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Reports on Russian connections to Trump [Summaries in OP] #GoldenShowers

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Your FBI director at work

lol, good job Angus. That's funny.


Obama would hold on to his deep institutionalist convictions even if all the governmental institutions had already crumbled to dust around him.

I mean, I greatly respect his view in principle, but this is a reality where principles have long been thrown overboard.

Who knows though. Maybe in the long run, adhering to the the U.S.'s 240-year-old governmental principles will be a smart symbolic move.


While this is interesting I doubt it will change anything (impeachment or otherwise). At most it will change his attitude towards Russia/Putin to be more hostile but that's all I can see happening at this point. Remember, this was the person caught talking about grabbing pussy and was still elected.

Worse, he admitted it was a lie to impress Billy Bush of Access Hollywood.

I think these shenanigans combined with how he is sporadically bossing congress around on twitter will be his downfall.
Yeah, Russia's kind of in a big win/win situation here. If they do have dirt enough to manipulate him maybe that's worth keeping it secret and doing so depending on what he could actually accomplish for them, but on the flip side letting that dirt go and throwing the US into complete chaos could benefit them more. And if they don't have any dirt, leaking that they do keeps things interesting, too!

They gotta be smiling ear to ear.
I agree. Its a crazy situation any way you see it.
Wait, former British intelligence officer doing oppo research for Republicans?

This is the thing Mother Jones was reporting on back in October, a little over a week before the election:

In June, the former Western intelligence officer—who spent almost two decades on Russian intelligence matters and who now works with a US firm that gathers information on Russia for corporate clients—was assigned the task of researching Trump's dealings in Russia and elsewhere, according to the former spy and his associates in this American firm. This was for an opposition research project originally financed by a Republican client critical of the celebrity mogul. (Before the former spy was retained, the project's financing switched to a client allied with Democrats.) "It started off as a fairly general inquiry," says the former spook, who asks not to be identified. But when he dug into Trump, he notes, he came across troubling information indicating connections between Trump and the Russian government. According to his sources, he says, "there was an established exchange of information between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin of mutual benefit."

This was, the former spy remarks, "an extraordinary situation." He regularly consults with US government agencies on Russian matters, and near the start of July on his own initiative—without the permission of the US company that hired him—he sent a report he had written for that firm to a contact at the FBI, according to the former intelligence officer and his American associates, who asked not to be identified. (He declines to identify the FBI contact.) The former spy says he concluded that the information he had collected on Trump was "sufficiently serious" to share with the FBI.

Mother Jones has reviewed that report and other memos this former spy wrote. The first memo, based on the former intelligence officer's conversations with Russian sources, noted, "Russian regime has been cultivating, supporting and assisting TRUMP for at least 5 years. Aim, endorsed by PUTIN, has been to encourage splits and divisions in western alliance." It maintained that Trump "and his inner circle have accepted a regular flow of intelligence from the Kremlin, including on his Democratic and other political rivals." It claimed that Russian intelligence had "compromised" Trump during his visits to Moscow and could "blackmail him." It also reported that Russian intelligence had compiled a dossier on Hillary Clinton based on "bugged conversations she had on various visits to Russia and intercepted phone calls."

The former intelligence officer says the response from the FBI was "shock and horror." The FBI, after receiving the first memo, did not immediately request additional material, according to the former intelligence officer and his American associates. Yet in August, they say, the FBI asked him for all information in his possession and for him to explain how the material had been gathered and to identify his sources. The former spy forwarded to the bureau several memos—some of which referred to members of Trump's inner circle. After that point, he continued to share information with the FBI. "It's quite clear there was or is a pretty substantial inquiry going on," he says.

Requoting this again because holy hell

Its just like one of my spy novels
and the intro setup to my post-apocalytic novels


"The memos originated as opposition research, first commissioned by anti-Trump Republicans, and later by Democrats. At this point, CNN is not reporting on details of the memos, as it has not independently corroborated the specific allegations."

So this is basically hearsay. CNN is basically making fake news. Nothing to see here and a waste of time.

Fucking what the fuck are you talking about. Another poster who does not comprehend how journalism works or what it even is.


I'm not saying it's fake (because I believe it) but if their source was truly credible wouldn't this be on full blast all over the news?

Other news orgs need to confirm something themselves before reporting on it. Otherwise all they have is "CNN has sources saying..."


aka andydumi
I'm surprised that the 'FSB have tapes of Trump at an orgy' rumours don't get much traction here on GAF.

They were quite popular in journalism circles during the election I'm told.
It's one of their mos too. Traps but politically destructive anyway.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
If the report is true, Trump's surrogates were constantly working in tandem with Russian government officials to undermine a national election, and the intelligence agencies know.

That is colossal news. And, yes, people--something would probably come from this.

Edit: LOL--BlastProcessing just covered it.


If the report is true, Trump's surrogates were constantly working in tandem with Russian government officials to undermine a national election, and the intelligence agencies know.

That is colossal news.

