golden one?
Speaking of which. I was going to do a rebuild of the OP to tuck it up neatly into a single post for the the third |OT|. I thought it might be time for a couple new banners, sort of how the Halo 3 thread was re-dressed after a while. Basically just a playlist/DLC section, a Reach 101 section (where the current stuff will be condensed to) and a Community section. Anyone want to put something together? I can do a quick chop job if no one feels up to it.
So, has there been any note worthy announcements the past few weeks? I've been out of the country for this month prior to this week. Haven't checked the BWU's I've missed yet.


Does anyone want to party up and get the assists challenge in an hour or so?

Usually I wouldn't go for the challenge, but I'm really close to ranking up and 1k cR would be welcome.

We'll probably get it in one match. It'll be fast and we'll have fun(that's what she said)

Anyone interested?
I hate Cliffhanger, it is the shittiest map to ever grace a game.


I usually don't rage this hard on a forum about this shit but for god's sake.


kylej said:
I guess the casuals are as tired of the lame maps as the rest of us.

The maps indeed suck. I'll never understand the decision to put in Forge World maps instead of real maps.

7echnicolor said:
Is Bungie REALLY going to gimp armor lock? If so, to what extent?

I think armor lock is fine the way it is. Not even joking.

It's not fine. It's bullshit. It needs to be a one time use and then you have to recharge it to full. IMO

How is it fine?
Devolution said:
I hate Cliffhanger, it is the shittiest map to ever grace a game.


I usually don't rage this hard on a forum about this shit but for god's sake.

Cliffhanger is a piece of shit.
7echnicolor said:
Is Bungie REALLY going to gimp armor lock? If so, to what extent?

I think armor lock is fine the way it is. Not even joking.

That is a good joke, throwing "not even joking" to make me think you weren't even joking....

Oh you are serious, idk, read most of the posts here and you'll find out why it is not a fan favorite.

MMaRsu said:
The maps indeed suck. I'll never understand the decision to put in Forge World maps instead of real maps.

Yes they do unfortunately.

Also I may seem like I have been getting harsh on Reach for a while now, but I would love to play me some MP, but I just can't get myself to play MP at all which is a shame. I can't even enjoy competitive custom games without something stupid happening that ruins the fun.


7echnicolor said:
Is Bungie REALLY going to gimp armor lock? If so, to what extent?

I think armor lock is fine the way it is. Not even joking.

When did they say they were going to gimp it? Links?

CrazedArabMan said:
Also I may seem like I have been getting harsh on Reach for a while now, but I would love to play me some MP, but I just can't get myself to play MP at all which is a shame. I can't even enjoy competitive custom games without something stupid happening that ruins the fun.

You mean because someone uses armor lock, right?


Bungie need more variety in their maps, I probably wouldn't mind the Cage/Cliffhanger/Pinnacle so much if I didn't get them every second game, Bungie needs to have better community integration. My idea for the ideal custom map integration is Bungie should saturate matchmaking with tons of quality maps and then gradually root out the less liked maps, leaving the great maps. The good maps stay in circulation and Bungie later add another wave of maps to repeat the process, this should build up a strong base of maps over time which everyone enjoys.

It's definitely not a problem with a lack of maps because I've seen plenty of quality maps it's just a matter of them being implemented and I would hope its not an issue with manpower because Bungie only appear to have one guy making all the Matchmaking decisions I would like to think that's not the case.

I don't know, that's just me this is just me throwing out ideas but it would make sense to me, if Bungie didn't feel comfortable risking their playlist populations on an experiment like this they could always add a test playlist for this.
aesop said:
When did they say they were going to gimp it? Links?

I don't know.. it just seems like something Bungie would do, cause of all of the complaining about it.

I'm fine with armor lock because it works for me. That's why I'm cool with it.
Don't get me wrong, armor lock isn't the only AA I use, I just find it very useful when I do use it. (to avoid getting splattered/killed by a vehicle, to avoid dying from an explosion, to avoid dying from a plasma grenade) It's just so useful. Maybe that's the problem? I don't know.

