Report: Microsoft has laid off their DEI team, shutting down diversity division

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Yes many of the lunatics at Reee are all of the same mind. They are calling this fascist and MS are nazis now. What a bunch of retarded hateful cucks. Priceless reading thru the thread though.


Gold Member
Someone who actually worked with these people vs someone writing fanfictions about how he imagines he would "feel good" and make the world better:

Outside of the fact that this is not true, and there is no evidence of it, and there is no evidence that diversity actually boosts the bottom line (McKinsey's "studies" put the cart before the horse), he gives up one major reason why they are shutting them down. It is because DEI as practiced is ILLEGAL. This is not South Africa. You can't discriminate against European-descended people just because it makes you feel good, or because Ibram X. Kendi told you that was what you had to do. It's against the law. Every company that said "our plan is to hire n% of diversity in y years" put a big target on their back. Of course that doesn't matter if people weren't seeking out targets, and they weren't before. But they are now. Here's an example/

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lol I know right, fuck free will!!!!! booooo


This is a silly strawman, EDMIX, and you know it.

It's got nothing to do with limiting free will and everything to do with universities chasing profit at the expense of the careers and futures of an entire generation of students.

A huge part of the role of universities is to prepare students for the workplace. If you're offering courses that have no value outside of academia and don't setup students for success in the workplace then you're being irresponsible. Students are young people who often aren't fully cognisant of the longer-term implications of their choice of major to study, hence the import of parental guidance, mentors, and guidance counsellors.
I love how nobody in this thread knows what this means.
Yes many of the lunatics at Reee are all of the same mind. They are calling this fascist and MS are nazis now. What a bunch of retarded hateful cucks. Priceless reading thru the thread though.
Something similar is happening here.

This ultimately doesn’t matter. Having an internal diversity inclusion team is pointless. Not pointless in the way everyone in this thread thinks.

This is just means that “sweet baby” company is gonna get even more work.


I love how nobody in this thread knows what this means.

Something similar is happening here.

This ultimately doesn’t matter. Having an internal diversity inclusion team is pointless. Not pointless in the way everyone in this thread thinks.

This is just means that “sweet baby” company is gonna get even more work.
Yeap, they’ll just subcontract the work. This is about dropping internals. Like outsourcing IT to India.


This ultimately doesn’t matter. Having an internal diversity inclusion team is pointless. Not pointless in the way everyone in this thread thinks.

This is just means that “sweet baby” company is gonna get even more work.
I think you are talking shit, but this gave me an idea. It would be absolutely fucking hysterical if it turns out that the company said "You know what? We'll follow your advice and show more support to SBI now that the community is against them... Which means they are getting your part of the job and you are now redudant".


I love how nobody in this thread knows what this means.

Something similar is happening here.

This ultimately doesn’t matter. Having an internal diversity inclusion team is pointless. Not pointless in the way everyone in this thread thinks.

This is just means that “sweet baby” company is gonna get even more work.
That's where consumers (if they actually care about life) need to do their research before purchasing, as with evey other fucking thing we consume on this planet. It's pretty easy to find the source of it all, if folks could grasp the reality of the truth.
I think you are talking shit, but this gave me an idea. It would be absolutely fucking hysterical if it turns out that the company said "You know what? We'll follow your advice and show more support to SBI now that the community is against them... Which means they are getting your part of the job and you are now redudant".

He's completely correct



If this is true, does it imply that forced diversity is only due to government funding rather than a genuine interest?
Correlation should not be confused with causation. Two things can be true at the same time. Funding gave an incentive and the changing of the social winds also gave an incentive.

Lastly, software development actually did have diversity issues. I don't think anyone can argue that it was not a "good Ole boys club" since it's inception. Now was their actions the answer, probably not, but maybe we will see more naturally equity in representation going forward (maybe) (doubt it) (time will tell).


DEI destroys those with talent and qualification. We've already seen it with Asians being rejected from Ivy League Schools in favour of accepting more Blacks and there are many more examples out there.

