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Report: North Korea may fire a long-range ballistic missile toward Hawaii

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Kuro Madoushi

Unconfirmed Member
Does anyone know anything about Asia in this thread? Some of you know what you're talking about and some are just full of BS. Where the hell do some of you form your opinions from?

First of all, China isn't going to do anything. They're not out to start a war with the US. They have too many assets there. You don't punch out the rich kid down on his luck who owes you money. The Chinese military is quite well-trained, but very poorly equipped and would not last in a straight fight. And they do have aircraft carriers though they are pieces of shiet.

If the Chinese were to really do anything, it'd be more an economic war, which they would win without losing a soldier. However, again, if they fuck the US over, it fucks themselves over.

It is true that Japan has a more well-equipped army than China, but I somehow get the feeling if it was a hot war with no US involvement, they'd lose.

S. Korea does not want a unification. Their social system would be eternally fucked by constantly sending aid and subsidies to the North. And while the infrastructure is quite developed in in S. Korea, they are by no means rich. However, I do think it is within their best interests to do some some day so they wouldn't have to waste so many resources on the military.


Looks like the military is taking this seriously and preparing missile defenses around Hawaii just in case. Just saw this on Yahoo News:

WASHINGTON – The United States has positioned more missile defenses around Hawaii as a precaution against a possible North Korean launch across the Pacific, Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Thursday. "We do have some concerns if they were to launch a missile to the west in the direction of Hawaii," Gates said.

Gates told reporters at the Pentagon he has sent the military's ground-based mobile missile system to Hawaii, and positioned a radar system nearby. Together the systems theoretically could detect and shoot down a North Korean missile if it came to that.

"Without telegraphing what we will do, I would just say ... we are in a good position, should it become necessary, to protect Americans and American territory," Gates said.

A Japanese newspaper reported Thursday that North Korea might fire its most advanced ballistic missile toward Hawaii around the Fourth of July holiday.

A new missile launch — though not expected to reach U.S. territory — would be a brazen slap in the face of the international community, which punished North Korea with new U.N. sanctions for conducting a second nuclear test on May 25 in defiance of a U.N. ban.

North Korea spurned the U.N. Security Council resolution with threats of war and pledges to expand its nuclear bomb-making program.

The missile now being readied in the North is believed to be a Taepodong-2 with a range of up to 4,000 miles (6,500 kilometers), and would be launched from North Korea's Dongchang-ni site on the northwestern coast sometime around July 4, Independence Day in U.S., the Yomiuri newspaper said.

It cited an analysis by Japan's Defense Ministry and intelligence gathered by U.S. reconnaissance satellites.



Skiptastic said:
It would be pretty fucking awesome if we could shoot it down out of the sky over their country. That would be a big fucking wake up call. They're sitting there watching it go up, all happy and shit, and then suddenly BOOM! And then we hack their system so that Alan Parsons Project's Eye in the Sky is heard round the country. Man...that would be awesome.

So wait, can we blow this thing out of the sky?

Theoretically yes though an ICBM is alot harder to shoot down than what we have been practicing with. Of course this is a NK ICBM so it will likely blow it self up on launch


Water is not wet!
Skiptastic said:
It would be pretty fucking awesome if we could shoot it down out of the sky over their country. That would be a big fucking wake up call. They're sitting there watching it go up, all happy and shit, and then suddenly BOOM! And then we hack their system so that Alan Parsons Project's Eye in the Sky is heard round the country. Man...that would be awesome.

So wait, can we blow this thing out of the sky?

i hope there are people in charge that think bigger than this. Sure blowing a missile out of the sky is impressive. But wouldnt it be better if there were a way to take control of it and have it land somewhere else? Say like somewhere inside China or Russia? Nowhere populated where people would be hurt mind you.. just enough to be considered a disastrous mistake.
I'm a peace-loving, leftist American. That being said, the idea that they would do a missile test on the most important American holiday pisses me off so bad, I almost want to see them wiped off the planet for the insult alone.


Could you not have just posted it was Fox News to begin with instead of having me read the whole thing only to find out it was written by mentally retarded monkeys?
edgefusion said:
Could you not have just posted it was Fox News to begin with instead of having me read the whole thing only to find out it was written by mentally retarded monkeys?