How would you guys "fix" armor lock?


Gui_PT said:
Does anyone want to party up and get the assists challenge in an hour or so?

Usually I wouldn't go for the challenge, but I'm really close to ranking up and 1k cR would be welcome.

We'll probably get it in one match. It'll be fast and we'll have fun(that's what she said)

Anyone interested?

I am up for it. It was a good laugh last time. :lol

7echnicolor said:
How would you guys "fix" armor lock?

If you get stuck and then armour lock, you still survive but you get forced out of AL and have to wait for the full cooldown. Such is the price of surviving what others would normally die to.

Cannot rotate the camera while in AL. It is handy to get those pesky players that camp your AL'ing body. :lol
kylej said:
I guess the casuals are as tired of the lame maps as the rest of us.
That's pretty much where me and my buddies are at.

Campaign rocks, Firefight rocks, everything else? Iffy. Invasion gets old REAL quick, and the Big Team Battle playlist seems stacked for more slayer than objective action. I have found some fun playing Team Objective, but I want the big battles of Halo 2 again.

There are too few maps overall, and the Forge variants lack real style and punch to them.

Its also a shame that nobody I play with is really excited for the DLC. One new invasion map and no new firefight content means they're holding on to their $10. I'll probably be the only one in my group to pick it up.
7echnicolor said:
I don't know.. it just seems like something Bungie would do, cause of all of the complaining about it.

I'm fine with armor lock because it works for me. That's why I'm cool with it.
Don't get me wrong, armor lock isn't the only AA I use, I just find it very useful when I do use it. (to avoid getting splattered/killed by a vehicle, to avoid dying from an explosion, to avoid dying from a plasma grenade) It's just so useful. Maybe that's the problem? I don't know.
How would you guys "fix" armor lock?

Yeah thats pretty much the problem, its a catch all equipment which is extremely generous to the user. Which is annoying because when you play against a lot of people who use it you can be 'stolen' out of kills in a huge variety of ways, worst of all you cant really see it coming.

To be fair, its balanced in the sense that people who use armour lock are missing out on another peice of AA, but my problems with it arent nessicarily from balance, but more from fun. It just has a habit of slowing down the match.


Roche178 said:
Bungie need more variety in their maps, I probably wouldn't mind the Cage/Cliffhanger/Pinnacle so much if I didn't get them every second game, Bungie needs to have better community integration. My idea for the ideal custom map integration is Bungie should saturate matchmaking with tons of quality maps and then gradually root out the less liked maps, leaving the great maps. The good maps stay in circulation and Bungie later add another wave of maps to repeat the process, this should build up a strong base of maps over time which everyone enjoys.

It's definitely not a problem with a lack of maps because I've seen plenty of quality maps it's just a matter of them being implemented and I would hope its not an issue with manpower because Bungie only appear to have one guy making all the Matchmaking decisions I would like to think that's not the case.

I don't know, that's just me this is just me throwing out ideas but it would make sense to me, if Bungie didn't feel comfortable risking their playlist populations on an experiment like this they could always add a test playlist for this.

That's actually not a bad idea, but the maps they do throw into a community playlist still need to be playtested and I think that's the real reason the implementation is slower than what we'd really like. Imagine how many maps would look normal and harmless on the surface but were set up by some douche to just grief everybody. Something like that would be worse to the Halo population than the lack of community maps.
aesop said:
You mean because someone uses armor lock, right?

