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Reports on Russian connections to Trump [Summaries in OP] #GoldenShowers

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Being an anonymous source on the internet with 0 credibility, I want to personally claim I trolled all branches of government, every intelligence community by creating a fake document and sending it to news sites.

Create a document stating Hillary Clinton has been involved in a scat fetish with a male escort. At least Breitbart will believe you and run with it!


If Wikileaks is an avatar of Putin, why does it release documents from the Syrian government and the Turkish AKP party? One of which is a straight-up Russian puppet and the other has a longstanding friendly partnership.

Well they did happen to omit at least one email from the Syria dump, strangely enough it was the one detailing the transfer of 2 billion euros to Russia

. They claimed they didn't have that email but posted ones from the same source on the same day.


No Scrubs
Other news organizations, like NY Times and Washington Post, refused to name him out of safety concerns. Did the Wall Street Journal explain why it went a different route? Can't see due to the paywall.

Owned by Murdoch?

Also, we about to find this in his morning coffee:



What sort of people implement a lawless global surveillance program? These are 3 categories with much overlap.

Dude, we get your shtick already, you love Assange and Putin. Good for you comrade but you are going to need a new alt account to be more effective at trolling.


It does not need to be everyone. He is already unpopular and congressmen have to worry about being re-elected. They can easily push for him to be led out and have Pence move in his place, who is far less controversial, that saves the party, saves their skin and retains Republican leadership in all branches.

I hope it will be enough. So many are so (seemingly) hopelessly brainwashed that they will buy into any kind of flimsy bullshit that attempts to sanitize him from whatever his latest scandal is with pride. The malignantly narcissistic, sociopathic, and paid trolls don't help anything, of course. Then you have the ultra neutral types who likely don't really care either way deciding it's a good and fun time to play devil's advocate and just muddy the waters further.

Whatever comes out never seems to be enough for the brainwashed to use their heads and actually consider what the opposition is saying. If there's an excuse made somewhere (doesn't matter where!) to make Trump look good, they will lazily choose to latch onto and parrot it no matter how illogical it is, and no matter how logical and well-articulated the information against him is.
Why the fuck are there so many people who keep coming in here posting 4chan?

It's absurd that you actually think 4chan could troll the CIA. Fuck.

Do you have an article or link to debunk the 4chan claim? I have a bunch of morons on Facebook spreading it around that I want to shut up.


Wouldn't it look ridiculously more suspicious if anything happened to the MI6 guy though? I don't know if he should be all that concerned about his safety. Though I suppose if you're from the intelligence field you don't take chances with these kinds of things.


Other news organizations, like NY Times and Washington Post, refused to name him out of safety concerns. Did the Wall Street Journal explain why it went a different route? Can't see due to the paywall.

Anyone able to post the full WSJ article? Or is that a bad thing to do?


Unless you sever them from the internet, and all other forms of telecommunication, that's not going to happen. The world is far too integrated.

Nobody is talking about building a wall around Russia! The way to deal with this rogue state is to:

  • Rebuild conventional military forces in Europe
  • Sanction the hell out of them
  • Travel bans on the Kremlin leadership
  • Remove Russia from the SWIFT payment system
  • Freeze Russian investments in the West (like what happened to Iran after the '79 revolution)
  • Shut down Russian propaganda outfits operating freely and openly in the West
  • Build up a robust anti-Russia alliance, such as admitting Ukraine and Georgia to the EU and NATO, to contain them on all fronts

And no, this wouldn't bring about WWIII. The West was very hostile to the Soviet Union during the Cold War and it didn't turn into a hot one. We defeated that danger without going to war and we can defeat this even bigger threat through political, economic and covert counter-measures.

Remember, Putin started all this when he chose to be our enemy. Putin seeks nothing less than the dissolution of the EU and NATO, removal of US troops from Europe and installation of friendly far right regimes in Western nations. All the freedoms and success we've enjoyed in the post-WWII era will be rolled back as country after country pull up the drawbridge and become isolated silos from one another. The ability to freely move from one country to another will be eradicated and a pluralistic society of diversity and openness undone.

By backing down and failing to confront this menace we are ceding all the progress we've made in the in the last number of decades. The integrated world, ease of travel, progressiveness that we take for granted in the West will be destroyed by Putin as he places his proxies (Trump, Le Pen, Farage, AfD, Grillo, et al) into power and unwind the EU and NATO, the two pillars of Western freedoms and progress.


Other news organizations, like NY Times and Washington Post, refused to name him out of safety concerns. Did the Wall Street Journal explain why it went a different route? Can't see due to the paywall.

Because the Wall Street Journal is owned by the same pricks who owned News of The World


Other news organizations, like NY Times and Washington Post, refused to name him out of safety concerns. Did the Wall Street Journal explain why it went a different route? Can't see due to the paywall.

Murdock owns them, and they're his most "legitimate" holding. It insulates him and Fox news from doing what they're obviously doing.

They want to turn the screw to change the story.
Hopefully, he was aware that he was going to be named and is prepared for the outcome because he is in for a tidal wave of shit that even a veteran spy wouldn't be able to handle.


No Scrubs
Do you have an article or link to debunk the 4chan claim? I have a bunch of morons on Facebook spreading it around that I want to shut up.

You don't need a link, every single report refutes it. The 4chan shit makes literally 0 sense in the context of any of the reports, including the original one done by CNN.
Personally I enjoy the thought of /pol/ shits freaking out that their meme king either:

1. Actually was involved in treasonous activities and may have a very short-lived presidency or,
2. Was laughed at by the entire world for fake news stuff they got to enjoy for the last few months

Is there anything more delicious than Trump supporter tears?
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