Read the thread, you retarded monkey.


Kuro Madoushi said:
S. Korea does not want a unification. Their social system would be eternally fucked by constantly sending aid and subsidies to the North. And while the infrastructure is quite developed in in S. Korea, they are by no means rich. However, I do think it is within their best interests to do some some day so they wouldn't have to waste so many resources on the military.

Being able to sell all the North's military equipment to instable countries and having access to a nearly limitless pool of the cheapest labor force in the whole of Asia, is definetely a plus though. If history teaches something, they'll build a wall so everyone would stay in the North. ;)
laserbeam said:
Theoretically yes though an ICBM is alot harder to shoot down than what we have been practicing with. Of course this is a NK ICBM so it will likely blow it self up on launch
I would think it is easier to intercept. The range an ICBM has to travel is longer so it should be easier to predict what it's trajectory will be, which should be advantageous for the interceptor missile.


Eaten By A Grue said:
I would think it is easier to intercept. The range an ICBM has to travel is longer so it should be easier to predict what it's trajectory will be, which should be advantageous for the interceptor missile.

No. The ICBM is helluva lot faster, and not to mention a lot harder to destroy.


Too bad a republican's not in the white house, all he'd need to do is go on TV and say, "My fellow Americans, I come with good news. I have found a way to save our economy...."
Eaten By A Grue said:
I would think it is easier to intercept. The range an ICBM has to travel is longer so it should be easier to predict what it's trajectory will be, which should be advantageous for the interceptor missile.

They also leave the atmosphere


Hey N. Korea:

Pro-tip: The US has 5,000 Nuclear missile. There is a good chance 1 or 2,000 of those are pointed directly at you.

Japan warns that North Korea may fire missile at U.S. on Independence Day

By Mail Foreign Service

North Korea may launch a long-range ballistic missile towards Hawaii on American Independence Day, according to Japanese intelligence officials.

The missile, believed to be a Taepodong-2 with a range of up to 4,000 miles, would be launched in early July from the Dongchang-ni site on the north-western coast of the secretive country.

Intelligence analysts do not believe the device would be capable of hitting Hawaii's main islands, which are 4,500 miles from North Korea.

Details of the launch came from the Japan's best-selling newspaper, Yomiuri Shimbun.

Both Japanese intelligence and U.S. reconnaissance satellites have collated information pointing to the launch, according to the report.
North Korea issued this image of a Taepodong-2 missile: It has a range of 4,000 miles

This is North Korea's Taepodong-2 missile which has a range of 4,000 miles. Intelligence analysts do not believe it would be capable of hitting Hawaii which is 4,500 miles away

North Korean leader Kim Jong Il inspecting the command of the 7th Infantry Division of the North Korean Peoples Army

It is understood the communist state is likely to fire the missile between July 4 and 8. A launch on July 4 would coincide with Independence Day in the States.It would also be the 15th anniversary of North Korean president Kim Il-Sung's death.

The Japanese newspaper also noted that North Korea had fired its first Taepodong-2 missile on July 4, 2006.

Officials had initially believed that North Korea might attempt to launch a similar device towards either Japan's Okinawa island, Guam or Hawaii.

But the ministry concluded launches toward Okinawa or Guam were 'extremely unlikely' because the first-stage booster could drop into waters off China, agitating Beijing, or hit western Japanese territory.

If the missile were fired in the direction of Hawaii, the booster could drop in the Sea of Japan.

News of the launch would put 'enormous military pressure on the United States,' the Yomiuri said, citing the ministry report.

A missile fired from North Korea would have to travel 4,500 miles before it reached the U.S. state of Hawaii

A spokesman for the Japanese Defense Ministry declined to comment on the report.

South Korea's Defense Ministry and the National Intelligence Service - the country's main spy agency - said they could not confirm it.

Tension on the divided Korean peninsula has risen markedly since the North, led by Kim Jong-il, conducted two nuclear tests this year in defiance of repeated international warnings

The first rocket, fired in April, was widely seen as a disguised long-range missile test. A second launch came on May 25.

U.S. satellite intelligence has shown that a missile launch pad had been erected at Dongchang-ri on North Korea's north-west coast.

