anyone summarise the flynn expose... or quote article?
Nothing more than Flynn and his son are on Kremlin payroll.
Oh, also Flynn was calling Russian counterpart the day Obama signed off on more Russian sanctions.
anyone summarise the flynn expose... or quote article?
If you knew about every single source people said. You wouldn't have opened with "something from Twitter and buzz feed."
Now youre just doubling down on there being no solid evidence. Everyone discussing this is fully aware of that revelation. As, Even if this all were true, we have due process, and there would be an investigation into the seemingly mountain of information that intelligence is briefing our leaders with.
This is not benghazi. Trump has a track record of lying about Russia, and putin. People he surrounds himself have ties to russia. He's lied about the Unverified info even being vetted by him, Even as recent as this week. If you want to make asinine statements that have no logic behind them, feel free. But stop acting like someone is out to get you. You're posting bullshit, getting called out on it, then posting more bullshit.
There isn't a single parallel with benghazi. If you believe so, that just speaks to a failure in critical thinking.
You guys are taking the word of someone who referred to Trump as 'buttboi'.
Come on, really?
You guys are taking the word of someone who referred to Trump as 'buttboi'.
Come on, really?
Now where have I heard this before? Ah yes, every. single. freaking day when BoBs were convinced Hillary was going to jail.
Doesn't Trump keep saying that the President is exempt from business conflicts of interest. Not sure where he gets that from.
You guys are taking the word of someone who referred to Trump as 'buttboi'.
Come on, really?
It is still not clear to me why the IC decided to include a summary of the allegations in the briefing document to Trump. Retired IC folks have described that move as highly unusual. I am perhaps being hopeful, but it makes me suspect that the ongoing investigation into the allegations has already made serious headway, and they wanted to make sure the story about the allegations got leaked to the public so that Trump couldn't easily shut it down after Jan 20.
What fiasco? You're confusing things and I don't think you actually know what's happening.
The President and VP are exempt from certain conflict of interest laws.Doesn't Trump keep saying that the President is exempt from business conflicts of interest. Not sure where he gets that from.
TLDR: Don't expect this angle of attack to amount to much right now.PBS said:Arthur Hellman, an ethicist at the University of Pittsburgh, said he does not believe any U.S. court, much less the Supreme Court, has ever interpreted the emoluments clause. There is nothing that sheds much light on questions raised by foreign officials giving something or engaging in activities that could be construed as emoluments to Trump or his businesses.
However, a violation might be difficult to challenge in court, Hellman said. Its hard to imagine anyone would have standing, he said. Other legal experts have said that perhaps a business competitor would have the right to litigate.
So basically you can't disagree with the narrative? It's not my victim complex; it's the whole you can't disagree or you're either a Russia shill or a Troll angle. For the record: I do believe Trump and Putin have a bromance. I don't believe the whole he's going to jail angle.
Literally the GOP was trying to prevent it from happening by taking control of the Ethics Office.
That same ethics office is saying that Trump is blatantly violating the constitution.
So basically you can't disagree with the narrative? It's not my victim complex; it's the whole you can't disagree or you're either a Russia shill or a Troll angle. For the record: I do believe Trump and Putin have a bromance. I don't believe the whole he's going to jail angle.
I believe this, but also believe that John Schindler may be exaggerating a bit with his tweets.Here's David Ignatius' bit from WaPo that everyone on twitter is talking about
I believe this, but also believe that John Schindler may be exaggerating a bit with his tweets.
And yet, the pieces of the puzzle keep falling into place every day...
Ugh. Even if there is something here, party over country for the GOP. They aren't going to do anything are they.
It's abundantly clear that you don't have a clear idea of the narrative. Just ask to get an update or something instead of claiming it's benghazi 2.0.
I fully disagree with your post stating this was some buzzfeed, twitter, thing. Just as the cia report fiasco. You haven't managed to illustrate that you know what is going on besides using some buzzwords about this developing story.
I do not think you're a shill. I think you just have low information and are coming into a middle of a thread where people are discussing the myriad of information happening right now, and coming to a conclusion based on what you know versus what has actually happened so far.
If your spirit is just to wait for the facts, I think that fine. But as this is a discussion forum, there are events that are happening during this that are worthy of a discussion.
But when you came out the gate making false declarations, it doesn't do much besides get people having to correct the information.
This is the big pushback I've gotten from Trump supporters other than "fake news...CNN!!" They say the IC would never include unsubstantiated info in an intel briefing so this is just the Obama administration's attempt to trash Trump on the way out.'s all a big lie by Biden and CNN
Unless the GOP wants any excuse they can to put Pence and Ryan in place.
Ugh. Even if there is something here, party over country for the GOP. They aren't going to do anything are they.
Plausible. Don't think it is Obama admin per se, but given that Trump has basically declared war on the Intel community, I don't know if they are above some revenge. I hope my theory is the right one, but they aren't mutually exclusive.
You guys are taking the word of someone who referred to Trump as 'buttboi'.
Come on, really?
Retired Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn, Trumps choice for national security adviser, cultivates close Russian contacts. He has appeared on Russia Today and received a speaking fee from the cable network, which was described in last weeks unclassified intelligence briefing on Russian hacking as the Kremlins principal international propaganda outlet.
According to a senior U.S. government official, Flynn phoned Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak several times on Dec. 29, the day the Obama administration announced the expulsion of 35 Russian officials as well as other measures in retaliation for the hacking. What did Flynn say, and did it undercut the U.S. sanctions? The Logan Act (though never enforced) bars U.S. citizens from correspondence intending to influence a foreign government about disputes with the United States. Was its spirit violated? The Trump campaign didnt immediately respond to a request for comment.
Taking a closer look at his feed he looks to have past national security experience that suggests reliability, yet he's also quite worked up and incendiary - though at the same time if what he says is true that is entirely understandable.Seems like he has additional info that isn't public yet. Could be something, could be nothing, but either way he makes it sound like we should know soon.
Something happened during the past few hours?
Tell me more about this traitor Mike Flynn
If that Israeli report is accurate earlier the Intelligence community might see Trump and his appointees and cabinet members as a direct assault on their ability to function. If Intelligence agencies refrain from talking with American intel because they fear it would get in Russian hands via trump its a great threat to our own capability in international relations. That alone would damage America for years to come.
I read it: I wasn't convinced. People voted for Trump as unfortunate as that is.
Is GAF slow for anyone else here?
Is GAF slow for anyone else here?
Is GAF slow for anyone else here?
The dream is dead, we are indeed in the darkest timeline.Yes. Switch reveal is going on in Gaming. $300 and pay-to-play online. Booo.
I did watch the Anderson Cooper segment with Robert Reich and Jeffrey Lord regarding Trump's plan to avoid conflicts of interest. Lord's only defense was "Trump won...people don't care...get over it". Crazy.
You guys are taking the word of someone who referred to Trump as 'buttboi'.
Come on, really?
Is GAF slow for anyone else here?
Nothing more than Flynn and his son are on Kremlin payroll.
Oh, also Flynn was calling Russian counterpart the day Obama signed off on more Russian sanctions.
Yes, I assume it's because of Gaming side and the Nintendo Switch news.
You guys are taking the word of someone who referred to Trump as 'buttboi'.
Come on, really?
Nintendo conference is obviously a Russian ploy to distract us from the truth.
A lot of the behavior in here is pretty similar to the behavior righties exhibited about emails, Benghazi, etc. This is not to say that the situations are the same, but the same aspects of human nature are present on both sides of the aisle.