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Reports on Russian connections to Trump [Summaries in OP] #GoldenShowers

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Anyone know's I'm not a fan of Trump and I've said the same thing.

Release your fucking taxes. This is why you release them and your financials records for the last few decades. This is why you stay in contact with the ethics committee. Because if you have nothing to hide and you do what we just said. We most likely aren't talking about this issue right now.
Honestly wouldn't be surprised if Trump would rather be accused of high treason than admit that he has a lot of debt and isn't a great businessman.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Got us out of Vietnam. Moved our relationship with Russia from deterrence to detente. First president to recognize China. Did more for the environment than anyone since Teddy.

One of my most liberal history professors, who's been arrested for civil disobedience, told us with a straight face that Nixon would be considered the best postwar president if it wasn't for Watergate.

I see you missed the proof, after years of rumors, that Nixon sabotaged peace talks in 1968.


Well the executive producer of that pretty much said he's not releasing those tapes and would sue anyone that did. Also he's a friend of Trump.

I thought the guy who had the tapes didn't like Trump and was boasting about how he was going to release them? Or was that not the executive producer?


Meanwhile, a fire at Watergate..



The ghost of Richard Nixon stirs.

I never said they were equal, nor do they have to be to be comparable, and why can't both things be outrageous?

Because the Trump story isn't outrageous in the least.

Well, it's outrageous in the sense that it's an outrage if it's found to be true, but the whole thing is not out of character for him at all.
Aka how to make yourself look like a mastermind no matter the situation. Yea, I'm sure Russia wanted this to leak, and I'm sure they want their puppet to be impeached. Yep, all a part of their master plan.

Their master plan seems to rely less on direct control of any one person. If they've got him, that's a win for them, but I'm pretty sure the master plan is more "Sow dissent in the west, make America look like a braindead feckless power."
Maggie Haberman ✔ @maggieNYT
The incoming president compared the U.S. intel community to the Nazis in explicit terms at his press conference. That happened too.


The ghost of Richard Nixon stirs.

Because the Trump story isn't outrageous in the least.

Well, it's outrageous in the sense that it's an outrage if it's found to be true, but the whole thing is not out of character for him at all.

I disagree. It would easily be the biggest scandal in history.


I'm a bit out of the loop but from reading all the summaries in the OP it seems the US intelligence agencies knew about this for a while now and simply sat on it until Trump kind off disavowed them? I'm surprised there isn't much more strict vetting to be President of the USA. I mean if all this is true that means they allowed what is to become one of the most powerful person of the world to be at the mercy of China and Russia.


When Trump was elected, I found it unbelievable. A part of me felt like it was just a nightmare or something that wasn't going to actually come to fruition-- because how could a thinking nation elect someone like that for President?

Now that he's approaching office amidst all this and that absolutely, profoundly idiotic, immature, short-sighted, ill-informed and all the above conference, I'm starting to either feel anger or apathy toward my country. Or even both.

We're in a bad place right now.
My feelings, exactly - I've been swinging between anger and depression since the election. I hate feeling like that constantly, but I also can't stick my head in the dirt and pretend everything is fine.


Junior Member
Their master plan seems to rely less on direct control of any one person. If they've got him, that's a win for them, but I'm pretty sure the master plan is more "Sow dissent in the west, make America look like a braindead feckless power."

I don't really see it as literally anyone other than trump as president improves our international image.


one and the same

Get out of here with that "both sides are as bad as each other" bullshit. Russian exiles don't make claims of crucifixions in Russia, like what Sputnik claimed "NATO-backed forces" were engaging in in the Donbass. Even Sweden has realised that Russian fakery is being dialled up to 11 against their state:

weden’s most authoritative foreign policy institute has accused Russia of using fake news, false documents and disinformation as part of a coordinated campaign to influence public opinion and decision-making in the Scandinavian country.

The Swedish Institute of International Affairs said in a comprehensive study that Sweden had been the target of “a wide array of active measures” aimed at “hampering its ability to generate public support in pursuing its policies”.

The study said Russia had used misleading reports on its state-run news website Sputnik, and public interventions by Russian politicians in Swedish domestic affairs, as well as more covert methods.


No one and no entity comes close, at all, to the lies, deceit and down right evilness of the Russian government, barring perhaps North Korea.


Depends on if someone can get their hands on one of the tapes. If one of those makes it's way onto the news then all hell will break loose. Same with solid proof of wrong doing.