General James Cartwright, vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said it would take at least three to five years for North Korea to pose a real threat to the U.S. west coast.

The UN Security Council last week authorised member states to inspect North Korean sea, air and land cargo, requiring them to seize and destroy goods shipped that violate the sanctions against arms export.

On Saturday, in response to this declaration Pyongyang said it would bolster its nuclear programs and threatened war.

Growing tensions come as arms-watchdog the International Crisis Group (ICG) claimed North Korea has several thousand tonnes of chemical weapons it could mount on missiles.

The report from the non-government organisation said they believed the North's army have about 2,500 to 5,000 tonnes of chemical weapons which include mustard gas, sarin and other deadly nerve agents.

ICG also also warned South Korea may become a target.

'If there is an escalation of conflict and if military hostilities break out, there is a risk that they could be used. In conventional terms, North Korea is weak and they feel they might have to resort to using those,' said Daniel Pinkston, the ICG's representative in Seoul.

The North has been working on chemical weapons for decades and can deliver them through long-range artillery directed on Seoul which is home to about half of South Korea's 49 million people and via missiles that could hit all of the country.


he's Virgin Tight™
ggnoobIGN said:
Hey N. Korea:

Pro-tip: The US has 5,000 Nuclear missile. There is a good chance 1 or 2,000 of those are pointed directly at you.

And risk starting a nuclear war? They know USA won't use those.

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
ggnoobIGN said:
If they're missile contains nuclear warhead, I doubt the US is going to be afraid at all.

The US isn't going to recklessly nuke a country that borders both China and South Korea regardless of what they do. Besides, it's not like the US even needs to use nukes to turn that entire country to rubble.


Valkyr Junkie said:
NK's smallest "nuke" is the size of a small house.
I think he means if the missile contains a nuclear warhead than America wouldnt be scared to fire one back. Not that they wont be scared cuz we are America.
These guys will help

heliosRAzi said:
These guys will help

Only if the point was to have them surrender to cuteness, because that's all they're good for. Fuck that, these dudes want to mess with us on Independence Day? It's time we unleashed the real firepower:


"Welcome to Earf..."


Now its being reported the launch will be multiple missiles in several areas. 2 ICBMs and then a bunch of the usual Japan Killer ones are being seen being prepped


Gold Member
Spire said:
Kim Jong Il must be near death and wanting to go out in a blaze of glory.

Honestly, I suspect he is close to death and all this mustering is about keeping his legacy alive. I'm not sure if he wants to go out in flames but at least it'll cement his legacy as the 'Great Leader' and help the eventual military coup of his inept descendants in the future.


OKAY... umm, I'm I the only one who thinks GAF and most people in general are taking this tooo too lightly? I mean, I know the chances of damage aren't great, but stranger things have happened. History has shown that those who laugh off even minor threats often face the greatest consequences. I don't want this post to come off as fearmongering, because thats not what I'm doing. I know the odds of damage, I'm just saying that in history, much much weirder things have happened. I think we should evaluate this threat VERY seriously, just to be on the safe side. But thats just me-
peterb0y said:
OKAY... umm, I'm I the only one who thinks GAF and most people in general are taking this tooo too lightly? I mean, I know the chances of damage aren't great, but stranger things have happened. History has shown that those who laugh off even minor threats often face the greatest consequences. I don't want this post to come off as fearmongering, because thats not what I'm doing. I know the odds of damage, I'm just saying that in history, much much weirder things have happened. I think we should evaluate this threat VERY seriously, just to be on the safe side. But thats just me-

Honestly this is funny to me. Why? Because its almost like having bruce lee and screech from saved by the bell in a fight. Screech might prick the skin of Bruce Lee but before he knows it he will be in a coma from 10000 jabs/kicks/uppercuts to his face. Good luck NK, good luck :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol


peterb0y said:
OKAY... umm, I'm I the only one who thinks GAF and most people in general are taking this tooo too lightly? I mean, I know the chances of damage aren't great, but stranger things have happened. History has shown that those who laugh off even minor threats often face the greatest consequences. I don't want this post to come off as fearmongering, because thats not what I'm doing. I know the odds of damage, I'm just saying that in history, much much weirder things have happened. I think we should evaluate this threat VERY seriously, just to be on the safe side. But thats just me-
If the articles' information is accurate, this missile has insufficient range to reach Hawaii. Even then, the US sounds like it's making some preparations.

