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Report: North Korea may fire a long-range ballistic missile toward Hawaii

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I think we should launch an empty missile right into Kim's front yard, and when it hits have a little flag pop out that says "Boom!"


ElectricBlue187 said:
is this a joke? if NK invades Seoul there WILL be a nuclear war. Their big ass army won't help them much when the ICBMs start falling

Who's going to launch ISBMs? We sure as hell won't. NK probably would if threatened with invasion. We're in a lose-lose situation right now. If I were NK, I would be looking at this as the prime time to strike.
heliosRAzi said:
Yeah, they're cute, but have you seen 2nd gig?
Yes. All useless. Will Smith would easily destroy those with his jet, then punch one in the face (do those pieces of crap even have faces?) for good measure.
nyong said:
Who's going to launch ISBMs? We sure as hell won't. NK probably would if threatened with invasion. We're in a lose-lose situation right now. If I were NK, I would be looking at this as the prime time to strike.

what do we have to lose exactly? Seoul has a shitload to lose, NK has decidedly less to lose. The United States has nothing to lose in a conflict with North Korea (except for the us soldiers in south korea i guess)


nyong said:
Yeah, this is almost certainly going to progress to war. It's just a matter of time now. Say hello to the draft.

Why would a country of 300 million people need to re-institute a military draft to fight freaking North Korea?


A scientist and gentleman in the manner of Batman.
nyong said:
Yeah, this is almost certainly going to progress to war. It's just a matter of time now. Say hello to the draft.
Yeah we've already tried two ground wars in Asia in the past half century. Pass.


ElectricBlue187 said:
what do we have to lose exactly? Seoul has a shitload to lose, NK has decidedly less to lose. The United States has nothing to lose in a conflict with North Korea (except for the us soldiers in south korea i guess)


This is exactly my point. At this point, there is no way we're going to get wrapped up in further conflict. SK is not Japan. We don't promise them protection under a nuclear security blanket. If threatened with invasion, the world would not tolerate the US using nuclear weapons to thwart an invasion of SK. And I doubt our military could pull it off without another draft. Frankly, I'm not convinced the American populace would get behind protecting SK either.

It's a lose-lose situation only if you care about SK.

EDIT: I'll be back a bit later


I am Wayne Brady.
themadcowtipper said:
Nothing like a good old fashioned World War to fix the economy...

lol it will fix the economy alright.

There will be plenty of rocks to use as our new currency under our new North Korean overlords.

Adam Prime

hates soccer, is Mexican
I haven't been paying enough attention, but why exactly do they even want to fire or test fire missiles in our direction? What exactly has the US done to piss off NK so much that they are even wanting to appear as wanting to attack US?


Adam Prime said:
I haven't been paying enough attention, but why exactly do they even want to fire or test fire missiles in our direction? What exactly has the US done to piss off NK so much that they are even wanting to appear as wanting to attack US?

Under the Clinton Administration we gave them cookies and lots of milk to go with them if they promised to behave after acting out. So since then its been what they keep trying to do but its been unsuccessful since Clinton left office so hes stepping up the ante with Obama in the White House because Bush was crazy enough to say fuck you and attack
peterb0y said:
Yeah, thats not that funny to me... the fact that the US may have to be involved in any fight, however minor, is not cool. You guys do realize that this could mean military action for the US right? If NK is as stupid as those reports sound, we'll be dragged into a whole nother mess that we really dont need right now

Dude, seriously... If you really believe this will turn into anything but Kim Jung whatever complaining and coming back to the 6 party talks I have some land to sell you near the LA dump.
The Frankman said:
Only if the point was to have them surrender to cuteness, because that's all they're good for. Fuck that, these dudes want to mess with us on Independence Day? It's time we unleashed the real firepower:


"Welcome to Earf..."