I will never understand hiring people based off their skin colour and what gender they are instead of their skills and qualifications.

Imagine you have 1 spot open at your company and Ms A, a White woman with amazing talent and qualifications is one of options and she is your #1 pick because of that as she will be perfect, but DEI tells you to hire the Black woman because they need more diversity, even though she doesn't come close to the skills and qualifications for the position. Congratulations, you just let great talent go in favour of ticking off a quota.
DEI destroys those with talent and qualification. We've already seen it with Asians being rejected from Ivy League Schools in favour of accepting more Blacks and there are many more examples out there.

I will never understand hiring people based off their skin colour and what gender they are instead of their skills and qualifications.

Imagine you have 1 spot open at your company and Ms A, a White woman with amazing talent and qualifications is one of options and she is your #1 pick because of that as she will be perfect, but DEI tells you to hire the Black woman because they need more diversity, even though she doesn't come close to the skills and qualifications for the position. Congratulations, you just let great talent go in favour of ticking off a quota.
You’re exactly right and spot on with this scenario. However, in todays clown world, it just makes too much sense to do the right thing anymore especially when it involves DEI.
DEI destroys those with talent and qualification. We've already seen it with Asians being rejected from Ivy League Schools in favour of accepting more Blacks and there are many more examples out there.

I will never understand hiring people based off their skin colour and what gender they are instead of their skills and qualifications.

Imagine you have 1 spot open at your company and Ms A, a White woman with amazing talent and qualifications is one of options and she is your #1 pick because of that as she will be perfect, but DEI tells you to hire the Black woman because they need more diversity, even though she doesn't come close to the skills and qualifications for the position. Congratulations, you just let great talent go in favour of ticking off a quota.
DEI is a form of pink Communism.

Capitalism = Meritocracy (the only logical way to increase efficiency and profits)


Everything is seen from a business perspective. If DEI does not bring money, directly or indirectly, companies will move away from it. Because all they care about is making money, they don't give a shit about inclusivity, ecology or whatever other topic. They will only do it if it makes money.


DEI is a form of pink Communism.

Capitalism = Meritocracy (the only logical way to increase efficiency and profits)
As a former communist coutry citizen here- it never works, u gotta give extremly good incentives for ppl to work harder/in harder jobs, aka u gotta pay more money.

Under communism u got no incentive to do any hard/dangerous job coz u arent rewarded enough for it, but again- to understand it person cant be feminist/office worker- if u gotta literally break ur back working or actually study for many years(and not gender studies, real thing like stem/law/medicine etc, where u actually gotta be tallented and put in tons of effort- then u wanna be properly rewarded for it which u never get under communism.

Same thing with making games- u make mediocre game or u make topselling game- capitalism makes sure u actually can profit from ur labour- game is bad/sells badly/flops= lay offs and studio clousure happen, its only safemeasure for that woke bullshit- in the end no1 gonna fund bad games :)
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Gold Member
As a former communist coutry citizen here- it never works, u gotta give extremly good incentives for ppl to work harder/in harder jobs, aka u gotta pay more money.

Under communism u got no incentive to do any hard/dangerous job coz u arent rewarded enough for it, but again- to understand it person cant be feminist/office worker- if u gotta literally break ur back working or actually study for many years(and not gender studies, real thing like stem/law/medicine etc, where u actually gotta be tallented and put in tons of effort- then u wanna be properly rewarded for it which u never get under communism.

Same thing with making games- u make mediocre game or u make topselling game- capitalism makes sure u actually can profit from ur labour- game is bad/sells badly/flops= lay offs and studio clousure happen, its only safemeasure for that woke bullshit- in the end no1 gonna fund bad games :)

When people work at places that reward well and give bonuses based on how well you and the company did, and it’s not a place with Uber guaranteed job protection, guess what?

People out in effort to keep their job and max out their pay. For those of you who don’t work at a job that pays a bonus (my company pays us two bonuses), nothing makes people happier than seeing a juicy bonus multiplier when the company tells people the payout rate. And nothing pisses people off more than a shit year and l that bonus rate leads to a 0% or a whopping trashy 2% bonus. People want to do well and get 20%. Not 2%.

