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Republique Kickstarter by Ryan Payton - NOW FOR PC AND MAC! [Ended, $555K funded]


Sounds interes--

*Ryan Payton*


After MPO, I want nothing to do with him.
MPO is crap, but it's certainly not Payton's fault. Not only did he not head the project, it was was made in a very short period, less than a year I believe.


if it is for PC/MAC, why not announce it for PSN/XBL as well?

They seemed snobby in the beginning going with super duper Apple products only. Nice to see them humble down and magically announce PC/MAC version. Sure can't put them in the pocket, but a lot of people have those.

Oh yeah because putting your game on a phone you can get for free provided you wanna pay for a cell-phone as almost everyone does nowadays (3GS on contract) is so fucking elitist.
How do you go from this:

The simple answer is that we are still a small company and we have to be extremely cost sensitive. As you all know, our budget is already extremely high for a mobile title, so we decided to focus on a single platform (iOS) to start off. Depending on how funding goes, we are very open to supporting other platforms.

Last updated: Friday Apr 13, 7:30pm EDT

To adding in two more platforms that are getting a version tailored to them at the same target money amount, and still no Android version?


"PC users don't buy games" would be just as accurate.

Not at all. Well, maybe I should rephrase it as Android users don't buy games for their Android devices. They very well may use Steam or a console or two. Android users' aversion to paying for, well, anything is quite well-documented.
Holy shit.

"It was a straight up insult to develop a "real" game on iOS (only). It is not a real gaming platform. I would have led the biggest boycott I possible could just to push that point. I would have prayed they they ended up homeless and sick."

What the fuck is wrong with people?
Look, I don't want to steer this any further off-topic, but 71,000 downloads isn't much at all. Even their previous one only clocked 150k, and people buying into "pay-what-you-want" is obviously not what we're discussing.

The android thing isn't the main issue i have anyway, just seems odd to me they can throw in a PC/Mac version that isn't a straight port at $0 more than they wanted to do an iphone game. That's either them initially wanting way more than they needed or a recipe to go bankrupt by the time the game is finished.


Holy shit.

"It was a straight up insult to develop a "real" game on iOS (only). It is not a real gaming platform. I would have led the biggest boycott I possible could just to push that point. I would have prayed they they ended up homeless and sick."

What the fuck is wrong with people?

They just never played Sworcery when it came out last year.

The android thing isn't the main issue i have anyway, just seems odd to me they can throw in a PC/Mac version that isn't a straight port at $0 more than they wanted to do an iphone game. That's either them initially wanting way more than they needed or a recipe to go bankrupt by the time the game is finished.

IIRC they're developing it on Unity, which would mean it wouldn't be that hard for them to just port it over. Them developing a different frame for the story would probably mean, say, the game lost a "level" or two if they don't hit. Also remember that since the releases are staggered money they make from the iOS release would fund the further dev on the PC/Mac one.


In my defense, I was talking about labels as much as I was about specific staff. If you're talking to me, I'll be much more interested in what the lead gameplay designer of RE4 did for Bayonetta, but I suspect many won't care. But he wasn't the label. The label, in that case, was a mix of 'Clover', 'Ex-Capcom', 'Mikami' and 'Kamiya'. Each of these are only relevant to, I don't know, a few tens of thousands of people? But that seems to be the audience for this sort of kickstarter at the moment, discarding other seemingly random and (for the sake of this discussion) trivial parties, obviously.

I think Tim Schafer being used as the 'label' for DFA meant something. Many, many people remember the point and click adventures of old. To a perhaps less-interested audience, the concept of "games from a simpler time" resonates with them (hence 80,000 backers). The Kickstarter video and pledge Double Fine presented did EVERYTHING IT COULD to quickly form a mental connection between that feeling of nostalgia and Tim Schafer. And, hey, he's earnt it, so good for them. It gave that feeling both a face and a cause to rally behind. The 'team', as I might have referred to it in my previous post, or the 'label', as I'm now referring to it in this post, means everything.

