Sorry, but mid-game joins is the only way to solve this problem. Reach will always have quitters.wwm0nkey said:Make them loose 1000cR if they quit (disconnects wouldnt count)
I never felt that way in Halo 3 until the Cortana level. Maybe one day I'll go back to it and give it another try.GhaleonEB said:This is the kind of enemy AI that other games do; it's not what Halo has done and I'm disappointed to see something so cheap in the game. It's a poor way to balance Legendary.
If Mid Joining was in Reach, I would never go into MM again. Most of the time I'd probably get put into a game in progress and never my own.NullPointer said:Sorry, but mid-game joins is the only way to solve this problem. Reach will always have quitters.
Well thats the choice. You can either have full matches every time and problems with quitters, or mid-game joins with the risk of partial matches but no quitters.Hey You said:If Mid Joining was in Reach, I would never go into MM again. Most of the time I'd probably get put into a game in progress and never my own.
Yeah, this happens in games like COD, but at the same time there is also the chance that the new joins can help turn the tide of the game. I'm not saying that Reach sucks because it doesn't have mid-game joins - but since it doesn't, quitters become the big bad. Charge them all the cR you want, penalize them however you want, you're not going to stem the flow of quitting. We just have to live with it.cuevas said:I hate being put in mid game of MP games because most of the time the other team is destroying the team that has quitters and you join a losing cause.
NullPointer said:Sorry, but mid-game joins is the only way to solve this problem. Reach will always have quitters.
Yeah, the wraiths there are seriously obnoxious. I've been killed while my back is flat up against a rock, with a tall wall over me - the wraith manages to plop the shot RIGHT down in front of me. I couldn't make that shot if you paid me.GhaleonEB said:Wrath Rant
:lol :lol :lol at the marine at the very end... "We'ea hunting wabbits!"GhaleonEB said:Finally, thing #3, most of the level, my Marines were acting like this.
The problem is that if a penalty could be devised that's effective enough to keep people who would rather quit from doing so, Reach would cease to be a game.Dax01 said:Quitting penalty needs to be more severe. It's too lenient as is.
I assure you he wasn't hacking. That's just how it works sometimes. If you had recently betrayed people in your previous games or had lots of friendly fire it sometimes gives the option to boot after just one betrayal.m0ngo said:What....The....Fuck!
Just been in a btb game of ctf on paradiso, I grabbed the sniper rifle and some dick on my team gets pissed that I got it before him. He then proceeds to chase and kill me, I get no option to boot him. I sneak up behind him and return the favour then I get booted. Wtf? Seriously? Fuck this game. :/
Some people are hacking for sure.
Edit: his gt was Toutch My Sack
People are very obsessed about getting credits in this game, make them pay 2000 cR per quit (with an ugly -2000cR popup after they quit) and the problem will decrease.NullPointer said:The problem is that if a penalty could be devised that's effective enough to keep people who would rather quit from doing so, Reach would cease to be a game.
Yup. The first one I was able to take down with the rockets that spawn by one of the switches. Took a while, but that last one....oof.Mr. Sam said:I played Exodus just now and I was pulling my hair out too. If I remember correctly, there were actually two wraiths. I may have just been seeing double from how hard the first one was kicking my ass. Though, as Sai-kun points out, there is a much easier method to complete it - one I only realised when the FRG/Hammer brute couple had made me its bitch about four times in a row.
My favorite part is when all four are at the bottom of the stairs. I go up the stairs and am engaged in this crazy firefight with Brute Chieftains, regular Brutes, Jackals and Grunts. They're at the bottom of the stairs, standing around, and one yells, "I need some covering fire!" One of the others say, "I got it!" And then he turns and stares at a wall.Louis Wu said::lol :lol :lol at the marine at the very end... "We'ea hunting wabbits!"
Letters said:People are very obsessed about getting credits in this game, make them pay 2000 cR per quit (with an ugly -2000cR popup after they quit) and the problem will decrease.
A good rule of thumb in any shooter is that when the NPCs say they're going to cover you, they lie. :lolGhaleonEB said:My favorite part is when all four are at the bottom of the stairs. I go up the stairs and am engaged in this crazy firefight with Brute Chieftains, regular Brutes, Jackals and Grunts. They're at the bottom of the stairs, standing around, and one yells, "I need some covering fire!" One of the others say, "I got it!" And then he turns and stares at a wall.
I think this would only lead to even more grinding of cR by any means necessary so that players could have a nice buffer of points to use to quit out with no regrets. I'd compare it to maxing out my character in Crackdown 2 just so I wouldn't have to worry about accidental civilian deaths. One I was maxed I became hell on earthLetters said:People are very obsessed about getting credits in this game, make them pay 2000 cR per quit (with an ugly -2000cR popup after they quit) and the problem will decrease.