Hnnnnggggg. It's at least encouraging this is happening even before he takes office. Something has to come out in the next 4 years.
Please feel free to post this in the already existing Urinegate thread.

Thread's locked so I obviously can't post there, but what the fuck Modbot? I thought we decided on Goldengate. Everyone needs to get on the same page here, this is important.


I wouldn't - these are guys with a serious axe to grind against Putin. They're all for disrupting US-Russian relations.

Putin is doing that all by himself. You know what though, WHY would anyone want to have any sort of relation or dealings with the Russian state at this stage? The sheer visceral hatred and bile flowing out of Moscow, directed right at us in the West is truly frightful. I'd rather the West, specifically the US and EU just went back to dealing with Russia like they did during the Cold War, as a pariah state that cannot be trusted.


aka andydumi
Anyone know's I'm not a fan of Trump and I've said the same thing.

Release your fucking taxes. This is why you release them and your financials records for the last few decades. This is why you stay in contact with the ethics committee. Because if you have nothing to hide and you do what we just said. We most likely aren't talking about this issue right now.

Yep. That's a fantastic way to insulate yourself from all this. Though if your taxes are incriminating, it's a fantastic way to set yourself on fire.


That was Tom Arnold.

Ah right, sorry I had that muddled up. Just checked his Twitter and he's saying something now about not his tapes to release.

It just boggles my mind. Practically the whole left media is trying to work against Trump to get him done for something, everyone has sources and when Buzzfeed finally release something it's pretty... meh. For a while they were trying to corroborate this document and no one could dig up anything good enough to not get laughed at over pissing?

Getting a bit sick of promises about tapes from all these sources who seemingly want Trump to fall like everyone else but no one is apparently sharing or trying to release.


Craven Reporters Scold BuzzFeed For Reporting News

As you’re likely aware by now, yesterday evening BuzzFeed published a dossier of allegations about Donald Trump, including the instantly unforgettable description of a hotel-room piss party with Russian prostitutes. This set the internet on fire for much of last night and dominated a bizarre press conference held earlier today in which the president-elect, among other things, suggested that BuzzFeed would face “consequences.”

The truth of the claims in the dossier has not been verified; what has been verified, by several other outlets, is that this dossier exists, and has been known to exist for some time, and contains the claims in BuzzFeed’s reporting. Yesterday afternoon, prior to BuzzFeed’s publication of the dossier’s contents, CNN reported both the dossier’s existence, and that both Trump and President Obama had been briefed on its contents by senior intelligence officials. According to CNN’s reporting, as far back as Dec. 9, John McCain gave a copy of the dossier to FBI director James Comey. In BuzzFeed’s words, the dossier “has been circulating among elected officials, intelligence agents, and journalists for weeks.”

As you might expect, much of the talk around media today is about journalism ethics and responsibility. What may surprise and horrify you—or anyway should—is that by and large the journalists being accused of dereliction are not the ones who participated in the circulation of this explosively and undeniably newsworthy dossier for weeks without reporting its contents to the public, but the ones who eventually did get around to performing that simple and fundamental journalistic function.

The Washington Post’s Erik Wemple thinks the public can’t be trusted with the dossier’s contents until they “build their own intelligence agencies,” conveniently ignoring the fact that the public already did that, when it built the very intelligence agencies whose head honchos briefed Donald Trump on the dossier’s contents but withheld them from the public. Poynter, a professional handwringing outfit specializing in scolding working reporters who break news, thinks “the work of journalists in 2017” is to make sure the public doesn’t learn about the things its elected leaders are discussing in secret unless those things can be proven to be based on verifiable fact. CNN’s Jake Tapper went on the air today to draw a smarmy contrast between “legitimate, responsible attempts to report on this incoming administration” and, y’know, publishing the contents of a document that has been occupying attention in the corridors of national power for weeks.

Here’s a revoltingly typical example of today’s performative qualming, from The Atlantic’s David Graham; I’ll highlight the part where my laptop went frisbeeing over the fucking horizon:

That raises a range of potential objections. First, it unfairly forces a public figure—Trump, in this case—to respond to a set of allegations that might or might not be entirely scurrilous; the reporters, by their own admission, do not know. Second, the appeal to “transparency” notwithstanding, this represents an abdication of the basic responsibility of journalism. The reporter’s job is not to simply dump as much information as possible into the public domain, though that can at times be useful too, as some of WikiLeaks’ revelations have shown. It is to gather information, sift through it, and determine what is true and what is not.

