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Report: North Korea may fire a long-range ballistic missile toward Hawaii

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Puck said:
seriously, north korea will start this within the next 10 years. once north korea start it, china will ally with them and then they will basically defeat everyone. china has the capacity to shut down all communications across globes, the internet can be fucked up by them.
:lol I doubt it.

Even assuming that China does, against all of its economic interests, ally with North Korea in a full scale war against the US and allies, the Chinese military isn't great. They have no aircraft carriers, their air force can't even match the Japanese Self-Defense forces, ditto for their "navy", pretty much all they have is a lot of ground troops (ie. canon fodder).

Whoever controls the air wins a conventional war. China/NK would lose. Badly.


I live in cali. I'm scared :(
Does the us have some sort of anti-missle defense system for these kinds of situations.


Flek said:
some should tell north korea that pearl harbor is long gone..no need to attack hawaii

Maybe you should tell the US Navy first, they are under the impression that they still have a base there!


Taxes?! Isn't this the line for Metallica?
MrDenny said:
I live in cali. I'm scared :(
Does the us have some sort of anti-missle defense system for these kinds of situations.
The bad news is that such a defense doesn't exist. A lot of people are under the impression we have such capabilities, but we don't.

The good news is that Boeing is working on it in their Ground-based Midcourse Defense program (GMD).


testicles on a cold fall morning
MrDenny said:
I live in cali. I'm scared :(
Does the us have some sort of anti-missle defense system for these kinds of situations.
Scared of what, an attack that will never happen? Man up.
MrDenny said:
I live in cali. I'm scared :(
Does the us have some sort of anti-missle defense system for these kinds of situations.
yeah we got one, its called diplomacy.
juicyfruitas said:
pointless. peasants in feudal japan had a higher quality of life than the average NK peon of today.
so we're bombing back to the future?


I still wonder why, after MacArthur retook Seoul, they rebuilt the damn city when even then it was within artillery range.


You know, WWII Japan could take North Korea even in its from 20 years from now. What makes them think that if Japan failed the whole Hawaii thing they wouldnt?

Not to mention we have them surrounded. We're fucking in Japan and South Korea, among other please right next door.

I facepalm this guy...
I.F. said:
:lol I doubt it.

Even assuming that China does, against all of its economic interests, ally with North Korea in a full scale war against the US and allies, the Chinese military isn't great. They have no aircraft carriers, their air force can't even match the Japanese Self-Defense forces, ditto for their "navy", pretty much all they have is a lot of ground troops (ie. canon fodder).

Whoever controls the air wins a conventional war. China/NK would lose. Badly.



Just because they fire it doesn't mean it will actually reach its destination.

Still, I don't know what is up with Baby Kim. It seems he's been flailing his arms around screaming for attention a lot more than usual these days. Maybe he knows the end is nigh so he's trying to make the best of it :lol


Lebron said:
Just because they fire it doesn't mean it will actually reach its destination.

Still, I don't know what is up with Baby Kim. It seems he's been flailing his arms around screaming for attention a lot more than usual these days. Maybe he knows the end is nigh so he's trying to make the best of it :lol

They need more food, assistance, etc...


dionysus said:
The reunification of Korea would mean the utter destruction of Seoul and one of the worst death tolls of a civilian population seen in a long time. North Korea has enough artillery pointed at Seoul to level it in like 10 minutes.

Yes, they would probably lose the war in a few days with minimal military losses for the American and South Koreans, but that wouldn't stop the massive destruction against non-military targets.
I imagine the US and its allies would strike first meaning all that artillery would be some of the first targets to get hit once a raid would be under way. In the long run a unified Korea is better for all Koreans.

viakado said:
yeah we got one, its called diplomacy.
and if they hit another country with a missle the diplomacy card is off the table. Part of me wants them to hit someone so the world can finally be rid of this guy.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise

Whatever brings back Taepodong-2 jokes to late night television...


Junior Member
I.F. said:
:lol I doubt it.

Even assuming that China does, against all of its economic interests, ally with North Korea in a full scale war against the US and allies, the Chinese military isn't great. They have no aircraft carriers, their air force can't even match the Japanese Self-Defense forces, ditto for their "navy", pretty much all they have is a lot of ground troops (ie. canon fodder).

Whoever controls the air wins a conventional war. China/NK would lose. Badly.

what the fuck are you talking about?

Where does your "chinese miltiary isn't that great" come from? stupidland?

