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Reports on Russian connections to Trump [Summaries in OP] #GoldenShowers

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honestly, the best thing to do would be to walk away for a few days, if not a week, and then return after the dust has settled. people will come up with bullshit and speculation to keep the story interesting when there aren't additional details. you'll save yourself a lot of time and frustration if you let it play itself out and follow the major points as the unfold, if they unfold.

I understand this advice and I believe it is good advice for most people. After all, I am a very neurotic GAFfer. I am perpetually petrified of the worst case scenario and am plagued by the bitter promise of poverty or death if any of my nightmares are realized.

I disappeared from politics and current events from election night until January 1st. I played video games. I threw myself into my job. I loved my girlfriend. I unfollowed all my political accounts on Twitter. I politely asked for my election-related GAF tag to be removed. I reset my whole life and all the media I consumed on a daily basis. I tried a complete information detox. I tried to live a normal life as somebody who wasn't deathly afraid at all times.

And in doing this, I realized that I can never go back. I can never go back to not knowing and not caring. I can never go back to only worrying about my own life and what's going on in my immediate bubble. I didn't like turning away from the things I have become passionate about. I didn't like hiding from reality. It felt cowardly. It felt weak. I felt beaten.

So when I came back after the new year, I concluded it is better to stare down everything I fear and let it pummel me in the face. Even as my eyes swell shut and I can barely see what's hitting me anymore, I keep the world in my blurry, bloody POV. Because I have to know what is happening. I have to know who is kicking the shit out of me. I have to know what I'm up against.

This is one of those times. My blood pressure is through the roof. My anxiety is sky-high. I have no idea what is happening, what will happen, or what to believe. But I won't look away. I've had enough of looking away. I have to be stronger than that.

I still recommend other people tune out and come back with the dust is settled. That is right for a lot of people. But not me.


Phone reception is more important to me than human rights

Someone please
Ok, but as a person willing to believe this, what grounding do I have to believe this other than "god I wish this is true because it sure makes Trump look bad"? Because that would make me no different from a pizzagater.

Thanks for the real answer! I'll keep my eyes open for more info.
Why would CIA/FBI/NSA debrief the fucking president and the president elect on an unverifiable, cooked up horseshit?


Clothed, sober, cooperative
I simply think it's fucking sad, especially if it gets shot down, that this is overshadowing Obama's speech. All these pissing jokes... It's taking a piss on Obama's last public speech.

Not at all. If this stuff sticks to Trump, it will be remembered as a wonderful piece of symmetry. Dignity and gravitas versus orange/yellow clownery.
So 4Chan is claiming they leaked this to Rick Wilson (he was at the time claiming oppo was coming); who leaked it to Evin McMullen; who gave it to the FBI now?


So 4Chan is claiming they leaked this to Rick Wilson (he was at the time claiming oppo was coming); who leaked it to Evin McMullen; who gave it to the FBI now?

Their claim is nonsense. The report was prepared by a private intelligence company and the media has had it for weeks attempting to verify.


Their claim is nonsense. The report was prepared by a private intelligence company and the media has had it for weeks attempting to verify.

Actually the media has had it for months. At least since before October. This is what Mother Jones reported on back then.
It's not about them being in on it per se, so much as it is about someone getting floated bogus info in a time when the intelligence community is looking for a way to nip this president elect in the bud for being so outspoken and derogatory about the validity of their work.

And then presenting it as being possibly credible to make a point without the investigation being complete.

See: Comey letter a week before the election.

I will hold all applause until something is confirmed.

The problem, ultimately, with this idea is that these documents aren't that new. They've been floating around since October at least. I mean, I guess you could say that Trump and co. have been floating them around since then, but there's a lot of factors here. Like, are we assuming then that the British intelligence this came from has been compromised? Have all the sources that the intelligence community been played? Has McCain been played? What about the hacking election stuff? Intentionally leaked to the community? They got lucky?