The appeal to “transparency” notwithstanding. Holy shit! If a reporter’s job is not “learn what powerful people are talking about in secret, and then share it with everybody else,” then I sincerely do not know what the fuck it is, or why we are supposed to believe it has any value whatsoever.

Here is a document that “elected officials, intelligence agents, and journalists” have been circulating among themselves in secret “for weeks” is not merely a permissible news story. It needs no radical extremist reporting catechism to smile upon it. Publishing that document, if you have gotten your hands on it, is the most basic and essential act of reporting. The mandate to publish that document is not a matter of journalistic ethics, but the entire reason to have a free press. If the reason not to publish it is fealty to some code of ethics, then that code of ethics serves only to uphold reporters as a privileged class of information brokers. Of what value is that to the public?

But even on its own terms, this argument can’t stand up. If a reporter’s job is to sift through information to parse out what can be verified before sharing it with the public, let’s look at the verified truths in this story. No one disputes that the dossier exists, or that it contains the claims in BuzzFeed’s reporting, or that it has been making the rounds among many of the most powerful people in American government, though not all of them:

All BuzzFeed’s reporting has assured is that that response—which, again, never was not going to happen—must include some public component. In short, it has assured that an elected official is forced to answer, however poorly or dishonestly, to the people who elected him. It has fulfilled the highest and most basic purpose of journalism.

And here are reporters, for chrissakes, telling us that a trade interest in controlling the flow of information ought to prevent that from happening. There’s been a lot of talk lately about how Donald Trump happened. Here’s part of the answer.
My feelings, exactly - I've been swinging between anger and depression since the election. I hate feeling like that constantly, but I also can't stick my head in the dirt and pretend everything is fine.

I know it may sound dramatic, but after the last few days I feel like it's somehow even worse. He was bad before the election. There were a number of reasons why he shouldn't be elected before the election. And those numbers, after being elected, keep growing. Now I don't know what would have come out of Hillary being elected, this isn't really about that. Trump was elected, so it's about him now.

edit: my ramblings have actually fallen into the wrong thread, we've got that other press conference thread that for whatever reason I thought I was posting in.

Sorry. Carry on :p


Putin is doing that all by himself. You know what though, WHY would anyone want to have any sort of relation or dealings with the Russian state at this stage? The sheer visceral hatred and bile flowing out of Moscow, directed right at us in the West is truly frightful. I'd rather the West, specifically the US and EU just went back to dealing with Russia like they did during the Cold War, as a pariah state that cannot be trusted.

Unless you sever them from the internet, and all other forms of telecommunication, that's not going to happen. The world is far too integrated.


I don't really see it as literally anyone other than trump as president improves our international image.
Trump would be the ideal for Russia as he would be willing to cooperate or be able to be blackmailed into weakening NATO alliances to allow Russian influence to spread, but at this point just forcing the U.S. to go through the unrest of a president being impeached is a more favorable place for Russia compared to where they were under Obama.

Plus even after an impeachment republicans still have full control of Congress past that. If Trump is impeached we would absolutely have Pence or Ryan if it went past Pence.

Both would continue to achieve Russia's goal of fermenting racial and social unrest if they continue on a traditional republican agenda.
I don't really see it as literally anyone other than trump as president improves our international image.
I don't think Trump was their intention. They'll blackmail the fuck out of him if they can, they seemed to have built a type of a relationship over the past decade (details pending) but I don't think he was the endgame for them. He was just a lucky hit.

They'll milk it for everything it's worth, and use him to tear the country (and world) apart if they can, but I don't think they seriously thought he'd be in this position. I mean the entire world thought we had standards "Trump could never happen because Americans might be pigheaded and greedy, but they aren't monsters."

I completely believe this story. I actually believe worse of the man. The way he looks at and talks about his daughter... I believe very vile things about our president-elect. I don't think he was intended as a Manchurian candidate. He's developed into a variation, but I don't think that was the intention because few believed he had a shot at winning.


Why the fuck are there so many people who keep coming in here posting 4chan?

It's absurd that you actually think 4chan could troll the CIA. Fuck.

Or you have to think these people post on 4chan and want to believe this. But for real. Lets stop quoting obvious bullshit.
It's hilarious to me that people think that /pol/ would ever do anything to intentionally hurt Trump's image. Trump is the legitimized face of their far-right BS.

This is "hur hur I was only pretending to be stupid" tier.
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