I don't mean to derail, but I'd just like to point out that if one actually listens to this line, he very clearly says "Earth" and not "Earf". The "-th" is quite clear.
nyong said:

This is exactly my point. At this point, there is no way we're going to get wrapped up in further conflict. SK is not Japan. We don't promise them protection under a nuclear security blanket. If threatened with invasion, the world would not tolerate the US using nuclear weapons to thwart an invasion of SK. And I doubt our military could pull it off without another draft. Frankly, I'm not convinced the American populace would get behind protecting SK either.

It's a lose-lose situation only if you care about SK.

EDIT: I'll be back a bit later

sounds like we're talking about two different things. I'm saying that if North Korea invaded South Korea including firing all their artillery at Seoul and obliterating it completely it would not be very difficult for the US to justify nuking Pyongyang. There's no need for a draft or any of that shit. We're not going off to war to occupy North Korea, we're bombing the shit out of them until they surrender unconditionally.

And you're wrong about Americans not caring about South Korea, we haven't been protecting them for 50 years for the hell of it.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
China is not going to ally with a pathetic country like North Korea.

China isn't going to attack America period. They're taking over America financially just fine. Why declare war on a country that you own large parts of? Why declare ware on a country that owes you trillions of dollars? Moreover, China has millions of rural people migrating the modern China per year, and they need jobs. China has a lot of jobs due to trading with us.

Mobius 1

Snowman Prophet of Doom said:
I don't mean to derail, but I'd just like to point out that if one actually listens to this line, he very clearly says "Earth" and not "Earf". The "-th" is quite clear.

Welcome to URF!


Unconfirmed Member
Everyone who thinks that we will be the first person to use nukes is crazy. Hell, even if NK does fire a nuke and it hits us or one of our allies, we probably wouldn't nuke them unless we knew it would prevent more nuclear attacks.

If, like some have been suggesting, this whole nuke threat by NK is just a ruse to ramp up for an invasion of SK, we still wouldn't have to use nukes on them to kick the ever living shit out of them. Deploying even half of our Navy and Air Force on the Korean Peninsula would put every part of NK in range of our conventional bombs, which could easily make short work out of all of NK's conventional troops/artillery.

Adam Prime

hates soccer, is Mexican
I really don't like all this talk of nuking NK... it's not the people we want to kill, it's just their crazy ass dictator. We just need to find out wherever that dumbass is, kill him, and let the people sort it out. If he wants to be a crazy motherf**ker and ruin his people, that's fine. But if he's going to be a crazy motherf**ker and start messing with OUR people, then it's time to off this asshole.


Last year, Democrats on the House Armed Services Committee, led by Strategic Forces subcommittee chairwoman Rep. Ellen Tauscher of California, considerably reduced missile defense funding: for fiscal year 2009, by roughly $500 million; for 2008, by more than $700 million.

In the 2010 budget, the Obama administration cut missile defense by $1.2 billion.

Now that Obama's birth state is threatened by North Korean missiles, will the government stop cutting the missile defense program?


Who's going to launch ISBMs? We sure as hell won't. NK probably would if threatened with invasion. We're in a lose-lose situation right now. If I were NK, I would be looking at this as the prime time to strike.

:lol :lol Your a fucking idiot.


testicles on a cold fall morning
peterb0y said:
Yeah, thats not that funny to me... the fact that the US may have to be involved in any fight, however minor, is not cool. You guys do realize that this could mean military action for the US right? If NK is as stupid as those reports sound, we'll be dragged into a whole nother mess that we really dont need right now
The only way the US would be forced into a battle is if NK strikes US soil, which is an impossibility considering their current weapon technology. It also makes no sense from NK's standpoint, since their ultimate aim is the regime's survivability, which would be extinct at the first 'attack' against the US or its allies.


I would imagine that an ICBM in the boost phase (the large rocket/missile) would be easier to shoot down within the atmosphere as it asends, which is both larger & slower than a warhead in space (smaller & much faster) above the atmosphere or in re-entering the atmosphere as it's coming down over your territory. But I'm no rocket scientist or weapons expert, so what do I know....

