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Reports on Russian connections to Trump [Summaries in OP] #GoldenShowers

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Then please, disprove what I say with logic and proof.


Trump loves Israel.

Does not mean he has been groomed by Israel for 8+ years, that they have been cutting deals about their cooperation in energy sector, that they've been meeting and exchanging illegally obtained information about political opponents, and that they got hookers to piss in Yasir Arafat's backyard.

Story comes out that claims all these things happened.

You see that it was obvious all along. Because Trump loves Israel. Therefore it is "not shocking".

Confirmation bias.

Yup, the same way getting wet is confirmation bias of rain.

Yes, saying you always knew it was gonna rain even though you didn't actually know but then ending up being right is confirmation bias. If thats what you mean.
I wouldn't be surprised if there were a constitutional crisis sometime in the next 9 days.

The reason why I genuinely believe nothing will happen is due to the fact that the Republican-controlled legislature has zero reason to go after him. He's a complete idiot and extremely easily manipulated. Their constituents have brainwashed themselves into adoring him. They can pass literally whatever they want under his nose and he won't say boo.

The GOP is the party that puts party over country. They know perfectly well what is happening between Trump and Russia, they simply don't care because they don't think it'll affect their agenda. Democrats don't have the means or desire to wage this long war of attrition against Trump either.
I'm lovin it


This can't be real right?
I don't know what's sadder, the fact that the Trump-Putin-buddy-buddy relationship is the worst kept secret in American politics (neither party is even fucking trying at this point) or that literally nothing is happening about this.

This is what I've been telling myself this past year. I never expected that a real life version of this situation would be so...transparent.

During today's press conference, Trump STILL felt prompted to praise Putin despite it making him look worse here. Like, shut up about Russia, dude.
So, literally confirmation bias.

and I totally disagree, that doesn't make me pig-headed. This is to you, somehow, a down-to-earth predictable accusation to lay upon him and his administration and campaign. Not really. It is a crazy ass story, even you keep saying it yourself. It would be the biggest scandal in USA's history. If you are being reasonable then you have to concede that there is at least a very fair chance that this is confirmation bias to view it as obvious from the beginning, and perhaps somehow argue against it with some actual merit, but instead you keep trying to say im shifting the argument when I'm not, boiling the report down to Trump having simple affection for Russia (which of COURSE you can argue is obvious) which it is not (there are absolutely SCANDALOUS claims), you have implied that nothing aside from the golden showers is crazy (scandalous!), idk.

Im really not having a hard time following our conversation at all, you just keep moving the goalpost.

If all you want to say is its obvious Trump likes Russia, great, again, for the third time, I agree with you.

That's not all you've said.

Trump being compromised by Russia has been evident to anyone with a half functioning brain for ages now. That it took the form of something as scandalous as jacking off to hookers pissing on Obama's bed, that is somewhat surprising.


The reason why I genuinely believe nothing will happen is due to the fact that the Republican-controlled legislature has zero reason to go after him. He's a complete idiot and extremely easily manipulated. Their constituents have brainwashed themselves into adoring him. They can pass literally whatever they want under his nose and he won't say boo.

The GOP is the party that puts party over country. They know perfectly well what is happening between Trump and Russia, they simply don't care because they don't think it'll affect their agenda. Democrats don't have the means or desire to wage this long war of attrition against Trump either.

I'm not talking about the legislature. If the intelligence community goes full throttle on this and comes up with something solid, a crisis will be inevitable.


Trump being compromised by Russia has been evident to anyone with a half functioning brain for ages now. That it took the form of something as scandalous as jacking off to hookers pissing on Obama's bed, that is somewhat surprising.

the fact that you guys think the hooker piss is the most scandalous thing implies, to me, that you need to read the report, or re-evaluate your priorities.

and Trump being groomed and blackmailed by Russia is very different than him being easily manipulated by Russia, actually
I'm not talking about the legislature. If the intelligence community goes full throttle on this and comes up with something solid, a crisis will be inevitable.

I admit I'm not too well versed in how this goes down (because, well, it's literally never happened in my lifetime), but as far as I can tell, the intelligence community can only suggest action being taken against a sitting president and congress has to take the action, right?


This is nonsense, and I'd really encourage you to reconsider how you think about politics.

I guarantee I hate Trump more than you. I've organized large demonstrations against him since the election. The difference is that I also find mainstream liberalism to also be beyond deplorable.

If you really look at Obama and Clinton's records, it's an improvement over the Bush era, but is ultimately smaller steps in the wrong direction. I completely oppose the US actions in the middle east and Africa. I think it's repulsive that the US counts Saudi Arabia as an ally. There's no excuse for Obama's justice department's failure to prosecute a single wall st executive responsible for the 2008 crash or any subsequent crimes.

If we want to make actual progress, we need to rebuild independent political movements. We need to reinvigorate organized labor to actually antagonize business rather than working in partnership. We need radical movements on college campuses. Most of all we need something like a US Labor Party, I don't care what it's called.