I’ve always been a believer in a comp that has salary and bonus because it encourages the company to do well. If there’s no targets and no bonus structure people have no incentive to do better. Just scrape by and do as little as possible to not get fired. There’s no point doing better or exceeding because you’re already paid out in full baked into your wages already.
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Not really.

Those careers should never have existed in the first place.

Universities should be fined by the Government for making Mickey-Mouse courses in pure horseshit like Gender Studies and Race Relations, that only served to raise a generation of insane narcissist activists that simply want to destroy everything they perceive to be a threat to their beloved oppressed minorities.

Asshole politicians are driving up inflation burning tax-payer dollars to provide student loan forgiveness for the fucking tools who chose to study a course that will provide them no future. DEI and ESG was a maniacal con to try to provide a place in the workforce for all these race and gender studies majors that would have otherwise graduated with no employment prospects and would have likely ended up homeless.

So no, I do not feel one iota of sympathy for the twits who deliberately chose to go to university to study some horseshit course, for no other reason than social activism. If people want to campaign for social activism, they should not be able to fuck around doing it on the dime of the productive private sectors. You and I work hard for our employers so that we can add value to the business overall while earning a living. These cucks just fuck around all day calling everyone racists and everything fun "problematic", adding no value, while earning salaries 2-3 times higher than yours and mine. How is that fair?

This is an inportant point most people miss and have dangerous ramifications for america. A lot of people went to college with the expectation of getting a ESG-related job. On Tik Tok you see women talking about "lazy girl jobs" or you probably saw those "Day in the life of a [ insert tech brand here ] manager" where the girl does nothing but act like Patrick Bateman in the morning preparing to work. Those jobs only existed because companies needed to shove diversity hires somewhere to increase their ESG score. To make things worse, universities started creating whole curriculums around those ESG jobs meaning that kids were taking loans to study fake careers. That poses two problems for late millenials/early zoomers:

1) A lot of them won't have a career but will still have to pay the loan that they took;
2) A lot of them got other loans along the way such as car loan and mortgage since they tought their career was real.

The death of ESG may accelerate the poping of the house/credit bubble. Not only that but late zoomers are seeing the writting on the wall as far as the death of white collar jobs in the tech sector and are starting to look at trade schools instead. This means the University bubble, that is proped by the endless demand from high school students, may pop too.
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Someone who actually worked with these people vs someone writing fanfictions about how he imagines he would "feel good" and make the world better:

Dude posted on Resetera so it is already nonsense, but DEI does not boost a morale, in fact it makes it worse because it encourages people to form their own cliques all the time as people become concerned about what to say and what not to say due to existing governing body. In fact conversations become very very dry.

And for new perspectives you need to hire people from that culture not from California :messenger_tears_of_joy: Where people invent their own Spanish and confuse flags. So if you are making the game about japan - hire japanese people, not californians
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Um, chud?

If you don't fearfully cower before the insidious rot of political correctness and endorse unscrupulous, bitter people using it to discriminate, bully and besmirch, you're a fascist.
Well said and spot on. That is one of the comments from the Resetera thread……bunch of whack jobs.


Dev cycle for big games these days are 5 to 7 years so any cultural shift in the company will take a while to spill into the final product.
I also said that.. but then I thought... if the change really comes inside the company and priority shifts back to normality... changes to the games can be made that would not delay the project very much.

We'll have to wait and see what happens.. but little by little we are seeing good news about this shit more often.. we can hope I guess.
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It has nothing to do with "Project 2025" or whatever, that is just coping. It has everything to do with interest rates. DEI was a byproduct of Institutions such as Blackrock offering loans and investiments to companies that were following ESG protocols. As a consequence, companies filled their HR department and manager positions with women and minorities to attract investments from such institutions. They even created whole departments such as DEI that are completely useless and only serves for big and loud Shaneequa to make seminars about how every employee is "le evil".