Anyway, maybe we'll test out that Airborne Laser we've been working on for 15 years or more



Adam Prime said:
it's not the people we want to kill, it's just their crazy ass dictator. We just need to find out wherever that dumbass is, kill him, and let the people sort it out. If he wants to be a crazy motherf**ker and ruin his people, that's fine. But if he's going to be a crazy motherf**ker and start messing with OUR people, then it's time to off this asshole.

The problem is alot of the people are brainwashed and almost worship him as a god. I think alot of them would still fight on if he died.


Lost Fragment said:
The US isn't going to recklessly nuke a country that borders both China and South Korea regardless of what they do. Besides, it's not like the US even needs to use nukes to turn that entire country to rubble.
If N. Korea nukes us we are going to respond accordingly. And by that I mean we end any potential further conflict within hours.

It would be beyond a horrible, horrible, horrible move to let North Korea have their way with us. We would ruin them with little care about their neighbors if we ever had too. Obama isn't a moron.


People acting as if North Korea would have any chance of 'winning' anything are nuts.

War has changed. A standing army doesn't mean jack when:

1) The opposition controls the sky
2) The opposition controls the sea
3) You have no supplies

North Korea can barely feed their citizens, how do you think they're going to feed an army during a war. If they launch a pre-emptive strike, no one is going to supply them. On top of that, it wouldn't be North Korea VS the USA. It would be North Korea VS The Western World.

Also, this may not be true, but I remember reading somewhere that this whole "NK have artillery pointed at Seoul that could wipe it out in minutes!" was just propaganda and they've really got a bunch of old soviet crap that has just as much chance of breaking as it does hitting anything.


camineet said:
I would imagine that an ICBM in the boost phase (the large rocket/missile) would be easier to shoot down within the atmosphere as it asends, which is both larger & slower than a warhead in space (smaller & much faster) above the atmosphere or in re-entering the atmosphere as it's coming down over your territory. But I'm no rocket scientist or weapons expert, so what do I know....

Your exactly correct. The theoretical work behind shooting down an ICBM mostly depends on the first minute or two after launch while its in the Boost phase. Once it hits space and the warheads seperate its a mess because distance from target etc all become crazy important as the warheads arm.

Warhead has to be destroyed at least 10 kilometers above its target otherwise the Target could be damaged by the Nuclear Blast. It would require interceptor installations within 50 kilometers of every major city etc to try and take out a warhead


I believe our missile defense is much better and more effective than we are led on to believe, like a lot of our military technology. At least you would think.


aerts1js said:
:lol :lol Your a fucking idiot.
Damn, so close.

North Korea will never invade anyone ever. Believe it or not they don't want to take everyone down with them, the name of the game for them is survival. They do this stuff to remind everyone they exist, create more bargaining chips, and for a propaganda boost in their country. South Korea is the North's second largest trading partner and it's China's third or fourth, so North Korea trying to invade South Korea is obviously something that would benefit no one.


camineet said:
I would imagine that an ICBM in the boost phase (the large rocket/missile) would be easier to shoot down within the atmosphere as it asends, which is both larger & slower than a warhead in space (smaller & much faster) above the atmosphere or in re-entering the atmosphere as it's coming down over your territory. But I'm no rocket scientist or weapons expert, so what do I know....

That idea has been around for decades, but the problem is that generally, you have bases where your radar and ABM installations are located nearer to the target than the launch site, which is obviously in enemy territory.

The airborne laser program was/is intended to somewhat solve this problem by allowing lasers to hit the missile while it is still over enemy territory by an aircraft flying over nearby friendly territory (i.e. this thing was designed with the Korean peninsula in mind) but even assuming the laser works, the cost of keeping a fleet of 747s aloft around North Korean airspace 24/7 is astronomical (I think the estimate was that you'd need 12-24 aircraft to maintain a 24/7 presence for the whole area and have enough planes to have some in the air, some on the ground, and some in for repairs).

