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Report: Nintendo Switch 2 DLSS Might Not Be as Powerful as It Sounds


I mean, if it comes next year can people really expect it to be so much better than say, the Steam Deck (1) yet cost less? Gotta temper those expectations folks, true next gen games will probably still have "miracle ports" with huge concessions if at all, but games made primarily for it will look great.
Yup. And Nintendo will produce great looking games either way.


Gold Member
You mean, not as powerful as all the fucking previous reports made it sound?
Let’s not pretend everything rumored until this one report here wasn’t very optimistic, and not all of it was from dubious sources. What’s with the change of tune now?

Nintendo’s secrecy can be infuriating. Let’s hope the wait is almost at an end.


People expecting a very powerful Nintendo console are going to be sorely disappointed. Sure, it will be considerably more powerful than the Switch, but I feel it will be on par with the XBOX One or PS4 power-wise. I’m keeping my expectations in check.
I don't think most people expected the hardware to be powerful, but they hoped the DLSS solution would be powerful relative to what AMD has going on, allowing it to punch above its weight resolution-wise. Given that this is something NVidia is known for, and how much it would benefit a mobile platform, you could expect Nintendo to take advantage of it... if they weren't Nintendo.

If this rumor is correct, not only would the Switch 2 be roughly on par with an XB1/PS4, it would be limited to those consoles' resolutions, and for no known reason other than Nintendo being Nintendo.


Because that is in the platform … in the deal so to say.. why remove it? Would probable cost Nintendo more 🤣
Alas, we heard this same logic prior to the Wii U's launch: "Nintendo would have to TRY to make something that was only on par with the PS3/360. They would have to intentionally create a CPU that weak. It CAN'T be true."

I don't pretend to know one way or another, but I'd never put anything past Nintendo.


Gold Member
i'm ready for the Nintendo Switch Slide, or SS for short.


Delusional lads here actually thought this would be more 'advanced' than a Ps5 with DLSS 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

As a Software Engineer i laugh my ass off reading many posts here but that one had me spilling my ☕.

On a serious note, keep your expectations in check, this is a mobile chip with limited power draw in a small form factor.
If you expect this to be anymore powerful than a PS4 or even a Steam Deck, I imagine you're going to be disappointed. It'll have the games though and they'll play great, you know, the bit that matters.
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Delusional lads here actually thought this would be more 'advanced' than a Ps5 with DLSS 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

As a Software Engineer i laugh my ass off reading many posts here but that one had me spilling my ☕.

On a serious note, keep your expectations in check, this is a mobile chip with limited power draw in a small form factor.
I think the earlier rumor implied an architecture than the rdna2 which is in the ps5 not actual power and this statement is not ridiculous at all. Nvidias last gen architecture ampere honestly humiliates rdna2 in software innovation and features. Rt tech is almost 2 generations ahead with stuff like ray reconstruction further improving performance and dlss abasolutely dominates fsr2 especially at lower resolutions.

That being said even with said advantages the size/power/heat/bandwidth limitations will unfortunately deliver eventual performance below the series S but it could allow the switch 2 to actually play a significant portion of current gen games unlike the original switch at low resolutions but relatively respectable settings courtesy of dlss.
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Thick Thighs Save Lives

NeoGAF's Physical Games Advocate Extraordinaire
Woopah Woopah is right. You guys are talking about DLA without even knowing what it is. DLSS runs on the Tensor Cores (which the T239 for Switch 2 has (48 of them to be precise)). DLA is a fixed-function hardware that is only present on the Orin/Xavier SoC's Nvidia has for automotive/AI edge/Robotics etc. It's not present on Nvidia GPUs for desktop or mobile...

Someone wrongly told Rich that Nvidia kept the DLA hardware from the Orin SoC (and thus why he cited the DLA possibility on his video testing PC specs for switch 2), but we know that the T239 is a very customized SoC, with many blocks from the Orin SoC (T234) being removed, and we already knew for a long time now that the DLA block wasn't present.

So, just to be clear, DLSS runs on Tensor Cores, which the Switch 2 will have, and normal nvidia GPUs don't even have DLA hardware. Also, there's absolutely no evidence that DLA could even help with DLSS. Maybe it could, we just don't know.

With all that said, with switch 2 having 48 Tensor Cores, there probably will be compromises. DLSS isn't free. But for that we can only wait and see.
This post should be added to your OP Draugoth Draugoth as it clarifies the info reported there by IGN.


It's basically going to be a mobile PS4/XBO with a better CPU, more RAM, faster storage, and a newer GPU arch. It's not going to match even the Series S, it will match the Steam Deck most likely. Which is fine, it's going to be a great handheld.
With 100GB/s and without DLSS, it won't be near XSS levels which have twice more bandwidth. It's going to be close to PS4 levels and people will have to accept it.


