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Report: North Korea may fire a long-range ballistic missile toward Hawaii

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So has their been any updates on this? Someone said that Japan is "putting pressure on Washington", which makes no sense, and i cant find the article. I'm sure their talking outta their ass though.


Anyone thinks Kim Jong Il might not be behind all this recent heat?

I mean, I don't think it's a coincidence that as he faded more and more from the public, the NK government has become more and more irrational and threatening.

I really get the impression that some new dudes are in charge. Kim is probably too sick, or dead, and they are doing their own thing, or panicking. Heck, last I remember from his comments he seemed more open at dialogue? Could be wrong.

What if Kim Jong Il, after all the years as the supreme leader of NK, completely turned everyone under him outright paranoiac towards the US while he was watching Pixar movies and stuffing his face with KFC, that now that he's no longer in charge all you have left are a bunch of paranoid officials?


It'd be a dumb move, but I think there's a chance that NK might actually do something stupid. And you never know if there are any secret alliances...


Well the belief is this is all a stunt to bolster his somewhat weaker son for Succession. I mean I guess it all depends on if the US has the balls to go through with the Inspection of the North Korean ship on what will happen.


And even i am moderately surprised
Well the belief is this is all a stunt to bolster his somewhat weaker son for Succession. I mean I guess it all depends on if the US has the balls to go through with the Inspection of the North Korean ship on what will happen.

anyone else think there's absolutely nothing in the ship?

I'm pretty certain they want the US to investigate the ship and find nothing so they can point more fingers and make more threats.
WhiteAce said:
anyone else think there's absolutely nothing in the ship?

I'm pretty certain they want the US to investigate the ship and find nothing so they can point more fingers and make more threats.

then why aren't they stopping the ship and inviting them to inspect it?


Yeah, you guys keep laughing.

If shit goes down, those guys have nukes. This is not a time to laugh. It's time to get worried.


re-reading this thread there are way too many nuke happy people in here
Edit: Also this can get really intresting if the North does indeed fire missiles at Hawaii those missiles have to go over Japan. Japan has already said it would shoot any missile shot over them. What I'm wondering is what happens if that missile goes down some where in Japan?


I really hope shit doesn't go down. Who knows what will happen if they freak out and panic? When it comes down to it, only one person has to give the word... And it's all over.


Docpan said:
Yeah, you guys keep laughing.

If shit goes down, those guys have nukes. This is not a time to laugh. It's time to get worried.

Their nuke is the size of a small house, the only thing they could do is blow themselves up.


Docpan said:
I really hope shit doesn't go down. Who knows what will happen if they freak out and panic? When it comes down to it, only one person has to give the word... And it's all over.
yea if they have nukes but they don't have any way of delivering them so its a moot point right now. I mean they could fix one to a missile and I imagine something like this would happen and I would lol all day at the North http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4BJOF9j6iqI


I'm no flag waving "AMERICA! FUCK YEAH!" type, but N. Korea has no idea what they're messing with. If they really wanted to launch a nuke, we'd know before they'd do it. We'd kick the shit outta them.


I remember hearing in 99 or so they were saying that the U.S. would be ashes by the end of the year, so yeah this sounds like their usual bullshit.


I dunno. Anyone who says something as crazy as they did must be willing to do anything without any hesitation.

That is something to fear, no matter how much of a disadvantage they may have.


the thing is he can't do anything he has no way to wipe the US off the map, he has no long range missile that could hit US soil or missiles that work worth a fuck. Sure he could invade the south but the moment he does that he'll lose the North and his power. I don't see him jeopardizing his regime or power.


Trucker Sexologist
Docpan said:
Yeah, you guys keep laughing.

If shit goes down, those guys have nukes. This is not a time to laugh. It's time to get worried.
If they were stupid enough to launch a nuke on American soil we would probably glass their whole country before they got a second shot off. I would only worry if the other super powers wanted to escalate this into WW3, which doesn't appear to be the case.


Water is not wet!
Docpan said:
I dunno. Anyone who says something as crazy as they did must be willing to do anything without any hesitation.

That is something to fear, no matter how much of a disadvantage they may have.

i dont know about fear.. concern would probably be closer imo. Just dismissing NK as a non-threat is a mistake, imo. So their nuke is the size of a house right now? How about in 3 years? Time goes by pretty quick. And NK wont use nuclear weapons because there will be retaliation? Crazy people dont care about dying. His people will die? Kim Jong Il doesnt seem to give a shit about that now so why would he after hes dead along with them? Legacy? To be the first to attack on American soil with a casualty count in the hundreds of thousands or more will secure his legacy with a far greater scope than if he were to just die of illness secluded in his country. You think a nuclear attack on the US will be forgotten in the foreseeable future? The anniversary of a day like that will probably be celebrated in many parts of the world.