The problem is that whatever boost-phase interception system you choose (ABM-armed ships, airborne lasers, perhaps even ABM-armed fighters) they have to be maintained on station in the general vicinity of the enemy nation, which is expensive and diplomatically problematic.

Whatever the technical merits of the national ABM system installed in Alaska and Califorina are (i.e. it was deployed before it really worked) those two sites could probably defend the whole West Coast from a North Korean ICBM and are probably easier to maintain that a fleet of airborne lasers or a flotilla of Aegis warships sitting or North Korea.


Marvie_3 said:
I didn't even notice until you mentioned it. :lol
Me neither :lol I even went back to check if it was the same image the other guy posted. I thought maybe it was photoshopped then, but it wasn't.


Honorary Canadian.
ElectricBlue187 said:
what do we have to lose exactly? Seoul has a shitload to lose, NK has decidedly less to lose. The United States has nothing to lose in a conflict with North Korea (except for the us soldiers in south korea i guess)

If DPRK moves on Seoul there's not a damn thing the US is gonna do about it really. We're to provide resistance enough for ROK to initiate crash procedures but the truth of the matter is they won't do any good. Basically our boys/girls get to die to fulfill an illusion that we'll be stopping the DPRK. We can't though. That's why we have the deadliest minefield in the history of the world between them and our military. But it's not enough if they decide to move. Everything we plan for is based on counterattack, which is great in theory except that DPRK won't move unless they've got nothing to lose anyways.

Which brings me to my main point-- DPRK ain't gonna do shit. They couldn't hit Hawaii if they wanted to. If they ever managed to even hit Japan it'd be by dumb luck because their ballistics technology is incredibly weak.

Anyways, this is all stuff that most of the world knows which is why NK has been continually upping the ante with their shit. But nobody's gonna bite this time cuz it's played out. South Korea has a lot to lose but, quite frankly, it's been that way for 50 years and they're used to it at this point. They also know that every time they make an agreement to supply food/money/tech to the north, they get screwed over. Just ask Hyundai, Daewoo, etc (that's where the money comes from)


Theoretical Magician
Kibbles said:
Me neither :lol I even went back to check if it was the same image the other guy posted. I thought maybe it was photoshopped then, but it wasn't.
It's got to be deliberate.... Probably from the Daily show or something... I think you can see it cumming underneath the CTV logo.


Corporate Apologist
xbhaskarx said:
Anti-missile defenses, who needs those? It's a waste of money and it'll never work.
What else are we going to do with them? We have already built them and trained people on how to use them, might as well put them in a spot where there is a slightly higher chance of a missile being fire at.

People acting as if North Korea would have any chance of 'winning' anything are nuts.

War has changed. A standing army doesn't mean jack when:

1) The opposition controls the sky
2) The opposition controls the sea
3) You have no supplies

North Korea can barely feed their citizens, how do you think they're going to feed an army during a war. If they launch a pre-emptive strike, no one is going to supply them. On top of that, it wouldn't be North Korea VS the USA. It would be North Korea VS The Western World.

Also, this may not be true, but I remember reading somewhere that this whole "NK have artillery pointed at Seoul that could wipe it out in minutes!" was just propaganda and they've really got a bunch of old soviet crap that has just as much chance of breaking as it does hitting anything.

... *Pictures North Korea as Advance Wars Map* Well, North Korea could use its artillery to destroy the defenses on South Korea's cities, quickly use its infantry to capture the cities and factories, and use the extra infantry to protect the units while capturing the locations. Once taken, fortify the weakened infantry units by combining/moving the ones capturing the points to the points weakened by enemy bombers. Make some Missiles and Anti Air guns to take out the bombers, don't worry about the air to air fighters as you have no air force and they are more or less useless. Quickly capture the South Koren Ports and build some subs, the enemy most likely has Aircraft Carriers and some Battleships hidden in the Fog of War ready to bomb and landers or battle ships you send out to take over Japan. After the American and UK navy has been decimated, quickly take over the Japanese HQ of Tokyo, and the battle is yours!