Not necessarily, while it is part of the problem, I also don't like the bloom, the maps suck, BTB is nowhere near as fun as it was in 3 as the balance between vehicles and infantry seems off, I still feel that sniping was much better and took more skill in past halo games (3), etc... I could go on and on why I don't find it as much fun than 3, my connection at school sucks now which leads to unplayable laggy games for me. So this stretches far past just Armor Lock. My stats are just fine, the last few games I played though I sucked but I contribute that to my connection as I can't even play a game now without lag. But that is not to say I wasn't really enjoying it when my connection was running good. It had it's moments but the game just didn't hold me in like I wanted it to. I've stated multiple times that Bungie did a great job on the campaign and FF, but dropped the ball when it came to MP. I commend them for trying to evolve the gameplay, but I think the way they decided to do that was wrong.
NullPointer said:
That's pretty much where me and my buddies are at.

Campaign rocks, Firefight rocks, everything else? Iffy. Invasion gets old REAL quick, and the Big Team Battle playlist seems stacked for more slayer than objective action. I have found some fun playing Team Objective, but I want the big battles of Halo 2 again.

There are too few maps overall, and the Forge variants lack real style and punch to them.

Its also a shame that nobody I play with is really excited for the DLC. One new invasion map and no new firefight content means they're holding on to their $10. I'll probably be the only one in my group to pick it up.

I actually don't have a problem with forge maps. Sure some are better than others but thats the same with normal maps. The forge maps that are in rotation are different enough that I'm not burnt out on them or the general pallet yet and if they keep the same general ratio of forge maps to normal maps I would be fine. Honestly, Cliffhanger and Atom didn't make me feel more burnt out on forgeworld maps so I could tolerate even more, hopefully quality, maps set in forgeworld. Cliffhanger, Atom, and Asylum doesn't even register as the same space in my head while playing.

My biggest hope for future DLC is that there are new forge spaces that take advantage of a different forge pallet. Forgeworld Covanent themed, Forgeworld Human themed, Forgeworld grunt birthday party themed... these would all be fantastic. If this were added I could tolerate an even higher ratio of forge maps. I was pretty bummed when I realized that Spire wasn't as forgeable as I first thought.


NullPointer said:
Invasion gets old REAL quick

Invasion might be the worst waste of resources in Bungie's history. Few people asked for Invasion and even fewer play it now that it's here. Invasion decimated BTB with its terrible maps, and obviously sapped resources from the multiplayer side considering the quality of the maps.

At the very least Forge World should've had a color palette option, so you could make your Lockout remake blue or make green hall and yellow banana on your Pit remake. Instead we have these swathes of gray blocks draped across a landscape that brings the engine to its knees. Reach's forge options aren't as bad as Sandbox or Foundry but they're still pretty damn bad, and the maps it allows for are in no way an acceptable alternative to maps that use unique assets. I don't care how many man hours and pints of blood it took to make Pinnacle in Forge; it feels weak. The idea that somehow Forge contests or a Community section of matchmaking will be the great savior of Reach is laughable. I haven't played a single Forge map in either H3 or Reach that was better than even a mediocre original map. To me, more Forge maps in matchmaking means I'm less likely to play on the few good maps already in the game.

Bungie's reliance on Forge Maps is especially confusing given the exceptional quality of the Campaign and surprising amount of Firefight maps/options. Honestly it feels like milestones were missed during production, and for some inconceivable reason it was the multiplayer maps that slipped through the cracks.

I think it was Ramirez a few weeks ago who summed it up best when he said Bungie needs to stop catering to the casuals. They clearly don't give a shit. The casuals will play whatever nonsense they're given. Moments like Bungie adding that "hilarious" armor lock segment to the end of the map pack trailer are a whole lot harder to take when there's this much dissatisfaction over the maps and AAs. Ribbing the hardcore community feels less like a friendly wink and more like a defiant punch in the shoulder.

That being said I want to commend Ninja on Fire for his work thus far. He has been far more prolific (to put it lightly) than his predecessor. We've had more matchmaking changes in two months than we got across 3 years of H3. Well done, bro.
bobs99 ... said:
To be fair, its balanced in the sense that people who use armour lock are missing out on another peice of AA, but my problems with it arent nessicarily from balance, but more from fun. It just has a habit of slowing down the match.