About two years or so ago when the heads of the Chinese military met with the rear admiral of the pacific fleet, the Chinese surfaced a submarine well within attack range of a carrier group without even being detected. 13 ships could not detect it. i'm sure you aren't dense enough to figure out what this means startegically.




The U.S. military is tracking a flagged North Korean ship suspected of proliferating weapons material in violation of a U.N. Security Council resolution passed last Friday, FOX News has learned.

The ship, Kang Nam, left a port in North Korea Wednesday and could be carrying weaponry, missile parts or nuclear materials. The U.S. military has been tracking it since its departure.

"It is believed to be 'of interest,'" a senior U.S. official told FOX News.

This is the first suspected "proliferator" that the U.S. and its allies have tracked from North Korea since the United Nations authorized the world's navies to enforce compliance with a variety of U.N. sanctions aimed at punishing North Korea for its recent nuclear test.

The apparent violation raises the question of how the United States and its allies will respond, particularly since the U.N. resolution does not have a lot of teeth to it.

The resolution would not allow the United States to forcibly board the ship. Rather, U.S. military would have to request permission to board -- a request North Korea is unlikely to grant.

North Korea has said that any attempt to board its ships would be viewed as an act of war and promised "100- or 1,000-fold" retaliation if provoked.

If there is cause to pursue the ship, sources told FOX News the U.S. military would instead likely follow the slow-moving vessel until it goes into port to refuel.

At that point, sources said, the U.S. military could request that the host country not provide fuel to the ship.

The Kang Nam is known to be a ship that has been involved in proliferation activities in the past -- it is "a repeat offender," according to one military source.
esbern said:
what the fuck are you talking about?

Where does your "chinese miltiary isn't that great" come from? stupidland?

About two years or so ago when the heads of the Chinese military met with the rear admiral of the pacific fleet, the Chinese surfaced a submarine well within attack range of a carrier group without even being detected. 13 ships could not detect it. i'm sure you aren't dense enough to figure out what this means startegically.

We don't use active sonar during peacetime. A pre-WW2 U-boat could go undetected against passive sonar.

Hari Seldon

esbern said:
what the fuck are you talking about?

Where does your "chinese miltiary isn't that great" come from? stupidland?

About two years or so ago when the heads of the Chinese military met with the rear admiral of the pacific fleet, the Chinese surfaced a submarine well within attack range of a carrier group without even being detected. 13 ships could not detect it. i'm sure you aren't dense enough to figure out what this means startegically.

That was a diesel sub running on batteries. Any modern diesel can be very quiet over short distances. The difference is that our nuke subs can be quiet over the whole ocean and at fast speeds. The US and presumably UK navy would make short work of the Chinese navy.


Once And Future Member
WickedAngel said:
They're not afraid; this guy and his antics are the standard. They have no idea what life outside of North Korea is and they're almost entirely in support of Lil Kim.
That's untrue. I read an article (I believe it was posted here on GAF?) from someone who entered North Korea as a tourist. When the tourist was at one of the museums and the govt. 'guides' weren't watching them a lady who worked there started asking all sorts of questions about how life was in South Korea, why does the rest of the world prefer it, what types of things people did, what type of things did they have, etc. Then when the 'guides' turned around she pretended she was telling him about one of the Kim Jong Il statues. The tourist played along and probably saved her life.

They may have attempted to brainwash the people of North Korea, and succeeded in keeping them down, but they haven't taken away their natural human instinct to question if they're being told the truth.

The people are just afraid of what might happen if they speak out.

People who help get North Koreans out across the border to China are publicly executed in the villages.
esbern said:
what the fuck are you talking about?

Where does your "chinese miltiary isn't that great" come from? stupidland?

About two years or so ago when the heads of the Chinese military met with the rear admiral of the pacific fleet, the Chinese surfaced a submarine well within attack range of a carrier group without even being detected. 13 ships could not detect it. i'm sure you aren't dense enough to figure out what this means startegically.

The same goes for our subs too you know.

Adam Prime

hates soccer, is Mexican
Man these guys are serious assclowns... this is what happens when you don't take care of a problem before it becomes a problem..
It would be pretty fucking awesome if we could shoot it down out of the sky over their country. That would be a big fucking wake up call. They're sitting there watching it go up, all happy and shit, and then suddenly BOOM! And then we hack their system so that Alan Parsons Project's Eye in the Sky is heard round the country. Man...that would be awesome.

So wait, can we blow this thing out of the sky?
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