I mean, the level of conspiracy to this if true is pretty startling in size.


So 4Chan is claiming they leaked this to Rick Wilson (he was at the time claiming oppo was coming); who leaked it to Evin McMullen; who gave it to the FBI now?

4Chan is Trump country. They made a fake Hentai entry to discredit it initially but everyone has access to the full document so can see its fake. So the new approach is haha we made the whole thing.

Its been specifically reported John McCain has been a major actor in getting this stuff investigated and presented things to the FBI etc.
So 4Chan is claiming they leaked this to Rick Wilson (he was at the time claiming oppo was coming); who leaked it to Evin McMullen; who gave it to the FBI now?
In what reality? Did you guys even read how it ended up on FBI's desk?
CARL BERNSTEIN: It came from a former British MI-6 intelligence agent who was hired by a political research -- opposition research -- firm in Washington who was doing work about Donald Trump for both Republican and Democratic candidates opposed to Trump. They were looking at Trump's business ties. They saw some questionable things about Russians, about his businesses in Russia. They, in turn, hired this MI-6 former investigator. He then came up with additional information from his Russian sources. He was very concerned by the implications of it. He then took it to an FBI colleague that he had known in his undercover work for years. He took it to this FBI man in Rome who turned it over to the bureau in Washington in August. And then a former British ambassador to Russia, independently, was made aware of these findings and he took the information to John McCain, Senator John McCain of Arizona, in the period just after the election, and showed it to McCain -- additional findings. McCain was sufficiently disturbed by what he read, to take it to FBI Director James Comey himself personally. They had a five-minute meeting. The two men, very little was said. McCain turned it over to him and is now awaiting what the FBI’s response is to that information. ​

All Hail C-Webb

Hailing from the Chill-Web
The Golden Showers part really leads me to believe this is true.
Trump would have definitely known that he was being recorded in Russia. He knew that he couldn't be directly involved in the water sports, but I can definitely see him not caring if a video popped up of him jerking it to girls pissing on a bed that Obama slept on.
His base would probably love him for it. If there was a gif of it, it could have been his campaign slogan.
This is insane! the facts its even POSSIBLY true should have been enough to get him and half his campaign thrown in jail! Crazy that they can just sweep it all under the rug for their quick piece of power.

Republicans are going to regret this entire shit show one day, I imagine once proof starts coming out (which im sure someone has), the shit is really going down.

Pizzagate is possibly true.

News outlets are claiming the source is unsubstantiated. Let's wait for verification before we throw anyone into jail.


Why do media outlets always say things like "Trump shoots back at critics" or "trump took his adversaries to task"
Really?? I am sure acting like a toddler screaming on a supermarket floor because he cannot have cookies is NOT fitting any of those descriptions.. it gives validation to the shit he pulls. Grrr

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
If this turns out to be true and these documents were around for months...

1. I hope we get the video.

2. Its more evidence that journalism in this country is absolutely fucked.


Pizzagate is possibly true.

News outlets are claiming the source is unsubstantiated. Let's wait for verification before we throw anyone into jail.


CARL BERNSTEIN: It came from a former British MI-6 intelligence agent who was hired by a political research -- opposition research -- firm in Washington who was doing work about Donald Trump for both Republican and Democratic candidates opposed to Trump. They were looking at Trump's business ties. They saw some questionable things about Russians, about his businesses in Russia. They, in turn, hired this MI-6 former investigator. He then came up with additional information from his Russian sources. He was very concerned by the implications of it. He then took it to an FBI colleague that he had known in his undercover work for years. He took it to this FBI man in Rome who turned it over to the bureau in Washington in August. And then a former British ambassador to Russia, independently, was made aware of these findings and he took the information to John McCain, Senator John McCain of Arizona, in the period just after the election, and showed it to McCain -- additional findings. McCain was sufficiently disturbed by what he read, to take it to FBI Director James Comey himself personally. They had a five-minute meeting. The two men, very little was said. McCain turned it over to him and is now awaiting what the FBI�s response is to that information


Apologies if this has been discussed before (the thread is real large) but what evidence do we have about the veracity of this report? It's all very damning, but very easily dismissed as "fake news" - even if parts of the report are not true it can poison the well for the rest. I don't doubt that buzzfeed have the report for real, I'm wondering as to how much of the report is true or at least reliable. Obviously we can't prove that the FSB has evidence on Trump, but what do we know about the nature of this information to use as a source of veracity?