I don't think Ryan has that kind of pull. The enthusiast crowd can't really specifically link him with anything other than MGS (and it's never been super clear what his input was, although by all accounts it wasn't trivial, I'm not trying to personally attack him here). They can't link him to a 'label' they can instantly trust. That's why the bottom-up approach to this pitch may have won more people over (see my previous post).

I'm not sure if this covers your post in its entirety, but hopefully I've managed to clarify, a little. I might be a little bit more cynical than you when it comes to ambition.

edit: this might be a failing on my part, but in today's industry, it seems to me like new ideas are a dime a dozen. The most awful games can have a wonderful seed of an idea. 'Ideas' and context (or story, if you want) are things that I believe -- given an efficient, robust workcycle -- can implemented at almost any time up until relatively late in the project. Starting with a story is a really weird, dangerous thing, from my perspective. That said, I'll readily admit that it could be my own insecurity staring me in the face. I don't think it is, though.

Thanks for taking a level-headed approach. Wasn't expected, and I completely agree that labels help (or connections with "better times" with the Double Fine/Tim Schafer example). I still disagree that gameplay and a bottom-up approach is necessary, and is exactly why I gave Gears of War as an example of terrible overall game design because the story didn't go hand-in-hand with the gameplay.

My philosophy is that 50% is the idea or ambition (the story) and 50% is the game mechanics (obviously visual and aural aesthetics factor in this as well). I think the idea is a nice start but an idea is pointless without gameplay that sells it. The feeling you get when you play a game should come from the context of the story and how the game plays. A perfect marriage. It's kind of hard to describe, but imagine trying to portray an emotion through a game such that the player really feels it. I'd use both story and gameplay to get across the emotion where each aspect is inseparable from the other. They're complementary.

That'd be ideal for me, at least. It's what I'm trying to do. If/when I break into the industry, that will be my goal. The makers of Journey have a philosophy similar to that of my own.

Anyways, thanks for clearing that up. I agree with a lot of these points that you readdressed. I still think most people on Kickstarter wouldn't have any idea who Hideki Kamiya was despite his stellar list of accomplishments, and therefore wouldn't fund a game of his based on name alone. A label or connection is almost required. And even if he did manage support, I'm pretty sure it wouldn't turn a profit, because sadly most people who play games wouldn't know who he is.

Until the medium becomes more accepted and widespread, less notice will be paid to the talent behind these games. I hope one day this changes where directors and writers can sell games based on name alone, but that will require the industry to grow a lot. Until then, artists like Ryan Payton and crew are doing this for guys like you and me who actually do pay attention. They want us to take a chance on this new idea and embrace the experience for what it is.

Also, congratulations to the group for breaking 100K, and I'm glad they decided to make it multiplat. I don't even have an iPad (I'll be getting one over the summer, I think... but that's not the point).
Holy shit.

"It was a straight up insult to develop a "real" game on iOS (only). It is not a real gaming platform. I would have led the biggest boycott I possible could just to push that point. I would have prayed they they ended up homeless and sick."

What the fuck is wrong with people?

People are miserable and want others to be miserable.


Death Prophet
Can someone summarizes why this project isn't being funded and why people seem to be angry about the project in general? Just curious.

I backed it today with $20.
Can someone summarizes why this project isn't being funded and why people seem to be angry about the project in general? Just curious.

First, people were pissed off it was iOS only. A few were pissed off that it was iOS at all.

Then, they were pissed off that Peyton caved at such a late date and made it multi-platform.


Death Prophet
First, people were pissed off it was iOS only. A few were pissed off that it was iOS at all.

Then, they were pissed off that Peyton caved at such a late date and made it multi-platform.

people were cry babies because it was a mobile game only

Damn, people really hate their iOS devices. Of course they are free to fund whatever they want though, and honestly a 500k kickstarter for an iOS game may not have been the best idea in the first place, but I'm excited for it. Too bad it looks like it won't meet its goal. :(


First, people were pissed off it was iOS only. A few were pissed off that it was iOS at all.

Then, they were pissed off that Peyton caved at such a late date and made it multi-platform.