And as for the US actually retaliating.. i honestly doubt that. At least with nuclear armament. We live in a world of smart bombs that go through chimneys to hit precise targets. The old days of carpet bombing and obliterating enemies are long gone. People dont want to see such a thing on the television.. the majority would want us to be better, show restraint.
Launch it N.Korea. If there's a World War because of this I'll enlist and probably will meet my maker but I owe this country a lot, if not for this country I'll be in a communist country scrapping for food. I'll fight for it.
Number 2 said:
And as for the US actually retaliating.. i honestly doubt that. At least with nuclear armament. We live in a world of smart bombs that go through chimneys to hit precise targets. The old days of carpet bombing and obliterating enemies are long gone. People dont want to see such a thing on the television.. the majority would want us to be better, show restraint.

You're right if NK sends a nuke at San Francisco, LA and San Diego in 8 years Americans won't want to retaliate. Yes that makes perfect sense.

In reality most americans polled would probably want our ICBMs on the way to Pyongyang before we even get a chance to shoot theirs down


Docpan said:
Yeah, you guys keep laughing.

If shit goes down, those guys have nukes. This is not a time to laugh. It's time to get worried.

I hope your joking. Its that kind of attitude NK wants, its that kind of attitude that got us into this Middle Eastern mess. You die, you die. Dont live out your last moments in fear.

Not to mention if there is anything major that breaks out, no doubt a draft will go into effect, with all the other shit we got going on, we're way too thinned out. My ass is gonna be among the first.

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
The only thing NK has that should be feared is their supposed chemical and biological weapons arsenal. And even then, they couldn't hit the US with any of that shit. It would be SK that they'd go after with that.

There's a difference between having nukes, and having nukes small enough to fit on the tip of a warhead.


Lost Fragment said:
The only thing NK has that should be feared is their supposed chemical and biological weapons arsenal. And even then, they couldn't hit the US with any of that shit. It would be SK that they'd go after with that.

There's a difference between having nukes, and having nukes small enough to fit on the tip of a warhead.

Size doesn't really matter, they could as well put a nuke in a tunnel under Seoul, or use it like a nucleair mine against invading troops, or in a suicide plane/submarine.

On the other hand, nuking a +3 million capital city with ICMB's and waiting for a following mass starvation wouldn't really help the situation either.


ElectricBlue187 said:
You're right if NK sends a nuke at San Francisco, LA and San Diego in 8 years Americans won't want to retaliate. Yes that makes perfect sense.

In reality most americans polled would probably want our ICBMs on the way to Pyongyang before we even get a chance to shoot theirs down
I'd be pretty be against using a nuke myself, but I wouldn't be against striking back and if a draft were to happen I'd try and enlist before hand.


I'm really curious to see how Obama will handle the situation if NK does launch anything towards anybody, not just HI. And unless they actually use a nuke, I cant picture the US using anything of the sort, even it is is tactical. As others have mentioned, we have way too many smart bombs to resort to something like that.

It'll also be interesting to see how long it takes us to strike back, and if we will push SK to go ahead and finally end the Korean War. I'm pretty sure if SK decided to go ahead and do that Japan, among some NATO allies, would go ahead and help the US and SK, or those countried helping the US. Lets hope Obama would actually use world sympothy the right way this time.

Actually now that I think about, NK launching anythign at us is the perfect oppurtinity for SK, since they'll have our full support(or we'll have their I guess lol).

BUT I really do think that if a war starts with NK, the Middle East will just fall apart, the US is the primary power(well kinda Russia, but thats different) in there right now, if we become occupied with that, no doubt various countried will attack Israel, and other than the West coming to help, they really dont have anyone in the region.

This situation could easily break out into a WW, not in terms of mass carnage, but in the above situation, I really can picture most nations sending troops weither they support the Allies or Axis.

It just comes down to China and Russia. I'd assume Russia has no need for NK, and they know if they fought against the US it would be more than rising hell. That being said, for all we know Russia, China, and NK could be planning the "whiping us of the map" thing.

But this is just me bored at work.


no doubt the US pushes the south to retake Korea. I would also guess a strike would come within a day or two. I don't see us going to war with NK tho short of attacking US soil or a USN vessel or attacking an ally. My concern is still Japan any missiles fired in the direction of the US have to pass over Japan. NK has already said any missile shot down would be an act of war and Japan said it would shoot any missile down.


Zeke said:
no doubt the US pushes the south to retake Korea. I would also guess a strike would come within a day or two. I don't see us going to war with NK tho short of attacking US soil or a USN vessel or attacking an ally. My concern is still Japan any missiles fired in the direction of the US have to pass over Japan. NK has already said any missile shot down would be an act of war and Japan said it would shoot any missile down.