If you think there's no valid criticism of liberalism other than what's articulated by the GOP, then I think you need to expand your horizons a bit.

More than one thing can be true. Democracts can be terrible and other countries can be meddling in American politics. And someone can see both as a problem.

Trump loves Israel.

Does not mean he has been groomed by Israel for 8+ years, that they have been cutting deals about their cooperation in energy sector, that they've been meeting and exchanging illegally obtained information about political opponents, and that they got hookers to piss in Yasir Arafat's backyard.

Story comes out that claims all these things happened.

You see that it was obvious all along. Because Trump loves Israel. Therefore it is "not shocking".

Confirmation bias.

Yes, saying you always knew it was gonna rain even though you didn't actually know but then ending up being right is confirmation bias. If thats what you mean.

Expect that multiple ties to Russia have been coming out from both him and members of his campaign.

You would have to be ignoring everything we've been seeing for the last 18 months and things Trump has said over the last 20 years.

Lord Frieza, he's only wasting your time because he came into this thread debunking everything as Pizzagate bullshit. Evening citing Buzzfeed as the source of everything because he didn't read anything. He's trying to turn it around on you. No sense in responding to him. It's hard I know, but he knows what he's doing.

-Plasma Reus-

Service guarantees member status
the fact that you guys think the hooker piss is the most scandalous thing implies, to me, that you need to read the report, or re-evaluate your priorities.

and Trump being groomed and blackmailed by Russia is very different than him being easily manipulated by Russia, actually

Urine denial.



Trump loves Israel.

Does not mean he has been groomed by Israel for 8+ years, that they have been cutting deals about their cooperation in energy sector, that they've been meeting and exchanging illegally obtained information about political opponents, and that they got hookers to piss in Yasir Arafat's backyard.

Story comes out that claims all these things happened.

You see that it was obvious all along. Because Trump loves Israel. Therefore it is "not shocking".

Confirmation bias.

Yes, saying you always knew it was gonna rain even though you didn't actually know but then ending up being right is confirmation bias. If thats what you mean.

Trump campaign didn't make specific changes to party platform regarding Israel during RNC. They did regarding Russia/Ukraine (the exact changes mentioned in report). Trump ties with Russia have been well-documented, same can't be said of Israel.


I mean you can claim confirmation bias as much as you want, but anyone paying attention knows the two situations aren't similar. The GOP have been allies to Israel due to Obama's strained relationship with them. Russia? Not so much. And yet Trump goes against his entire party throughout the election in regards to how Republicans feel about Russia for...what reason exactly? Because he likes them?
the fact that you guys think the hooker piss is the most scandalous thing implies, to me, that you need to read the report, or re-evaluate your priorities.

and Trump being groomed and blackmailed by Russia is very different than him being easily manipulated by Russia, actually

I'm blaming outlets and social media for focusing so heavily on that singular, least damaging, tidbit of the entire report. There is so much in there that just makes you go "Well, shit" provided it's proven true.
the fact that you guys think the hooker piss is the most scandalous thing implies, to me, that you need to read the report, or re-evaluate your priorities.

and Trump being groomed and blackmailed by Russia is very different than him being easily manipulated by Russia, actually

You're thinking in terms of operators in the global realpolitik scene. Trump is thinking in terms of an incompetent narcissist obsessively propping up his non-existent self esteem.


Beat EviLore at pool.
CNN posted a response.


Just saw this as well.

Mike GrynbaumVerified account
Presser ends with Omarosa heckling CNN's @Acosta
the fact that you guys think the hooker piss is the most scandalous thing implies, to me, that you need to read the report, or re-evaluate your priorities.

and Trump being groomed and blackmailed by Russia is very different than him being easily manipulated by Russia, actually

How is that "very different"? If you've been groomed and blackmailed by Russia, then you are easily manipulated by Russia. Like... what?

Also, no one said the hooker piss was the most scandalous thing. The poster said it's just the most surprising form that the situation might take. Being a groomed shill is standard corruption fare.

Trump loves Israel.

Does not mean he has been groomed by Israel for 8+ years, that they have been cutting deals about their cooperation in energy sector, that they've been meeting and exchanging illegally obtained information about political opponents, and that they got hookers to piss in Yasir Arafat's backyard.

Story comes out that claims all these things happened.

You see that it was obvious all along. Because Trump loves Israel. Therefore it is "not shocking".

Confirmation bias.

Easy strawman, but If everything about Trump's ties to Russia that's been detailed, including financial and staff ties, really just equates 'Trump loves Russia,' and nothing else then you truly don't understand what's being said at all and I don't think there's a point to continuing. You either seriously can't follow what I'm saying (which is insanely simple really, and something you've gleamed in many of your responses), or are intentionally prolonging this because you can't really take that I've cut off your main argument and silly PizzaGate comparisons.


Junior Member
"If Putin likes Donald Trump, that's called an asset..."