Yeah that stuff is really bad. I wish Bungie would bite the bullet and give us at least some kind of very limited follow me/go there kind of AI commands.Grimm Fandango said:Arg it's so frustrating when you just want to use a turret in a Warthog without the fucking AI getting in the driver seat. At least you can kill the Marines but not so much the other Spartans.
I was firing from the missile Hog when Kat decided to drive right near a rock. Explosion killed me of course.
Even better with a bottomless FRGLetters said:Holy shit at the orgasmic visual feast that is an invincible/infinite-rockets Firefight Bonus Round against all Elites, in the middle of Corvette... my eyes were about to start bleeding. So good.
No penalty is going to be so effective that it's going to stop cheating completely. In a game, such as monopoly and the like, you have set backs, losing your position or how much you have gained (credits in this case) throughout the course of the game. Does it matter in the short term? Maybe, but losing, say, 1,000 credits for quitting more than three games in a week (or whatever) won't really matter in the long term.NullPointer said:The problem is that if a penalty could be devised that's effective enough to keep people who would rather quit from doing so, Reach would cease to be a game.
So betrayals from previous game's count towards a 'total' and when you hit that total you can be booted? Even if the betrayals are quite a few games apart?Trasher said:I assure you he wasn't hacking. That's just how it works sometimes. If you had recently betrayed people in your previous games or had lots of friendly fire it sometimes gives the option to boot after just one betrayal.
That's a much better approach imo. Not sure how to work that out but its a better mindset to put towards the problem than the stern parent withholding precious Reach points, even if the end result is the same.Dax01 said:I guess what I'm trying to say is the penalty system should encourage people to stay in the game, not stop remove the choice from them entirely.
I bet most kids would rather keep on saving for their Inclement Weather and whatnot, instead of using the Cr on quits. And in those rare cases we would still be back at where we are now anyways.NullPointer said:I think this would only lead to even more grinding of cR by any means necessary so that players could have a nice buffer of points to use to quit out with no regrets. I'd compare it to maxing out my character in Crackdown 2 just so I wouldn't have to worry about accidental civilian deaths. One I was maxed I became hell on earth![]()
They have tools in place that detect inactive players or people who put rubberbands around their sticks, they could put them to good use.Zel3 said:Punishing people for quiting with a credit loss would just make them stay in the game and not play. Same for having a credit bonus for completing the match, I can just see players joining a game and not playing just to get the 1000 credit completion bonus.
Revenge is a dish best served cold. Go to his gamer card in your recently played friends list and report him for a code of conduct violation (inappropriate gamertag). He'll have to change his tag and if you're really lucky, he could get a 24 hour Xbox Live suspension.m0ngo said:What....The....Fuck!
Just been in a btb game of ctf on paradiso, I grabbed the sniper rifle and some dick on my team gets pissed that I got it before him. He then proceeds to chase and kill me, I get no option to boot him. I sneak up behind him and return the favour then I get booted. Wtf? Seriously? Fuck this game. :/
Some people are hacking for sure.
Edit: his gt was Toutch My Sack
:lolNOKYARD said:Unfortunately, i couldn't find my favourite clip from customs so this will have to do.
We won 75 to 73 thanks to me not going my usual -7. I had zero kills, zero deaths, but brought more than a few enemy spartans to their demise by betraying their positions, depleting their ammo, and pulling their focus from my teammates.
Or how about approaching the problem from a different angle. Give outnumbered teams bonus points for completing a match and/or in game perks (like overshields, +damage, +resistance) to help balance the match out.Letters said:I bet most kids would rather keep on saving for their Inclement Weather and whatnot, instead of using the Cr on quits. And in those rare cases we would still be back at where we are now anyways.
Active Camo should just be removed from the Reach when playing on Legendary. It does nothing. I tried the exact same thing you did on Exodus, just with Rockets. Like Ghal, the Wraith had never even seen me yet, let alone when you add in the use of my Invis. But sure enough, the second I poked my head around the corner, crouch-walking for extra sneak, it just crushed me.NullPointer said:For that a first tank I grabbed the active camo and plasma launcher - no dice - the thing blew me to chunks once I had one invisible pixel "exposed". Pure bullshit.
But don't most people quit a game because they quickly want to get into another game? If they stayed in the game and didn't play they would still be in the match for the same amount of time.Zel3 said:Punishing people for quiting with a credit loss would just make them stay in the game and not play. Same for having a credit bonus for completing the match, I can just see players joining a game and not playing just to get the 1000 credit completion bonus.