That doesn't mean it's balanced, at all.
It's like saying that since I have the Rocket Launcher out, I can't use the pistol.

Sure, the pistol is fine, but the Rocket Launcher is a far better weapon in almost all cases.

However, the Rocket Launcher is balanced in other ways -- it's relatively rare, has very limited ammo, only two shots, reloads take a long time.

Armor Lock is not balanced in the same way. They thought they balanced it by simply saying "well, you can't move!" -- but in practice that's not nearly enough when you consider all the benefits it has. In a way, it would be like giving the Rocket Launcher 12 rockets and 6 before you have to reload, and you're also invulnerable to explosions from your own rockets.


NeoGAF's smiling token!
Blergmeister said:
I actually don't have a problem with forge maps. Sure some are better than others but thats the same with normal maps. The forge maps that are in rotation are different enough that I'm not burnt out on them or the general pallet yet and if they keep the same general ratio of forge maps to normal maps I would be fine. Honestly, Cliffhanger and Atom didn't make me feel more burnt out on forgeworld maps so I could tolerate even more, hopefully quality, maps set in forgeworld. Cliffhanger, Atom, and Asylum doesn't even register as the same space in my head while playing.

My biggest hope for future DLC is that there are new forge spaces that take advantage of a different forge pallet. Forgeworld Covanent themed, Forgeworld Human themed, Forgeworld grunt birthday party themed... these would all be fantastic. If this were added I could tolerate an even higher ratio of forge maps. I was pretty bummed when I realized that Spire wasn't as forgeable as I first thought.
None of the maps outside of Forge World are really even forgeable which sucks cause I had a cool idea for Reflection.

edit: Kickass fucking griefing just happened to me right now, I'm going up the fucking highest point on Paradiso and I get killed by my teammate who thought it was a good idea to shoot me with his fucking tank.


Devolution said:
Armor lock should not be in slayers and arena. Otherwise it's fine.

I'd be fine with this.
Bubble shield needs to go from maps with objectives, maybe make it swap over to slayer for armor lock.


bobs99 ... said:
It just has a habit of slowing down the match.
Which is something bubble shields and regens also did for Halo 3.

Forgeworld Covanent themed, Forgeworld Human themed
An urban themed FW landscape sounds delicious. If we get any other FW-esque map, I hope it is made from buildings, stone, etc (Headlong, Turf, Terminal were urban). The others I've mentioned before we Covenant themed with bits of grass and dirt, similar to Spire but not entirely. Desert theme similar to Burial Mounds and Relic, and the snow themed that adds a frost feel.

Hey You

Become a Bungie tester!

Making great games is no small endeavor. Today we ask you, our community, to officially put your name on the list of those willing to lend a helping hand. Service requires only a Bungie.net account and a valid email address. In exchange, we’re offering you the unique opportunity to help us continue making improvements to our playlists, features, and online community…and the potential to help us shape our glorious future.

Not all who enlist will be selected. But hundreds of thousands of gamers will likely be needed before all is said and done. March with us, and together, we will bask in the glory of World Domination.

Potential missions include:

* Playtests and Usability Testing at Bungie
* Surveys on game playing habits
* Alpha and Beta Testing for our next game

If you’re interested, please complete the following steps:

1. Sign into your Bungie.net Profile
2. Navigate to your Profile Page
3. Select the “Edit Profile” tab and click on the “Profile Info” option below
4. Check the box for “Updates on how to become a Bungie Beta Tester”
5. Make sure your Email Status is “Valid/Active”
6. Make sure your Country and State information are correct
7. Save your Changes!

Per Audacia Ad Astra!

So for the first it looks like you would have to live pretty close to Bungie. I wonder if we will be able to test the "it" feature they've been teasing.