ElectricBlue187 said:
sounds like we're talking about two different things. I'm saying that if North Korea invaded South Korea including firing all their artillery at Seoul and obliterating it completely it would not be very difficult for the US to justify nuking Pyongyang.
It would be incredibly difficult for the US to justify nuking Pyongyang, regardless of how many rockets they fire into SK. It won't happen....ever. Nukes are now a deterrence against invasion, not a tool of warfare like an F-16.
There's no need for a draft or any of that shit. We're not going off to war to occupy North Korea, we're bombing the shit out of them until they surrender unconditionally.
Since when has a war ever been won by "bombing the shit out of them"--- OK, arguably Japan. But in modern warfare?

Vietnam? Iraq? Afghanistan?.....

The days of bombings designed to destroy civilian infrastructure and rack up kill counts is over.
And you're wrong about Americans not caring about South Korea, we haven't been protecting them for 50 years for the hell of it.
Care enough to reinstate the draft to push back a NK offensive? Nope.


Forkball said:
Damn, so close.

North Korea will never invade anyone ever. Believe it or not they don't want to take everyone down with them, the name of the game for them is survival. They do this stuff to remind everyone they exist, create more bargaining chips, and for a propaganda boost in their country. South Korea is the North's second largest trading partner and it's China's third or fourth, so North Korea trying to invade South Korea is obviously something that would benefit no one.

What Does North Korea Want?

China Confidential analysts—the same people who accurately predicted both North Korean nuclear tests—warn the international community is misreading North Korea’s intentions. The reclusive, totalitarian (Stalinist/Kimist) state is aiming higher, much higher, than commonly believed.

Though it is tempting to see North Korean leaders as gangsters who blast rockets over Japan and blow up nuclear bombs—instead of breaking legs and windows—in order to pressure their victims into paying protection money, or as criminals who capture and hold reporters hostage instead of kidnapping rich celebrities and industrialists for ransom money, this view of the gang in Pyongyang is dangerously misleading.

True, the North wants money, and has proven that it will do almost anything to get it, including drug dealing and counterfeiting and selling nuclear materials, technology and knowhow, and maybe, even, actual bombs and warheads to its ally, Iran, and friend, Syria. But that’s only part of the story.

What the North wants—what makes it so scary—is South Korea. Its intentions are to take over the South, to drive the United States from the Korean Peninsula, and to dominate Japan.

More important, Pyongyang is prepared to use military means, including nuclear weapons, to achieve its imperialist objectives.

Reuters reports:

“Russia is taking security measures as a precaution against the possibility tension over North Korea could escalate into nuclear war, news agencies quoted officials as saying on Wednesday.

“Interfax quoted an unnamed security source as saying a stand-off triggered by Pyongyang’s nuclear test on Monday could affect the security of Russia’s far eastern regions, which border North Korea.

“’The need has emerged for an appropriate package of precautionary measures,’ the source said.

“’We are not talking about stepping up military efforts but rather about measures in case a military conflict, perhaps with the use of nuclear weapons, flares up on the Korean Peninsula,’” he added. The official did not elaborate further.”


EDIT: From the blog linked by Epoch Times. This is similar to what I've been thinking.

China Confidential analysts believe the North is itching for a fight. The dynamic that it has unleashed could lead to a full-blown conflict that could include a nuclear strike by the North on a South Korean target.

North Korea perceives the United States as weak--with the means but without the political will to crush the Stalinist/Kimist regime. Pyongyang's political and military leaders believe they can escalate in stages, even to the point of delivering devastating blows to the South without necessarily triggering a truly massive retaliation by the U.S. Short of actually attacking U.S. troops or Japan with nuclear arms, the North seems confident that it can avoid nuclear counterattack by Washington.

Not for nothing, as the Russians used to say, has the North renounced the Korean War armistice....

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