A bonus could work. Like instead of the slot machine, Bungie could replace that with a standard bonus based on how many of your teammates stayed for the whole game. Each player is worth a certain number of credits, and this is a standard across all gametypes, so even though you may switch off between BTB/Invasion and Team Slayer, the reward for sticking out a game will be greater in BTB/Invasion than Team Slayer. You would get more credits for sticking out a game in BTB/Invasion when everyone has quit but you than in Team Slayer where everyone has quit but you. If no one has quit on your team, then you don't get a bonus.NullPointer said:Or how about approaching the problem from a different angle. Give outnumbered teams bonus points for completing a match and/or in game perks (like overshields, +damage, +resistance) to help balance the match out.
Being outnumbered sucks, but it'd be nice to know there's a sweet bonus for sticking with it.
That would be nice. But the Bonus should not be applied if you booted someone, or else people would be getting in the way of people's shots and grenades, in order to boot them and get a cR bonus. Then there's the problem of people learning how to make other disconnect by using network/router hacks (or whatever is that they do).NullPointer said:Or how about approaching the problem from a different angle. Give outnumbered teams bonus points for completing a match and/or in game perks (like overshields, +damage, +resistance) to help balance the match out.
Being outnumbered sucks, but it'd be nice to know there's a sweet bonus for sticking with it.
That and I think they may have nerfed allied AI range. Seems like you have to be much closer to enemies before your AI gunners and shotgun-seated-power-weapon-holders will start to unload on the enemy.Ramirez said:What's funny about the AI is that they put up that story about how the driving AI had been fixed for Reach, and it's just as bad if not worse than the past games. :lol
I can't quite figure out how that Forklift glitch works in co-op. It looks like you have to do it before Jun calls the all-clear and the game loads in the next batch of Covenant, because otherwise it'll also load the Covenant behind the door (and it'll teleport you back behind the door, and then open it before the Hunters drop, and all kinds of crazy shenanigans). The first two-by-two run we did today, it worked flawlessly. The second, it went insane on us.Devin Olsen said:Welp... I broke the game while I was trying to speed-run Nightfall (for the Challenge) :x
-- Earlier on in the level I kind of tricked up into the cliffs and apparently avoided a loading zone. I then used the glitch to get yourself through the gate using the Forklift, the result was me unable to finish the level... Pretty cool though, since I got to explore (kinda).
Zel3 said:Punishing people for quiting with a credit loss would just make them stay in the game and not play. Same for having a credit bonus for completing the match, I can just see players joining a game and not playing just to get the 1000 credit completion bonus.
Domino Theory said:When the game goes from a 4v4 to a 2v4 (or half of what the original team size is for any other playlist), the game needs to go into Sudden Death automatically. I remember Bungie mentioning doing this a while back, but I guess not. :/
I'm not sure if they count towards a "total," but I'm fairly certain it's been mentioned that it takes in to account previous games' betrayals that have been committed in the recent past.m0ngo said:So betrayals from previous game's count towards a 'total' and when you hit that total you can be booted? Even if the betrayals are quite a few games apart?
While this statement is true, it is also true that Bungie has made some decent progress with their updates. Hopefully they keep the updates rolling for a while though because a lot of stuff does need attention.Alienshogun said:There's so much wrong that needs to be fixed, that they are not talking about, it's depressing.
Eh, not one of your better troll posts of Bungie. Hell, given how much you bagged on Bungie during Reach's development, I'm still flabbergasted as to why you bought the game.X26 said:I'm glad the quitting penalty is so minimal given how much of the game consists of being forced into gametypes you hate and getting griefed
Even with a bigger penalty it wouldn't change much, the game is just a stopgap until black ops for a lot of people anyways (you know, that game with drop in/drop out, the ability to play whatever gametype you want, and meaningful rewards?)
Can't wait for the Black Ops release.X26 said:I'm glad the quitting penalty is so minimal given how much of the game consists of being forced into gametypes you hate and getting griefed
Even with a bigger penalty it wouldn't change much, the game is just a stopgap until black ops for a lot of people anyways (you know, that game with drop in/drop out, the ability to play whatever gametype you want, and meaningful rewards?)
Somnid said:They could boot players for inactivity. If you stand around for 2:00 without touching the controller you get booted. Otherwise you either:
a) stick it out and play
b) quit and lose credits
You could also just twiddle your joysticks around, but then you'd be wasting everyone's time including your own.
You were supposed to hide inside the provided cardboard box.Circle T said:I was going to try and go all Solid Snake on this level, and just slowly and methodically sneak my way through most of it. I could see there were some enemies coming toward my building, so I crouched in a dark corner, behind a small crate, and went Camo. A single Grunt walked in the room, stopped, looked right at me, stuck me with a Grenad
Dax01 said:Eh, not one of your better troll posts of Bungie. Hell, given how much you bagged on Bungie during Reach's development, I'm still flabbergasted as to why you bought the game.
Letters said:Can't wait for the Black Ops release.![]()
People like you can't get out of Halo soon enough.