Devolution said:
Bubble shield and regens were less rare, and not even included in certain slayer gametypes and maps.
They were the select equipment that Bungie put into the regular rotation after removing the Flare and Radar Jammer.

Isolation was painful to play as is, but then you have Regens seemingly sitting on 15-sec respawns.

The point was slowing down the match. Armor Lock does that (in many minds here, but I haven't had it kill gameplay too often) as does the Drop Shield AA, but the slowing down of matches occurred often in 3 as well thanks to the bubble shield and regen. I recall them having the bubble set as a ball so it rolled down a hill, which would've more convenient, rather than sitting in the hill staring faceoff against your opponent until its depletes.


Hey You said:
Become a Bungie tester!

So for the first it looks like you would have to live pretty close to Bungie. I wonder if we will be able to test the "it" feature they've been teasing.

I have to admit I'm pretty damn excited for that, Bungie involving their massive community in testing is an awesome idea. :D
timetokill said:
That doesn't mean it's balanced, at all.
It's like saying that since I have the Rocket Launcher out, I can't use the pistol.

Sure, the pistol is fine, but the Rocket Launcher is a far better weapon in almost all cases.

However, the Rocket Launcher is balanced in other ways -- it's relatively rare, has very limited ammo, only two shots, reloads take a long time.

Armor Lock is not balanced in the same way. They thought they balanced it by simply saying "well, you can't move!" -- but in practice that's not nearly enough when you consider all the benefits it has. In a way, it would be like giving the Rocket Launcher 12 rockets and 6 before you have to reload, and you're also invulnerable to explosions from your own rockets.

Yeah I agree, I didnt mean to say it was balanced as much as I meant to say using armour lock has its share of disadvantages. It may not be perfectly balanced, but its not easy to use and isnt going to garuntee the user an amazing score.

Its very defensive, so while it wont help you pull a +30 it will help you not go -30. :lol The problem is, that the effects of its use slow the gameplay down making the game a little less fun. Smart movement to avoid dieing is a lot more impressive to watch, and fun to play against than someone pressing LB to turn into a rock.

Striker said:
Which is something bubble shields and regens also did for Halo 3.

An urban themed FW landscape sounds delicious. If we get any other FW-esque map, I hope it is made from buildings, stone, etc (Headlong, Turf, Terminal were urban). The others I've mentioned before we Covenant themed with bits of grass and dirt, similar to Spire but not entirely. Desert theme similar to Burial Mounds and Relic, and the snow themed that adds a frost feel.

Yeah, you cant use a bubble shield every minuite all match. Armour lock can be used non stop all game, by EVERYONE, thats why it annoys me. Meh, I think bubble shields and regens still allowed combat, and werent hard to play against, bubble shields could be quite a good trap if you threw a nade in one as you deployed it if someone was chasing you, those peices of equipment didnt just stop the player there, and so could be used in interesting ways. Well the regen sucked, but the bubble shield was actually fun in my opinion.


Hey You said:

What I just realized that now that Bungie is no longer with MS is that Bungie won't be using the massive internal user base within MS that has tested every Halo game for them from the start.

This could get real interesting now that they are involving the community with Alpha and on site testing. I just wonder how tight lipped these public testers will be with their NDA since they won't have their jobs hanging on the line.

Hey You

Dani said:
I doubt anyone outside of the US will get a look in but it's worth taking the chance.
You wouldn't think they would let people test Bungie.net features and have early/exclusive access to Game betas (like the Reach beta) if they weren't in the USA?

FourDoor said:
This could get real interesting now that they are involving the community with Alpha and on site testing. I just wonder how tight lipped these public testers will be with their NDA since they won't have their jobs hanging on the line.
Legal action maybe? Or just removal from beta,testing,whatever.
kylej said:
That being said I want to commend Ninja on Fire for his work thus far. He has been far more prolific (to put it lightly) than his predecessor. We've had more matchmaking changes in two months than we got across 3 years of H3. Well done, bro.
Absolutely. I still have hope that BTB will get fine tuned, along with further options in Firefight.