Edit: LOL--BlastProcessing just covered it.

It's fucking huge and fucking treasonous.
Our country is fucking broken at a fundamental level. The Electoral College, for one, should not fucking exist anymore. The main reason it exists is to prevent people like Trump from attaining the office, and yet it has failed. And as you said, we can't even go after him with mounting evidence of assistance from a hostile foreign country that has leverage on the President-elect.

It does not help that one of our two parties is more interested in party over country, and their base mindless votes for them while ignoring any news that not Fox News.

Our republic has massive, glaring issues but we are in no position to address them.

Europe needs to arm themselves stat. Germany has awoken thankfully, one of the few silver linings I've seen recently. I hope France proves that it's wiser than the US/UK as well this year, I have faith they will.


"The memos originated as opposition research, first commissioned by anti-Trump Republicans, and later by Democrats. At this point, CNN is not reporting on details of the memos, as it has not independently corroborated the specific allegations."

So this is basically hearsay. CNN is basically making fake news. Nothing to see here and a waste of time.

Whatever you say товарищ
Guys questioning this just because it's CNN so far, this news just broke and we're in the midst of several news sources covering the cabinet hearings. Give it some time.

Though given the choice between Trump and Pence I might actually go with Pence.

Realistically though if Trump were to get impeached due to being compromised by Russia, that would have some serious effects on the entire Republican party that I'm not sure they can just hand wave away. They'd be looking at some serious backlash depending on exactly what came out.

How confidently do you say that? They're supporters are willing to consider seemingly anything "fake news." My FaceBook feed is full of Trump supporters and even Republicans who claim to have begrudgingly voted for Trump claiming that liberals are mindless sheep for believing the MSM's claims that he ever mocked a disabled reporter. He does those gestures to mock everyone! He probably didn't even know the guy was disabled!

Some shit's going to go down if Trump is impeached and doesn't go down quietly. If he continues spewing bullshit about the system being rigged against him there's a lot of people who will eat it up.
Our country is fucking broken at a fundamental level. The Electoral College, for one, should not fucking exist anymore. The main reason it exists is to prevent people like Trump from attaining the office, and yet it has failed. And as you said, we can't even go after him with mounting evidence of assistance from a hostile foreign country that has leverage on the President-elect.

It does not help that one of our two parties is more interested in party over country, and their base mindless votes for them while ignoring any news that not Fox News.

Our republic has massive, glaring issues but we are in no position to address them.

The country at this point is like a car in a highway that we just discovered had its breaks cut. And the driver refuses to apply the parking brake because "that's just not how you're supposed to stop a car!" and commits to the car crashing. "It's just how it's supposed to be! We can't just change it!"
If the report is true, Trump's surrogates were constantly working in tandem with Russian government officials to undermine a national election, and the intelligence agencies know.

That is colossal news. And, yes, people--something would probably come from this.

Edit: LOL--BlastProcessing just covered it.

How much money do we want to bet that it's Roger Stone at the center of all of this?

Jesus Christ. This is worst-case-scenario-level bad.
Is this one of those things that looks like it's bad, but nothing will happen?

Trying to determine whether or not to pick up my deflated spirit.
Worse, he admitted it was a lie to impress Billy Bush of Access Hollywood.

I think these shenanigans combined with how he is sporadically bossing congress around on twitter will be his downfall.

Not surprising since most of what he says are lies.

I believe that the downfall of any president begins and ends with the economy. Unfortunately, other crucial issues (climate change, judicial racism, civil liberties, etc.) take a back seat the moment the U.S. economy becomes unstable. If it tanks before the 4 years are up, he will be out.


Congress has a very low approval rating last I checked. Last time was like around 11%.


Yeah, this isn't going away at this point.

Trump's sunk if either the blackmail is legit and comes out or if there's proof that Trump's campaign was coordinating with Russia on the hacks (Watergate + treason).


I really don't know why the GOP isn't running with this more. I mean, God, do they really even want Trump?

The establishment probably doesn't, but they're likely scared shitless of their constituency that voted for Trump. They don't want to risk losing their seats in the house/senate by voicing their displeasure that Trump is the face of the party now. If they like their cushy salaries and political power, they'll tow the party line and hand-wave any controversy regarding Trump for the next four years.


Come on. i mean really come the fuck on. whats it gonna take. im stuck in nightmare world every day with each new shit story or tweet and now we about to have actual treason be treated like aint no thing. At this point if some average dude like me is freaking out, i imagine someone is willing strap up and take one for the team. just do it already if our authorities wont.


Is this one of those things that looks like it's bad, but nothing will happen?

Trying to determine whether or not to pick up my deflated spirit.

Keep your spirit deflated because nothing will come of this.

The orange menace will say something outrageous in a few days and this will be forgotten.
Is this one of those things that looks like it's bad, but nothing will happen?

Trying to determine whether or not to pick up my deflated spirit.

Maybe, it's big if anyone has proof or is able to confirm the specifics of the allegations. Something no one has been able to do yet.
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