-Trump, Jan 11 2017

You can't make this up. Yep, he sure is an asset alright.


Expect that multiple ties to Russia have been coming out from both him and members of his campaign.

You would have to be ignoring everything we've been seeing for the last 18 months and things Trump has said over the last 20 years.

Lord Frieza, he's only wasting your time because he came into this thread debunking everything as Pizzagate bullshit. Evening citing Buzzfeed as the source of everything because he didn't read anything. He's trying to turn it around on you. No sense in responding to him. It's hard I know, but he knows what he's doing.

Are you kidding me? When did I say that buzzfeed was the source? I was the fucking one who posted on here that CNN was breaking a story about the report, and what they confirmed. And yes, Trump loves Russia, you're right. Please show me what you saw in the past two years that makes it so YOU knew that Trump was being groomed and blackmailed by Russia? You see how they're different things? Thats why im on here talking about confirmation bias...

Urine denial.


Trump campaign didn't make specific changes to party platform regarding Israel during RNC. They did regarding Russia/Ukraine (the exact changes mentioned in report). Trump ties with Russia have been well-documented, same can't be said of Israel.


I mean you can claim confirmation bias as much as you want, but anyone paying attention knows the two situations aren't similar. The GOP have been allies to Israel due to Obama's strained relationship with them. Russia? Not so much. And yet Trump goes against his entire party throughout the election in regards to how Republicans feel about Russia for...what reason exactly? Because he likes them?

I dont want to get entrenched in a stupid hypothetical scenario whose only purpose was to prove that theres confirmation bias at play when you dont think its shocking that the United States President-Elect has been part of a Russian 8+ year plan to damage the USA. Even if you think you knew theres no way you could have known, with an actual reasonable theory.

I'm blaming outlets and social media for focusing so heavily on that singular, least damaging, tidbit of the entire report. There is so much in there that just makes you go "Well, shit" provided it's proven true.

I agree. The treasonous acts are much more scandalous than just another Trump perversion story, IMO

You're thinking in terms of operators in the global realpolitik scene. Trump is thinking in terms of an incompetent narcissist obsessively propping up his non-existent self esteem.

not even though, read the report. there are accusations they were working together, its not just being an accidental puppet
More than one thing can be true. Democracts can be terrible and other countries can be meddling in American politics. And someone can see both as a problem.

The comrade accused me of being a Trump supporter. He was miffed that I criticized the rash of utterly false stories in elite liberal newspapers and the unwillingness of Clinton liberals to introspect about their loss.

Psst, all powerful countries meddle in foreign politics. Why do you think the US taps Angela Merkel's cellphone?


No Scrubs
"Putin assassinated 200+ members of the press, and has killed at least 30,000 civilians."

Tillerson: "These things happen."

One of which was murdered across the street from the goddamned Kremlin. Across the goddamned street. Of course all the security cameras were either down for repairs at the time or blocked by a big truck so they have "no idea" how the guy died.


It's why I said he wasnt making any friends going after the media like that. A lot of them are going to stand by this report and egg him on to say which part of it isn't true.

But that's the bait. Id he denies something but not all he's caught. And him attacking the IC isn't going to do him any favors either.


Just watching BBC. Reporter stating he's been told from his sources there's multiple tapes of evidence of this stuff... BBC not pulling punches here by even just mentioning that this report is likely very credible. I honestly expected this to be a throwaway mention on the news then they'd move on. They're giving viewers the news which is nice to see!


Beat EviLore at pool.
He's going to end up jailing journalists he doesn't like eventually

Worse he will remove credentials and "blacklist" them at events. His supporters will believe him at that moment. Then all we have is breitbart at the conferences and his press. Making a one source media network.

Just watching BBC. Reporter stating he's been told from his sources there's multiple tapes of evidence of this stuff... BBC not pulling punches here by even just mentioning that this report is likely very credible. I honestly expected this to be a throwaway mention on the news then they'd move on. They're giving viewers the news which is nice to see!

After watching this conference seeing CNN being ignored and thrown under the buss probably effects them just as much. They need to release it.


CNN posted a response.


Just saw this as well.

Mike GrynbaumVerified account
Presser ends with Omarosa heckling CNN's @Acosta

CNN aren't to blame for Buzzfeed. I also agree with most of what they've said, but at the end, that is kind of guilt before innocence. It's the other way about innocence until proven guilty, so yeah, it is up to the journalists and intelligence to prove an allegation, not the victim to disprove it.

War with the media and the intelligence community seems like an alliance you probably shouldn't fuck with.

You definitely shouldn't if they have something on you. Unfortunately, the more brazen Orange boy acts the more he doubles down on feeling untouchable.


I admit I'm not too well versed in how this goes down (because, well, it's literally never happened in my lifetime), but as far as I can tell, the intelligence community can only suggest action being taken against a sitting president and congress has to take the action, right?

That's why I said this all could end in a constitutional crisis. That's what happens when something on this level occurs that no one knows or agrees on how to deal with.
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