There's nothing to be pissed about in regards to the second one, but it was too late. This kickstarter is already damaged goods. The announcement came far too late to really be of any consequence.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Didn't Ryan come up with the idea of retconning (spoilers)
Zero et al into being the Patriots
in MGS4?

Sorry, don't think I can back this ;b
Where was that quote from out of curiosity.

The comments section of the Kickstarter. Some people can't handle that their idols might dare do something they dislike. I mean, hell, look at the BioWares forums or even the BioWare threads here on GAF.

A lot of people responded to that poster, who acted like he had said nothing wrong.


It's a shame that the Penny Arcade plug came a day too early, that could've really helped blow the news up.


Lost all credibility.
I could definitely see this game getting picked up by an investor/publisher, what they have so far looks super high quality. Any publisher should be proud to have a game like this on their hands.

The comments section of the Kickstarter.

A lot of people responded to that poster, who acted like he had said nothing wrong.

So a bunch of people agreed with them? Weird, I wonder why people have this reaction with Apple related stuff.


Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
Hmm, does Kickstarter allow you to request more than one reward?

Like, could you give $25 and get both the iOS and the PC version?

Or even being able to get 2x (or more) of another reward?

Not pledging, just curious if they (KS) have foreseen the possibility without the project starter having to add separate tiers.
Didn't Ryan come up with the idea of retconning (spoilers)
Zero et al into being the Patriots
in MGS4?

Sorry, don't think I can back this ;b

Did he really? Wow.

Also, it may be too late for this one. I want to be wrong, but this needs to start pulling in 40k a day ASAP.


Hmm, does Kickstarter allow you to request more than one reward?

Like, could you give $25 and get both the iOS and the PC version?

Or even being able to get 2x (or more) of another reward?

Not pledging, just curious if they have foreseen the possibility without the project starters having to add separate tiers for it.

There already are tiers for getting both.
Hmm, does Kickstarter allow you to request more than one reward?

Like, could you give $25 and get both the iOS and the PC version?

Or even being able to get 2x (or more) of another reward?

Not pledging, just curious if they have foreseen the possibility without the project starters having to add separate tiers for it.

$20 gets you both...
Edited for emphasis.

Still not really sure what you're asking, but no. you can only select one reward tier. Though often the reward description will say "includes all previous tiers" if that is their intent.

There's also problems editing the text of a reward tier once someone has already pledged to it. Kickstarter doesn't seem to let people do that to avoid shady things like removing rewards.


Loser slave of the system :(
Holy shit.

"It was a straight up insult to develop a "real" game on iOS (only). It is not a real gaming platform. I would have led the biggest boycott I possible could just to push that point. I would have prayed they they ended up homeless and sick."

What the fuck is wrong with people?
This is the saddest a NeoGAF post has ever made me. Why do people like that exist?


Backed for the ios+pc tier. This will be interesting in the last 14 days. Something tells me things would have been extremely different if it was ios/pc from day one, like someone said, this kickstarter is damaged good at this point.
Backed for the ios+pc tier. This will be interesting in the last 14 days. Something tells me things would have been extremely different if it was ios/pc from day one, like someone said, this kickstarter is damaged good at this point.

The way the Tex Murphy and Obsidian projects are
taking there time and planing well in advance is the way to go.


Okay. (Bump)

So, for all of you guys who were against this game being developed solely for iOS in the first place, now's your chance to help out.
As most of you all know, they have announced PC and MAC.

Come the fuck on, people. Spread the word! I really think that this project is the start of something great, don't let it go to waste!

Edit: Fuck it, I'm raising my pledge.


Subete no aware
If Ryan is still reading the thread, can there be an iOS and Desktop "plus" tier that includes both versions of the game and the soundtrack/documentary series?

It's a shame that the Penny Arcade plug came a day too early, that could've really helped blow the news up.[/QUOTE]

Seeing this graph and seeing how the PC/Mac announcement spike is probably almost over it still doesn't look like this will come even close to 500k.


I just saw that this Pebble watch thing is about to approach 7 fucking million dollars. That's pretty insane as far as Kickstarters go.

Wish Republique could get some of that attention. The RPS article comments don't fill me with hope if that's the general atmosphere, though. :/
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