I think people are misreading this report. DLSS is still part of Switch 2.

Anyone who thought those earlier switch 2 rumors were true were delusional.
Which rumours specifically? Most information comes from the Nvidia leak.
Why do Nintendo fans always do this to themselves?
I've never seen any Nintendo fan mention DLA.
Woopah Woopah is right. You guys are talking about DLA without even knowing what it is. DLSS runs on the Tensor Cores (which the T239 for Switch 2 has (48 of them to be precise)). DLA is a fixed-function hardware that is only present on the Orin/Xavier SoC's Nvidia has for automotive/AI edge/Robotics etc. It's not present on Nvidia GPUs for desktop or mobile...

Someone wrongly told Rich that Nvidia kept the DLA hardware from the Orin SoC (and thus why he cited the DLA possibility on his video testing PC specs for switch 2), but we know that the T239 is a very customized SoC, with many blocks from the Orin SoC (T234) being removed, and we already knew for a long time now that the DLA block wasn't present.

So, just to be clear, DLSS runs on Tensor Cores, which the Switch 2 will have, and normal nvidia GPUs don't even have DLA hardware. Also, there's absolutely no evidence that DLA could even help with DLSS. Maybe it could, we just don't know.

With all that said, with switch 2 having 48 Tensor Cores, there probably will be compromises. DLSS isn't free. But for that we can only wait and see.
Thank you.
Basically what CS Lurker said. The only place I've seen mention DLA as a possibility is Digital Foundry, who are now clarifying that their earlier speculation isn't true.

I don't see it as a big deal that Switch 2 won't be using a technology that has never been used for gaming before. It just shows that Nvidia is customing T239 for Nintendo's needs (it's probably cheaper to not have DLA).
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One of the green rats
“ These estimations are based on broadly equivalent hardware and remains far from confirmed.“

So it’s a nothing article.😒


One of the green rats
Delusional lads here actually thought this would be more 'advanced' than a Ps5 with DLSS 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

As a Software Engineer i laugh my ass off reading many posts here but that one had me spilling my ☕.

On a serious note, keep your expectations in check, this is a mobile chip with limited power draw in a small form factor.

What “lads” ? No one here has said anything except you guys who keep talking about pretend people.
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2023 and people still don't know Nintendo? I don't know why people are hyped about power when it is clear that they will only comply, and even then they will be fine, it will be an obvious generational leap compared to Switch.


I know one thing for certain: The SwitchToo will be powerful enough to run “Switch Sports Too” in glorious 60fps. And isn’t this all we want?

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
So this just means that it will upres to 1440p most likely rather than 4k, or if you had extra performance to sacrifice then could do 4k but at a cost since DLA isn’t there to lower latencies.

It still has DLSS 🤷‍♂️ which is more than we can say about every PC mobile chips stuck on pixel soup FSR.


World’s Biggest Weeb
Rumors about the capabilities of Nintendo’s next gen system being wildly exaggerated…. it can’t be. Nintendo fans would never do this.


I know one thing for certain: The SwitchToo will be powerful enough to run “Switch Sports Too” in glorious 60fps. And isn’t this all we want?
Only if it also has 96 golf courses.
So this just means that it will upres to 1440p most likely rather than 4k, or if you had extra performance to sacrifice then could do 4k but at a cost since DLA isn’t there to lower latencies.

It still has DLSS 🤷‍♂️ which is more than we can say about every PC mobile chips stuck on pixel soup FSR.
It will depend on the game. Stuff like Mario Wonder could be at 4k while more demanding games are lower.
Rumors about the capabilities of Nintendo’s next gen system being wildly exaggerated…. it can’t be. Nintendo fans would never do this.
I wouldn't classify Digital Foundry as "Nintendo fans". They are professionals.


It really doesn’t matter how powerful it is to be honest it will house at least 3 GOTY worthy titles and a bunch of 90+ rated exclusives I’m in it for the software.


Anyone expecting a Nintendo platform to have any semblance of cutting-edge technology is likely to be disappointed. I’m hopeful that the T239 is a serious enough chip to feel like a generational upgrade, but there’s no way it’s gonna blow people away.
i think this time, nintendo will people blow away with what they can do the best:
battery life of handhelds:
the new successor will have a huge improvement over the old versions.
A couple simple truths some people need to hear.

1. I highly doubt the Switch 2 will retail for north of $399.

2. Nintendo is going to turn a profit on day 1.

3. At those prices don't expect anything more powerful than a Steam Deck.

4. Nintendo is still going to sell a metric shit-ton of units, too many for the industry to ignore after the wild success of the first Switch. Say hello to the lowest common denominator for the next 5 years.


Gold Member
Considering we know literally nothing factual about their next system, and the title having "might not be as powerful as it sounds"....this entire thread is speculation and needs a drama tag added to it.
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