When the Fed raised interest rates Blackrock and the others deemed that kind of strategy too risky and distanced themselves from it. Now without that moneraty incentive, Silicon valley companies(including video game ones) have all this redundant diversity hires on their payroll and they have to get rid of them.

If there's one thing I've learned over the years, it's this: When corporations make these decisions, whatever the direction they decide to go in, it's always, always, ALWAYS about the bottom line.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
This is an inportant point most people miss and have dangerous ramifications for america. A lot of people went to college with the expectation of getting a ESG-related job. On Tik Tok you see women talking about "lazy girl jobs" or you probably saw those "Day in the life of a [ insert tech brand here ] manager" where the girl does nothing but act like Patrick Bateman in the morning preparing to work. Those jobs only existed because companies needed to shove diversity hires somewhere to increase their ESG score. To make things worse, universities started creating whole curriculums around those ESG jobs meaning that kids were taking loans to study fake careers. That poses two problems for late millenials/early zoomers:

1) A lot of them won't have a career but will still have to pay the loan that they took;
2) A lot of them got other loans along the way such as car loan and mortgage since they tought their career was real.

The death of ESG may accelerate the poping of the house/credit bubble. Not only that but late zoomers are seeing the writting on the wall as far as the death of white collar jobs in the tech sector and are starting to look at trade schools instead. This means the University bubble, that is proped by the endless demand from high school students, may pop too.
The student loan crisis and college courses of questionable career value is the hidden story of most of the rise of SJWs since 2012. A whole generation of people with a college education, ability to write well and do some basic research or write well enough to fake like they can, but no other hard skills and no job prospects. The rest almost inevitably follows.
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Reminds me of the Star Trek The Next Generation episode where a Vulcan crew member was under investigation and they brought in a special prosectutor. She was this renowned investigator who was also daughter to another renowned investigator. Push come to shove, she started to get too invasive, and then charged Picard cause he is responsible for all actions of the crew on the ship. He shuts that shit right down and told her that in her overzealousness, she lost sight of the truth.


I hope this is true. Would be the best news in years.
I can't stop laughing

Look man, the way I see it, if you really believe MS is doing this for some reason, its hard to then think them publicly telling you they are stopping is REALLY them stopping, for all you know they are doing this to pretend they are done with it and just continue that same work secretly, as lots of propaganda is subliminal anyway.

So...what would even be the "best news"? The appearance that they stopped?

This is kinda getting beaten to death but seriously. The guy said he hopes it is true. Then you go on about how if all they did was say something, it might not really be true so he's an idiot. Maybe that's why he's HOPING that it's true...and WOULD BE the best news in years...if it was?

What a terrible use of this fine gif.

What I’m saying is colleges and universities amp up on silly programs and students to max out profits.

When did I say that’s a good thing?

Sorry, I misunderstood/misread the tone of your message and read it like a proposed counterargument, when in fact you were simply just adding additional detail.

With the way discussion on Gaf is often very combative, I sometimes find myself erroneously misreading replies. This was one of those examples.


Dude posted on Resetera so it is already nonsense, but DEI does not boost a morale, in fact it makes it worse because it encourages people to form their own cliques all the time as people become concerned about what to say and what not to say due to existing governing body. In fact conversations become very very dry.

And for new perspectives you need to hire people from that culture not from California :messenger_tears_of_joy: Where people invent their own Spanish and confuse flags. So if you are making the game about japan - hire japanese people, not californians

It boosts morale in a vacuum. In reality it only lessens quality output, as companies start to not hire the most adequate persons for the job, but rather token LGBT. If they are as crazy as these vocals on the internet, it will also cause other co workers to walk on egg shells creating an unhealthy atmosphere. Not to mention these DEI people typically can't handle valid criticism and are likely counted out for many days a year as they're a little unstable to put it mildly.

And much like Sweet Baby Inc and the such, this group forces changes and narratives. Its not democratic at all. You can have 200 people, 10 DEI, and the input of those 10 will dictate the course of your project. The problem is that this sub group is very self centered, can't handle criticism and will likely play the bigotry card.
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