:lol really? Wow their more nuts than I thought!:lol

I mean, the logic in that makes no sence...We're gonna fire a missile in your direction, that can potentially wipe out a city, but if you dare shoot that down, your starting a war! Regardless of whether or not we just did.

Japan has every right to shoot down anything thats over their skies they dont like, especially an NK missile. Is there an ETA on how long it would take from NK to Japan? I know HI is like 20 min.

Also, anyone have info on the kind of restriction we put on their military? I didnt even know they could shoot down a missile, not because their weak or anything, but because the US.


I hope we go to war. That way we can free all of the starving people from that prison of a Country.

Vote SpacLock 2012.
Docpan said:
Yeah, you guys keep laughing.

If shit goes down, those guys have nukes. This is not a time to laugh. It's time to get worried.

They can't even get a rocket to get past the short span to Japan......

Somehow I dont think we in the US have much to worry about.


JimmyV said:
:lol really? Wow their more nuts than I thought!:lol

I mean, the logic in that makes no sence...We're gonna fire a missile in your direction, that can potentially wipe out a city, but if you dare shoot that down, your starting a war! Regardless of whether or not we just did.

Japan has every right to shoot down anything thats over their skies they dont like, especially an NK missile. Is there an ETA on how long it would take from NK to Japan? I know HI is like 20 min.

Also, anyone have info on the kind of restriction we put on their military? I didnt even know they could shoot down a missile, not because their weak or anything, but because the US.

actually Japan imposed the restriction on themselves

Japan's Basic Policy for National Defense stipulates the following policies:[6]
Maintaining an exclusive defense-oriented policy.
To avoid becoming a major military power that might pose a threat to the world.
Refraining from the development of nuclear weapons, and to refuse to allow nuclear weapons inside Japanese territory.
Ensuring civilian control of the military.
Maintaining security arrangements with the United States.
Building up defensive capabilities within moderate limits.
Japan's military budget is to be maintained to only be 3% of the total Japanese budget. About 50% of that is spent on the personnel and the rest is split on supplies, new weapons, upgrades, etc.[7] Reflecting a tension concerning the Forces' legal status, the Japanese term gun (軍?, pronounced [ɡun]), referring to a military or armed force, and the English terms "military", "army", "navy", and "air force" are never used in official references to the JSDF.

[edit] Article 9
In theory, Japan's rearmament is thoroughly prohibited by Article 9 of the Japanese constitution which not only states, "The Japanese people forever renounce war as a sovereign right of the nation and the threat or use of force as means of settling international disputes", but also declares, "land, sea, and air forces, as well as other war potential, will never be maintained." In practice, however, the Diet (or Parliament), which Article 41 of the Constitution defines as "the highest organ of the state power", established the Self-Defense Forces in 1954. Due to such a constitutional tension concerning the Forces' status, any attempt at enhancing the Forces' capabilities and budget tends to be politically controversial. Thus the JSDF has very limited capabilities to operate overseas, lacks long range offensive capabilities such as long-range surface-to-surface missiles, aerial refueling (as of 2004[update]), marines, amphibious units, or large caches of ammunitions. The Rules of Engagement are strictly defined by the Self-Defence Forces Act 1954.
After North Korea test fired a Taepodong-1 ballistic missile over Japanese airspace[8] in August 1998, subsequent North Korean tests[9] as well as other issues contributing to rising tensions between the two countries[10] have led to increased interest in Japan for a ballistic missile defense (BMD) system. Japan is in the process of deploying a multi-tiered BMD system made up of upgraded Aegis vessels and Patriot PAC-3 missiles. Legislation that would allow authorities to authorize shooting down an incoming ballistic missile is also being considered. In December 2004, Japan and the United States signed a memorandum of understanding creating a general cooperation framework for joint development of a sea-based BMD system.[6]

In November 2005, constitutional revisions were proposed which would create a cabinet level Defense Ministry while keeping the old clauses mandating official non-aggression. Under the proposed revisions, the JSDF would also be formally referred to as a military force for the first time since its establishment. The new wording proposed is "In order to secure peace and the independence of our country as well as the security of the state and the people, military forces for self-defense shall be maintained with the prime minister of the cabinet as the supreme commander." The amendment is gaining more and more public support in recent years.[11] On June 8 2006, the Japanese cabinet endorsed a bill elevating the Defense Agency to Defense Ministry. This was passed by the Diet in December 2006.[12] Japan has also deepened its security and military ties with Australia and its leaders are talking about the formation of a military pact in Asia similar to NATO.[13]
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