Has anybody had a good time with generator defense? Is that mode just completely broken or what? Maybe with some finessing and some challenges tied to it Bungie can get people to give it another chance.

As far as Armor Lock goes, I think its perfect for any vehicle focused map. Slayer and smaller scale game types could include it on the map as a pickup though. I don't have a problem with one player having AL - its when you run into a pack of them that my nerves begin to fray.
kylej said:
Invasion might be the worst waste of resources in Bungie's history. Few people asked for Invasion and even fewer play it now that it's here. Invasion decimated BTB with its terrible maps, and obviously sapped resources from the multiplayer side considering the quality of the maps.


Bungie's reliance on Forge Maps is especially confusing given the exceptional quality of the Campaign and surprising amount of Firefight maps/options. Honestly it feels like milestones were missed during production, and for some inconceivable reason it was the multiplayer maps that slipped through the cracks.


That being said I want to commend Ninja on Fire for his work thus far. He has been far more prolific (to put it lightly) than his predecessor. We've had more matchmaking changes in two months than we got across 3 years of H3. Well done, bro.
I... agree with kylej?!

Good post.

Slightly Live

Dirty tag dodger
Hey You said:
You wouldn't think they would let people test Bungie.net features and have early/exclusive access to Game betas (like the Reach beta) if they weren't in the USA?

Legal action maybe? Or just removal from beta,testing,whatever.

Usually most testing is done under NDA and in a secure location for security purposes - the further away you live the more unlikely it is that you'd be able to physically participate.

Bungie aren't amateurs either, they know about security. They wouldn't let Alpha or Beta builds out in the wild or risk them hitting the unwashed public.

If you are lucky enough to live nearby and even luckier to get selected, it sounds like a chance of lifetime for any fan.

We also have no idea of what Bungie have in mind for this program so I wouldn't rule anything out at this point but I'm thinking local fans should get all over this.
Dani said:
Usually most testing is done under NDA and in a secure location for security purposes - the further away you live the more unlikely it is that you'd be able to physically participate.

Bungie aren't amateurs either, they know about security. They wouldn't let Alpha or Beta builds out in the wild or risk them hitting the unwashed public.

If you are lucky enough to live nearby and even luckier to get selected, it sounds like a chance of lifetime for any fan.

We also have no idea of what Bungie have in mind for this program so I wouldn't rule anything out at this point but I'm thinking local fans should get all over this.

I personally hope its a bit more akin to something like early access to public beta tests - that seems more plausable than to try and trust people with NDA's - I doubt testers will get to see anything new before Bungie unveil stuff but no doubt they will get to play it earlier.
I think my trueskill is broken, every game I play outside of arena is basically an Arena type game (by that I mean the other team is wtf competitive) but my randoms will be much less caliber players. This isn't new though, it's pretty much the reason I gave up on 3.

The other issue I have is, I don't feel like playing "Arena" every damn time I want to just play a socially ranked game.

Hey You

Dani said:
Usually most testing is done under NDA and in a secure location for security purposes - the further away you live the more unlikely it is that you'd be able to physically participate.

Bungie aren't amateurs either, they know about security. They wouldn't let Alpha or Beta builds out in the wild or risk them hitting the unwashed public.

If you are lucky enough to live nearby and even luckier to get selected, it sounds like a chance of lifetime for any fan.

We also have no idea of what Bungie have in mind for this program so I wouldn't rule anything out at this point but I'm thinking local fans should get all over this.
Well I was thinking that Beta testing their next game could be over XBL and I'm pretty sure they could release a build of Bungie.net to certain individuals.


I doubt they wouldn't include non-Americans, they did say that "hundreds of thousands of gamers" would be testing it so it's likely to be Xbox live based and if that's the case I'd imagine they'd want to test as many different internet scenarios as they can which would guarantee us getting in.
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