The amount of "strange things" that would have to happen for this to get out of control seems like a rather large amount.


LovingSteam said:
Honestly this is funny to me. Why? Because its almost like having bruce lee and screech from saved by the bell in a fight. Screech might prick the skin of Bruce Lee but before he knows it he will be in a coma from 10000 jabs/kicks/uppercuts to his face. Good luck NK, good luck :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
Yeah, thats not that funny to me... the fact that the US may have to be involved in any fight, however minor, is not cool. You guys do realize that this could mean military action for the US right? If NK is as stupid as those reports sound, we'll be dragged into a whole nother mess that we really dont need right now


I think that we should place a ship off the coast of NK to shoot it down before it barely even goes anywhere. Just to laugh at them.
vas_a_morir said:
I'm a peace-loving, leftist American. That being said, the idea that they would do a missile test on the most important American holiday pisses me off so bad, I almost want to see them wiped off the planet for the insult alone.

:lol :lol :lol


Yeah, this is almost certainly going to progress to war. It's just a matter of time now. Say hello to the draft.
peterb0y said:
Yeah, thats not that funny to me... the fact that the US may have to be involved in any fight, however minor, is not cool. You guys do realize that this could mean military action for the US right? If NK is as stupid as those reports sound, we'll be dragged into a whole nother mess that we really dont need right now

Pretty much this. Obviously the bigger the threat the scarier, but any engagement at this point is pretty much out of the question for this country. If you want a recipe for the US falling from grace it's pretty much fighting multiples wars against multiple countries within a decade of each other with the economy being the worst it has been in a while.
N Korea is fucking crazy. What the hell are they thinking? Don't they realize the rest of the world will stomp their asses into the ground if they attack someone with a nuke?


HAL_Laboratory said:
N Korea is fucking crazy. What the hell are they thinking? Don't they realize the rest of the world will stomp their asses into the ground if they attack someone with a nuke?

They don't need to actually launch a nuke to come out of this on top.

EDIT: My guess? He wants to see a united Korea during his lifetime. He'll provoke a conflict, use the nukes as a deterrent against his neighbors involvement, and steamroll through South Korea with one of the largest standing military on the planet. Our SK bases are nothing more than a speed bump anyhow. Our country lacks the will and manpower for another war, the South Korean populace does not really care for us, China would make victory impossible......

SK will fall to NK before next election cycle. I'm calling it now.
HAL_Laboratory said:
N Korea is fucking crazy. What the hell are they thinking? Don't they realize the rest of the world will stomp their asses into the ground if they attack someone with a nuke?
That is the scary thing about a country run by an elderly dictator who doesn't give a fuck about his people. He's gonna die anyway, so why no go out with a bang? But fortunately, he does have kids and it seems he likes at least one of them, so he ain't gonna attack anyone.


nyong said:
Yeah, this is almost certainly going to progress to war. It's just a matter of time now. Say hello to the draft.

For the first time ever I'll be glad to have THE DIABETES.
speculawyer said:

as one of the few americans with a more than cursory education of geography this picture makes me lmao

nyong said:
They don't need to actually launch a nuke to come out of this on top.

EDIT: My guess? He wants to see a united Korea during his lifetime. He'll provoke a conflict, use the nukes as a deterrent against his neighbors involvement, and steamroll through South Korea with one of the largest standing military on the planet. Our SK bases are nothing more than a speed bump anyhow. Our country lacks the will and manpower for another war, the South Korean populace does not really care for us, China would make victory impossible......

SK will fall to NK before next election cycle. I'm calling it now.

is this a joke? if NK invades Seoul there WILL be a nuclear war. Their big ass army won't help them much when the ICBMs start falling


The United States has deployed anti-missile defenses around Hawaii amid reports that North Korea may fire its most advanced ballistic missile toward the US islands early next month

Anti-missile defenses, who needs those? It's a waste of money and it'll never work.
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