And for the record, I'm not doing "just asking questions" bullshit to steer the conversation off. I really do want to know more.

Intelligence officials think the source and its network is credible. That's why they briefed Trump and Obama on it. That's all we know.
I like how this leak kills any value Trump has to Russia now, everything he does will be viewed through a "what if?" filter, and no way McCain and friends let that shit happen now.

If you think the shit hits the fan in the US, the shit hitting the fan in Russia is going to be more interesting, heads are gonna roll (Unfortunately, quite literally).

Makes me rethink a few Russian diplomat deaths recently too. :p

The twist.

Trump played the Russians for influencing the election and promised to be their puppet.

Now that he's prez and realizes nothing can really harm him, he leaks it all himself and ruins the russian's blackmail on him.

I would believe anything at this point.
The problem, ultimately, with this idea is that these documents aren't that new. They've been floating around since October at least. I mean, I guess you could say that Trump and co. have been floating them around since then, but there's a lot of factors here. Like, are we assuming then that the British intelligence this came from has been compromised? Have all the sources that the intelligence community been played? Has McCain been played? What about the hacking election stuff? Intentionally leaked to the community? They got lucky?

I mean, the level of conspiracy to this if true is pretty startling in size.

Well, I hope it is true (and can be confirmed) but I guess we will just have to see.


Trump's first press conference in 100+ days is scheduled for tomorrow too. I can't see any way he still holds that unless he wants to get inundated with questions about Putin and golden showers.


Because the reports are coming from the FBI and the CIA...

Intelligence officials think the source and its network is credible. That's why they briefed Trump and Obama on it. That's all we know.

Good enough for now, thanks for the collected response. I hope this gains more traction and it doesn't turn out false (or partially false, which would poison the well)


I understand this advice and I believe it is good advice for most people. After all, I am a very neurotic GAFfer. I am perpetually petrified of the worst case scenario and am plagued by the bitter promise of poverty or death if any of my nightmares are realized.

I disappeared from politics and current events from election night until January 1st. I played video games. I threw myself into my job. I loved my girlfriend. I unfollowed all my political accounts on Twitter. I politely asked for my election-related GAF tag to be removed. I reset my whole life and all the media I consumed on a daily basis. I tried a complete information detox. I tried to live a normal life as somebody who wasn't deathly afraid at all times.

And in doing this, I realized that I can never go back. I can never go back to not knowing and not caring. I can never go back to only worrying about my own life and what's going on in my immediate bubble. I didn't like turning away from the things I have become passionate about. I didn't like hiding from reality. It felt cowardly. It felt weak. I felt beaten.

So when I came back after the new year, I concluded it is better to stare down everything I fear and let it pummel me in the face. Even as my eyes swell shut and I can barely see what's hitting me anymore, I keep the world in my blurry, bloody POV. Because I have to know what is happening. I have to know who is kicking the shit out of me. I have to know what I'm up against.

This is one of those times. My blood pressure is through the roof. My anxiety is sky-high. I have no idea what is happening, what will happen, or what to believe. But I won't look away. I've had enough of looking away. I have to be stronger than that.

I still recommend other people tune out and come back with the dust is settled. That is right for a lot of people. But not me.

Right on, my friend.

BE PASSIONATE. Vote! Keep yourself informed. Inform others. Keep moving forward.


Junior Member
Carl Bernstein on this basically confirms that there is something of real substance here, regardless of whether or not the buzzfeed/mother jones report is bs.
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